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World Cultures

Unit Introduction to Globalization
The United Nations
Research sites on the internet to complete this assignment to gain background
knowledge on the United Nations.

1. Explain the meaning of the U.N. emblem.

The U.N emblem is a a map of the world with olive tree branches surrounding it. The reason
there is olive trees around the world is because olive trees represent peace. Meaning the
world should be peaceful with each other.
2. How many countries are members of the U.N. today?
3. How might you describe the U.N. General Assembly? What happens when it convenes?
The U.N General Assembly is for policymaking, and making important decisions such as
peace, security or new members. Each countries has one vote.
4. Does the General Assemblys vote matter? Why or why not?
Yes because they are the ones making huge decisions for the world.
5. What is unique about the U.N.s headquarters?
The U. N headquarters are in New York. This is unique since thats so close to home. And its in
the United States.
6. What are the main goals of the U.N.?
Have peace throughout the World.
7. Identify at least two challenges that exist in following the U.N. principles.
Two problems in the united nations are coordinations and mission integration
8. What was the League of Nations, and how does it relate to the U.N.?
The league of nations was a international group created after the first world war to keep peace.
This is like the United Nations because they also try to keep peace throughout the world. The
only difference is the league of nations is a smaller group then the united Nations.

9. In what ways was the League of Nations an example of early globalization? Identify at least
It was the spread of an idea politically because nations around the globe would come together
to solve problems to secure security this is politically because global nations would discus
these affairs
It was spread of an idea globally economically nations would assist other nations if need to be
to promise security
10.Why did the League of Nations fail? Identify at least two reasons.

Some of the reasons the League of Nations failed was because they had no way to enforce their
rules and regulations. And because of this countries started dropping out. The outcome of this
was world war II.
11.In what year was the U.N. created? 1945 What was happening at that time? World War II was
just ending
12.How many countries originally joined the U.N.?

13.Why might the League of Nations be considered the forerunner of the United Nations?
The reason it could be said to be the former United Nations is because they both try to solve
the same things. And try to keep peace throughout the world.
14.What is the U.N.s Security Council, and what countries are involved in it?

The Security Council is the United Nations' most powerful body, with "primary
responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security." Five powerful
countries sit as "permanent members" along with ten elected members with two-year
15.Why might the structure and operation of the Security Council be problematic? In other
words, what principle does it appear to violate? Identify two issues.
16.Who is the newest U.N. member, and what noteworthy nations are not members of the U.N.?
Why has U.N. membership grown?
South Sudan is the newest member. Countries that arent in the UN are Taiwan, Kosovo, and
Vatican City .
17.How is the U.N. funded?
After the World war II
18.Identify and six organizational bodies of the U.N. Complete the chart with information about
their purpose as well as details you find interesting or important.
General Assembly

Interesting & Important Facts
One of the six principal organs of the United Nations and the only

Security Council

one in which all member nations have equal representation.

one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and is charged

Economic and
Social Council

with the maintenance of international peace and security.

Responsible for being the policy makers and responsible for major

groups, international court of justice ect.

International Court1.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ), located in The
of Justice (World
Hague, in the Netherlands, is the primary judicial organ of
the UN. Established in 1945 by the UN Charter, the

Court began work in 1946 as the successor to the

Permanent Court of International Justice.


an intergovernmental organization charged with the promotion of

aiding states to collectively maintain international peace and


one of the principal organs of the United Nations, was established to
help ensure that trust territories were administered in the best
interests of their inhabitants and of international peace and security

1. The U.N. also has separate organizations that work to meet its goals. List four different
groups or goals these organizations work to help or promote (NOT the names of the
2. What is the title of the U.N.s leader, and who currently holds this position? How is this
position used to counterbalance the strength of some U.N. members?
Ban KI-moon from south Korea
3. What do you feel is the future of the U.N.? Does it have a place in todays world? Why or why
not? What can it do to improve its position? Write a 5-6 sentence paragraph explaining
your views.
The United Nations is a very big part of the world today. I think its important to stay around. And
it will continue to be important. It tries to keep our world as peaceful as it can be. And it helps
with all the issues going through the world. Such as Isis. And without it our world would be in
more craziness then it already is.

"Histoire, ONU, Nations Unies, Charte, Chronologie." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.

"Security Council, SC, UNSC, Security, Peace, Sanctions, Veto, Resolution, President, United Nations, UN,
Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding, Conflict Resolution, Prevention."UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2015.

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