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Words of Peace

Peace Through Christ

February 2015
A monthly publication of Peace Lutheran Church
Camarillo, CA

Pastors Message
Pastors Message
For God So Loved The World:
Inescapable Truths From The Word Of Truth.
Mark Twain is remembered for saying a lot of
insightful things, but sorting out what he really said
from what he didnt isnt easy. For example, you
may have heard that he once said this:
1. The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Popular belief attributes it to him, but it
just cant be verified. What he did say was: Never
put off till tomorrow what may be done day after
tomorrow just as well. Or this one:
2. Be careful about reading health books. You
may die of a misprint.
It sounds like he could have, but the nearest thing
he really said was:
A successful book is not made of what is in it, but
of what is left out of it.

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He didnt say this either:

3. Everybody talks about the weather, but
nobody does anything about it.
What he said was even better: I reverently believe
that the Maker who made us all makes everything
in New England but the weather. I dont know who
makes that, but I think it must be raw apprentices
in the weather clerks factory who experiment and
learn how.
4. And finally, and perhaps the most
frequently misquoted: The coldest winter I ever
spent was a summer in San Francisco.

He didnt say that either? Nope. But he did say

this: Cold! If the thermometer had been an inch
longer wed have all frozen to death.
His folksy humor has a certain edge to it that
captures your attention and leaves you wanting
According to a website dedicated to helping new
startup businesses get recognized, you have just
eight seconds to capture your readers attention. If
the average reader absorbs one word per second,
then you only get eight words to capture his/her
interest and keep it.
They suggest the following:
1. Get emotional. I like that. Think Budweisers
puppy commercial in the Superbowl. Touching
feelings captures peoples attention and
commits them to listening to what you really
have to say. Think Jesus parable of the little
lamb who got lost. You want to know what
happened to it, right? Youre worried. So you
2. Bring them into the story. Get them to
imagine its about them. Think Jesus parable
about the Prodigal Son who wanted his
inheritance before it was due. What good could
come from that?
We kind of know where thats headed
because so many of us can all relate. Even
when we find out how foolishly the son
squandered it, we keep listening to find out
how it ends because we just know hes going to
have to return home. How many parents raise
and then launch their kids, sell the old
homestead and downsize, only to have their
grownup not so youngins come knocking,
suitcase in hand?
How can we accomplish all that in less than eight
words? Jesus would often begin a story with, The

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kingdom of heaven is like Who doesnt want to

know more about heaven?
Another tool he used was our Lenten theme this
year. I tell you the truth, sometimes translated,
Truly I say to you
When our Lord wanted to make a crucial point,
he would often begin with those exact words. And
when Jesus spoke, this miracle worker who could
heal the sick and raise the dead, people stopped
what they were doing and listened. People should
still stop and listen closely when you come to those
five words in the Bible. I, Jesus, the very Son of
God, who came to earth to rescue you from sin and
certain death and condemnation by suffering and
dying in your place, am about to tell you, the
listener or reader, something you need very much
to hear. Listen.
During our Wednesday night Lenten journey
well be looking at some of these timeless,
powerful truths that will force us to examine some
undeniable truths about ourselves and our
relationship with God. It will be a time of
fellowship and a time of growth. A time of
reflection and a time of self-examination. A
journey well take together as we follow that road
to the cross paved with inescapable truths from
Gods Word of truth.
Please plan to join us beginning on Ash
Wednesday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m. for our first
midweek service. Each subsequent Wednesday
night up until Holy Week well begin with a Soup
Supper at 6:00 p.m. followed by a service of
Evening Prayer at 7:00 p.m. Come and grow with
us during this Lententide. If you need a ride, call
the church office and well try to arrange one for
you. God bless our time together during this
special season.

Hello and Welcome Friends and Members of Peace

Here it is the end of the month after a very busy
Advent and Christmas Season.

Anniversaries February

Hope all are rested and ready to tackle a new year

with all new challenges and obstacles to overcome.
With faith, hope and love all things are possible in
Jesus Christ!!
With that in mind, I need to mention the stove one
more time. I personally cleaned the griddle on a
Friday night recently, since it was looking greasy,
filthy and downright dirty. It took about an hour and
a half to clean it to its present shiny surface. It is
imperative that the stove and griddle be cleaned each
and every time it is used. The cleaning process is
straightforward, heat the griddle up, turn off griddle
heat, and scrub with the provided griddle screens, pad
and holder under the sink. The stove top and oven if
the spills are not too bad will just need a wiping up,
(down?) Simple!
Let us all try to keep the stove clean and in good clean
working order.
The Trustees are planning on a working party,
probably in mid-March, so look for a volunteer sign
up sheet for people to do what they feel they are good
at, painting, general cleaning of the grounds,
sweeping, cleaning out and organizing the Fellowship
hall storage area, cleaning the drainage catch basins
along the wall .Etc, Etc!!! So much to do and
accomplish, The Trustees cannot do it all by
themselves. So please lighten the burden on the
Trustees, please sign up, come out and help the
Let us all make it a great time, would love to have a
little BBQ afterwards to show appreciation for
everyone who shows. Volunteers?!!!
David J. Miller

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Ralph & Leslie Hochhalter

Duane & Caroline Wentlandt
David & Margaret Stafford
Lyle & Pat Lehman


Birthdays February
Kristin Stafford
Cyndy Distad
Carol Troglia
Joyce Peters
Melissa Pettit
Sheryl ONeil
Eric Taylor
Cindy Klittich
Whitney Parsons
Ingrid Poehler
Daniel Klittich
Anthony Tiongson
Diana Wanke
Doug Morrison
Linda La Jeunesse
Bob Lacy


Receiving cancer treatment: Glen Almanny, (John & Karen Johnsons

nephew), Aiden Farinella, (Rawlin & Toni Radles nephew), Sharon Fields,
Tom Gumfory, Pat Holmes, (Annette McComas mother), Nancy Johnson,
Stan Lojewski, Patrick ONeal, (Gene & Beulahs son), and Hedy Pein.

