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1:-Using mesh equation method, find the current in resistance R1 of network given below.

2:-Using nodal analysis, find the current through 10 resistor in figure.

4:-Determine current through 8 resister in the following network using super-position theorem.

5:-Find the Thevenins equivalent circuit & Norton's equivalent circuit of the given network.

6:-Find the value of resistance R to have maximum power transfer in the circuit shown in figure. Also
obtain the value of maximum power.

7:-Write short notes on:

(a) Passive and Active component
(i)Active Element: An Active element is one, which supplies Energy to the electric circuit.
Example: Voltage source V and Current source I etc.
(ii)Passive Element: A Passive element is one, which receives energy, and converts into heat or
stored in it. Example: Resister R, Inductor L and Capacitor C.
(b) Unilateral and bilateral elements

(c) Linear and Non-linear system

8:-State and prove maximum power transfer theorem.

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