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Cua: Bd istzioniperruso $0 Mode «emp Bil istuccionesparce is EB tecenungsasienng User instuctons CTI643 T Lopreghlamo oi sggere Ghtontamen'e ie orvatence Eontenute nel presente Iiretto m quanta femécone irponantncieccions nouarsant io seurezze Irmtoliosone, 3s, 3 rranuiendione © ator unt ‘consol par migiove unleze obto lvatice. Conserv con cura questo Iaretto per ogni utarcre comulladons Queresa comuning cons CANDY © cor sus cent cf Spestenca cit semove | Aedoip. re tumero & Gee €) Proncamente tute Soke crate nel aout, @ Nous vous nwtons @ a ‘ftervwverrent ie Congas ‘content meenantes Raicationseoncernent la Bonne instalation, epic faggestions ules en vue se yous oi90F dans! Uliketion Se vole wachne a aver Consarver ce viet on ge aus reporter en cas En ces de pronemesut yore igehine. © 9upber pas Se Televarle nurmgio ge moaale ete numaro de sete figurant ule plaque Bgnehove avant o> Grendie sontact avec un Conte sevice CANDY ® Le rogomos fea otentamente Io nforrocign contenigs on este menval ya que proc Siong importantes nessa [res sobre seguiicad an tu Iretsiacion io. manten ‘Miento-y cigurios consebs procticos para que usted faue eiereict proveeho de Sulevodara ‘Conserve este moruol caro Suaquie: Sonate pasterse ‘Suondo so ponga an Soniacto con CANDY o.can Sussentios oe Ausloncee Menecone samote et Mogete, BIT y Bi numen & {io fens. Exceci indo © que mene ‘Gnolads en etresuadto, @ Lesen $9 ote aumerisam ie Anwotungen che Se Gece fief inden. So finden Sor wenhge nwo zu" Schoren Instlanon, ut Bedlon ing, cur Peg= 1nd ae ‘optmncien Verwendung der Vlesenmaccnine Bewarren $e clos He tir fn aatare Nuun Gut Out even Se hitte ination Kateiungen on CANDY occ an trsaustercige Kundienotersistete stots dos Naboo! che Mumma od SNummet (eas vomanton) eso orsitct gle Angaben des Typsnrenaes = on a ease rena tie ooket Caratuly as # provicen mpatlant guide ines or tee maintenance ara same ‘Retul aawiee for ee psu when usne your wasting Heep ths Bootle in g5ale pide tot futher corastation \When contacting CANDY ot 2. Cuore: So1mces Corte ‘lwaye refe To the Modes. fig.-an Grumber ( applicable oI rs apaiance ‘see pone @Q INDICE Pretacione Note generat alia consegna Corona Prescrtioni ct scurezzo Dot teciict Massa p20, nstonanace Deserbione comoncs Cossero octane Setedione pregrarnrn! TaceKo orograrrm Leveoeio Pulele @ menutenzions cranara icereo guast INDEX Avont-pi2p08 Notes generales 9 tnwaisen Gane Menutesde seounte Données tachniaves Mio en.nloce, insatloton Descration des commandes Boe 6 aétergent Seiecton raciecu wo exogrorrrnes tovooe Nettoyage e! envenen Pénstage ase ponnos & INDICE CAPITULO Intfeguceién Notas generals 9 io ent Normas de segues Datos tecnicos Pustta entuncionomienta inealacicr Deseiocien de oe rrancos Cubete de! aetorgente Seleccion fablo oe srogremos B proaucte lavodo Imnpeza y marreneniento aration Causes ae avetos oe INHALT Erisiting Algemene Hnwese sur Uetewas eerantio Sichemensvewscrurten Technische Oren lagemenngne, instouotion Bectornngeonionng Weschmitetberdrer Prooraim/temnectirwohi Pregianvntabelte DosProcktt Wosehen enigurs und algersts werung Fetiesuche a INDEX Inttoauetion Genera! pants on aelvery Syorentes Sotety Mootures Techneai bora Setting up ona ietatoton Conve Doscrstion Detergent asoense! salecton Table of rogionrmes The Product Worthing Cleaning ona routne Fouts Searen @Q & CAPTOLO T CHAPITRE 1 AOTEGENERAL ALLA | NOTES GENERALES ALA CONSEGNA UIRAISON Ale conseans conow.che | & la lvroison veullez conte Eanfamocenrocisono, | guelsrorenel suivant ‘Secemeagne Is machine: A) MANUALE D'SIRUZONE | A) LIVRET PINSRUCTONS 8) INDRIEDO)ASSsTENZA —_| 8) ADRESSES C'ASSISIANCE FICAM DIGARANA | C) CERTICATSDE GaranmiE prawaoirorzone | 0)3cUCKONs SaieReaconier | Bien vows Soaeeas => terpenes neem cetroro | Sentoys appaes gconte Ghom i ceme CANDY pu | CANDY vets orocts a <> Yenc eS ‘CONSERVATELI TES CONSERVER = @ ® CAPHTULOT (kane CHAPTER 1 NOTAS GENERALESDE =| ALLGEMBINE HINWEISE | GENERAL POINT ON ENTREGA 2Ufe LEFERUNG DELIVERY Ala envega compruebs ave ‘sonia maquina atten: 4) MANUAL CE INSTRUCEIONES: 8) DiRECCIONES De AgsTen 2) CERTRICADOS OE GanANTA 1) TAPONES y.cemprvebe que no noya irae! desperecis auiania ‘eitiorsgorte, encoeo CANDY mas earcone, Kontroteren Sie pet ‘Anheterung tas Goxates, ot Gas fogende Zuber ‘itgeleton wise 2) BEEIENUNGSANLEVTUNS 8) VERZEICHNUS DER AURDENDENST. SEL CBARANTESCHEN Di STOPSEL Gerot be! Uefonng cut Srontuste harsoorcncaen tntersvenen und (pegoboner ate com Bancier eohomicen On Gativer, eneck thet he feliowing are included wih |) INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4) custower sevice ‘NODRESSES cy guarantee ceoteicates ears so creek nat ine macnine fas norncured damage. during rarsport his the CANDY Cente ‘CONSERVELOS {WITE GUT AUFBEWAHREN TEEPTHENIN ASAREIACE | ® BQ CAPTOLO 2 CHAPITRE 2 GARANTA GARANTIE Lapparecceio 6 Uapporet eet aceomangns cokecatoce un certificate a [d'un cemiica! de garerike ld Goronia eno Loppermere 3) |Deimettant de jour Guture grotubemerse det | grotutomant au Service Seueio cd eesteraa tecnica, | Asstonce fecnnque. o Sihercsccstocioncnre, |Fexcepten atune eusiance Rap aiehomove. per? fixe dance. pendent un ar pence arunanno cata — | dsterce roshar Sota dacquste, Reora aispectto io parte |Ne 00s ouble cemederle Saiceniicato craaransa. | Scupcn Adu cetticat de perlanecessana canvaica | gorante atin qu'isai yolae Estold gismnazio | donsies 'Ojous 4 doter de soquite Focnat Lapare 8 dovrd essere ca _ | Vous gover conserves le Ipleansenata, oebiomente |Eoupen 8 dument rernpl Comolota pet essere expt | ul#e:0 monte ouserce SWowo Antonsa tecnica, |O'Asktorce lechriaveen ineos direceste t Sasa intervention: conserver Intenvenie,Inseme sta Sguementvotte euve feevira taco naseato aa) | "ieole d acnar fenaitore ol momento Sorrocauist S @ @ CAPTULOZ RAPHTEL? (CHAPTER? GARANTIA GARANIE GUARANIEE elaparata va acompataad | pervewenence Tha bpiionce & wood Geincentesca as” | Gexosteccnatmemsgtent | wind gueroniee comticate Soranliode Vane die wosteriove inion ows ise ise othe Enicrpinwceemeses.o | nangrucnanme aos Yeebnicol Sesslonce sarice pant de 6 fecha deta Edmore, 2 genta to cube: pees TecoMbICS, Taro deb y desplaza: Enios6 rresessiguentes ta ‘olontia w cubre plesary Fecombics Ne wae tem ia parte & del Centficoga de Sararma arcia debise convalos Elon en lee 10 dias sguients Big techno da compte, Le parte Bdevare congervar |g, debiderente cumalmen- {San para preventorG | Servic Técriea de Agsten. a en cose-ge receptor Ilenencion junto 01a ractie legal epoca toro! vondadoren e merranto de comota. *Rellenor [a gavantia que viene oa Coster, fechiischen Kurcesclorstos Gig Goronnazolt boragt am Jahr ob Koufaerum inert eaten Manatea werden Sle Repoatuctwenangen ton cancy geriogen ole lpemanmre der Antanrtkorten ents & Mosate nach Bnieterung Dem Enoverbvoucter \ergenen Sa ncn, Abset shale vor io ager ach dem kautgatum Shnssrcen soso aa apt Sears echo Seer Seo Tara petiog of one yaar fier me aote of ovicnase Remember to Post pa Ao the guarantee comiicate wana 10 ove oF ne Burchove ale Pa? Bstoulabe tiled inane kept By you ‘a Beshown necessoly 10 me lachrician ftom the Technical Assstanoe Senco. the soles ocelot shuld ako be kept. 2) & CAPTOIOS CHAPITRE 3 PRESCRZIONIDI MESURES DE SECURITE @ aU ATEN Ly EW CAS DINTERVENTION "ATTENTIONS: DeNerioraceer See avatsastwreevento ||| Deneve Br punia ZanauTencione| 1 Dated CAvATRICE =Davianchet ie ense te G0 apn. coum sCpuca toners “Tuttigt opcareccn sonic mune presa ai tere, Asscuramicne fineanto Setiee agora D Presoat tera ache ia nossa sia calogate: aso contono ached interwento al pesonate guaiicat pnaensabie per a She eran temo oh soos elec ieosnvtore Secon ‘git responseonna per eventual damig cose ‘S porcone caveat da Impertezoni oguasl dl Gilecciomente. orese ‘Stora aletiose o ‘moncanza di Gilaccramente cen medosine. ‘non toch Pappareccnis can mor. pied pagnat c Um, Non ust opperecs plearnuct Shion ue 36 nc cen Pomoolare cauteia, Brokunghe In cal cates Sibogro o deccia “ATTENZIONE. DURANTE LAReSO CACQUA PLO” ANDARE A 90°C + CANDY equine toute se machines dune pie de fete. estes gue vore fstnigton diecinique ast etave cale-ci ast Cone Tans te cos Conte tae appa o un service soectaNe Le connewon ala pree ae ‘ons.0n niepensabe peu! ip secured unleanout Te fabricant adcine Toute Tesponscbné surtes ‘Sventust doramages ‘causes oux portomes aul ‘urajent un Beraut dons Teurinstellonon, au! utolentune prise de tere Feurpise de tere +No 59% foucher apparel fowqu.on ales maint au ies pleas moulles + Autant que possible eit) usage ge fatonges aon tae rote 2su “ATENTION: PENDANT LELAVAGE L'exU ELT ATTEINDRE 90°C 1» @ @ @ CAPITULO 3 KAPITEL 3 (CHAPTER 3 NORMAS DE ICHERHENS: SAFETY MEASURES SEGURIDAD VORSCHRIFTEN ATENCION: PARA ‘ZUR BEACHTUNG: