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Awareness Poster Grading Rubric


Visual Content

Multiple visual elements are

included on the poster,
showing an exceptional level
of student creativity and
effectively conveying the
reality of the human
trafficking issue in the region

A few visual elements are

included on the poster that
effectively convey the reality
of the human trafficking
issue in the region selected.

Visual elements are present

on the poster but do not
effectively convey the reality
of human trafficking, or they
are from a region other than
the one being presented.

No visual content is
presented on the
awareness poster.

Text Content

Many accurate facts about

human trafficking in the
region are displayed on the
poster, including statistics,
historical contexts, and firstperson accounts.

Several accurate facts about

human trafficking in the
region are displayed on the

Facts presented on the

poster are incomplete,
inaccurate or ineffective.

No statistics or facts about

human trafficking are
included on the poster.


Poster includes 4-5

accurately calculated
statistics or probability
statements and calculations
are provided on a separate
document. All sources of data
are cited.

Poster includes 2-3

accurately calculated
statistics or probability
statements and calculations
are provided on a separate
document. Most sources of
data are cited.

Poster includes less than 2

accurately calculated
statistics or probability
statements and calculations
are provided on a separate
document. Some sources of
data are cited.

Poster includes incorrectly

calculated statistics or
probability statements and
calculations are provided
on a separate document.
None of the sources of
data are cited.


Spelling, capitalization and

grammar are correct
throughout the entire poster.

There are a couple errors in

spelling, capitalization and
grammar but they do not
interfere with the
comprehension of the

Multiple errors in spelling,

capitalization and grammar
are present throughout the
poster, interfering with
comprehension of the

Errors in spelling,
capitalization and
grammar are countless
and render the project
completely unreadable.

Poster Layout

Poster is on a 22x28 size

poster board or tri-fold
display board

Poster is on a poster board

smaller than 22x28

Poster is on computer paper

or construction paper.

Poster is on notebook
paper or another
unacceptable format

Some use of
color and diagrams
but lacking variety.
Poster is
engaging but not

Very little use

of colors and
diagrams, insufficient
to capture or keep


Poster is
interesting, engaging
and visually
Exciting use of

Bland, no
Black-andwhite used almost

a variety of color,
diagrams, images and
text to capture viewer


Boring to
look at

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