The Portale' Mayyyaa!!

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"My name is Tutenakqua. I am a High Priest of the Sacred Maya. I speak with
you today to tell you the mission of my life that existed about 520 years (as you
count them) before your time of 1995 AD. I feel that it is appropriate to speak to
you now, as my contribution in my time frame is not unlike yours in your time
frame. Our spirit runs continuously through third dimensional time and space via
the unity of our sixth dimensional consciousness.
"I will begin the story with my early adulthood. I was specially chosen to fulfill a
destiny for my people. The Priests had been awaiting the sign of my entrance into
embodiment for many years. Finally, the portents came to pass. The Home Ship
had come and the Sons of Heaven had chosen the Daughters of Earth to create
bodies for my fellow travelers and me. When the women were all with child, the
Home Ships returned to Arcturus.
"It is very difficult for a third dimensional woman to mate with and successfully
carry a child of a sixth dimensional man. The men had to take the great risk of
lowering their vibrations, and the women had to stay very pure and meditate for

many years in order to raise their vibrations. The result, if successful, would be a
child who could easily exist on the third, fourth and even fifth dimensions at the
same moment. This was me and the other three who survived to adulthood.
"We lived most of our lives within the confines of the temple. This may seem
like a harsh life, but since we could so easily travel in the inner worlds, the sacrifice
was minimal. Also, our fathers would come at regular intervals to take us to our
Homeworld of Arcturus. Arcturian fathers were chosen for this mission because
Arcturus is a Star Gate planet. As a Star Gate world, many different dimensional
worlds can be accessed in the regions of the Bootes Constellation, where Arcturus
lies in the heavens. Our fathers actually functioned on dimensions higher than the
fifth while they were off the planet Earth.
"The four of us were always joyous when we received messages from our
fathers, as they gave us many important lessons. We were very telepathic and
empathic, and communicated with them in this fashion. We were actually quite
glad to live our lives separated from the third dimensionals, as their uncontrolled
thoughts and feelings were a constant intrusion on our minds.
"There had been a fifth one of us, but she was so open to the higher planes
that she could not stay functional in her third dimensional shell. She became what
others thought of as insane. Actually, she was quite sane in the higher planes.
Finally, her third dimensional form became ill due to the turbulence of emotions.
We begged the priests to release her from her clay prison so that she could be free
of its painful limitations, but they did not wish to terminate one of their
"experiments." Our fathers intervened in her behalf. They released her to her
higher form and took her with them to Arcturus.
"Our fathers often took us to Venus. Venus' life forms vibrate only at the fifth
and sixth dimensions. We loved it there because we could be ourselves totally
and run freely around without the guards who constantly surrounded us on Earth.
I actually thought of Venus as being my home more than anywhere else. Arcturus
was our fathers' home and when we went there, we stayed with them and their
families. When I was there I felt somewhat like an "experiment"; I was a "hybrid."
My Arcturian father had another mate and offspring from whom I felt somewhat
excluded. It is not that they were unkind to me, but rather, that their lives did not
include me and I always felt like a visitor.
"On Venus, there were many "hybrids" and Earthlings who were resting and
restoring themselves there after their Earthly sojourn. Our fathers took us to
Venus more often than Arcturus. They would come to Earth to take us to Venus,
leave us with our many friends there, and return to Earth to complete their mission.
Also, we soon learned to travel to Venus via our higher consciousness. Our friends
could see us in our higher bodies and we could visit and play freely.
"Earth was merely the location of our mission, but we did make some friends on
your planet, like Serenathenia. She was our mother figure and cared for all of us
with great love. We were only with our birth mothers the first two years of our life
so that we could bond with our third dimensional shells. However, the priests were
concerned that we would forget our powers if we became too bonded with the third
dimensional plane, so at two years of age, we were taken into the care of our dear
Serenathenia. She was chosen to mother us since she could live in both worlds.

