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Microsoft Excel 2007

Excel 2007 File Formats

Using Templates
Workbooks and Worksheets
Excel and the Cell
Viewing and Printing

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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007


EXCEL WORKBOOK (*.xlsx). Use when there are no macros or VBA code.
EXCEL MACRO-ENABLED (*xlsm) Save your workbook as this file type when the
workbook contains macros or VBA code.

EXCEL TEMPLATE (*.xltx). Save your workbook as this file type when you need a

EXCEL 97-EXCEL 2003 WORKBOOK (*.xls). Use when you need to share with someone working in a previous version of Excel.

MICROSOFT EXCEL 5.0/95 WORKBOOK (*.xls). Use when you need to share with
someone using Microsoft Excel 5.0. (while the earlier versions of Office share
the same extension - .xls - they are not the same format.

EXCEL MACRO-ENABLED TEMPLATE (*.xltm). Use when you need a template and the
workbook contains macros or VBA.

EXCEL BINARY WORKBOOK (*.xlsb). Save your workbook as this file type when you
have an especially large workbook; this file type will open faster than a very
large Excel Workbook will. Youll still have the new Excel features with this file
type, but not XML.

PDF Microsoft Office has an add-in that allows you to save a file as a PDF document, allowing for cross-compatibility with virtually any operating system or
office suite.

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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007

Installed are from Microsoft
My Templates are templates
that you create and save
Look for Recently used templates for convenience
Microsoft has templates available to download from their
website. Since our Internet
connection is so fast, this
takes no longer than opening a file saved on your computer or on our server.*


From Existing allows you to open an already

formatted document as a new template, ready

to delete old data, add new data without having to recreate

the formatting
*Some templates require validationfollow the prompts to validate. This means that if
you do not have a legally installed version of Office you will not be able to open these

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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007

When you start Excel, you

open a file called a workbook.
Each new workbook comes
with three worksheets.
The Worksheets are where
you enter data. They contain Cells, Columns and
Each worksheet has a name on the sheet tab at the bottom left
of the workbook window.
To add additional worksheets click on the Insert Worksheet Icon,
click on the Home Tab > Cells > Insert > Insert Worksheet or
right-click on one of the worksheet tabs and select Insert
To delete extra worksheets
do the opposite, click on
the Home Tab > Cells > Delete Worksheet, or rightclick and select Delete.
To add or delete more than
one tab at a time, hold down control and click on the number of
tabs you want to add or the specific tabs you want to delete.
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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007

Then right-click on one of the selected tabs and choose Insert or

Excel opens with Sheet1,
Sheet2, and Sheet3. Rename the sheet tabs to
make the information on
each sheet easier to identify.

ames might play a part in a formula. Keep them simple, and

dont use spaces If you need to separate words either make

the first letter capitalized or use an underscore (JanuaryBudget

or January_Budget)
Right-clicking on a tab gives you other options, too, including
adding pre-defined and moving or copying a worksheet to a different place in this
workbook, or to a
different workbook.
You can also make
your worksheets easier to visualize by
changing the color of
the tab.

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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007

In the anatomy of the cell displayed above, you see that there are many different components to a cell.
The Cell Contents that area displayed in the
cell are called the value. The value of a cell
can be text, a date, or a number. What you
see in the cell is what is printed.
The value of a cell can also be the result of a
formula that adds, subtracts, or does other
mathematical calculation.
The contents of cell is shown in the formula
bar. Text will display as text,. A formula will
display in the formula bar as the formula. In
the cell you will see the result of the calculation, the value.

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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007



Columns go from top to bottom on the

worksheet, vertically
Rows go from left to right on the worksheet, horizontally
A cell is the place where one column and
one row meet
Columns and rows have headings:
Each column has an alphabetical heading
at the top.
Each row has a numeric heading.
The Cell Row is the identifier of the vertical position, extending across
the entire range of the sheet from 1 to over 1,000,000!.
The Cell Column is the identifier of the horizontal position, up and down
the entire range of the sheet from A to XFD.
The Cell Location is the coordinates of the cell that is currently the active cell (A3, or XFD10,333).

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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007





Cells are where you enter data in a worksheet. A cell is a placeholder of data,
numbers, formulas, or nothing.
The alphabetical headings on the columns and
the numerical headings on the rows tell you
where you are in a worksheet when you click a
The active cell is the one with a bold black
frame around it.
When you open a new workbook, the first cell
in the upper-left corner of the worksheet you
see is outlined in black, indicating that any
data you enter will go there.
You can enter data wherever you like by clicking any cell in the worksheet
to select the cell.
When you select any cell, it becomes the active cell.
When a cell is active, it is outlined in black, and the headings for the column
and the row in which the cell is located are highlighted.
The Column and Row letters/numbers are
For example, if you select a cell in column
C on row 5:
Column C is highlighted.
Row 5 is highlighted.
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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007

This is named cell C5

The active cell is name is shown in the Name
Box in the upper-left corner of the worksheet..
This is the Cell Reference.
All of these indicators are not too important
when youre right at the very top of the worksheet in the very first few cells. But when you
work further and further down or across the
worksheet, they become necessary.
Its important to know the cell reference if
you need to tell someone where specific data is located in a worksheet.
Suppose, for example, that your mortgage payment, your bonus, or your
raise is located in cell E35 (or cell BF684).
But, mostly, cell references are what comprises formulas, calculations of
some kind involving numbers and math. Math that you do not have to use a
10-key to add yourself.