TWPORTANT ‘CUALQUIER TRAEAJO DE 21 REINIGUNG UNO FOR ALL CLEANING UMPIEZA Y MANIENINIENTO| | | WARTUNG DES GERATES AND MAINTENANCE WORK *Desanchutea, nealato ad ana CANDY provee a tones ss Froquinos de tora ae fer Heeguieto oo quela relate Gen alecrnea tanga temo. Ge nono. ex casonentono, fiene gun Servicls cual. a Lotconexions nena ot trospassone cama Seguridad del usuaie, oueso uo le elmina al resgo de Uno descarga ection Tp cove rabricaare Remove the screws (A) fiom fhe clamp ond the omer 4srews (8 Replace that screws fa) anak vine tims crowded (0). TENTION: NO DEJE AL ALCANCE DE LOS NINOS LOSELEMENTOS DEEMBALAIE YA QUE PUEDEN SER PELGROSOS. Die VERPACKUNG IST iN De HANDEN VON. KINDERN EME GérarRENQUENE BUTE ENISORGEN SIE DAs VERPaCKUNGSMAE. RIAL ORONUNGSGEMAG, kotel und Schloucn Unpoct ine cable aname bwiskan Rake ACHTORS® WARNING: DO NOT Leave THE PACKAGING IN THE REACH (OF CHILDREN ASITIS A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF BANGER 7 @ @ Cotegare un'eshemta cet | Raccouie!e tuyau d'enree hugo Gentratoost'ccqua | 4 eaupaiuneestienite Staetvovavea (pare Tolectovanne (porte osterore in ato) e atta — | supene.te arere de ia Ssremo o3 un ubinetio e | machina) et par aut pres d'ocqua.conupeig | extreme au robin ou eace frevta aa srd" gos S'aou. utieerun roccors etd de Si gor “ATTENZIORE| ATIENTION: INOW APRA IL RUBINETTO, EFAS OUVRR LE LOBINET Accost 2 igvamce oimue | Approcter ia macnne: facendo offeraone che non | contre iematen tasant Visine cme a rezanua | Sifeniicn ce que e uyau Diocorturc aiscancoar | hain cougsen pardo deta vasa Btrongiomants toceoraer le fyau se vdange cu rebor 55219 baghone ‘a megio ouno sores fis | ou.mes encore. un tena mnma cr. 3 | dsoosht we devocuaton Giemora sipenore ainube | hauteur "0 err et oe Selo avarice, Gametesupeneur au tuvau Heow direcesits una | d9'o machine d lover Bevrangaardetanone | En cas 4a besoin, usiear couse igo! Wwe dzec la 18 es Congctar et tube a8 emaae ‘de agua por in exrarsa, et Sel coda, 0 ioelecttovaivaa {Sore auponorrasara ss la Mmoauna} y por otra our grfoe toma de agua, con Boca wescaua de 4/4°gae @ en Einioussuresn fas Wasser mit even Enciecan dos Bekioverit (oberer, Rrrterer fa cer ase ie) ‘holm dem erceren Ene br ainan Wessenan soe fahien Wosserarseyus mat Dreivirtaigewindecr cri’ orschiessen a Connect on end of he water inlet pipe to Me electiovolve flop bact part fre macrinsy ov toe Emerton too oo pormanenty aumbaaiin 314" teased connection, “ATENCION: NO ABRR EL GRIFO, scerque latovadera oto ated prccurande que na se foimen cuvas9 estargiice Tents, fis el tubo aerogue Sieotee de fa ple meer oun, oun detogue du et aetube ge la rrinira de 80, Encore necescio itive ia cuwargee aaunta WGSSeetan won mic Ovni Dee Woscnmascnine on ale Wandiricton caou! sehen. 8 dates der Soriauch Neat Venimmt seer singeanot Aboutichicuch om ‘Wonnenrans etesigon Goeran enem {ert Abt vr intone fom Hehe ontringe’ essen Gurchmense pride ‘ak der des excrmaschinenschouers Fats erorgerich oon reiglevorten stonen fectrbogen Senuiten iMapORTANT DO NOT TURN THE TAP ON, Postion the washing rane maw the wal Hoot the outlet pipe fo he 2599 of he aM FUE, EI ‘rtennien tho} ewe are no bends along ine tube. ‘tie beter fa connect the Guiet tine to thea Gutiet Sho giametargrearer than ‘not of ne oul poe andl cl Ghegntor nin. 8bem ris Reeesiory use the gd Gens suppiea @ Inealions fetchatia ageine glagars, ae ingue Epriponaerve. 3 supporto Che s insersce neta) scanty a postatore Oe! sore det pannela, Livelt io macchina cor} Aisetin antes axGraxe in argo crore S099 per selocere Ia vite Ser pies ByRUIaNe tpiecino 6 foro fro od attenans ia pertatta eerie 050 ‘ejsleccase fre piecing awvitandie ¥ codon senso Grtlerana: to @ exo Guanre o1 fonac aes ramos, Verfcare cn goperscenia si carantaments hvaito Perfoto, cercore ch muovere Ie lavoboncnen senza. sp09@10, aopeggiandas! Sormacanvarrente sult Sinecnto im aoponae keto one supesone's voehccne eneran denctee 5a Fosse necasteno. camnore Forncanore deta lovapencrera. Rvewre upwomente | Diagn. lmgonante. 24:0 avapincrenaon € ben lela i hreenementanon quai conetto s po dare Iuoge pmoasta evibrazers 3 aisicur ene ucunento Toresa/Amasto nan set premio. Slossigun che nate monepete sone m cosaiane ‘O- ecne st coperchio sa criss. 1 click” one sisente quand 2.chuige Neaperchin ne Centermolepatens essa, sereco te soma Qunar prema itaste Mexcia/ Aresiod accenderé (a goo altursionamenta carere rear, se nonsiocsense vedo noerca guast @ Placer) enquetts uieeotonta, conria langue Conmenendoite, danse Suppo cuts eMfogut gansta roinuie euiéte du veourau ame Mette eo niveau la machine aide aes beds avant 9) Tournes dans a sons dot routes. une non Pocrou ns faean dableaya:o ve 3u plod 1) Tourney Jo Died af te Monat oy gescenaie wequ'e ‘otenien duregioge deste. ‘@) sloauerie pled en favesont ecto 206 ls sent verte ove fopparet ost blew 4 neo Pou cola eesaver 39 bOuga fe lave. linge, 30-8 waepincer or vous opouyert sulles fextiemres en aiaganals a3 quinyapede Eoiancomert 5 vous aaplocesia lave linge. velier 6 nivoer o nowecu las pieds Important Tete lings n'est pos bien meanneou son forctornement ne sero bas Soract Tpeut obese Droduite des brats 9 oes Fioratigns orosmaies MaRCHETARRE! net oot Sommer que toviestes ammmonaes somen postion ‘et que le couvercie pst Le -exc" lew de la fermetire Gu caurercla vous Gontimara que le cowvescie ES poranement vertoute Appuyer autig touene MARC /ARRET. fe veyant ae se Seustension s lure: I es aime pos. % rapore! Ou cheaite eebsiche oe Panne: 20 es) Colecatio etqueta achesva 9686 czar an i cel qporte que se intioguce feniaranwe rasera del vcr Sel pone! Hele ta maquina can ins poles aexaareras 9) Gratig tueted en el Sanh doe aguas dal rate) pore aumoaver el tom belgie 8) Gra at ple y hacerlo bolo: aul natto consegut ss Bettecta aaneraneie or Blslo €) Boquest alpio ghonas la Watea en e!sentign conan 1 los oguids detrei hasta ue se adniera a fando ce Compuusce qua ol apaaio orig semseryente nvalace. Parcels niente maver'o lavadero th aeepasenla ‘Spovandose conseculls: Mente sobre fot oxhemes en Sragonal de to pore superior ycempuste que no sa ‘Cots ge mover lo lovato Sestio, vusWva a niveiarios Bee Impertontet Bia ovarora no eae bien fnvelada, & funelonamiesto, esaeth ai eommeta, puter dose prosuer nidesy wprotionas anormalas ssegurese da que lareca Vertha/rore noese dubade, Asegurarse oe que todos lot mondos se encuermen en osiega “0 (vaualearce to raya verical yde que le fobaeste coda Feorido tele" aicione ae lobo. le contimord aus fo top esta nenectoment= eneqada fnchitlala ‘A conmnyacicn puis a 120 fara iParadts ee Den AuIebeC Or er ‘weligenLandesrache fiiigaoter wa cat Hofeung da n den ninteren Soh et Sonaugionss am decienteic engetuhr wire Saangen Die Vosonine mit ite oor vordeten fade reais‘, @) Kenterrautter gee den Troponin Bas by Serons erreguiean, bi fos Gerac geno ausoencntet Srendgletst mt der Wassercoge faster) ep xontermarier Ghrzeigersnn) festoenn Wosrossten ob aas Gard Draringsgaras ausparcntet bi Her veruchen Sa 61" dle Wasermoscring owogen ohnesie edcch ar wenchaben Siesolfen act deine Geatoenaer ° Eehranlehung aoe0on uno Sch vergeussern. do! oe Waschrpaxchinesich ent pewegt Sole Woscrymasc# @ ungestet werden $0 sind le Fide ornat ouemenon went fae Waschmaschine nicht cranuigsgemag ausgancrtat Seharnsenerescn ‘Overten ure es konren Bramale Coruach ino Ubrotonoe outieten Senemieten gat ae Story Stop Tove nicht god ot Uberuren se dof ote Bootonechater ad “0 sner ine oad des Becket avist Das “kick-Gerduscn” bem ‘Scruatan of Deckoe 2a) Inner aot ese tosermmimdsig eingscastar rs SecKe eiracton Gein BetOngaN cer Stort/Stap Taste Rucniet de overs ‘cd Sate des rien oar False bv mr Koro. Fanrsvche ~ a @ Srick ne acheive lade pravided. In he Ecrtespanaing ionguoge. on ‘re supoart aflen goes Info {ha gtoave on tha Bock" "3a pore! vat Uso me ront feet ro sever he machine 9) Tun the nut clos kas to ‘lease the iow odkster for the tort yale the foot 10 vako.e? Tower i unt stands timiy on ‘ha gieund e),G08 he tdot n Boston oy faning the nut oriiciockwse Uni iheames up agaist tne Bottom a the meshing Check that he onotance i Biopatiylavated 10.30 $0, ry Gnd move the moshing feaotine By eushing 40 Glogoraty oepaae ee Corner at tne sare Te tes Seen ork Ifyou move your Woshnig mactine trom opiace 10 roth invel Retest agaHN, Important! your wasning machine is 1g] propetlyevellad, twill ot walk Dopey Tree oud gee lel of nose and Unvsest wrenches Engore that the machina anitened off Ene mal allconttotsate sar ty"0" ane at me ic eshu When you close me door you waieot a “cick contimina that ctoperly loses Inet the plug. Press the D/O putton. the ‘power on fat wilt Ue. Prsdoesnot Ight up see tho faut search yacton a1 Bouter @ CAPITOLO 6 CHAPIIRE 6 COMANDI Monoeaia mogramm cl Manacola 3 tegoladene alla femceranre