She was the one who taught us to travel to Venus in our minds. She was actually
Venusian herself.
"We saw our Earth mothers on special holidays only, and since they had all
taken husbands and had other children, we began to feel as left out of their lives
as we did from our fathers'. Hopenakaniah bonded deeply with her mother,
Ashathkania, who never married or had other children. She became a special
friend to all of us as well as a second mother. Hopenakaniah was very happy to
share her mother with us, as we all felt like one blood. We were constantly
together from the time we were two years old. We were very close. Outside of the
two women who cared for us, there was only one other Earthling with whom we
were close. His name was Sackatukeneon. He was supposed to be our servant,
but his secret wisdom far surpassed that of the rigid, pompous priests. We
discovered just before our transition that he was actually an ascended being who
had manifested a body so that he could serve us.
"Our fathers were also close to us, but we preferred to see them on Earth or on
Venus, where we could feel more a part of their world. When our dear sister died
to her Earth shell, everyone was concerned that the same thing would happen to
more of us, so we became even more sheltered from the third dimensionals.
Several of the priests had streaks of anger, greed and fear in their auras. When
we told our fathers this, they discreetly limited our exposure to only three priests.
Our fathers were careful to give an acceptable reason so as not to make enemies
for us among the third dimensional priests. It was known among the enlightened
members of the priesthood that there were many unenlightened souls among
them. They also knew that this fact signaled the eventual end of their great
empire. The sacrifice of the heart had degenerated to the actual removal of the
physical organ and became the sacrifice of the enemy rather than of the highest
"Our three Mayan father priests (which is what we called them), Lux, Uk, and
Kahn, spoke as one voice and symbolized the three essences of truth. Lux was
the human representative of love; Uk represented wisdom; and Kahn represented
power. These three were our teachers. They were in such perfect harmony with
themselves and each other that they finished each other's sentences, harmonized
their voices in perfect unity and operated as one consciousness, yet at the same
time, they were complete individuals. Only a few priests knew of their abilities, as
the Dark Ones (the unenlightened priests) would surely do them harm if they knew
of this.
"We telepathically called our father priests "Lux-Uk-Kahn", and the one to
whom we spoke would answer while the others listened and augmented his reply
when necessary. The priesthood thought that Lux-Uk-Kahn were teaching us the
Sacred Rituals and history of Maya. They did not know that they were teaching us
much more!
"So now you know of our Earthly family. From the time we were seven, when
our sister translated, until our moment of final initiation, these were the only
Earthlings that we saw. We lived our lives within the great pyramids. There were
three pyramids at that time, which were all connected by a vast underground
network of tunnels. Since all of these grounds were consecrated, we were free to

go anywhere we wished as long as we were accompanied by one of the

aforementioned adults.
"You might think that we would want to escape from our bondage, but we did
not. In fact, we saw it not as bondage, but as protection. From the heights of our
pyramid, we could see the confused and unhappy auras of many of the third
dimensional people below. Our sister, who could no longer remain in her shell of
clay, had sneaked out one evening just before she lost her Earthly reason. We
never told anyone that she had done so, but when we saw her months of agony,
we knew that we would not follow her example.
"Our childhood passed quite pleasantly. The four of us became One in the way
Lux-Uk-Kahn had modeled for us, and at the same time, we retained our
individuality. Our two mothers loved us deeply and also grew to love each other.
They were content and happy in their lives and passed on that aura of love and
contentment to us. Sackatukeneon was our best playmate. He took us with him
on many journeys in the inner worlds. We moved beyond time and space to visit
different planes and time frames.
"One of our favorite trips was to Atlantis, the home of our ancestors. We visited
with our past selves, in their night bodies, so as not to alarm them, and learned our
Atlantian lessons directly from the source. We quickly recognized that the fall of
the Atlantian Empire was not unlike the present state of our Maya world. The four
of us had worked together on Atlantis on a mission similar to the one we had
accepted on Maya. However, Sackatukeneon would not inform us of any of the
details of what our mission here would be.
"'Your mission must come to each of you from deep inside yourselves when
you are ready to receive it.'
"It was shortly after that statement that I began to have the dreams. I was
reaching my manhood and hoped that the dreams symbolized a deep change in
me. I was afraid, however, that the dreams were somehow a part of my mission.
The dreams were not good. In fact, they were actually nightmares. Strange
creatures with four legs and hair on their faces were invading our land. Their
heads were made of a strange metal that I had not seen before, except on my
travels with my father. These creatures were Lords of Fire. They had large sticks
which emitted a fire that would hurt or kill anyone in its path. They also had a
dragon that they pulled with large four-legged animals. This dragon had a fire
much stronger than the sticks.
"'We must leave, we must leave!'
"I would awaken morning after morning with these words screaming in my head
or in my voice. Sometimes I would wake myself up with my own voice. The other
three, who slept in the same room, grew weary of my nightly cries and begged me
to be quiet so that they could sleep. They told no one else, though. The four of us
had established a special trust in which none of us would ever speak for another.
Anything that happened between the four of us was an absolute secret, even from
our Earth family. Sackatukeneon knew about our special agreement, as he could
read it in our minds. He said nothing. He only nodded as if to encourage us.
Once he even said, 'You four must be as one. Nothing must infiltrate your group

