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Physical Region Map: Vegetation

This map is a symbolization for the climate and vegetation in

China. It shows that the major climates in China are temperate steppe,
cold temperate needle leaf forest and warm temperate deciduous
broad leaf forests.
APA Citation: China Land Cover Map of Vegetation Zones, Land Cover Map of China, China
Travel Map. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Physical Region Map: Deserts

This map is a symbolism of the major deserts in China and
Plateaus. Showing the three major deserts such as the Gobi desert,
Himalya and Yaklamakan desert as well as the Tibetan Plateau.
APA Citation: Physical Map of China: China Mountains, Plateaus, Rivers and Deserts. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Cultural Region Map: Language

This map outlines the major languages that are spoken in China.
As the color purple represents the major language spoken which is
APA Citation: The Chinese Language. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Human Landscape: Ethnicity

This map outlines the major race and or ethnicity in China which
is of course Chinese. As the second major race living in China is TibetoBurman.
APA Citation: Chinese language : Dozen major spoken languages. (n.d.). Retrieved February
11, 2015, from

Human Landscape: Religion

This map shows the two major religions that are worshipped in
China, such include Tibetan Buddhism and Chinese Japanese
Buddhism. As the minority religion that is worshipped the least is
Therada Budhism.
APA Citation: Demographics of China. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Human Landscape: Poverty

This image outlines that 22.9-27.4% are in severe poverty and
secondly 6.4-17.3% are in rural poverty.
APA Citation: April 2013 Archives - GeoCurrents. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Human Landscape: Population

This image shows that throughout most of central China
there is 26 people per every square kilometer. This image really shows
how over populated China is.
APA Citation: China: Population density. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Human Landscape: Politics

This image shows how all of China 100% is ruled by semidictatorship.
APA Citation: n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Physical Landscape: Major Rivers

This map shows the three major rivers that run through China.
Such are the Yellow River, Pearl River, Songhua River and Yangtze
APA Citation: NingXia Autonomous Region of China - Main Menu - Introduction, by (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Physical Landscape: Elevation

This image shows that most of central China is greater than
3,000 meters.
APA Citation: Figure 2 - Landscape Elements and Hantaan Virusrelated Hemorrhagic Fever
with Renal Syndrome, People's Republic of China - Volume 13, Number 9-September 2007 Emerging Infectious Disease journal - CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Physical Landscape: Soil

This is an image of all the soils present in modern day China as the
major soils are Ultisols, Alfisols and Enisols.
APA Citation: Abstract. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Physical Landscape: Sea Level

This image shows the amount of feet above sea level, as China is
13,000 or more.
APA Citation: Ancient China. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

Physical Landscape: Great Wall Of China

This image shows the distance of the Great Wall of China and
where it is exactly located in China.
APA Citation: China Great Wall Hiking Tour Map. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from

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