Human Tissues

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Human Tissues

Jennifer Bui

Tissue is an aggregate of cells with their intercellular
substance that forms one of the structural materials of a
plant or animal. The four main tissues are,

The Connective tissue is
types of tissues that connects,
supports, and separates
different tissues and organs in
the body. It also has wide
varieties of functions that
depends on the type of cells
and different fibers are involved.
Connective cells also have cells
throughout an matrix of fibrous
proteins and glycoproteins
which is attached to the
membrane (basement).

Epithelial tissue lines the
structures throughout the body,
many of our glands are made
up of these cells. The functions
of the Epithelial cell is
absorption, protection, and
secretion. These cells are
closely packed together with
almost no intercellular spaces
and only a very small amount of
intercellular substance.

The muscle tissue is a soft tissue the composes muscles;
gives rise to the muscles for the ability to contract.
3 types of are muscle tissue:

Cardiac muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle tissue

Smooth muscle tissue

Cardiac muscle tissue:
Pumping blood throughout the heart: relaxation of cardiac
muscle pumps, Oxygenated blood through the left Atrium and
left Ventricle to the aorta, after to the rest of the body.
Skeletal muscle tissue:
Movement of the skeleton: fingers, toes, neck etc
Movement of tissue: ability to smile and frown.
Smooth muscle tissue.
The contractions smooth muscle and constricts the vessels
that are surrounded.

The Nervous tissue helps
the stimuli and helps
transmit signals to and from
different parts of the body.
The basic unit of the
nervous tissue is Neurons.
They are also known as the
tissue that moves
information in your body. It
conducts pulses to other
parts of the body. Theyre
are two nerves called the
Neurons and Neuroglia .


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