"At last, however, after many nights of my screaming, the three gathered
around me in the dead of the night. As one person, they said, 'We can no longer
bear to see you suffer. We are afraid that you may have become like our sister
that we had to release from her clay form.'
"'Yes,' I replied. 'I too have that fear. But, when I am not dreaming, my reason
is still with me. Perhaps it is time to share my dreams with you. Maybe you can
help me. We are becoming adults now. The dreams may be a product of my
maturing vision.'
"They agreed and listened intently while I relayed the overall theme of my
recurring dreams. My worst fear was realized. Each one of them, in their own
time, registered a look of recognition upon their face. I knew that they too had had
the dreams, only not as extreme. The visions were not of the end of my own
personal life, but rather, the end of the entire society!
"'Yes,' they answered me one by one, I too, have had that dream. What will
we do? We must tell someone, but who?'
"After much discussion we decided that we would first tell Sackatukeneon. He
was the most detached from the Mayan Society. We decided that because of that
fact, he could be more objective. It took a full cycle of the moon before the time
was right to share our story with Sackatukeneon. Fortunately, my dreams ceased
after I had shared them with my brother and sisters. In fact, we had almost
decided to keep it to ourselves, when Sackatukeneon told us a story about a race
of people who lived across the wide body of land and the waters who rode upon an
animal called a 'horse.'
"'Then that is not their own legs?' blurted out my brother Hegsteomen."
"Sackatukeneon merely said, 'Continue children, or must I now call you adults?'
"'Yes, yes, we are adults now. And we have all had the same vision.
Tutenakqua kept us awake for many nights with his dreams. Finally, we spoke to
him about what all of us had seen in our dreams. These horse people are horrible
barbarians and will lead our society into ruin.'
"'My children, our society, as you have called it, has already led itself into ruin.
All things must eventually die upon the third dimension, even the Great Maya!'
"'But what can we do?' we replied at once.
"'Come now,' he said, as he rose. 'We must tell this to your three father priests.
They have been waiting for you to be ready.'
"And so began our initiations. Even though we had never had much interaction
with the society of the Maya, it was the Land of our Mothers. Our Arcturian fathers
had hinted about our "destiny," but would not answer any questions which we had
"'You must find the answers within yourself,' they always said.
"Our fathers came to us very often now and took us to Venus or Arcturus. They
showed us how to bend time and space and to find Portals of travel. We were no
longer children on an adventure, but inter-dimensional pilots in training.
Sometimes we made our journey in a vehicle and sometimes we made the journey

in our minds. To make the journey in our minds was very difficult because we had
to raise our vibratory rate to the seventh dimension in order to travel without a
vehicle. Only Hopenakaniah and I could do it without our fathers' assistance. This
was the first time that any of us were different from the others and it worried us
"'Do not fear,' spoke my Arcturian father. 'There are sprinters who run very,
very fast, but they can not run for a very long time. Then there are others who
cannot run as fast, but they have great endurance and can keep a steady pace for
a long distance. Tutenakqua and Hopenakaniah are the sprinters. Hegsteomen
and Leatunika are the long distance runners. All is as it should be. The four of
you are a team, as always.'
"My father's words comforted us, but our team of four gradually became two
teams of two. The sprinters and the runners had different lessons.
"And then there was sex. Even though sex had been explained to us as
children, we didnt really understand it. But now, it had become an urge, a hunger.
Again it was the two teams of two, but there was no rivalry or jealousy. As usual,
Sackatukeneon was the first to notice. All four of us were with him and he spoke in
"'Some foods are to be taken every day in the most casual and necessary way.
Other foods, however, are power tools and should only be taken in ritual.'
"Although he was above the vibration of a sexual urge, he understood that our
mothers were third dimensional and we would inherit their needs. He showed us
how we could use our sexuality to raise our vibration and to travel above time and
space together upon our mutual orgasms.
"'This is not a toy!' he warned us. 'There is great power in this act. It can lower
your vibration as easily as it can raise it.'
"Our sleeping room of four was changed to two rooms of two with two sleeping
mats instead of four. The sisters drank a special drink every morning so that we
would not create a child.
"'You four will create something much more necessary than another Mayan
baby to be killed by the invaders.'
"Sackatukeneon's words sobered us. We had always had special privileges
because we had a special responsibility. We must not shirk it! As we became
sexual, things began to change for us. Our teachers allowed us the freedom and
pleasure of being sexual 'adults' for three cycles of the moon. Then we were
summoned, all at once, to a special meeting with our three father Priests, our
Arcturian fathers, Sackatukeneon and our two caretaker mothers.
"'It is time now for your final initiation.' Sackatukeneon was speaking, much to
our surprise. 'I see that you are surprised that I speak for the group gathered
before you,' continued Sackatukeneon. 'It is I who speak because I know you the
best and because it is I who initiated and engineered the entire process of your
births. I have presented myself to you as a servant because I am a servant to your
needs and because 'the first shall be the last.' The Dark Ones must not know who
I am, and I have shown you that power is something to hold and not something to
display. I have not kept a secret from you. If any had asked who I was, I would
have told them. However, I was presented to you as a humble servant and you

