DEFENSE 2b Barabcina Attacks

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Part 2b: Proof of that castledesign

Second Case: A Jumper (heavy carder) attacks

Attacker: Barabcina, ser Jony help one time
Defending Troops: 511 archer, 5 Captains
Defendingcards: no cards played
I was offline the complete time......

1 Attack: 202 archer, 130 pikes, 168 catapults

after first attack:

2. Attack: 175 archer,195 pikes , 130 catapults

after attack:

3. attack: 180 archer ,190 pikes ,130 catapults

after attack

4. attack: 260 archer, 240 Pikes

after attack

5. attack 200archer, 180 pikes, 120 catapults

after attack

6. attack FIRST SUCESFULL ATTACK! 190 archer, 180 pikes, 130 Catapults
returning troops: 57 archer, 3 pikes, 61 catapults. This attack is sendet from Ser Jony, because
Barabcina has now no more effective attackingpower
after attack

7. attack (sucessfull raze from Barabcina) 61 peasants (he has no weapons now), 9 archer, 41 pikes,
13 catapults, 1 captain
Returning troops: 52 peasants, 9 archer, 24 pikes, 1 catapult

TOTAL lost troops at this castle:

9 peasants, 1150 archer, 1129 pikes, 629 Catapults and 1 Captain.

That make 2918 Troops to strike down this castle. And NO

Card is played!!!!!
For a jumper, wich work mostly with parishattacks, that
means 606000 Gold is needet only to open this castle!!!!!
With following cards in play it will need about 4500 troops:
2x towers
1,3 Moat
2x Firingspeed of the Keep
also effective: 2x Turrets, but this card is expensive and have not this effect like the cards above.

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