Julia Koslovski Branco - Resume

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Jlia Koslovski Branco

Brazilian, +55 61 9988-9238

Academic Background
Student of Media and Journalism / UnB (2015 not yet complete);
Student of Computer Engineering / UniCEUB (2015 not yet complete);
2-year Degree in Web Design & Graphic Design / SOS Computadores
Capacitao Profissional (2013).
Main Qualifications

Designer with four years of professional work as freelancer.

Large experience working with the following softwares: Photoshop (advanced level),
Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Corel Draw.
Experience in programming for Web using HTML5 and CSS languages.
Solid knowledge of Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows.
Experience with writing creative compositions.

Professional Background

Freelancer designer (2011 to present)

Main Responsibilities:
Responsible for creating logos, business cards and folders for business, brands and
individual professionals. Most of the projects are hand-made (using techniques with
pencil, watercolor and ink) or created using Adobe Creative Suite Software. The goal
is to make the best visual identity to the client and make his business stand out in the


1st place on SINEPE/DFs Essay Contest
Essay selected to be published on the book Em palavrasIn palabrasIn Words.
Contest promoted by Folha Dirigida Newspaper and Fundao Biblioteca Nacional.

Admissions on Universitys (4-year Degree)

1st place on Systems Analysis / Centro Universitrio de Braslia - UniCEUB
2nd place on Computer Engineering / Centro Universitrio de Braslia - UniCEUB
8th place on Media and Journalism / Universidade de Braslia - UnB
Computer Engineering / Pontficia Universidade Catlica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-RIO
5th place on Software Engineering / Universidade Federal de Gois - UFG
Telecommunications Engineering / Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF


Portuguese Fluent (Native Language)

English Advanced
Spanish Intermediate

Additional Information

In 2016 I will move to Washigton DC to improve my study of Media and Web


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