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Philosphy Statement

By Jill Ratto
EDUC 201
Foundations of Education
Instructor: Egbert

Education, is like a photographer taking pictures. When a person is taking

pictures, they must constantly change the setting on the camera, so that the picture will
turn out the best. A photograph has to change the setting because what works for one
picture, may not work for another picture. Just like teaching, each student has a different
learning style, so a teacher must use different teaching styles, so the student will end up
doing their best. Sometimes picture are fuzzy, and unclear. When teaching the students
may find what you are teaching, to be unclear, the teacher must find a way to teach so
that the student understands.
There is not a single philosophy in the book the best describes my personality. I
am the kind of person who likes to take different ideas, from all over the place. So my
personality is a combination of all of the philosophies. Although, I have a combination of
the philosophies, there are a few philosophies that I think fit the best, they are
Perennialism, Essentialism, and Progressivism. There are aspects within each of these
philosophies that I think teachers should use. I believe that teachers need to teach the
classics, but they also need to bring in modern works. I believe that they should teach the
essentials for basic knowledge, but they also need to focus on the students interest.
As with everything, one way will not work the same with everyone, which is why
I took different ideas from, different basic philosophies. That being said, according to my
beliefs, all schools should teach the classics just like it states in Perennialism, but with a
mix of modern works. Schools should have your basic math, science, and history, which
is stated in Essentialism, but they should also teach classes like art, music, and theater.
As it is stated in progressivism, schools need to teach a little of what interests the

students, and teach how to be productive citizens. This would allow everyone
opportunities to find something that interests them.
The teacher has many different roles. According to the Perennialism, the
teachers role is to directly instruct the great works of literature and art, along with other
core curricula. With essentialism, a teachers role is to teach the core of basic knowledge,
they are to teach a practical focus, rather than social policy. A progressivism teacher is to
help develop personal and social values so that they can become thoughtful, productive
citizens. With a combination of these the teachers role is to, teach the classics with
modern things, the basic skills with other interest, and to teach how to be a better person.
With that, the students role is to passive listener, active thinker, listen and learn trust
that the teacher knows best. Which is clearly obvious from the Perennialism,
essentialism and progressivism philosophies.
I learn best by hands on or experiences, and by reading. I have discovered that my
learning styles depend on what I am trying to learn, but for the most part I am a very
visual learner. Subjects should be taught in a way where every different learning style
can be meet. For example, you can a lecture but also have a visual, weather, its words or
pictures. Then after the lecture have a sort of hands on activity. The students should
partially decide the teaching style, because you wouldnt teach a 1st grader the same way
as a college student. The other factor in deciding the teaching style, would be the
curriculum. This is stated in each of the philosophies, I stated earlier.
A philosophy of education defines the purpose and focus of an educational
institution. Therefore, certain aspects of the perennialism, essentialism, and
progressivism philosophies, are important to the governance of my life.

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