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Laura Richardson

2891 Whiskey Point Road

Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P2
Telephone: 1-250-743-9860
Career Goals
To inspire and enable young people to become global citizens as a full time teacher
To obtain a full time teaching position at Brentwood College School
To become an assistant in Debate and /or Outdoor Pursuits
Professional Development
2014-2015 Readings (see Website)
February 2015 - Critical Thinking
2013-2014 - Dave Hladik - IT instruction ongoing
August 2013 - David Schwimmer - Assessment
October 2012 - Provincial Social Studies Pro Day
2012 - ArcGis - Blaine Castle (ESRI)
2011 - First Aid Standard Certification
Professional Education
BC College of Teacher Certification - September 1991
TQS category 5
Bachelor of Education, University of British Columbia Completed August1991 (Awarded May 1992)
Social Studies and Psychology
Bachelor of Arts, Simon Fraser University - May 1990
Geography and Psychology
Professional Employment
July 1 2014-Current
Brentwood College School

21st Century Studies (IT9), Social Studies 9, Geography 12, BEAT

(Feb. 2015 - June 2015) Social Studies 10, World History 12AP

August 2009 August 2014

Brentwood College School

21st Century Studies (IT9), Geography 12, Social Studies 9, 10,

BEAT Teacher Sponsor

August 2008 - August 2009

Brentwood College School

21st Century Studies (IT9)

November 2007 - August 2008

Brentwood College School

21st Century Studies (IT9)-replaced teacher

August 2001 - August 2010

Brentwood College School

Assistant Houseparent and Academic Advisor (Gr-9-12)

September 1995 - June 2000

Sardis Secondary School

Full Time Teacher, Social Studies10, English 10, 11

Communications 11, 12, Career and Personal Planning 10,11,12

September 1993 - June 1995

School District #33

Full time Teacher On Call

Primary, Intermediate, Secondary

January 1992 - June 30, 1993

Sardis Secondary School

Full time teacher, Enriched Social Studies 8, 9,

Enriched English 8, 9, English 11, Communications 12


IT Skills: MS Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel, Inkscape, iMovie, Weebly, Piktochart, Cloud based storage
Administrative Skills: Moodle, MySchool
Interpersonal Skills: team player, clear communicator, empathetic listener, assertive, positive, patient,
Organizational Skills: able to gather and synthesize information, effective long and short term planning, able to
prioritize (deadlines, work/home commitments)
Creativity: human timelines, problem based learning, simulations, debate, unique lesson ideas

Contributions to School Life

BEAT (Brentwood Environmental Action Team)
Great Bear Rainforest Outing Nov 2014
Educate community at assemblies
Established Eelgrass Monitoring Project with SeaChange and Brentwood College School September
Coordinator of BC Green Games application since 2007
Work with facilities and janitorial staff to incorporate sustainable decisions in the community
Coordinate Regatta Team with D. Griffiths and D. Norman
Coordinate Regatta Crew Donations to CMS Food Bank
Coordinate school calendar with A. Felix, S. Quinton and A. Martin
Coordinate Bike to Work Week
Assemble a BEAT calendar of events: movies, cleanups, bottle drives, movie screenings, cleanups, Low Tide
Day, Hunger Banquet 2011
Arrange guest speakers: Eelgrass restoration project 2011
Submit Funding Applications: BCS Green Initiatives (Winner Green School, Green Futures 2011)
Guest Speaker Reza Behboudi for YPI (2015)
Organized Grade 9 SS BC Museum Trip Fall 2014
Organized Grade 9 SS Field study to Cowichan Cultural Centre Fall 2013
Organized Grade 9 Outing to Eco Village Fall 2012
Teacher sponsor YPI
Baked Challah for the musical Fiddler on the Roof
Alex House
Duty in Alex House
End of year overnight supervision
Special food events: Apple Crumble, Nachos
Supervisor midnight bowling
Teacher organizer of Alex House Camping trip 2002-2009
Interests and Volunteer Work

Sea kayaking, gardening, cycling, hiking, reading

Volunteer at Ecole Cobble Hill: Roots and Shoots, Ecostravaganza, trail building
BC Summer Games Volunteer 2014 (Kayak Judge)
Environmental Organizations: Somenos Marsh Volunteer, SeaChange (eelgrass restoration)
Worked with South Cowichan Rotary (highway cleanup)

Eileen Mais
Alexandra House Houseparent, Brentwood College School, Phone: 250-743-1946
Mark Wismer
Social Studies Department, Brentwood College School, Email:
Cori-Anne Klassen
Sardis Secondary School, 45460 Stevenson Rd, Chilliwack BC, Phone: (604) 858-9424

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