a levogge Tasty o excusone det conmitga Tasto metro caries Segnaiaacre luminose of uatooamant Sportete ‘ston’ Chiovstetotacertira caso este Tasatio dete scomporty aet COMVANDES Selector ae réglage deo femperotue ae iovage fousne 2'etminetion Fescoge Touene 1/2 charge ovant ge mie soustenson cowerse Cloner aétergent CN 643T zo PO Ree & SB ae CAPITULO S KAPITELS CHAPTER 6 CUADRO DEMANDOS | SEDIEAUINGSE! CONTROLS Selector de ptogtomar de | Pogrammwahtchatar Tienar Contrl tor wasn javaao programmes Serec ior pore teu ta Temperatura oe tavado Tecio excision centitugaae facia ae mea cage: Pore urninoso de tunclene. soto de auesto en Marchartars Posadior de apertura de! fomber ‘arbor Compueria de detergenta Termperanewanscnoer Sencar for Woschen sine Enlewer Sbarfote tir rections Falurger teuchmaste BIN/AUS San/sop Taste Becket Sougone Tommenvertcnas Temmot Woschmittetberdiier 2 Wosning cycle temperature sontichinas 21000 buen ON/OFF inalcotot taht ONLOFF Button ia aaiies comanners rum epening Burren, @ MANOPOLA PROGRAMM DI LAVAgGIO @ [MANETTE DES PROGRAMMES DELAVAGE “ATTENZIONE: INOW RUOTI Mal LA MANOPOLA I SENSO ‘ANTIORARIO Ma LA RUOTI IN SENSO ORARIOE NON PREVA I TASTO MARCIA (1) PRIMA DEUA ‘SeLEZIONE Det PROGRAMIMA, ie ropete deservaro diovaago n ATTENTION, NE JAMAIS FAURE TOURNER UA Manerte DANS UE SENE CONTRAIRE A CELUI DES AIGULLES D'UNE MONTRE FOURNER LA POIGNEE EN SENS HORAIRE ETNE JAMalS AFPUYER SURLA TOUCHE DE MARCHE (H) WANT AVOIR EFFESTOE A SELECTION DU PROGRAMME Lestat aus inesauert quel piogiamme oe avage ‘cette MANOPOLA oF [MANETEE DE REGLAGE DE LA PEGOLAZIONE DELLA TEMPEnATURE DE LAVAGE TEMPERATURA DI LAVAGGIO UCT RUOTARE NETOUE SENS! TLE PEUT TOURNER OANS: LES DEUX SENS Quota lovatice decane al queso asposinve pet Blesonare (0 tompsratira aulowogge nohesta Celovesinge est dote de ce pest pour selocrionne lo Temperature de bvaye NOTA BENE 1A TEMPERA TUR IMPOSTATA CON IL SELETTORE HON DEVE MAL ESSERE SUPERIOR A QUELLA INDICATA Sut TABELIA DEI PROGRAM DILAVAGGIO. ‘ATTENTION: LA TEMPERA ‘uRE StLECIONNEE A UNIDEDU SeLECTEUR EN OWT JAMAls ETRE SUPEREURE A CALE INDIQUEE AU TASLEAU OF PROGPAMNES DF LAVAGE 4 ® SEUECTORDE PROGRAMAS DE tava oe) PROGRAMMUANISCHALTER cy TIMER CONTROL FOR WASH PROGRAMMES ATENCION! NOGIRENUNCA EL PROGRAMADOR € SENTIDO CONTRARIO A TASMANECILAS CEL RELOU, SIND EN EL FENTIOO De estas y NO PULSE EL BOTON DE PUESTA EN MARCHA (H) ANTES DE LA SELECCION OFL PROGRA- MA Los tabs ineicean progres ra ge lavaad en abe ACHTUNG: DIESEN SCHaLTE® NieMaLs GEGEN DEN SORDERN IMMER h8 URRLEGERSIVN DREHEN UND Die "sIART™ TASTE 00 ERst NACH OF ENSIELLUNS DES GEWUNSCHTEN PROGRANIES DRUCKEN, ie Fatssiten pescnnsitan ote enzeinen Programme ‘rhand von Nummer oder Symon impoRtaNt ‘ALWAYS ROTATE THE CONTROLIN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION, NEVER IWAN ANT-CLOCKWSE DiRECTION. DO Nor PRESS THE-ON" BUTTON (Hi) BEFORE SKLECTING THE PROGRAMME Ima fables descebo the wasnieg programme o (ase of the number er Symtel chaser. _— SELECTOR PARAREGULARLA | TEMPERATURWAHLSCHALTER | WASHING CYCLE TEMPERATURA DE LAVADO TEMPERATURE CONTROL KNOB ———____ | “kanwiw see ROTATES TH OTH PUEDE GmAREENAMBSS ||| REHTINGEN ceDREH BiRecTIONS SENTIDO WERDEN. Esta lovacoia esta proweta seleccionar ia temparatuia “ATENCION: 1A TEMPERA TURA SELECCIONADA CON ELSELECTOR NUNCA DEBE SER suPERIOR ALA INDICADA ENLA TABLA DE PROGRAMAS De LAVADO. Diese Wasenmaschine vettug? ber ae Vomestung Zor Atiwant oar pewnechton Wioscrtemperatur Tig washing machine’ fried) vith ths datiee to selact re ACHTUNG - Die MITTELS DES WaNSCHALERS ANGEWAMSE FEMPECAUR ‘ARE DIE IN DEN ASCH PROGRAMMEN ANGEGE- ‘BENEN WERTE IN KEINEM Fatt UBERSCHRETIEN a 25 WARNING “THE. TEMPERATURE SELECTED Wirt THE SELECTOR MUST NEVER BE HIGHERTHAN THAT INDICATED IN THE WASH PROGRANME TABLE ® TASTO DI ESCLUSIONE DELLA Cenreeuea Ease ¢ questo tasto wane conagiata per tessut special $e crema, @ lavatnce reoters tutte programme escucerdo 0 ihtag. TOUCHED EUMINATON DesSORAGE Cunigation de cette touche 1 consallee pau os tus fragios. deicats § on pau surcetle touche, lela linge eftostve tout a cycle mae sine! esseroge — TAstO MEZZO CARICO Per imecai Ducat possinie figura ivelio de oc90 ilansia, agence sulfate 12 repermianae cos oeaug dolersve 60 enesgio ‘Setticg, [habse ot detormvo dove eaore ndore ni prepowione “ATTENZIONE: NON ISERIRE £ 7AS7O. 172" PER LA PURA LANA E PER IESSU] DELCAMSSINA. PER INIGUORIRISUITAT DI LAVAGGIO QUEST TESSUT RICHEDONO INFATT UN AUTO UIVELLO DELL'ACQUA, SEGNALAZIONE WMINOSA DI FUNZIONAMENTO FONCTIONNEMENT nasto TOUCHE DEMARRAGE/ARRET MARCIA /ARRESTO TOUCHE 1/2 CHARGE La mocnes peut aval aeux vans pods cu ings, dans lee otogramemes pour fous Sestast rn tein pas Ib cnatoe complete on aatt Ui is lousne '2 charge Supermarine économie, Geos, velosve et “ATENTON: POUR seus DEUCArs er THES DEICATS, NE PAS Uiuisee Gere ovens. SIGNAUSATION LUMINCUSE DF ——— 28 B we @ ECLA DE EXCLUSION SCHALTER FUR WASCHEN NO SPIN BUTTON SENTAFUGABO ‘Oune scHiEUDERN Eruco de esto tecia ose Ber Gebrouch cleses Ihistunction should be used Jaconelado para 12}a08, Scnamen 81 frist Wescherr | for saacial fabniee Whan Mit rosea: Stapusumesio | vensenrsoesetir Wesche "| burton pesioa Ine warring avacoiaeiectia todos | geaocrr. Wenn dose machhe cares out ihe Bragiamaexckyences! | Scravergaaucst wie, ur | Whole pidgiarerre omiting Eenmfugasa Ble Maschine gine Inospn oveies Woschrargung ome Schieutern ous FECLA DE MEDIA CARGA ‘Spapraste FOr weownseRe — | 1/2 LOAD BUTTON Poaacoeae desc | FUMUNGEN pave puede reaucisa el rival | Die Waschmoschine The water level fora small Beoguucuinsctaccionone | verwendet autemansch ast may 62 feaus00 Nght {is lotecia 1/2 que le ‘ough the wa from shonore aqua, deregenta y seating lo inalng By prosiog 8 shea eecince Ladossae | Falbewich! Fo gewnaes | me |/2I000 Dutton, Ins wow Belaigente dene reauene | Falgowicnt el eeracich ole | you wil save electiely Baporcensiocarga — | Wessermenge auch waniang | Getergent, and water ie, er Sougange ura ot TATENCION Ehweicroregromms me WARNING: NO PULSELA TECLA Betonoung cer fase |/2zu || NEVER PRESS THE 1/2 10AD ENeLeaso pepuRa LANA | | roauscrad So paren Se BUTTON Wiew You ATE VIRGEN Y DE TEsIDOS MUY | | Kesser Weasel und WASHING PURE NEW WOOL, DELICADOS. PARA CONSE. | | Store SINCE WOOL assoRas ‘Guir LOS MEJORES: WATER AND THEREFORE RESULTADOS EN ELLAVA- [acurune: NEEDS ALL THE WATER THE Bo,rstos Tesib0s ore rasme 1/2 nicer FOR MACHINE Witt HOLD.DO PRECISAN UNA GRAN RENE Wot UND NOT USE FOR CELICATE CANTIDAD DE AGUA JEwPriNoLcrE Gewese exoRics Evrae. SINCE THEY VERWENDEN. NEED THE EXTRA WATER TO FLOATIHEM AND PROTECT THEN L PLoro LuMmoso oF teucHTaNzeIGe “BrTRIED ON/OFF INDICATOR UoH FUNCIONAMIENIO ECLA DE PUESTA EN STARI/SIOP TASTE ‘ON/OFF BUTION MARCHA/PARO 2 APERTURA SPORTELLO. Scilevore io sporteia ao ‘prrle complataments ‘Apree guinar ii cestolo come poicath Promare i pulsonte Premera io sxe pposletore in modo 00 Soanciire Jove spore Aptive spertato antenore ‘Aare io sporti pageriore Inrodire ke Bianchina nal Rehiudere reesiewo Seguends nsehema iecee Aopasiana 0 spore posterore Aobascars i sporelo ®@ ‘OUYERTURE DY COuvERCLE Gust completemant io cowerce Ouvi ensue le panier en suivant bs Inatoatlens ‘Appuye' sure bouton oust Appuye! sure comion amee ae fogen o-cuvir es? Oust portion avant unre eon amie Inhetu lenge en evant Semelonger dee tisacaa Semanoent des nvoges aifferen e Fetes: le panies en suvont lesinatcations Fernat ie oatilon avant 28 a |ABRIRLA PUERTA, Bevo! la quarto y abor9 Eemolatarmente Abie oeronces eltgmoor come se Arclonar el pusador Preslona! ta compusite pestorcs de manera ave so Besanganchon lar ae campuettas ‘Abi lo compuera anton Anti io comouerta posenat tambon ‘Corot el amber sguienas ot ‘Ssqueme ingicaca Bojor Ia. campus antesor @ DECKEL OFFNEN apes clon Deca! gone oftron Dern wort Bor ommetversebuss Sure Druck euraen Punk pedmner Die Ductile entregan Sense aon See an eco ana sBetsne Bs Vorderaecketertnen Hintacectet otren Wéscho inate Yemmeliegen ommet nach Big schlessen interact senten Voroardecke/senken = | OPENING THE LO Ln me td Open the auurs Soar following nese iretwetions resi the wears buton Prost ine wor sure: 10 release oth shuttes, ‘Open te frontsnutier ‘Open the veerehuttor Putte washing in te aur To ose me cium [Close the veorcrum snuter Close the nan! aru snurter @ @ Asslcurtsi che Handa geo saveles Sportal saperfertamente | crochet: du periion Sloggare relia eoe delo | poviewesoier? soorelo orretiore Dorfottement infroauts dans Abcondonare per etimo lo | 'e logerrent duporilon woonelo anterore, 2H antatieu" usetee on premier pestensre ‘@bartianenieneut Duta Soca oanetieur ATENTIONE, ATTENTION, EnMpoRTaNTe CHE LOPERATON DE LopeRaZiONe D1 FeRMETURE DOM Eree FAITE Chlusua DEL CesTEUO AVEC SOIN POUR EVITER SIA ACCUPATAMENTE DESDOMMAGES ESEGUITA Pen