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Unit 3 and 4 PE

Australian Initiative Presentation

You will need to make a presentation to the class about an
initiative or strategy that aims to promote physical activity.
It can be a government or non-government initiative. (This is
not a SAC)
You will to provide an overview of the program, it can
include, but not limited to, the following dot points;
Section 1 The initiative or strategy (5 marks)
The aims of the program. How does it aim to promote
physical activity?
Who is the initiative run by? Government or NonGovernment?
Who the initiative is aimed at? Population sub-groups?
Section 2 NPAGs (5 marks)
State the NPAGs for your target group.
How it might help a subject adhere to the NPAG.
What methods of assessment could we use to help
measure the level of physical activity in this initiative?
Pick 2 of these methods and state their advantages
and disadvantages.
For the same 2 methods state their similarities and
Section 3 Analysis using Social-ecological model (10
State the 4 levels of the Social-Ecological model.
Analyze the initiative according to the 4 levels
State how effective you think the initiative might be
according to the social-ecological model.

This is the most important section!

Your presentation will be presented to the class should go
for 2-3 minutes. Including overview and analysis.
Good Luck!!!

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