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Willing to spend 10-12 hours a day on the internship program, 5 days a week.

From the work experience I have

I can spend 10-12 hours a day on the internship program, 5 days a week. From
the work experience I have
17.At P&G, we expect all employees to be strong contributors and to add value
to the organization. From your experiences so far (including school, community,
or work experiences), please describe a time when you were leading and
influencing the direction of a project or task to deliver significant results. Please
include details of the context, the actions you took, and the results that were
achieved. (Max 950 characters including spaces.)This field is mandatory

While working in Infosys, our team was given a complex project of doing
modularisation of different components. One part of the module was proposed as
a future enhancement as the feasibility of its implementation was not clear. Later
on analysing that enhancement I found that it can be implemented and same
was proposed to my manager. After thorough analysis and a presentation of my
findings to the delivery head led to the work to start. I took the responsibility of
the module and 5 people were allocated to me to complete the initial stage of
implementing the same
18.Describe a situation when you faced a difficult problem and you were able to
solve it. Please include details of the context, the action you took and the results
that were achieved.This field is mandatory

In our colony garbage dumping was not proper most of them used to
dump in empty lands present in the locality without even bothering to go
to the municipal dustbin and proper discarding. No one was acting

responsible and was the problem causers also. This kind of acts
discourages me. I took the initiative to respond and in one of the festival
gatherings I raised concern over the issue and took steps by raising
awareness even after that I had to make arrangements for placing the
dustbins at regular intervals so as to not the problem affect the colony.

19.Provide an example when you approached your work with a mindset of

having limited resources or time. Please include details of the context, the
action you took and the results that were achieved.
During our Auditing and Reporting project in Infosys the time limit for the project
was 6 months and there were only 3 resources allocated for it. This project
included testing and correcting the issues of auditing done by a bank during its
day to day operations. Over 400 Scenarios of bank transactions needed to be
covered in this project. This was a continuous cyclic process for this I discussed
with the resources on how to go about the work. Every one took 10 cases per day
to work on and at the end of the day we consolidated the unresolved issues. This
was carried on till 4 days and at the end of this all issues were resolved. This
saved a lot of time and the project was completed in just four months from the
allocated six months.

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