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Other Important Info!

Ms. DeClementes Math Class

Homework Guidelines:
Will be given almost every night.
Will be numbered and displayed on the board.
Please refer to PARENT EDGE for all homework assignments.
Homework is due at the beginning of the class period.

Notebook Guidelines:
Date order Classwork followed by homework
Binder can be emptied each quarter
Ms. DeClementes Daily Classroom Procedures:
Enter the classroom in a quiet and orderly fashion.
Take a Do-Now from the table up front and begin working on it immediately.
Take assigned seat, sharpen pencils, and prepare desks, while carefully placing bags
under your seat.
Please arrive to class on time. When the bell sounds, you must be in your seat with
your notebook and homework out on your desk. The Do-Now should be started.
Homework will usually be checked at the beginning of class. Please have it out in a
timely manner.
Students are active listeners and participants with heads up and eyes open. Take
notes and have only materials needed for class on your desk. Raise your hand and wait
to be called upon if you would like to contribute to the discussion or ask a question.
Students will only be allowed to use the bathroom if it is an emergency.
Students who are absent are responsible for getting assignments and handouts from
the student bins up front or electronically from EDMODO upon their return.
Please bring your binder, homework, calculator and pens/pencils daily. Do not bring
electronic devices to class.

for Good Behavior:

Praise/Positive Phone Calls Home
Extra Credit
Increase in Class Participation Grade

Consequences for Disruptive Behavior:

First Verbal Warning
Phone Call/Letter Home
Detention/Referral/Dean Involvement
Decrease in Class Participation Grade

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