From the home tab, in the Number Group, click on
the pull-down arrow next to General. This list
shows the basic number formatting options. Cells
in a worksheet can have many different formats:
Formatting a cell is what defines it as text or number, or a few other options. If you are using your
data in a specific cell in a calculation, then it must
be formatted as a number.

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Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007

For more Cell Formatting options, click on the Dialog Box

Launcher, or lick on More Number Formats for further options.



To configure cells to format entered

data as currency select the cells you
wish to format and click the $ symbol
in the numbers group on the Office
Ribbons home tab.
The default format for this button is ACCOUNTING, which
aligns the $ to the left of the cell while the number is aligned to the right of
the same cell. If you select CURRENCY the $ is aligned tight against the number.
The decimal point is always two places for Currency or Accounting.
If a negative number is entered in a cell formatted
for accounting it will be displayed in parenthesis, if
entered in a cell formatted for currency, a minus
sign is appended to the front of the data.


Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007




When entering data, it doesnt set it into the cell until you either press
Enter or Tab.
Enter moves down one row
Tab moves one cell to the right




To enter a date use a slash or a hyphen to separate the parts: 7/16/2008

Excel recognizes this as a date, and assumes the current year, so just entering 7/16 will actually be entered as
7/16/2008 even if you are only viewing the format 16-July.
To change the date format go to the Home Tab > Number and click on the
Pull-down arrow by General.

TIP: To enter todays date, press CTRL and the semicolon together. To enter the current time, press CTRL and SHIFT and the semicolon all at once.
To enter a time, type the numbers, a space, and then a or p for example, 9:00 p. If you put in just the number, Excel recognizes a time and enters it as PM.


Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007

When entering numbers Excel defaults to viewing the number in the cell without the decimal.
To change the number format that is viewed in
the cell, go to the Home Tab > Number Group.
Change by the command buttons in the group,
or use the Dialog Box Launcher for more options.



To enter fractions, leave a space between the whole

number and the fraction. For example,
1 1/8.
To enter a fraction only, enter a zero first. For example, 0 1/4. If you enter 1/4 without the zero, or Excel will interpret the number as a date,
January 4.
Enter a negative number by enclosing it in parentheses. If you type
(100), Excel will display the number as -100.




AutoFill. Enter the months of the year, the days of the

week, multiples of 2 or 3, or other data in a series. To
AutoFill, type n January, February. Click on the grab
handle and drag to the number of cells you want to fill.
Release the mouse to enter the series.


Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007




AutoComplete. If the first few letters you type in a cell match an entry
youve already made in that column, Excel will fill in the remaining characters for you. Just press ENTER when you see them added.

What happens when you have entered the data, but you need to change
You edit letters or numbers by selecting them and then typing something
different. There are two ways to select the cells for editing:
Double-click a cell to edit the data in it.
Click the cell, and then edit the data in the formula bar.
Whats the difference? Your convenience. You may find the formula bar,
or the cell itself, easier to work with.
Whatever you do, when youre all through, remember to press ENTER or
TAB so that your changes stay in the cell.


Excel doesnt work like it does in Word. When you copy or delete a cells
contents, it deletes just that. The formatting (bold, currency, number) remains.
Excel assumes that when you once format a column to number or text,
that is what all content will be.
To remove formatting from a cell you must change it. You cannot delete


Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007

The gray lines you see on a spread sheet do not print. They are called Gridlines. In order to print borders, you must format
You can do this a number of ways.
Select the area you want bordered.
Right-Click on the selection and choose Format
Cells. Or,
Right-Click on the selection and using the MiniToolbar, click on the pull-down arrow to
quickly pick the border you need.

TIP: If you cant remember how to do almost

anything, select it, point at it and Right-Click.
That will bring up a short-cut menu with most
And, TIP WITHIN A TIPMany of the options
you need for most tasks in Windows and Office, that you need to do are going to be available by Right-Clicking.


Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007




It isnt enough to just enter data and write formulas. You have to do something with it, and that something usually involves printing.
Printing in Excel is different than a Word
document where you just click on Print and
away it goes to the printer. In Excel you can
tell it what to print, and how to print.
Say you have a document that has data you
dont want printercolumns or rows that might have data necessary for
calculations, but arent necessary on your pretty spreadsheet.
You can set the Print Area, telling Excel exactly what columns and rows you
want to be on your printed spreadsheet. The settings you need are on the
Page Layout Tab, in the Page Setup and Scale to Fit groups.
If you have too much data to fit on one page, Excel has a Scale to Fit option
that scales the data to fit on the page how you need it (say, 1 page by 1
page), without you having to reformat the
pages manually.
Note that you can also use the Dialog Box
Launcher to open the Page Setup Dialog Box
for this and other options.


Exploring Microsoft Excel 2007


View > Workbook Views > Page Layout
Page Preview is a great way to see exactly what your page will look like when
it is printed. Looking at a spreadsheet is not going to show you that. All of
the nice gridlines (which do not, print, by the way) are great for showing
you each cell, but it gets in the way when you want to see just the data. Excel now provides a way to look at your spreadsheet in an entirely new way.

From here you can also add Headers and Footers. When you click in the
Click to Add Header area, another Tab will appear, Header and Footers

From here there are a whole world of options.

NEXT: Learning Formulas


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