EVITaRE "EVENTUEIS SURLELINGE POSSIBILI CANN ALLA OU LA MACHINE BIANCHERIA ED AULA MACCHINA. cometta chiusura vene | en oopuvant versie bas sut enfccia.con una pressone ) fez-deux persons que venp rouse su enkomorg! | doivent Bex 4 Sgoriecnenon devano. | oseenciens"er, Brock ie gona ——_}—_, a OTE 7 Fer ox scm 5 wnoseecinuepsrosm. ||) sp necae 2 min. ote ||| SERRE core toeece i pantera MrT Bene on. || | Pea sonaENS TavacGI0. At eesanie PASE acest DELLA FASE Dt CENTRIFU- oe beiiaras tcl. ||| Rant ey Co aos 2 eee Cte PEA wor Hc ‘Aseguterse de que tos Gorichas poseriores even Detoctomente ereaiasos on os te ia cornpuera ‘antatior Ger primero & Severe postenst @ osongrs era ouccnson capac oan corre cet eae aoe atceelegrar ty Hedi vorge Stowe @ Ensure that rect erurtat hooks fe prepety weated in ine ‘ot i tnt shut, AIENGION: eS IMPORTANTE QUE LA ‘OPERACION DE CIERRE OF TAMBOR SE EFECTUE CON culDabo bapa evita POSIBIES DANOS A LA ROPA T ALA MAQUINA ACHTONG: ESis7 wichTIG, DAG DIE TROUMEL SORSEATIC. GESCHLOSSEN wieo, UM WASSHEBZW MASCHINENSCHADEN 20 VERMEIDEN, Fieietta comecta se cop pista haciendo presan facia able sobre ambos tromodas, que nase daben ie fommay sr dena zu wenn mar cle siden Rigepen ach unter ahlext und dese sch nent Stine WARNING: ITS IMPORTANT TO MAKE Sune Tus ORUM IS ‘CAREFULLY CLOSED [BEFORE OPERATING THE MACHINE, aS OTHERWISE DAMAGES CAN OCCUR TO THE LAUNDRY OR THE MACHINE Inecan be checked by plesing the twa shutter. Eourrards but msi no! quse tne lean of he GN DigPosttVvo OF SECURDAD ESPECIAL IMPIDE LA APERTIRA, INMEDIATA DE LA TAPA AL TERMINAR EL LAVAGO. UNA VEZ CONCLUIDA LA FASE DE CENTRIFUGADO, ESPERAR 2 MINUTOS ANTES DE ABRIR LATAPA ACHR: EINE SONDERSICHERUNG VeeHiNDEeT os SOFORTIGE AUFMACHEN DESDECKELS WAC? BEENDIGUNG D&S WASCHPEOGRANINS NACH ADLAU Des ‘SCHLEUDERNS WARTEN SE 2 AWMUTEN, BEVOR Sie DEN [ DEeREL Oren. THRORANT ‘ASPECIAL SAFETY DEVICE PREVENTS THe LD FROM BEING OPENED (IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE WASH WAS FINISHED. ONCE THE SPIN CYCLE HAS FINISHED, WAIT FOR 2 [MINUTES BEFORE TRYING. TOOPEN THEUD a a @ CAPITULO 7 ‘CHAPITRE 7 VASCHETA DEL Baca OETERSIVO DETERGENT Loyarchetadedeteniond | \e poco deregent os ore Lo SCOMMARTO! & Le COMPARTMENT! sert ou Gestnato al detersva peri | detergent de prélovoge Pretoraggia. su Peowere | quilsel liquide oven he tau peuste Le COMPARMMENTH ser Lo SCOMPARTON pudetogentae lovoge esinate af derersiva pari! levogg, J Beri DETERSIVO IN Pour i DETERGENT EN POWERE I Toscllo ots POUDRE ie claps! bw Novor sulla bleu ceva ele fe Superiore. Per ostionme Gla outee Gunste rare #fassollo. Supenaure, Four oe Tole, Vono ate, feos ie slopet ver 12 bout 2 peri oeTERsIVO UauIDG | 2 Pour ic DETERGENT aseio ou ceve roves! | U@UIDE le copet bleu sulla postione inferore devia ére posnannes Bocquesta promer o abutee Infaveure, Pou Tondo tassel, Se ole eppuyere tora surte clapet + venmee ayparovant ‘deyartuels rettes tequg un erage preciderr. 9 fala deisel einne: lan soulavant ie lope’ ATTENTION, IN” OUBLIEZ PAS QUE SeRTAINS BETERSENTS SONT DIFFICILES A ENTRAINER. © scomparto A DANS CE CAS, est Sesrate ato carcezgne. | |CONSEILED UTLISERLE ECIRENT APPROPRIE POUR LE MeriRe OIRECTEMENT fo scompato 4 DANS Le rAMBOUR Gestiegto oe acct special, ommarsidenn, te compartiment A seit rofumont. amt. Foouoe Jove Salancort ex le compattiment seit ourlos eats Epaciour ostouaisant, Barumants, amidone Bewer= 32 Lo cubeta dal derergente oes diode ont comparenentos EL COMPARTIMENTO |, sve para! detergente de Brolerage seopeve o iquice. compagnimento t sive haraal detatgente 22 favado 1 Pag DETERGENTE EN Ghuldenere stor escionada en eltope Superior Para.cto tre hacia eriba la compueta 2 ovo DETERGENTE UGHDO Ia compuerta ‘zu dotera estar Boscionsao ef 0 ope Inferior Porc eto pulse © fondo lg somauerts AIENCION RECUERDE Que ALGUNOS DETERGENTES SON DiRtciLes (OF ARRASTRAR. EN ESTE CASO, LE ACONIEAMOS Umuizae el COwieNeDOR APROPIADO PARA PONERLO | GiRECTAMENTE EN EL [anBor, Eicompatimente A sive Elcomparimanto Si sive poraaditwar e9a- bles, Suavzantes, perfurhantes dimisnes. Seuetes. ote er Voschmnetanater tin Sor Esher stern Dos FACH J cont cur Auhonme es (cschrtes sur Verwasahon wobe! es noino Rete geo tot 20h Lm fassiges Wess rte Soler um Wiaschmitelin Paverforn noncer bux AGH U agnr aur Auinanme des igontichen manent is WASCHNITEL IN PULVERFORM rr sche Bove urom ceoren Anschiag betincen. A Gor foccehen unre ns Siese Stung 20 oIngeN, 2 fic ridssices ‘Wasconnet ‘78 sch ee blove Tor Gm uneven Ans hog Bendre tered Grcher unio nko Solung arewngen CRCRTONG - DEMKEN SIE BITE] DaRaN, OA8s anc? WASCHMITTEL SCHVER MIBUNEMLIEN SIND. DIESEM FALL BENUTZON sie BITTE DEN BIGENS HieRZU VORGESEHENEN WASCHATELBEHALER UND (GEREN IHN DIREKTION DIE TROMMEL, ‘Dos FacH Acie cur [augenautnarne, bas fac clone aumanne vor Axorenmen {Weichsatierr. Durston Sixkomten Wossnbou ® op @ CAPITULO 7 KAPITEL 7 CHAPTER 7 CUBETA DEL WASCHMITTELBEHAcTER | DEERGENT ETERGENTE DISPENSER Ine detergent dispensers Shida info somparrants (COMPARTINENT Is for Beewash aotergent, imo tquiao” Bawa! ‘COMPARRUENT Hi 10: wash aetergent 1 For powpeRED DETERGENT, Me Blue gate shoula be 1 the tap postion, To do Ini pull he gale up, 2 For au OETERGENT ine Bue gore souls en he bottom poiition. Toco tne puste the gate ight down. [eaution: IREMEMEER THAY soME DETERGENTS DO Nor Get [TAKEN AWAY EASILY 8Y Ihe WATER. IN THIS CASE, 11S. Deer To PUT A swasti Batt’ STEAIGHT IN THE O8UM. the A compartinentis io: Usocr ne 5 Comparimenti ipeca aeatives tabi conationers, seaniing agents slorch bungagents, etc a ® CAPITOLO 8 (CHAPITRE & = SELEZIONE TION PROGRAMM 1 peiretore ive tte Rouiuoney asctven types aa a ohbepeb tach eee scuver dtoents reanshas ae Sporn Winvakeeney | de solesures. lomachine a3 — ee tera, | niveau de pregommosaut een a be tne ot vag 50 alterenciors parle type Same tbs femperatura@ Sacra Ge lavage. (a ernasalue st Eee ney | Bauer le TobeaU See Siovoawe), rogramrsas da eusg9) 1 Tessu resttent | iss sistas a [EERE recta | bes piagramies som eoiees Ho eupper imac | 80u:devslopper aL mau ie Ww, rode of lavaggie ei Sogts do ravage ction 4 Feclaca. intefvoum co fas | #80968. Nentommus por des Gieenirhuga axscurane una | DOSES 6 ascrace. petano socaucture garanissnt un ngage FBpresenrc aronatewe ot | Battal Lo presence d'une ‘Gucona giscuake Golo” | Phase derecucton fomoeotvaderocqua i | Progesne dela jomowctue del ocued | Tomparalure dav'eou de tno noona fymazone oi ‘| 9709e Bema! g'esot io legis tout foyratenn ds fe tase Tacenttuge tnoe asicura | LE8oroge tno! astue un tievonina exon excellent eposoge 2 Tessudl mise sintotc! 2 Maus mistosot Terctevaagee nuvagge | tynhetiaues sono onimecotinainintor | 18 Pislasage et lavage ‘oleae cleicenta' (3 sont optinasss dane ies Road oe ovate Iver de atone "ae du0 Cerseton0 oh eles Srngages cuve grace comenone | Biene: pormerent a ebtant Senere unronanenic | in naherrant abtce et Srexcatlentes rau ‘Altermine detrultino A tn du domier ngage, to Rdwomeloionchora | tngevesteimmerge dant Inrvane mmersa netrocqua, | ' 8°: a ® w@ @ CAPITULO & KAPITEL 8 CHAPTER 8 SELECCION PROGRAMM: SELECTION TEMPERATLICWA ft geese | ugoneacre nutes |e mrnies gemctctie., | mreeoann. | Laine tens Eeidactsewa, |wiwememes.. | mein itrare Sogemcctenmests | tence Goda ting 0" vase, Femperotute yourocion (Vea tabla de programas de eycle, emperorue ana Tengih ot eyele (eee table of woshing syGe pragramenes), Frogrommiyen an 6 Umerchiooicne Wlaseranden, Tempecahen fowada} Ung Progrommicauen (siehe Eepoientoes lespeggmenset [Unemptnatice ste, | nerscarrmes ave been Lesser, | Luneromance ste, | ATES aso Sreioaass | iurameenrere, | Ssecraaatres™ Semnrormas: | Retcemcecen | Mean Sceremrms | bess seas reguadat sorosttassce | Uiomocnene Spuganee, | Tene gauwategucton ne seeatiereeniins SBeagoSe Sicarenin | degecatmoe Sou. = raion perecleacooas. | eSRegeeT at, | sures sommee epsSeonca feta tw ae | ADS wi onc reduccién grogual de ke So Woscnwasers tangsary Temperatura Gel agu0 oe srt wi) sarge me ataich lovado segura tambien i maximal Arnesctute unamenoifarnacen ce | por nee Ger Aire ‘ragus oro tedos Seistdoraang sere oe centtiugase trol oseguea | pasrnagitne feckrung 2 eter yanmtc | 2 nehgorete ne 2a ana syne hopaiose yalaraae OC nan Sacsnerontacorartino | MEER sme rae oma cai Gevoraaen dltoriorice 3 | Veena Greed i rk Secgdetenuraceone | EIS deg, | Kannan he a Breda Soperawen” | Seer ae a | sue nin nah woh Soitedy ales pees ‘met nonere Woweatane tiestment ane best resus Geteadoy chor peso. | Tarerer westerns nes ‘ioe tirana ichonarae Shanauro wnatone Egoenase Axtermine et i Ai Bide tensa forme bet aut bon 5 permane- washing engines re Senumergiaosn sage, | Haergaroseebrde — | Seredocr in gh evel of Sesumerizcen sage.” | ascr@in Soawomsr water @ 4 Testu deticatssimi F urnuove concerto a favagge i