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Proxy Vote

Gold Coast Tweed Motorsporting Club Inc.

(Only to be completed and returned if you cannot attend the AGM and must be
received 7 days prior to the AGM)
The Annual General Meeting meeting of the GCTMC Inc club will be held on Wednesday 18th
Feburary 2015 (3rd Wednesday of month) and as usual the annual election of office bearers will be
held on that night. All members are asked to consider nominating for a position either on the
committee or other roles as listed. A nomination form as enclosed below should be completed prior
to the meeting
Positions to fill:- Committee

Vice President
Club Captain


Newsletter Editor
CAMS delegate
Alternate CAMS Delegate
Equipment Officer

______________________________________________ ________

********************************************************** ***********************
GCTMC Inc Committee Nomination form 2015
I, ....hereby nominate ....for
the position of for the 2015 club year
Proposed by..
Seconded by.

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