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Utopia and Dystopia

Two visions of the world

Definition: An imagined place or state of
things in which perfection has been
Origin: Sir Thomas More, 1516, Utopia
Concept originally linked to religious
ideals, but now also refers to sociopolitical ideals

How would you describe a utopian society?
What would it look like?
How would people act?
Would there be laws?
How would the utopian society handle the following
Education Medical issues
Careers Fashion

Could a utopian society ever truly

exist? Why or Why not?

Have you ever seen a movie or read a book that

was about a utopian society?
Describe it.

Definition: an imagined place or state of

things in which everything is unpleasant,

typically a degraded environment and a
totalitarian regime
Origin: John Stuart Mill, 1868 speech in the

House of Commons about Irish problem

Common theme in modern books and

Dys = bad
Topia = place

Whats the opposite of a dystopia?

In literature, a dystopia is a futuristic,
imagined universe in which oppressive
societal control and the illusion of a perfect
society are maintained through corporate,
bureaucratic, technological, moral, or
totalitarian control. Dystopias, through an
exaggerated worst-case scenario, make a
criticism about a current trend, societal
norm, or political system.

Characteristics of a Dystopian
Propaganda is used to control the citizens

of a society
Information, independent thought , and
freedom are restricted
A figurehead or concept is worshipped by
the citizens of the society
Citizens are perceived to be under
constant surveillance

Characteristics of a Dystopian
Citizens have a fear of the outside world
Citizens live in a dehumanized state
The natural world is banished and

Citizens conform to uniform expectations.
Individuality and dissent are bad
The society is an illusion of a perfect
utopian world

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