avert anerna moment cf lavore amoment) Srpeawe. noricoiarmante lncicare per evaggie ss ossut rots detcoh qua la Fura lone vergne Wavagae elesciacaui sane esogut con aifo hallo arccqua per Ssecuroe © migion Frestanont Atemine delrutime tixciaequo la bioncheria fmmone immerse net acaqua. er terminate teicto et fessut delicate. te ‘eoetmnan! cossana essere “oo icone Sentitige cefoata Uerogamma acerhvga Salcaa & nagpersanls SSptamtytta per con oh magia alo scopo at Sitore nlasoment chronic ‘Grose ur ctugarure av ene. @ 3 Tisus extrémement déticats Igagrunnoweou engert Gelavage aur eine des moments de fevol et de tremaage: ce process ed oariculstement Troxue pou! elovage te fasis ev"ererrent gave Emme Pure ine Vieng. [etavage at ls ngage sont efiechuss cive peins.otn ‘Soptent eemenaurs renitot ‘Alo fin du demier tn linge reste iamerge dans Pout termine eves dee Tissue es OebOaIE ‘petctions peuvent ie: “fagngs unquement eso1eye delcot LS bragianmne eworoge: Sbical al insiepensoble Sunout peuria ingana aria G/évinor aes astornanans esdar' la phase de Secnage 6 for coy 3 Tojidos muy delicados is banger eoreepe ce lava00. yo que alterna momantve de foncienarnan, Tov momentos de pausa, ‘Specioimente noicags para el Iavadlo ae Teises Inuy daicodos tales 2ome to Pus tone viiges e1va09 y bbs adaioces son tevogos a ‘agua sore asegurar as movorse praviociones ALYérmino del utimo actere- do, larape permanese fumergida on @ ogua, Pag Jermingr eicicie de los relics muy detzoacs, Dbeedan slectuores ae liguentes operaciones: Gonmfugade oelcaso Elptogioma de cenhifuaado Satesdo os ndspenvobie fobretods pare ios prenaas Se punto con afin oe evar la diotacién ae tesco Suronte ia!s0 de soca at oo ‘3 Hochemptnaiche stone Bloter nous woncrxonaet frit obwecrecncien ose Tne inusianprasen Basanaers gasigne! fur de Wasche ener Testiln, wie 2i'ene wale. Woscrrina Spugange werase mt Rng Wasoatsiona furengetund um ane SShomande Senondhing una ewe Eigobnigo su sen AmEnde cosietzon Waiehgenge: bleibt lo Wasene im Spulwosser tegen. hoch Avschias ae! Weschigange ut sent empingigne Gowste haben Se teigencs Manimagicnieten ‘Abpumaen und Entnatee, gerWasche: SScnonschleusergang Shickwaeen selten immer Sehonschieuserprog-ammn ‘gerchiovcen sos 59 Somindarn Se clat a9 Wesche bain treeinen ive Form veer 37 3 Special Delicate Fibres wich alternates washing ‘ond soaking ana ba ety ‘aeicae rabies such os Pure New Wool Tre wash sycls {and tsar aie coniod out wth nigh water tevels Srsure be eeu, For the best resuls, both trashing and rinsing ate Caried out h @ high level ot ‘water, Ine programme 1 very ‘getcats tacrics can be finehoa by ealosing ‘discharge only oF = gaiieate san The deicate spin prog amme ‘sindspensabie porteviaty ter kniwearln order fe Owala Sretering auing diving CAPTOIO © 7 Toorsr |agge] __moommare COE] Re | _canconemave ‘s Cops & 2 eam Q < ; = I = , aE i ee we . i : 7 5 be 2 = har >} aenaa— ne lee “Programmes 2 (60C) secondo Norma IEC 458 38 Note ca considerare 7 Incas of ancerrcan sleveto grado a soaca € conugnot io dauierie dal corce 9 ron pb a 3g: 2 Nel progrominy 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17) ia mac:hine si ferma con ocquo n vasce a fermira ole Sopcauature paraniore oh ANTPEGHE Fer terminate I cic dave essere Imposter | progremme Z sob scarico.n olarroiva pud Sssore inostato ia santifian deleora pogrom TB. ‘isinserie f taste O71 pmo dl spostore lo manopare 3 ia fase of armeio termina con lo sconce ael’acqua, 4) Netpragraminy 1233 pUd essere eseguio 1 candegpo outemetica mettencios Ye quia ela vascnet A. 5. Pragamynicon ‘ose ol orelovagyio (19-18) Asi SCELTO E RACCOMANDATO DA CANDY Luanda eastaame un nave mectals a iovatrioe Ie sortapenlarro 9 fvmhi poset tes. EO veo oer EO Imponn @ quell che berrnetle oi nes ssperth ot inaeduare 9 detente doneao nslvere1 prceiem ‘del ueato. Dosh no sapsito iypondore ote roahe or Sboeren fos Marae ume cna a ae Comeromrotiame laurara ioqgkngare i migior aust ol ovougia. Quowe castants oneal Tout one eto | Obits rca Ge Yost che Deniers nite sora ha detente No Nosh Salo b nesia rocearangasins, Lafuntione samraia dun cateave cho mong ta Sagenve dal lavoage 2 awola of eafatorare con ‘aeoua cor nm anvere lospereo dal tesa trottenensot ms seopersne afte se oiranate Stromanto dole sores e contsiars f vote let senza danegoare e ft’e de! cap de! auc. Siar gens mere ne cage ror corbers cement ofa avant ato Sete pil avonsate scarene. cre asics a Secekens murat umes cenaizon. Basnio pun trevorain palvere, lqude € neo nasa taroulo Sema of 32" ira. ae 2 ‘CHAPIRE 9 Fe vemeanss [ommou| moceawerou [SE] aaae gaz |_ mona uss SS atone crane] SES w [ol fe]e conn meme| NET | © a pe yey Ww jo ww le as 4 20" . NT seoncoas 5 le Toreoonaad | —| A T * | meee ete Le | nce concen 7 1-14 © 71-1 rooeneaann | Cay |= o [olels nn Ww cote Sa to 10 frre . Ww 1 bea | 6 Hl | i Tw |smason}s) a |= & — 4 al | ersaaet 13_| - | S| pore 00 ri | Ea 2 [- | 3 w fool -|- a wre | Te f=|_ i wv [- yy © | twonmemn [-| 0 * Programme 2 (60°C) en oc cord HC 486, Notes importontes 1 Pour de watemonts tes sigs, écuie le chargermen'o 3 19 mai stot plogtammes 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-1, qiancia machine saréte, feu reste dors fo "g¥9 10 If Ges incogespour emDscre! Avene se torment dar pis Payr achover le cycle. seectonnetle programme Z vidarge seulement, ou slecfornerl essorage aelicat avec 18 programme 18 Datactive’ la louche MARCHE ARREI vont de tour! la manette 3 la ongse ce mampags s ochéve avec la vidange de | e0u! 8 2 pIEgrammet 1-23, on gout eftectuer Ie Dlnnenssage QUK 4D lok 9 aetarst 5 Peagiommss 1-0-15 vac phase da priewoge emer pour Tous les brogrermes. [NOUS RECOMIRANDONS D” UTILISER LA POUDRE "SKIP’ POURTOUS LES PROGRAMMES DE LAVAGE, Pour toute information cencernant SKIP, contacter e Service Consommateurs LEVER au: NE Veny, p5 070507 res ess Poet 4 CAPITULO 9 fs Sisiens Jase] panes |S) cee Ream x 49 clita [ATE = w fwlelelele : Ww, a. bead w|i [oe ie i ww Er bd_led ols a se fant fiw =e : = : é “1s = s| 7 si ~ 6 ® l= ws * fell] fe | ‘oe | WT 10 foo} ef ie ‘ Ww : Ww ee i Iw i |= 2 |# . . a = 13 | 2 Gt =[2 qo, | | s| 18 fel» | % 4 © ele ice i Tet 7 Y =| RF To 1s * programa 2 (60°C) segun Norma lec 450 Notos © considerar {eas0 a8 'n99 con un alla rade de sucledad. se oconseje Ie reduccion ae 10 cargo 9 mawmo 369, Enos programas 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17, la lavadra ge pore con gua an itamwar al inal aal ablorade porie azcien delontsirugas Pars feminor a ects debe spiaccsoriase Slprogiame Z voseco. Ole posbidad gs sslaccona: el Pregrama TBeentifugode Detconectar con lalecio MARCHA|PARADA antes de selecconarcon el mando 3 La tose de remnja termina cor a dasco1ge dal que 4 hos programmes 1/2 puede Sonsaguiee un olanques automatics, colecendo 1 ofa en acuec, 5 Pragiemar 18 cen prelovedo 6 La tome de netumante 16:0 automata en tadosios rrogramas. as KAPITEL9 ve Tere. | vu] oo. |e cevanann_| Se tl ot Tar 3| tee : : WT ul 4 a P al Ww a) 8 \ | ii x lace crgumner eng) ~ | A { * e ao ee os (lator oof Toe NG | arene, WW fiw | # . e wT i Z w foot fo] |e HA ww | : =e 2 I SB scorer ircneisan |g] 188 human) @ | . 2 ve a +[ we [oe . IY oo = 18 lergleiohepragromme 2 (408C) IEC 455, Hinwetse, 1 Bgemefnitsich, boi sone verschmutztey Wasche dhe SGimenge out néchstens 3 kg 20 2 Belcton Moschprogrammen (9:10-1)-12-13-14-18-16-17) 1 sary empinaticne Gotrevearen bib! nat dem letzten Waschgang Gat Waser in ger rommet o0kio0), lm knéteroigung 2u termaigen Um den Waschvergang 2u peenden dos Prograrnan Z “hegpumpen” cobs! ‘Seserschicudert” wanton progam |B. Sten Sie vor dem Beltigen es Fragrammwvahischaters dle Maschine mit der SoM/Stop-Toste ous. 3 Dis Eirweicnpnese lst mit dem Abpumpen des Wesers beender. 4 Bel den Prograremen 1-2.3 wc automecticn Beioren tte zugarint. werin Se Nisuges Bechmiein cle snNerocherdde Erspukarmmer falen 2 5 Posgornme 1-916 at Vonvascngana. 6 De Welcnspulacututr wie Beaten rograrnman outomarsch duchgotahnt CHAPTER © bs rasne Tat conan ra a hue Se coders | NE | ce 2 vy 7 we a en are re ae i ae JQ) co mies |NEZ |» pe fey ley dal |. =| 4a : a a z een LE oF : o tet ww FL [lel . WwW |" 2] 10 firey . . Ww oS av bed fe] fo we - Le pm] ow [oy [| fe Ls 8 : = Su i wy | mow [-| 2 L |cnace SF = Pp: Ey wom | [=f [el [eT [- es zp 2 py] meee Swi t + Progiam 2 (60%) aocoraing tolC 486, Notes vinen me lounary ik very city, tha rox load #kg. Ainge hold, Program (9-10-11-12-13-14-15.16-17) the laundry remains immsteeain me warer ofthe nal nia 9 avo creasrg The subsaavent ooeratons a9. de Oscharge oly or Golo spin. Release the ON/OFF bullon betere moving the progromme knob. Ire soaking stage ends with me water beng dischorsea. 4 For programmes!) 