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Simple Sentences

(Independent Clauses)

Anony knows her sentence types, but

she does not study.

Julia knows her sentence types.

She eats a lot, but she is thin.

Julia and Maya know their sentence


We could eat pizza, or we could eat


Even though the giraffe has a long

neck, he cant eat mushrooms.
The giraffe cant eat mushrooms even
though he has a long neck.
The giraffe likes mushrooms that are
The giraffe likes people who eat

D, I.
I D.


D, I, cc I
I D, cc I
I, cc I D

We could eat pizza, or we could eat

cake since we all are hungry.
Even though the giraffe has a long
neck, he cant eat mushrooms, but he
can eat organic ones.
The giraffe likes people who eat
bananas,but he hates monkeys.

1. I like cheese.
2. I like cheese, and I like pepperoni pizza.
3. Whenever I eat ice-cream, I make a double
4. My neck is frozen, and I have a double chin.
5. I love ice-cream, and I love frozen yogurt
because they are delicious!
6. Since ice-cream is delicious, I eat it all the
7. Because I eat it all the time, I am very
unhealthy, and I may need heart surgery.

1. S
2. CD
3. CX
4. CD
6. CX

Julia and Maya know and study their

sentence types.

Complex Sentences

I, cc I

Compound Sentences

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