never inquired why I should hold all the powers that I have displayed and taught
you. It has been my responsibility to teach you the most important lesson that you
will need to successfully pass the initiation that lies before you. Power is safest in
a simple form. If you can hold your power deep within yourself without the need of
recognition and adulation from others, your power shall remain incorruptible.'
"'You have seen how the Dark Ones will surrender being powerful in order to
look powerful. This is because they are ruled by others rather than by themselves.
Because they need others to recognize them, they must also gather their power
from others. They have distorted the lessons of our homeland, Arcturus. They
dropped their vibration to seek acclaim and were unable to raise it again. Once
you need something from outside of yourself, you lose the connection to your
greatest powers that lie inside. It is important that you learn this lesson now
because your initiation will be to go out into the very community from which we
have protected you for your entire life. We know that you are ready because you
have all passed the challenge of sexuality.'
"We questioned all at once what he meant by that statement.
"'When one becomes a sexual being, he/she ignites the creative force. This
creative force can either rise up the spine to the higher chakras to be channeled
into service of the Light, or it can remain in the animal self. Animals in the jungle
use their sexuality in an instinctual manner and thereby obey the laws of creation
in their acts. However, man, with his uncontrolled thoughts and emotions, can use
sex as a tool of conquest over another person. People can use sex in a
disrespectful or even cruel manner. They may also lust after the partner of another
simply because they desire what they do not possess. You, my children, have not
fallen into that darkness. You have shared your sexual nature either to raise your
consciousness or to play and enjoy each other's essence. Never once did any of
you lust after anyone other than your mate. We are very proud of you for that and
we commend you for your mastery.'
"Then all of our mentors came to each one us and gave us a small gift for our
journey into the third dimensional world. They each gave us a special message
and warm embrace. All of us were crying from joy. It was a beautiful moment
which will always live in our Souls.
"'It is time to go now,' spoke Sackatukeneon.
"'But why must we journey out into that land?' we asked at once.
"'Part of your initiation is to answer that question for yourselves,' was his only
We left our temple sanctuary as naive as children. We told were told to keep our
identity secret at all cost. Then, we were taken blindfolded, as if we couldn't see
with our inner vision, into the jungle surrounding the city of the third dimensionals.
"'Stay in the jungle first,' they warned. 'You will find it easier to cope with than
the city.'
"Then, they stole away from us like ghosts. The four of us stayed huddled
together in the jungle the entire night and well into the next day. The sounds and

sights were terrifying. We had journeyed to distant worlds and planets but were
frightened by the jungle, even though it had surrounded us our entire lives.
"Finally our stomachs forced us to venture into the jungle in search of food. We
found that we could kill no living beings, but the jungle was rich with fruit and roots.
We quickly learned to use our highly developed instincts to determine what food
was edible and what food was poisonous. We ate sparingly of each food until we
were sure that our instincts were correct. We decided that we would spend six
moon cycles in the jungle together and then we would venture into the city
separately for the final six moons of our initiation.
"We had been instructed that, in order to fulfill our destiny, we would have to
experience life on the third dimension, and at last, I was doing so. However, my
fears and pains while in that city are almost too much to recount. The time in the
jungle was beautiful. We four worked as one. We built a shelter in a densely
forested area. We used our skills to camouflage our home and meditated at night
to raise the vibration of our area in order to create safety and invisibility from the
creatures of the darkness. We were able to quickly establish contact with the
fairies, gnomes, elves and other small people of our area. They were our friends
and taught us how to survive in the jungle. In this way we lived the life we were
accustomed to, with our vibration embracing both the third and the fourth
dimensions. Every day we practiced moving our vibration solely into the third
dimension to prepare ourselves for our time in the city.
"To our fear and regret, the day came in which we had to venture alone into the
city, facing the vibrations of many, many people and the effluvial of their myriad
thoughts and feelings. The preparation had not been enough for me. I was not in
the city for more than a few days when I became violently ill from the dissonant
thoughts and feelings of those around me. I knew no one, had no food or shelter,
and was experiencing illness for the first time in my life. I desperately wanted to
put out a telepathic call to my brother and sisters, but we had agreed that we
would experience this last portion of our initiation alone. Finally, on the third day of
my illness, when I had only eaten and drunk what I could steal, an old woman
found me huddled in a small alcove at the end of an alleyway. She seemed to
recognize me and led me to her nearby home.
"I do not remember what happened in the ensuing days. I think that I was
delirious. The old woman cared for me and kept me in her home. She told her
neighbors that I was a distant cousin from another town who had shown up at her
doorway unexpectedly and that I had become ill. We were left alone. I don't know
what I said to her while I was ill, but I could see in her eyes when I finally
recovered that she knew more about me than I could remember telling her. She
never questioned me or limited me in any way. She only said one day that she
had been waiting for me for many years. She would explain no more. This home
served as my base for the rest of my time in the city and this lovely old woman
served as a mother to me.
"When I became well, my first task was to learn to protect myself from the
emanations of others. I had spent my entire life learning to be open and empathic.
My life was completely sheltered, and I had been exposed to only those who had
mastered their thoughts and feelings. Now I was in a sea of psychic turbulence