2 ano 3 qurematic bleaching con he comed cut by pulling bleach in ine! Component 5 Programmes 3.9.25 wth mrewesh 6. The washing machine wil ake rem Gutomancaly the sohenerin ollma programmes. ° @ ®@ CAPTOLO 10 ]| [CRAPIRE TS Sy LPRODOTTO RODUL artenzioN ATTENTION Damar taaoston, | Sve sever over cos ans Fonmemoutnnaumen! — | dos cours itsou a Gutes bs stiara perpcter Yetemenn of as iainages te Salvess cori! 'aliavetts ‘ula lap wege" et inaie'on “nese teute por" cu ‘pours “ATTERZIONE “ATTENTION Durante fo seleiene si ‘Au cours de to phaxe do ‘ssicut che" Sslecion verifier que rela bianchi os ‘Gvecn obo! metohave ‘Sg get metatc (a inge alove: (O04 Seemeeferrogh soile Soingos errounce. Srscueza si Soingise monn, movers ace) ee Seat feces, logs d:crailar toes 278 8 Neerstires 0 glssee toe sah engive joenels we oetars veropie P3188 a es 14008 Sep cate renciee mde chore eT Sotomersete || | ° susyarass nde Eppa ee ae plete Soe Bicclnws ceca || | “seein vas inusar Saas Baserectece sta rune adte de lavage ae ® @ a CAPITULO 10 KAPITEL 10, ‘CHAPTER 10 PROD! (DAS PRODUKT THE PRODUCT ATENCION: AcuTuNG: pootant Silene aus avarottombras eras <3 mepr ne Eenirtuaar [Se piendas y ope de tara, ore podergs aver on la ‘Gvadara, depen tewor ef into “eure Lang Ywgen” ¥ fener odomas ia nacacion ho se opelmana” a bien Wenn Sie Kenere Louter Tagesdecker ode! dhniche. Schwere Testien woschen, solten Se Qui Oas Seneuden venenten Bas Symbol ‘rece Wote” Kencolctne' dour unt Fentilon aus Wall. he for ale Masonnanivdecne Gosignet ‘ind, Boraber nixaus sotten Solehe Toxnten den Hinwete ‘When washing heavyrage bed soreas ona otner Peavy aces. Ils od¥soble rotospiy ‘ngollen garments ana other “Sure New Wact mar ono re inaieation linet rnc Gr machine wane) I Reenter “yasenmascninenecrt” regen ATENGION: RENTING: IMPORTANT: Durante a seleccien ‘Achten Sie vem sorteron || | when sormng aticie: Seegureta da qn gerWiaschs aut icicande || | ancire thor Ia 1300 pore lava Detais There ara no metal ne hoya ables Prarancos (bo Siem. clos Frperoiies. oilers, Tronedes. ete) ios aimononos Sete lot erematsror. oe ‘oles afe Os chro Syetos yas feastorgot dblosvesidos gure da loscemmos fomben losstermemor dp rosonents: a ctentarrente tas ‘Shqustas de le les Sprece menches tedstemes auitoos con Ui geteigente emeci| ‘Sconuna paste de yode opropiade. Fore Metattele (26 Schroer, Senernersnocen, Anwipexnnaden. ‘Aureen) an oder inde tyasenes Kssenbeaige utes Rotvorechitsee une Diuciarete schiasen Jose Gurtal urd Bancer von Morgenoaken aunroprer Ratan von a6n Gounen enttoreen, Finwebe out con Wdesrecniorisn gerauerions beaottery Bain Sorieren urTaienae, Rarmdenos Flocien mir Shonorenigerecer Beebneter Wascrcaste Farbenoncets ry ‘ouwersin he waning fa biooches sotety pire ps, cons of ) uttoneo, aes ana ovis oe clanod lovee Des ori long taxes on chessng pow ore footed funnersfrom curtains Gtienten paid to gomern ast ‘nen sorting. anytougn femoved with speci ‘Gaergent arwosning rear before loading © @ CAPITOLO UF CHAPITRE 11. avaeeo LAVAGE capacrTA varias AuTOMATICA Questa tavopionchera & Safe progenioraicer corcore Srnaure? mquramento Sal ambiente 2 ateruae( grobiern ecsloge easton Farce questo Inuntior=nane oii Sutomancamenie i eto Seth ocqua oF toa 2 ot. Guana etbiancheria, E Guincl pessiie ctlenere ut fucare oesonouzots rene pure ci vita, Suesio sete comeana megs acaue Gell erengiaen uno Fetevoie cirmusare a5! femac a1 ovog30 Supponamo che Nloweate ilove 42 hCOTONE BOLO SRORCO Gena ate fracchie poriconrmanta ‘eoston 6 asco con appesto pasta Suan $6 leur co Brosasiono mince che fcmneaons un toments Sonpaoon conseggann and 2 pun procedee 0 Bralmingro mn ovanice Tred conaeggionto ‘eig voscrena Sysvionare 9 manspola iano seca peagerrma SptACore ORGANICRE Guayveetear Bonctera ¢craesoee a) Beste nomore sen flogmmnrn pe So" lame ner tore Sol caoin Tesoro scuprache Bsoreenao mona acouce Grerone hopes pecan ‘CAPACITE yARIABLE AUTOMANIQUE ‘Cette machine 6 lover a & caneue ann de regure 9 Ballon aul) snronement EF pour alla! our arsblames Scologiaues enstan Boureeia cena mactina & ‘uortte @ eauen fencer Suvoure ae ings. © ast Sing aue meme sou.) angke Srergerique lest nossnte de Simnuro ae consommation Sequels once tt read sensbiaen! ia eros ge lavage Quond Letames peces crt ‘966 1967 31 Gu sowent Ste blanenssan havide. vous Bouyer weeisioenersansa mocnne loves le rodu Blongresont iquide aor = boo Ae" placer a panete Ay unle og'amme specia TASHES See anna UES perce lafement, oust pices plazas ie rome au ing Grongeluse un ivage naire stn la pogrom re Nous ous corsaon ge ne goslare vilovage eporge au, absorbent benuec-ed'ecu Benearon hep louder so AUTO WASHER LEVEL| ECOSYSTEM ®& @ @ CAPITULO 1 KAPITEL TT CHAPTER 17 AVAL WASCHEN WASHING ‘CAPACIDAD VARIABLE AUIOMATISCH ANPASSBARES. | VARIABLE CAPACITY AuroMarica, FASSUNGSVERMOGEN fs0 vasa ha sido dsenoaa paca ratarde fecuat ig eontaringsion got meio omblente y pata! ts frobiemasecougiece Ena lavaciore osonta autorsaticomente elriveige bauaat tipo y caniaad ds 'opa Ag. es posvle cbteray ha colada ‘pewsonetzaaa Irelusa desis alpunte ae Mista enorgétice, tte siterna aporia una disminucion deleansima ae eguoy eneraiay una fensitie regueeion at Hemp gelovado. ‘cuonge se solo algunas prensos lot que presenton Fatorvento con product puede recede o una ‘Sieinacion da manchiat Dievia en to favaaara.ecns 6! Dlangseador en el compart: Trento sonnenndionte 30a Subeto dea (eta) y Doticione el setectot (a) an ot ‘Siagroma especial MAN: CHAS ORGANICAS (Progra maa) Folzado este tatomiento agregue ores panaos BlanGueodos elresta dela "ope yrroradnatiovace Fewndl con el peagrerna mos paecuads Lo aconsejamosno reaizar una cotage Con solo gen, dos se Ta}dcs SxpoNIRES. yO ue d abserbermucna ‘gua. se hacen demasioas Beessne Dieses Modis! my ctor ‘dotetzung srtworien worsen, io Unwenibalaatung 2 vanngemn und dio Doras esohancian Skclogsenern Hews past de Woxcrmaschne oufcmatisch dlen Whasersanden cle Jewels engepebene Woscneat ure mange an. Autoiese An ur Uist St os imaglion, dan ouole curcraviinance Inatecelba gestation, wo ‘eben fur den Enagievertvauch ait Donk aeses Sisters ween Werser ana Rnegievsrbrouch fentenerdens vemingartunct Sie Waschoouer veNz Wenn nur einige Worcnedtocke flecken haben ae rt einer ‘usigen Bieter vorbenandel wercer Fraser, enon Sie far 68 in oer Moschine etre domnaige Feckenrenaeng Gabon Secon des Biwnmaetciaiy in he Fervour lon $2 den Pragrammwanscnaer (A) ‘utgae spezainregramrs “RLEGKEN ORGANISCHEN LRSERUNGS" Noch Bacnaigung esos Bragrartm talon See uonge woscre abenfolsin ais Morerne Uundsetzen Sle dle WOsche ‘dem geeigreten Program ton 3 This wosting machine has ‘open desigied fo ty ond secues ervionrentc Gusting scoogical pxcoterts Wh mein mina, i searing mmochine overmetisaly ‘29901 ne wate! lovato tha Hype ara quontty af eloines tobe washed Sci posibe Teopiana customises noah, aver n tens oF ‘Sneray Th sysiom reaquces water and energy consamoton ‘ond provides on oppteciable reaucton in wash time, Won ony 0 lited number Stanislas nove sane ynier Feaute tearment withiqule bisaching agent Bioirninory fomovat ot stains on be eorred out in me washing machine. Pout the Besoch into ine spacial comou'iment and se! the not (4) on the spacial Blogramma "ORGANIC SraIRg” When th phose nes Terminated aac me test of the wathing ang croceed win a noeral west on the Trost alias progiorrme Ins achigable notte wasn o bas mede up entirely ot thiols in towing tobe ‘Wnlen abso a lt of water ‘Sho Become tos herary @Q Sagod tego gitnenasteat eee an Sens cen ESEMPIO DI USO: Gus x fapetio ae aregranm cl igvogaie. veere come Candy le consigia ATTENGONE: Par opertisa e ip cmauto 55) cantallo for ntenmanto 0! Gopi Bescrzene "ATTENZIONE: Netenarastane 1. PROGRANMA S| ASSICURI CHE L TASTO MARCIA? ARRESIONON SIA INSERT, Seiedienrogromma ierogiammra lene kota otords meraeon ohn Enso Gents foewrce Sancdere! nenee gal rogremme con see simccttarole temperature a! ‘uvaggie mediante appesto mancooia Impostare te vane coxioed ersentne cai tosh ® La charosadmse pourier ‘agus oestonts est de 8 ki ‘onde ou en cat Je tissue, Gates nous consellyns de fie pas vaosser 2 ag 1 4g en car aepiecesen “pula laine verge tovobtes Bers 1 machine 9 lave’. peut ever IBfomoton de pls aictoe 3 ‘Spoise! Pouries Nesut Sriramement calieals nous onssilons a'utlserun soe nie. ATTENTION: Termetviedy fombout vor Ie chopiie Description Ges ATENTION: AU MOMENT DE SELECTIONNER Le PROGRAMME VERIFIER ‘QUELA TOUCHE MARCHE [ARFET NESOM PAS ENFONCEE. ‘Choi @ programme: pour Show erogiormme toner faranetta (h) GANS LE SENS ES AIG ULLES O° UNE MONRE stove concide' is humare du piogemme avec + Alaise ae la commande “ovosnenaints eneisent temoeioluie de lovege. + Choate? es ttorenter prions que vous pamerent les roueres, @ Ja. caga samiae paras fejeics asitertes 8 ge 59. rrlpntos que on elcaso da Tejocs deteoaus se cconieia no minerorioe 249 (1g en Steaso ae pioncos 06 “Pui. {ana viigen’ iavables en ‘avadora), pore