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‘Source- "The Magnetica Monorail." Elysian World. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2014. <. topic- trains pages: 1 notes- The Magnetica Monorail fs an_ advanced rail transport system des zned to operate on clean renewable energy. There are two] levels of power and propulsion that can be applied to the sysiem; 1. An electro magnetic turbine powered by photonics, that feeds the energy to the main frame rail to poner the vehicle andl external produ, lft, propulsion thrust and breaking, via a series of High Velocity air compression chambets. 2 intemal powered electio magnetic turbines powered by photonics, that create levitaiion, propulsion and breaking, via variable interchangeable m source- Kafeel. "Hover Technology." Rise Of Technology. N.p., 3 Oct. 2014. Web. 06 jriseoRtachnology.com20 14/1Oshover-technology/>. pages- 1 topic- hover notes- Anew device called sonic levitation, has actually made it easier for hover technology to become a reality. So how does this work? The basic concept is that it uses really strong sonic sound waves, which are focused and pushed up into air and bounced of a reflector] therefore when you place an object above the device it then begins to hover. source- Ross, David S. "Planning and Building a Greenhouse." West Virginia University, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2014. topic- trains pages-1 NOteS-The greenhouse should be located where it gets maximum sunlight. The first choioe of location isthe south or southeast side ofa building or shade trees. Sunlight ll day is best, but morning surlignt or the eastside s sufficient for plants. Merning sunight is most desirable because it allows the plan’ food production process io begin early; thus growth is maximized. An eastside locaton captures the most November fo February sunlight. The next best sites are southwest and west of major structures, where plants receive sunlight ater in the day. Nerth of major structures is the least desirable location and is {good only fr plants that requre ite light. “out trains whare sun shines most ‘A good selection of commercial greenhouse irames and frarting materials is available. The frames are made of wood, galvanized steel, or aluminum. Bulc-it-yourself greenhouse plans are usually for structures with wood or metal pipe frames. Plast pipe materials gonerally are rradequate to moet snow. ‘and wind load requiremen's. Frames can be covered with glass, rigid fberglass. rigid double-wall plastics) ‘o plastc fim. All have advantages anc disadvantages. Each of these materals should be considered-—it pays to shop around for ideas.

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