and I had to learn to protect myself if I were to survive. Gradually, I exposed

myself to more and more of the city around me until, at last, I could protect myself
enough to find a job. My new-found mother had told me that people had to do
work here to get food. This was one of the many times that I felt she knew about
me. But we had an unspoken agreement to not discuss her private life or my own.
"On the first day on my job as a peddler in the marketplace, I saw a murder. I
had never experienced even the concept of murder. Therefore, when I saw a man
kill another over some small possession, I was shocked. I saw the dead man's life
force hovering over the spot of his body's death for many days. Others walked
right through the essence and didn't even know that it was there. I was
determined not to communicate with it, as my new-found skill of psychic protection
was not perfected and I dared not release my psychic shield. Also, the ghost was
very angry and vengeful. I could not risk my mission over one angry discarnate.
"The six moons dragged on for what felt like a lifetime. I found myself having
thoughts and feelings that I had never known existed. Fear, anger, sadness,
loneliness, negativity and confusion crowded my heart and mind. It became
increasingly difficult to determine if these experiences were mine or someone
else's. My psychic shield grew thinner and thinner until it seemed to not exist at
all. I gained weight because eating became a way to distract myself from what
was happening around and within me. My body had other changes as well. It
seemed denser and slower. I no longer had the mastery over it that I had had in
the sheltered home of my childhood. And worst of all, I began to forget who I was.
"Every morning I would awaken more and more disassociated from my true self
and more embedded in the small person who toiled all day in the marketplace. I
saw concern on my new mother's face. She talked often of how she met me as if
to keep my memory alive. One morning, when she was trying to remind me of
who I had been, I threw a cup across our small living quarters, barely missing the
dear woman.
"'I don't know what you need me to be!' I screamed in rage and confusion.
"She calmly picked up the cup, refilled it and placed it in front of me again.
"'My dear boy, I only wish you to remember who you are.'
"Her words stunned me like a slap across my face. Remember who I am?
Remember who I am? Yes, there was a reason for my being here. But what was
it? I could hardly think back more than a few days, and even they were as foggy
as if I were drugged. You would think that I would thank this kind woman, wouldn't
you? But I merely rose and stomped from our home like an angry child. All day at
my work I could hardly concentrate. Visions of temples, caverns and three
children's faces swirled in my head. Yes, I had to remember. But I could not. The
images I saw in my mind had no connection to the person that I had become. I
passed the day in the deepest turmoil. Finally, it was time to close the stand when
a beautiful young woman came to buy from me.
"'We are closed.' I yelled at her as if she were a beggar.
"Her eyes were sweet and clear and she looked directly into my heart. I could
not resist her gaze and opened the stand again. She bought what she had come
for and turned to leave.

"'Wait,' I called to her. 'Please don't leave yet. Let me close up and I will walk
you home. It is almost dark and it is unsafe for a woman as beautiful as you.'
"'How do I know that it will be safe to be with you?' she asked, with a glint in her
deep brown eyes.
"'Why, I am of the Royal Family, of course you are safe with me.' I was
shocked and embarrassed at what I had said, but a memory began to form in my
mind that I had lost. It was another child's face. It was my sister's face, the one
whom we had released. I looked at the woman before me. Would my sister have
looked like her if she could have survived her explorations of the third
dimensionals? And then, as if a lightening bolt had hit my mind, I remembered. I
did not remember all, but the fog began to clear and I could see visions of purity
waiting at the edges of my mind.
"I looked up at the woman. How long had I stared off into my reverie of
remembering? Her face showed a slight concern, but she did not ridicule my
"'Then come, my Lord, and see me home.' She smiled warmly, almost as if
she believed me.
"As we walked to her home at the edge of the city she talked lightly about her
life. Her family had just arrived in this city. They were very poor and had come to
find a better life. Her mother and father and little brothers and sisters greeted me
like a long-lost friend. It was then that we realized that we had not exchanged
names. We had felt so comfortable from the moment that we began to walk, that
introductions seemed unnecessary. Her name was Lenexa and I think that I
started loving her from that very first day.
"She began bringing me my noon meal and eating it with me. She would save
her shopping for the end of the day and I would walk her home. If there were
anything left over in my booth, I would bring it to her family. I would, of course,
save some for my dear adopted mother. When she first met Leneah, she
embraced her warmly. She knew that this woman was my savior.
"As my memory began to return, I told Leneah a continuous story about a
mythical character who was really myself. She loved the story and every day
asked for more. I told her everything, except of course, for the secret doctrines of
the Maya. It was not too long before we made love. It was very different than
making love to Hopenakaniah. With Leneah, it was sweet and loving and
grounding. Every time we had an orgasm, we would go deep into the earth
together. We were like two trees with our roots deep in the earth. I tried to find the
herb so that she would not have a child, but she said that she wanted to have my
"'But I cannot take you as my wife. I have to leave soon.'
"'We will meet again,' she always replied.
"My time in the city was coming to an end, and to my surprise, I found that I did
not want to leave. I had grown to love Leneah in a calm and simple way. I loved
Hopenakaniah like a part of myself, but I loved Leneah like a tree would love its
roots or a plant would love its flower. How could I leave her? She had saved my
life! Could I just abandon her? But could I abandon my purpose? I didn't know
what my purpose was. Leneah had taught me how to love life in the third