evitaris fermacién de onugee diictos epiacens! Fete feidos extemademente delicacos fo ocanceja al uso do une boise ce ret, BIENCION, Parola apertura y clare cet tomeor veose capitilo Carga 36 1600, TENG ‘AL SELECCIONAR Et PROGRAMA, ASEGHRESE DE ‘QUE LA TECLA DE PUESTA EN MARCHA/PARO HO ESTA APRETADA. Seleccione el programa :el progamass saeecona Racienae gar e'manco (A) gh el SENIBO DE LAI MANE: CuLAS GEL ReLO’ vnaciendo SSeincic & numer dat brogiams con al incieador + Seleccione le temoatenre Se levodo mactante el Mande cotaeponciente, + Seleccinne or detntos bpcunes que fe pernitar ios roces @ Wesenen sie nach Magee nernas Susentesiich snr san.chsnige Wiscnesticke dle coargt auch de extreme Wiassorauthanme ser" schwer ween Die tr herstancisronige Tevisen ‘gengnete Lademenge Berdgt dig. for Ferrer sole aire Menge vor 2k chy ciorsenafor wanton () atte fasenmaschnengeegrons Waterton) So vermeset mon (om wisn de Bleung ‘omptindicher Tote omptahit ‘de Verwendung ames Weschnotzes owers Som Omen una seriesien Ger homme Hinwaisa.m Seenvebung der Besianciement Beaehten ACHTUNG: ‘ind ENSTELLEN DES PROGRAMME STETS ‘DARAUF ACHTEN DAsS DIE| SIARYATOP 18ST NICHT GEDRUCAT ST. Programmiraty ote Programmmuratl erolgt auren Braham clas Wriesmahars (2) imUnegersrn. tis ule Nummer des gewaniten Programmes irl cr Fah uberersimman, “Wahi de) Woschiemeeroner Quen Borangung oot Vierschaten 4 Wor der verscecionen Sondertinktionsn cha die Taster ermogucrons 53 & Ihe moxrurm toad far heary faoncssS kg, whe, in he Foun ef olata ‘atric. Gavisabie not 10 sxceed 2 tg (agin the cose of machine ‘wasnobi oftele in "Fate, New Woo'") 86 98 16 avoK0 tne lomanon ol creciee twhleh may oe aficut to kan Annet bog shoule be used for ariculatly delicate teprics, ATTENTION, Read the chapter Detcriotion Sling conti ie intnietone on now fo open and close he churn TWHPORTANT WHEN SETING THE PROGRAMME ENSURE THAT THE ON/OFF BUTTONS. NOTTURNED OW Soiect progiomms Cheoss ihe Brogramme by Totging the knob (8) mo ELECRWISE DIRECTION and Toke mie cumbe cf me Biogiamme caincioe wits fhe san. Select me wasn temperature wih the comtespgnang cone + Select tne diferent gations Sitered by me barre + Mata neva game sens neko > yosehsita w invaggioddg 9.0.0 Gooey + Matta 70 cc vicaneegane (a 5ka) neia voschera Sanceyoie + Metts 30 ce a8t agave che desigera neko ee *crivoo cope #9 aseun ene wuonstte Ge oeaue s Sper +h lo Scaic 90 9 Bashers ego spemo i pusante d maeo (3 eccenaeais Segnatazane urenase (6) To lousmes waa pogommache ena Benats + Al termine creer ul tasto (*) Simone! atest Spegneranro we santos Ronioose +A01@ I copercha ei Centoio 6 faga eat we + Rempin\e 00° Ie pee fevoge avee 8 8 envton 00 Goieie! Seg) ton envage shemesute semp1'e daueiene bec i Ge tovage aver 609.3 ‘Serer Ou Ska) + Remeirie.cas aed pianenisags over Tce Seei-oetave [pou Sg) + Encos ca nescin empitie ac 36: G09" aspoos + Femme le cowerce + Verte: queie iobinet 9 ea) sot ouver + Apouyer sure pouton oe Sragerme denorde + latin oppuver su 0 ‘oueng 4; marene lane! ot lampe terran s emma TRS PER QUALSASI TBO Dr LAWACCIO CONSUITT SEMPRE LA TABEWA DE PROGRAMA E SEGUA LA SEQUENZA DELLE OPERAZION COME INDICATO. POUR TOUS LES TYPES OF Lavage ConsuurER TOUJOURS LE TABLEAU DES PROGRAMMES ET SUIVRE LA SEQUENCE DES. OPERATIONS INDIOUEE. @ + Pongo en el omer comporirentol de prolevnan 40.9 48 astergan fe (para 59) fakeceaor de ur cublete. Pango en elsegunao comegnimentoitaeiovage sg de detergere ioaas fa) + Ponge 70.e6 ee ta ipara’ tg) en Bangueadores + Ponga $0 ee get oemve gue desee en @ comport+ mento pore sarves ‘parosKg) + CieHe lot00a + Aseguiese de que a! gta Sel ogu0 este abit. + Que al casagie sé en + Pula ol norénce eueste gn morcha tH) 58 ercenderd el plore lunsnoea (3) [aiavs0o19 eecuton el segomeaue isteara + Al mozart programa, putea betén () de pueda 5 marchaj pots, se apg, ‘@ erpioralarnseo, + Aba ia tape yel tomboy extraer aoa. @ ‘rach cvorwdicne)co gr ‘Sron Maasasnsr iwoscnmatel Cr § ta) geben + Into aweite W Face Gtoupnassens) coco oe Wascnmrtel (a3 ig) geben + ncien sender Blochmitel ca. 70ce Blecrmnivel (fr 5kg) geben emamnschca 1026 2isotaigs (rigyn an Behar header geben + Schiegon se den cectet + doerweuger Se ser cat Gre Wasernature gaara st + 208 de Ablautschvouen rig angen + Dniokon Sele SART Taste ra Bie teuchraneeige (S) leuchtarout Dieaschine quorum jort dos gewdhte Programm + Nach Ablaut des Pregrarcns SARTSTO® Taste panicten ote Teventanzeige enct * Ortnen se den dackelurcd She trowel ure patina he wascna hevaur @ + Put eo g.aopont megsue, of detergent (tr $ Kahin the preewoe camparment + 2ut #0 9 for $ kg) in he second Havas compartment Pur mex ot biegen trond ignin me peach compen & Ul SO.ce of he dested Sastive forS Kolin rs, oettives compa tmant + Close the cove: topis tuned on + ang mot ine achage lean pos + Press:he.“ON" sutton (H) ine want (6) wil come an The washing mocnine vil corey cut the FOr plOgiornr + Atthe ene at he biogianmme pies ire: Gnidtioutton (Hi The font will go out + Gpen the cover ang the besketandremove the lating. PARK CUALQUER TPO DI LAVADO, CONSULTE SIEMPRE LA TAILA CE LOS PROGRAMAS SIGALA SECUENCIA DELAS ‘OPERACIONES TAL COMO Vine INDICABO- ‘BENUTZEN StE FUR IEDE WASCHE OIE PROGRAMMTABEILE UND. BEACHTEN SIE DIE. REIHENFOLCE FOR ALL TYPES OF WASHING CONSULI THE PROGRAMME TABLE AND FOLLOW THE OPERATIONS IN THE ORDER INDICATED. 8 @ @ CAPITOLO 12 | | [eHAPHRE 12 PUUZAE NETIOYAGE MANUTENZIONE ELENTRETIEN ORDINARIA ORDINAIRE No araie utieer de produes ors": 9 otcaola/ou de Siusm pour avey Testeneur ge vouemacning,eutte de Bose inention numa. Per 0 Sua ivotrce aff eterna non ust obras Seba ero onvenn basto foie Usa passa con un panne (gtovamee na oscane oh Se bau Centsben er + Netievage aes oaes jfraanenio uran/oeccao | Nencvoge au te fermomacening + Dermenagemants ou, longuerearndss a anata igmacnne uur vascwene NeTTovaGe Dts sacs Econpionie puwectfonw | Hee recommends ae Nae ee"? | nshover ae eros an tomes Seeron a teeeogge | ereovage tavage neers! Sige aber” | Sesusaon comers Snorer Seba bare es cemportments compan Se owaage sta lsvoye & Neglcorpa oe agora | sxtesriers a eine at Scope ocininare jeevsnuciae aero Suslintgse rents oP Bouvar® gener 8 Gerenivo te renco wtcie Fasoare get deterive of costo Fer quanto quero gi Jegmeam) cole condaggine | 9 suovcisaN. lout extare Racesione estore | ave fawont ‘cuiner 90 canst BoniMgrendola a sens contot® 30 cols aot Sesponrannee wongo — | aigulles J unermarre rout versa Foto Batrary vers eae imine eventuoh Retier 3 eventuels aapdis Gituie or degiscomoon. | Sescomportmants, meter auinaltutioa ve Remiat'sl6 tout enpioce oe ee CAPITULO 12 KAPITEL 12 | | [OwAPTER Tz uM NL | REINIGUIE UND CLEANING AND ENTO ORDI ALGEMENE WARTUNG | RQUIINE MAINTENANCE Forasutmpieas eter | Bonuton So ficale 6.8er | Donot use obxasves, sins nese noductos Fetrigung memes ‘ralor ovens on tha DBbrasivbs, alco yo Seowvantes, Basioscio una passa £00 un Bone. Fameae ace mantonmiento stinpieza de a cunetoy sus comeartimentos sLmoiers de tito. *roslodos a argor elder de hactiidad 58. ‘omaquin LIMPIEZR De La cuBeta DEL DBETERGENTE Y sus ‘COMPASTIMENTOS Esoconiejatie terpia: de ‘yer en cuonde io Subeto 6 deleigente ensue Ccuatto compartmertos reavado. exado, hay Suawzanta, En al coro de os Shmoamimentos de Breavodo y bvade 52 Sconssja eimsnar cut delewenta cue Gicute a Sreeto Nunae Sol ota! gente ororroot En ol coio de los comparlimentot de leja y Suoweante aapen sor taidor os 308 stones M ‘prangion an sonnge ornare o ts oguias det rally monde acer Qutor eventusies incustaciones que ‘pudleton obstut el ofcig eles compartmentor \yuetvo a colocart doen Scheuarmutet Akoho! oder Vercinaungsmite, Epos worn se oe Maschine mit ener feuenten Lappen abslichon, ae Gantt eeaucht mi eh vwenig Phage. + Reingung cos Uasanmmteiberateor + Fitereinqung + Nach Urzup oder Jangeren Snislanct cer Magenne FEIIGUNG DES WASCORNTELREMALIEAS Es wro ematonien, ‘olagontich cen Entiicenciter fr wascirariet seinen ve Fachern (& Vorwosc'e, Hauptudeone, Waseniouge cad Wolchspuler 20 mingen in Fate der eigen Facher fr Vor une payanecsene ist es ermpleniensmert megiche Waschmittanasis volstanoig ontornen. ale Ser thgshngertén Ab det Wesenrnites nse Fommet pehineen kernten in Fate ass tougen: una Wosehmitatexthes 290 ae Dokden Syarons Mt entgegen Gem tnaagernn un a Gfecarciehen unelncen bon to ramon wean se eninceotten wear Kernen \YBoicne Yernusuogen de Sifurgen aerracn Sentapten konnien sna enifemen Anschotones bite ole Eomenrs wecter oranungsgemsé einistren, 3 ‘Seerior atthe waning machine. I issutetant to Use Seamwootn The wasing machine roeulroevery tine memteronge + Clearing ot rower + Claanng me titer + Remevas oF long periods duhen the machine & at stoning CLEANING oF prawer ‘COMPARTMENTS In sadvéeoole te clean tne ereigent dipenier tom bleach ana ict . Inne