Prayers for healing and strength: Lily Baehr, LaJoyce Brennan, Ada Bruns, Win Burkhardt, Jordan
Dye, (Dale & Marsha Larsons grandson) Cindy Fox, Elizabeth Gunther, (Tom & Noreen Taylors
granddaughter), Joshua Kappel, (John & Karen Johnsons friend), Pia Kund, Dorothy Lewis, Ruth
London, Gloria McLeod, Bee Muenich, Hedy Pein, Jim Richardson, Chelsea Schultze, Matt Sullivan,
Paul Trahan, Lewis Vang, Jim Warczak, Duane Wentlandt, Loretta Wright and Sue Zinger.

Our sympathies go out to the family of Peace member Bob Thorne who passed away on January

Pray for all military men and women especially:

Jacob Chiles, (Bill & Linda Youngs son-in-law) Daniel Gross, (LaJoyce Brennans grandson), Davis
Kelly, (Melodie Kellys son & Sonja Manzers grandson) Brian Miller, (Dave & Sandra Millers son),
Brett Taylor, (Gary & Karen Taylors son), Stephen Volpei, (Connie Morris grandson), Brady
Wentlandt, (Duane & Caroline Wentlandts grandson) and also remember their families in your

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Preschool News
February, 2015
"God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7 is the preschool Bible verse
for the month of February. Our song is "I've Got The Joy, Joy, Joy". During their religion times,
stories the children will hear as we focus on others are; Jesus Feeds the 5,000, Jesus Blesses the
Children , The Parable of the Good Samaritan, and Zacchaeus. They
will also be practicing songs
in anticipation of our Preschool Sunday singing at the
contemporary service on March 22nd..
On February 3rd and 4th , we will have "Silly Sock Days." Children will wear
mismatched or "silly" socks as we learn the letter "S". Our color of the month
is pink and we will have "Pink Days" on February 12th & 13th with our Valentine's
Day class parties. Children will wear Valentine crowns while exchanging Valentine
cards and having special treats to celebrate the love we get from God!
We will have our Annual Pancake Breakfast at 8:30 on the
5th and 6th. You are invited to come have breakfast with us
and meet the preschool families.
Our theme for February is community helpers with an emphasis on police and
fire fighters. If you have worked in one of these vocations and would like to come
and share your knowledge and experience with the children, contact Sharon Thompson
in the school office. We would love to have you.
Enrollment for the 2015/2016 school year is open to church
members and their families beginning February 1st. Preschool
families currently enrolled will begin registration on March
School Year
2nd and 3rd and registration will be open to the public beginning
March 9th.
for If you would like to enroll your child or grandchild, see.
Thompson in the Preschool office between 9 am and 12 pm or
the Preschool office at 987-1613. Enroll early as class sizes are
1 we would like to give our members first choice.
limited and

The preschool will be closed in observance of President's Days on February 2nd and 16th
and for parent/teacher conferences on February 26th and 27th.
In Christ,
Sharon Thompson
Preschool Director

Page 5

Let y
His ne
defi y!
Bible Study!
see Mike to sign up


March 7-8

I will send you the
Helper from the
Father; he is the
Spirit of truth who
comes from the
Father. When he
comes, he will tell
about me, and you
also must tell people
about me, because
you have been with
me from the
- John 15:26-27

What d le
the Bib
say abo






$25 to TOUGH questions

* nationally renowned speakers

* catered by in-N-out burger !
* open air photo booth & more

Sign Up TODAY:



February 1

Dave Schmidt


Scott Klittich

February 8
One Service

Dave Schmidt
Scott Klittich

Dave Schmidt
February 15

February 22

Scott Klittich

Dave Schmidt



Craig Frye*
Gary Taylor
Bill Young
Karen Taylor
Dave Miller
Tom Taylor

Susan Klein
Elisabeth Pohl

Lyle Lehman*
Jim Devries
Todd Harter
Bob Lacy
Dave Schmidt*
Roy Poehler
Mike Hale
Ken Anderson*
Scott Ehlers
Art Schmidt
Andrew Geib
Scott Klittich*
Tim Klittich
Peter Sandstrum
Tom Miller
Blaine Wanke*
Keith Hedrick
Gene ONeal
A. Stepp

Susan Klein
Elisabeth Pohl

Susan Klein
Elisabeth Pohl

Susan Klein
Elisabeth Pohl

9:30 Service



Ingrid Poehler

Eunice Harter

Matt Ullerick





Dave & Sandra


Logan Farrell

Lori Schultze



Tom & Noreen


Roy Poehler


Sarah Harter





Mike &Sharon

Sean Farrell

M. Stepp

Helmut &
Susan Klein




Kevin & Sharon


Cole Supple

Al Bosman

Ralph Hochhalter

Scott Klittich


Leslie Hochhalter
Mike McCracken

Phil Hamilton & Tom Waddell
Phil Hamilton & Tom Waddell
Phil Hamilton & Tom Waddell
Phil Hamilton & Tom Waddell
Phil Hamilton & Tom Waddell

Peter Lee
Lori Schultze
Julie Ligman
Debi Markley
Tom Waddell

If you have any conflicts, please call Mike Schultze 302-0888 or the Elder in
8:00 Service Dave Schmidt 482-3867 or 11:00 Service Scott Klittich 524-4466


If you have any conflicts, please call Marsha Larson (805) 482-3313.
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