dimension and now I would have to leave it, probably forever. I would have to
leave her! I became more and more distracted. Our lovemaking became
desperate and deeply passionate until one time, we did not go deep into the earth,
but instead, rose into the higher planes like I had done with Hopenakaniah. I saw
her as a winged angel and she saw me as a God from another world. When at
last we returned to Earth, she looked into my eyes with her deep wisdom.
"'It is time for you to leave now. We will meet again. Go now, Beloved, while I
still have the strength to send you away.'
"I tried to stay, but she would not let me. She literally pushed me away from
her. I realized that I was crying, as was she.
"'Go Home!' she cried. 'Don't make me say it again.'
"She turned and ran away from me. Every muscle in my body wanted to follow
her. But, as always, she was right. The six months were over by more than a
week. I slowly walked home and kissed my dear adopted mother goodbye. I had
some tokens of value that I had saved.
"'Please give half to Leneah and watch over her as you have watched over me.
I must leave.'
"As usual, she did not question. She understood. I turned and left her in the
small shack which I had grown to love.
"I waited for three long days and nights and still my brother and sisters had not
joined me. Perhaps they had forgotten like I had. They may not have been as
fortunate as me in finding someone to take care of them or to make them
remember. Maybe they were even dead. I searched for them in my mind like we
did as children. As children we would play a game like your hide and seek, but we
would search with our minds. The rules were that we could only look for each
other inside ourselves. We had one chance to go to a hiding place. We became
very good. We could find and contact each other at any time no matter how far
apart we were. We had started this game after our sister was released. What a
brave soul she had been. It was the vision of her that had made me remember. I
had often wondered if Leneah was her reincarnation. If that were true, perhaps
she could also find the others and help them as well.
"Another day passed and still no sign of them. Maybe they had already been
there and left. I had been late, myself. But if I went to the temple without them,
then they might wait here for me. I was frozen with indecision. I decided to call my
Arcturian father to ask for his counsel. For all of my life, he had been there, either
in person or in thought, with the simplest call of my mind. However, this time it
was different. I called and called to him with no response. What had happened?
Had I lowered my vibration so much that I could no longer communicate with my
family? Had I forgotten how to call him? Perhaps that was why I could not find my
brother and sisters. Desperation and fear were starting to arise in me. I knew that
if I allowed my emotions to get the better of me that I would never be able to reach
him. But I tried and tried and there was no reply. Finally, I decided that I would
have to travel to Arcturus and find him. I knew that I would have to meditate for a
long time in order to raise my vibration into the seventh octave so that I could
journey Home in my mind. I had never gone to Arcturus alone. I had always gone


with my father or with Hopenakaniah during our sexual mating. Would I be able to
raise my vibration that high without the assistance of others?
"I decided not to ponder that question, since it would only create doubt and
fear. I found a favorite meditation spot in the crook of a large tree that I had often
used when we lived in the jungle. I expected a peace and calm to overtake me in
this spot as it had always done before, but it did not happen. My mind was closed.
My heart was empty. I had not meditated in many months and now I had forgotten
how. Negativity, anger and fear closed me off from that higher portion of myself. I
tried and tried to raise my vibration, but nothing worked. My eyes flew open and
the world around me that had been safe and protective became a dense and
threatening jungle. In a rage, I grabbed a large stone and began to beat the earth
in front of me. A hole began to form. I pounded more and more, harder and
harder. The hole became larger and larger until finally, in exhaustion, I lay back
against the tree and closed my eyes.
"And then I saw that same hole, only it was in my mind. It was calling me to
enter it. It was dark and foreboding, but it would not leave my consciousness. I
needed to journey down to the depths of myself. I had to enter that hole and follow
its winding route deep into the core of my anguished mind. Many pictures and
feelings of my life with the third dimensionals swirled before and within me,
interrupting my journey. I found that if I put my attention on any of these
distractions that I would become trapped in their mire. The hole wound deeper
and deeper into my psyche, and in fact, into my physical form. I began to realize
that I was journeying into the cellular structure of my physical form. The deeper I
traveled, the smaller everything became. I was no longer three dimensional. I was
two dimensional and then I was a speck of one dimensionality.
"And then everything stopped. I was at a wall within myself. I needed to break
through that wall. I couldn't let it stop me. I was more. I knew that I was more.
With the force of my convictions, I pushed through the wall and found that I was in
deep outer space. I saw the stars about me.
"'I AM LIGHT!' I cried with exaltation. 'I AM LIGHT AND I AM OF THE ONE!'
"I went back into the long hole again, spreading the message to every cell and
atom of myself.
"I allowed that message into every portion of being. There is no separation. We
are all of the One. None are too grand or too small. Darkness is an illusion. Pain
is an illusion. Loneliness is an illusion. SEPARATION IS AN ILLUSION!
"I concentrated upon my breath and my heart and felt complete, unconditional
love and unity with all life. Slowly I raised this expanded awareness to my head
and sent a beam of light down my spine to anchor myself in the Earth. I felt the
tree around me reverberate to the increased energy flowing from my presence. I
thanked the tree for its ancient protection. Little did I know how much I would need
"At first, my meditation was much like the many I had throughout my life. The
external world faded away and all the illusions of life, even my journey into the city,
began to fade from me. But then suddenly, I found myself in the most awful place
of darkness that I had ever experienced. The only thing that I could recognize


