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Teorias de Relaes Internacionais I

CRAVINHO, Joo Gomes Vises do mundo : as relaes internacionais e o mundo
contemporneo. Lisboa : Imprensa de Cincias Sociais, 2002. [BP 327 CRA]
CRITICAL theorists and international relations. Edited by Jenny Edkins and Nick
Vaughan-Williams. New York, : Routledge, 2009.
HANDBOOK of international relations. Edited by Walter Carlsnaes ; Thomas Risse ;
Beth Simmons. London : Sage Publications, 2005. [BP 327 HAN]
INTERNATIONAL relations : critical concepts in political science. Edited by Andrew
Linklater. London : Routledge, 2000. 5 vols. [BP 327 SLE]
INTERNATIONAL relations in Europe : traditions, perspectives and destinations. Edited by
Knud Erik Jrgensen and Tonny Brems Knudsen. London ; New York, NY : Routledge,
INTERNATIONAL relations theory for the twenty-first century : an introduction . Edited by
Martin Griffiths. London ; New York : Routledge, 2007.
JACKSON, Robert ; SORENSEN, Georg Introduction to international relations :
theories and approaches. 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003. [BP 327 JAC]
NOGUEIRA, Joo Pontes ; NIZAR Messari Teoria das relaes internacionais :
correntes e debates. 2 reimp. Rio de Janeiro : Elsevier/Editora Campus, 2005. [BP 327
THEORIES of international relations. Scott Burchill [et al.] 3rd ed. rev. and upd..
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. [BP 327 THE]
WEBER, Cynthia International relations theory : a critical introduction. London :
Routledge, 2001. [BP 327 WEB]

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