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Quest 2 Compare and ContrastPowerful Prezis

Name(s): Sam Calhoun

There are a few common rules for creating a powerful presentation. This activity will give you a chance to compare and contrast two
Prezi presentations. Use the template below to record your findings.
Rating Scale = Not Really 1...2...3...4...5 Awesome
Rating prompts:

Prezi #1

Circle One

Prezi #2

Circle One




Both did do this good, however both couldve rotated or

zoomed less, I will give more credit to the second one
though because, they needed to do that more.

Concise (simplified) use of main 1..2..3...4..5

ideas rather than sentences


Id say that the first one used sentences too much,

whereas the first one, although it did use sentences,
used far less and much shorter ones.

Big ideas appeared in bigger

fonts and details appeared
using smaller font

Bullet points are few or



Rotations and zooming are

used carefully and not overdone 1..2..3...4..5

The overview tells a story or

creates a flow of related ideas


The first used bullet points at times, but the second

didnt at all.


The first zoomed and rotated some but not a lot, but the
second practically only did that.

Both didnt really tell a clear and concise story.



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