about it was the murder that I had witnessed on my first day in the marketplace.
Angry and needy ghosts and discarnates pulled at me and beckoned me into their
lair. My solar plexus was burning and I reached out to grasp the tree to protect me
further, but the enemy was not in the physical--it was in the Lower Astral Plane. It
was the psychic waste can of life on the third dimension. I had never before
experienced it, as I had always been protected from any negativity of the physical
world. Therefore, I had passed through this area of the inner worlds protected by
my lack of experience. I had not had the experiences in my life that could have
even made me recognize the possibility of such a world. Now I had had those
experiences and they all flashed before my mind at once, accompanied by all the
negative thinking and unpleasant emotions that I had experienced and observed.
"I began to feel ill and wanted to come out of this awful place. However, I knew
that I must not allow my fear of becoming trapped to close me off from the higher
dimensions forever. This must have been the reason why they had wanted us to
live in the city. We had to experience the darkest portions of ourselves in order to
complete our mission, of which I was still unsure. My thoughts of our mission
brought me courage and I began to battle the darkness. But as I battled it, I found
that the darkness was infinite and for every portion of it I conquered, there was
more to take its place. I was beginning to lose the battle. I could feel myself
becoming drained of my essence. The darkness was stealing my light. But wait, I
had to remind myself why I had not experienced this darkness before. Yes, it was
because I had not known darkness in my life. This darkness could attack me only
through my own inner darkness.
"With that realization, the battle waned for a moment, just long enough for me
to gather myself about me. Yes, me. There was more to me than this darkness.
There was Love and Wisdom and Power. I recalled to my mind all the beautiful
memories of my life and loved them from my very core. With that love I found the
power and wisdom to also love the darkness. It too was just a part of me. Yet, it
was a part from which I had always been shielded, as well as and a part that had
to be explored for me to be a complete being. With my heart open, I began to
send love to all the angry and terrifying entities that sought to do battle with me.
Some of them turned from the light and sulked away like a wild beast that had lost
its kill. Others embraced the light and rose to higher dimensions. As they rose, so
did I. At last I was in the higher Astral Plane. All the fairies, gnomes and little
people welcomed me and congratulated me on my victory. They led me through
the beautiful green fields of the upper Astral Plane. Everywhere was constant
beauty and an aura of spring.
" I recognized some of them and found some that I had not met. I continued
into the Mental Plane. I was careful to guard my every thought and feeling,
knowing that they would instantly manifest before me. Finally, I found myself at
the Portal to the Causal Plane. All my lives upon the planet Earth rushed to meet
"I then journeyed into the Spiritual Plane and saw the moment of my
individuation from Creation. I embraced my monad, the portion of myself that is
eternally a speck of Creation. Then I moved into the Great Void. All was totally
black. I sought the Corridor to the fifth dimension and at last found it. As I entered


the tunnel I felt it swirling about me. I saw the face of the guardian of the
Threshold and rested upon the deep, green grass. I found that I had to rest there
within the "no-time" and "no-space" to gather myself for the rest of my journey.
Why was I tired? Was it because I was making this journey alone for the first
time? Was that why I felt so overwhelmingly lonely?
"The Guardian smiled at my questioning and led me to a small group of beings
who were making the same journey as myself. I could see that some were in their
night body, some were meditating, like me, and some were in-between lives and in
the process of discovering their greater selves. Yet, even in the company of this
lovely group, my loneliness did not fade. I excused myself from the group and
began to wander around. Wandering in the higher planes is quite different than on
the physical plane because reality constantly shifts according to your thoughts and
feelings. I felt a call for someone feminine and then a lovely woman came to me.
She brought me to a beautiful pond with a waterfall at the opposite end. Even then
my loneliness did not dim, and in fact, it became more intense.
"My guide smiled and beckoned me in a wordless motion to look into the pond.
As I did so, I saw something, or was it someone, flicker just beyond my vision. I
had to follow it. Without another thought, I dove into the pond and swam in search
of it. The waterfall called me. I followed the call. The pool was not deep and there
were layers of rock upon which the water fell. I found that I could stand upon these
rocks, and I walked straight into the waterfall. As the water cleansed my face, my
vision cleared, and I saw, standing before me, my Twin Fame, my Divine
Complement. All my loneliness vanished as we embraced each other and merged
into one.
"'How could I have forgotten you?' I cried.
"'I have not forgotten you,' she replied, from deep within our heart.
"I was no longer alone. I was complete. Now I was ready to find the Vortex to
Arcturus. I attuned my consciousness to the Network of Light, which I had been
shown long ago by my father. I felt the field of Light reverberating all around and
within me. I focused my attention upon my Third Eye and saw the two vertical and
two horizontal lines of Light intersect, forming a small square, and stared deeply
into the space in-between. Slowly, I saw the Vortex off in the far distance. As it
approached me and I approached it, the spin of the Vortex became stronger and I
found myself being pulled into it. It swirled around me, over me, under me, and
through me. I was within the vortex and it was within me. And then off in the
distance of no-space, I saw the face of my father. I was instantly filled with the
euphoria of reunion. We embraced forever within the no-time of the Vortex.
"'My son, I am very proud of you. You have come to me on your own. And,
you have become a complete person. I bow to your accomplishment.'
"I was filled with humility and honor, as my father was not one to easily give
compliments. I wanted to ask him about my brother and sisters but he waved his
hand and said,
"'First come with me to Arcturus. I think that then all your questions will be
Remember now, my son, to ignite your merkaba, the two
superimposed tetrahedrons which form a multidimensional six-pointed star.'