cose ct me prewash ‘aisots joremove any Gnad Irvarnainn of datargant whlch obstruct the flow of me Sele:aent to du. In me case at me'bieacn ‘ung Tauie eananoner Compartments tre twa ops Minoula be rarnovod by. tuming mem 30° ant gles arcing uo en Remove ony sone resiaue wenien could bides the holes Put everything back into place @ PUUZIA FIR soci Nihon grade a fraMterere rec! pas gross ‘che potenoero oceere scance (maneto eee) cho eassone sete fociimente recuberat Sanao a deve culee s + nlea un conterteve per acceptors! acaus, +.Con uno monstao ucenauto uct ot re Cas) S igre er bercrnach hee Fer sone ogue 3) nieateo or asaya del perans + Cop un coccice Giontoe ia ye ena tiocce # fee + Ruch ties n senso. Entirane tnd hares + Le esragga 8 puseo + Dopo oven puto csser le posnone de ftro seguongo sero contro Rite te opetation preceaen. TRASLOCH) 0 LUNGH! PERICOI DIFERNO MACCHINA Per eventual nasoctie guacre Is macenne estase Fermao linge m wogh ho ecaican © emossane Stuauaio compiatamenio co Sgnirescuog acaus ni: ne tube gota tescert9 31e ort verse | Basso, 5) ating tno afta compete fusaascra aan acco, Aitamine ipeta Operoncne NeTIOVAGE OU FiLIRE Lelove ingen gots a un fie ec: qu /ehent las foser ongen powrar® Sestuet i naanga piece Bhgu pamet oe les fecunerattociemert § Savers "ecesate ce nattaye: left proceon Je + Ulise) un wecprent pour s does ne pace oe lets "oatn 118 Se) ds labore du fine + Seu cum deblosue! [locces au tine pice dons te bos go!3 mgenne essere” ig vis blogLont ie Sigulles auna monte + Lovoue me extprope, iemevre en plocaan IGEN BR EDBIONONE sxecederies en gens nvese, DEMENAGEMENTS OF CONGUES #ERIODES D:aRRET De LA MACHINE En cos. 2 demenagaments So lengues poncdes Gavel aata machine dons ‘oul vstrrger sagneveorment tus es 4yOu Dectanenar@ court ots never 3 Dogue Sut le Tuyo. miossle ore ban ane seau uaa ce cu ina pres ce-te operatin. a meek ereneNeD 3 ® LUMPIEZA DEL FILIRO Un fio especial que etiane grande aue podran oostur [G Gessanga (monedas, Dolores, 8c |y que de esta manara se pueden tecupe: far tocirente, cuando 203 hecesano Impier et fo, feguiios ston gules + Untaar un ecient para Tecoger elague: + Conunameneda s Jgenoato gor 178 dolgreontonuid 08 Hosen asialona + Para abst, pul Ia porte: Juelo stuaga en la parte + Conn cactomitones Stigja' a! tonto ave Dioauee attic + Hace! giot el ro on ‘Rhiieg conmans a ia aguas get r90t Resa ove rogs + Extroer lft y epic. sna ver moa vous a colgear ero Teaiendo ol (evae tocar lae epavonionee Detencementa ascertas TRASLADOSO LARGOS PERIOoDe DE INACTNIDAD DELAMAQUNA En eventuces tasaaxt o en ‘caso que to maauine Sstuvaie inactive dhnante ‘9:99 pevioge de tempo en Iogotes os nay quevaciet Eomoetomanta tode resiau0 Se agus en ioe Nose Exionoo deseanaetadea faite ol tube de lo ara: 21a yanaio Hocia abaIO, fen ei cubo, hasta conssgue la salda completa dal agua. Fnalzoaa ig gperacion ‘pita ios pasos on sein @ FIUERREINIGUNG De weaserenecactyys it mit siner spent Fier Suapestatton um gov Bremakérper (Murase Kiyapte, usw). che cas ‘Ablssen varnnaen wtirlen, ferancten Doguicr ‘bevorin man ise sche Fremouomey autice. Wenn Ge Reinigunig do liters potwenaa sf dann goht Iman wre foigt vor TAusloutendes Wesson Binem Gofal outengen + Dan too re Dosibereat gun co ie Kerce outwadt mfsivon Seas ee chor Foodie 8 as5 chon + zum Ofiner wid oie \Venegeungnerrontiog an Gor Aboeckung Qeatuelt Sctraubensiénercie Bloclerschrauoa. ole den Fifer tester loser + Man erent den Fite gegen en Unaoigeninn. o& artis Som ansenoghoment + Fiter neroussohyren und regen + Noch ee Htemenigung iter wieder ensataan Gas efoigt umgokehier Frenentape UMauG oper Lincerer STILSTAND DES MASCHINE Beieinam Umiug. oes wane ‘he Moschine iengere Zein ingehaimer imoecuns stiishen wc maser elle Schaucte voistonal Shnser weraen Strom abscnoten ue ante Wicxcnscndseel beretetaten, Schaueh von der iearrme ‘petman unal os aur veiiger Enleerung i die Schusse! atten w aS (CLEANING THE FATER ‘ne wosting mactine aupped win oepecar iter nigh catcher eso nore ‘inn Souls biges the Goinage duet (cor Euttoreste) ths means ‘at Mey can Go easly ieooverta. ner iB fecasiowy 10 clear te Mes Proceed oerclons + Use 0 bash ta collect me water corning out + With ena ef @.c8In oto tea spoon mokeo 178 (457) tum fo he knob wan got sthichigets the titer 3591 +o open. raleas mecarch decurng the te) + Ure ascrowctiversoloosen tne screw Neiging ne titer Fy sloce: ne tier anticlockwise Setar ann wil ge + Remove the far ond Geant + once elear, tepace tre tie by loloning Me bore entiones Bioceaure in verse REmovats on toNG. PERIODS WHEN THE MACHINE ISLEFT STANDING For eventua remavotsor tuner he machine flat standing farleng peti in Unhested tears, a Ihe Dipes mould be emptied of atremaiing water Tre moins itch must unpiuagad A bow heeded. Detach ie pipe ftom the Gram cna iewer 0 ‘ove! the bowl una he waters emaven Repeot the apetanon at the ‘epposte and. cz) ‘CAPMTOIO 13 ANOMALIA CAUSA REMEDE 1 Non tuazeno | Sore conente siteca rreewe espn conquasesl | Roo neat nolo pres pee Taste nreruttors yenerate non | inseme laste. manatee aac Sener Manca energie 2tnicn Cena Vokale impor sletcogues® | Conraie | Seorei anerte ‘Chao ere wOreTS 2 Nenearico | Vedicoue? Connors aca Ruonetio aque Tame Weupnano acme hluis Timmer can constant Paineiara timer covettemenie possianets 3 Nonscance | Tubpatscarcapagate Redarazre iba e/sene equa — Presence co \spadionare oo Stiranei nel fit 4 Non Sonmhza Le lavapvanchenc ron he-ancore ‘Arenas alcuri minut @ mociering teonchee “Eeisore comming” Diarserea toto eiclusene Conmmger F Rar vicar Guranteo Santas Towaborshara renoeretomenta pare Ragoine gh cape nea vregciaos Fiore ai tesoaro Aonancoe omcrtoe Aaporane Wala @ PONE Come piancnera Aon uneernsina! to crite, Dgnbare ih made uname Sei marurwenemenis dovesie corsa $s Canto a Asaierne 1s CANDY comune modelo diomsarchenr rostore alo raphets Bora na mobile af nero dol entea sl Ogio mono lixeINsBIon onanete Ue interer"OA tempest extemcacs @ CHAPUTRE 13. ‘ANOMALIE CAUSE REMEDE Aus, [tase est ee roc dora | Beneteriotene fuel erogrerme | Cistenuplourgéneroioenens | Benotar[nonuaten genial Te courort et coupe Conner LesvoWvesdorhmalatoneiecnque | Corntdier Soni defectuewses Fartion ower Formers panion 2 Abyence Vor couse | Concer Sar" Pognerae rena teme Givi cone) doimeriaton deou il Progammateu malpostionné | Positionnel contectemant 10 pegsnmatesr 3 veaurres | Tuvoude waange aie Rearesier io tuyau da vidange os évacues Presence oe corps eirangensdansie | irspecier tive Pas [amachnavanasancemavcus | Atancre gualauey rwnulor oF le areescrage regu rochine evacuea rou La tenciion “uapresanesonge’ | Peseria touche conemondant 8st selectionnée (axciusvernen' SU) Sartore rode Spear [amachna wen pararveay | Ragu mepaties endent 19 Les dtiersde Honspen von pas eré | Enievelles diners de Warsbor Sescrage ee Ta charga a= linge, ves par | Detious le Inge ao oon Sisibuee se fogan antes ‘mtorme Silomausol fonctocnement pessto, ogrenet vous auCants @ feselance Tehius CANOY. Ecrmunques nom gu medio malaue sr Io dove gras aue se Hava suis comawen® O1 rtadenr Syrups sue Busioe guante Eninaiawott cos nermatcrs vou obtence uneintenenten susrapids et eticoce. 6 CAPITULO 13 ANOMAUA causa REMEDIO. | nonmeore | MeReeRENMOSD rstutaro canning. — [Tosi gat nieupror ganeralaeezo. | Pulsortecinaaliniamueior oersral Gogare — | hectada Fona ae ener sectica Canaoer Tau: Ge a Wisacce™ aeotics | Campeer Sataneroao: Puen aoKero Cer busta 7 Wasaga Ver causa 62101 Tomarober agua ‘Gro amagua cenaae Tongue aa oe Sasciot Be mopamar consetaac | Sarertor 9 Somcior da Scare 3 Bewacias — | petenci ge cuepes arrotos ene! | nspeccionar eine Ru vo Tube de desague copac0 Engeiazore iene de desogve Rosennmuga | (aiowaasranonavaciadsloagne e'o9u0 Eres lgunstmnutos Wommaai @e 6 tec “Eimnocen al centrugedar soo em atguren Desconece 19 mci 06 “ernne 8 Fuates vero. [ia avaaorene arte oerectamente nesauante | pans Reguar losmes atgansat gods io ge ho s0c009 o aimadura del | S200 orioaura ronoorte ensparie Gaige ae © Sasa no enaniaa | Resaiina da monaiaunome tntememente Speed en eer et cose teri stercia Yara CANBY inaizanan @ meaels Rrcpor cone snainlomacer corsaguua noantlerse masvaniaa vencce mere] at = man, Camm CE) a 2948 2948 2948 2948 “a oD KAPITEL TS FEHLVERHALTEN RUND ABHILEE 1 Ficgromme | Sector nicht m cor Slaster Besteckan unwticeloren Beckdoes auarichare ncn ‘Sram ainscnaen engedtuck! 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Ta spin eng nivon sommes moat Twin he progrormme sol fo sain seting 8 Srong Serovar ourng Wasnng machine nol petecty ‘Sojue sone feet forerroved Ramee honspor brake Warning 60a ro" gisrDUIeG Dengue ine waning every rove path contact o CAND! SesceuRaaete a gamers SiN pomtseniiag gue ne en ei 2948 2948 2648 2948

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