"I found my internal merkaba and as I stepped into it with my consciousness, it

surrounded my entire form. In a flash we were on Arcturus.
"My brother and sisters were there to greet me. We held each other so closely
that we became one being. Finally, my father called for us to follow him into the
Temple of Initiation. Travel on Arcturus is a multidimensional experience. One
must focus all thoughts and feelings into a unified purpose. Always before, my
father would surround us with his energy to keep us on track. But now that we had
reached our maturity, he left each of us to find our own way. I was curious to hear
my brother and sisters' experiences, but I needed to concentrate on my first solo
journey on Arcturus.
"The Temple of Initiation slowly rose before us. It was beautiful beyond all
earthly words. We had never been taken there before and were all awe-struck by
its magnificence. Huge golden doors opened to welcome us and a glittering
pathway of an unknown substance showed us the way. The Arcturian fathers of
my brother and sisters were waiting just inside the doorway. They waved us on
without them.
"'This is for your honor,' they stated all at once.
"The four of us followed the glimmering pathway to the Alter of the One. A
huge being of light sat upon a throne and called us forward. As we knelt before
him, he placed a Mantle of Light upon our heads. Instantly our vibrations
accelerated, the room dimmed, and we were gone. Where we went and what we
learned there is not to be spoken of, only experienced. But when we returned, we
were ready to go back to the Earth to complete our mission. We had learned from
our journey that we were to open a Portal of Ascendance for the Mayans who had
completed their service and were ready to return to their various Homeworlds.
The time of Mayan power was coming to a close. The invaders that I had seen in
my dreams, what seemed like a lifetime ago, were coming and all would be lost,
except for what was hidden or stored in code. It was time for us to return. Many
preparations had to be made on Earth.
"When we returned to our temple life, everything was different. We had faced
all our inner darkness and expanded our consciousness beyond the reach of any
of the Dark Ones. We held no negativity toward them, as all has a purpose. Each
cycle upon the third dimension must come to a close, and so it was with the Maya.
We neither ignored nor confronted the Dark Ones because to confront the
darkness merely causes an alignment that can pull one into it.
If anyone dared to intercede in our endeavors, we simply raised our vibration
beyond what they could perceive with their third dimensional perception. At last
we were ready and the time was nigh. With our distant vision, we could see the
conquerors sailing toward our Mayan home. I thought of Leneah and my adopted
mother and wondered if they would hear the silent call to return Home to their
higher selves.
"Hopenakaniah and I were to open the Portal, and Leatunika and Hegsteomen
were to hold the Portal open and be the last to travel through it. It was their job to


close the passage just as it was our job to open it. None of us had spoken of our
time in the city with the third dimensionals. It was the only secret that we had ever
kept. I never discovered how they had traveled to Arcturus or even if they had had
such a hard and wonderful time in the city as I had. I think that Hopenakaniah had
also found love, as there was something in her that struck that familiar chord of lost
"Finally, the day arrived for our ceremony. We had practiced it over and over
and felt confident in our roles. We had sent out the silent call for seven days and
seven nights. It was the highest of ceremonial days, so the Dark Ones were not
suspicious of our intentions. We donned our ceremonial costumes and the four of
us ascended the thirteen stairs to the highest apex of our most sacred pyramid.
Hopenakaniah and I were in front and Leatunika and Hegsteomen followed us.
With every stair that we ascended our vibration rose higher and higher so that
when we reached the Altar, we could barely stay anchored in our third dimensional
forms. We felt the confusion of many of the Dark Ones as we disappeared to their
vision. But their pride did not allow them to admit that they could no longer see us.
"Hopenakaniah and I had made love many times, but this was to be different.
This was not for ourselves but for the awakened ones of Maya. We began our
ritual while the Priests around us chanted the Sacred name of our Sun -- KEIN.
The chanting grew louder and louder as our spiritual/sexual energies rose up our
spines merging our male and female energies into ONE. At the exact moment that
the first rays of the rising Sun struck our Altar, we pulled all theses energies into
our ONE Heart and surrendered it to KEIN.
"Instantly the Portal into the fifth dimension opened. Again, the four became
two teams of two, and the many who passed through the Portal became ONE. I
saw many familiar faces from the temple and from my life in the city. And yes,
there was Leneah, pregnant with my child, and her family, which now included my
adopted mother. As they passed through the Portal, they shed their three
dimensional forms and expanded into their true bodies of light. The child of
Leneah and I became a small being of light which was held closely by his mother.
I smiled and realized that, indeed, Leneah had been the reincarnation of our lost
sister. At last, all that could hear the silent call had passed through the Portal, and
my brother and sister entered and closed the vortex behind them. We had
completed our mission!
I give you this message now in the hopes that it will stimulate your
remembering, for the mission which we have completed, is just beginning for


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