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Department of the Army

EM 1110-2-1416

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Engineer Manual

Washington, DC 20314-1000

Engineering and Design


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Approved for public release; distribution is

15 October 1993

EM 1110-2-1416
15 October 1993

US Army Corps
of Engineers


River Hydraulics




U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000

EM 1110-2-1416

No. 1110-2-1416

15 October 1993

Engineering and Design

1. Purpose. This manual presents basic principles and technical procedures for analysis of open

channel flows in natural river systems.

2. Applicability. This guidance applies to HQUSACE elements, major subordinate commands, labo-

ratories, and field operating activities having civil works responsibilities.

3. General. Procedures described herein are considered appropriate and usable for planning, analysis

and design of projects and features performed by the Corps of Engineers. Basic theory is presented as
required to clarify appropriate application and selection of numerical models. This guidance also
presents results of previous numerical model applications to river hydraulics and corresponding field

Colonel, Corps of Engineers
Chief of Staff


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000

No. 1110-2-1416

EM 1110-2-1416

15 October 1993

Engineering and Design


Table of Contents


Chapter 1
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Needs for River Hydraulic Studies
General Methods . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .









Chapter 2
Introduction to River Hydraulics
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flow Dimensionality Considerations .
Water Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flow Classification . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regimes of Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Types of Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classification of Flow Profiles . . . . .
Basic Principles of River Hydraulics





Chapter 3
Formulating Hydraulic Studies
Initial Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview of Techniques for Conducting
River Hydraulics Studies . . . . . . . . .
Analysis of Hydraulic Components . . .
Data Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calibration of Hydraulic Analysis
Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guidelines for Analytical Model
Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .











Chapter 4
Multidimensional Flow Analysis
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Limitations of One-Dimensional
Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Equations of Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Significance of Terms . . . . . . . . . .
Use of Equations of Flow . . . . . . . .
Two-Dimensional Flow Conditions .
Available Computer Programs . . . . .
Data Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Development and Model
Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example Applications . . . . . . . . . . .


. 4-1





. 4-9
. 4-10


Chapter 5
Unsteady Flow
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Section I
Steady Versus Unsteady Flow Models
Conditions that Require Unsteady
Flow Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steps to Follow in Modeling a
River System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accuracy of Observed Data . . . . . . .
Calibration and Verification . . . . . . .
Example Applications of Unsteady
Flow Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .










EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93


Section II
Theory of Routing Models
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unsteady Flow Model . . . . . . . . . .
Diffusion Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kinematic Wave Model . . . . . . . . .
Accuracy of Approximate Hydraulic
Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Muskingum-Cunge Model . . . . . . . .
Hydrologic Routing Schemes . . . . .






. . 5-15
. . 5-16
. . 5-17


Chapter 6
Steady Flow - Water Surface Profiles
Section I
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assumptions of the Method . . . . . . . .
Standard-step Solution . . . . . . . . . . . .
Range of Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example of Steady Flow Water Surface
Profile Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Section II
Data Requirements
Introduction to Data Requirements . . . . 6-6
Flow Regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Starting Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Section III
Model Development
Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
Data and Profile Accuracy . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Model Calibration and Verification . . . 6-11
Section IV
Special Problems
Introduction to Special Problems
Bridge Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . .
Culvert Hydraulics . . . . . . . . . .
Limits of Effective Flow . . . . . .
Channel Controls . . . . . . . . . . .
River Confluences . . . . . . . . . .
Changing Flow Regime . . . . . .
Ice-covered Streams . . . . . . . . .














Chapter 7
Water Surface Profiles with
Movable Boundaries
Section I
Similarities and Differences
Between Fixed and Mobile
Bed Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1


Section II
Theoretical Basis
Sediment Transport Functions . . . . . 7-2


Section III
Data Requirements
General Data Requirements
Geometric Data . . . . . . . .
Bed Sediment Data . . . . .
Boundary Conditions Data
Data Sources . . . . . . . . . .
Data and Profile Accuracy










Section IV
Model Confirmation and Utilization
Model Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Development of Base Test and
Analysis of Alternatives . . . . . . . . 7-10
Section V
Computer Programs
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Scour and Deposition in Rivers and
Reservoirs (HEC-6) . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Open Channel Flow and Sedimentation
(TABS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13

Appendix A

Appendix B



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15 Oct 93


Appendix C
Study Planning and Reporting
Development of the Hydraulic Study
Work Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1
Reporting Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . C-2
Hydrologic Engineering Study
Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3
Documentation Checklist . . . . . . . . . . C-4
Example Detailed Hydrologic Engineering
Management Plan for a Feasibility
Study (Flood Damage Reduction
using HEC-1 and -2) . . . . . . . . . . . . C-5
Generic Hydraulic Study Work Plan for
Unsteady, Gradually-Varied Flow
Analysis (TABS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-6





Appendix D
River Modeling - Lessons Learned
Section I
Defining River Geometry
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
Geometric Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2



Developing Cross-Sectional Data

to Define Flow Geometry . . . . . . . . D-3
Developing Cross-Sectional Data
to Satisfy Requirements of the
Analytical Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4
Reviewing Computed Results to Determine
Adequacy of Cross-Sectional Data . . D-5
Other Considerations in Developing
Cross-Sectional Data . . . . . . . . . . . D-6
Modeling Flow Geometry at Structures D-7
Developing Reach Length Data . . . . . D-8
Survey Methods for Obtaining Cross
Sections and Reach Lengths . . . . . . D-9
Section II
Energy Loss Coefficients
Variation of Mannings n with
River Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10
Estimation of n Values . . . . . . . . . . . D-11
Contraction and Expansion Losses . . . D-12







EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Chapter 1

1-1. Purpose
This manual presents the techniques and procedures that
are used to investigate and resolve river engineering and
analysis issues and the associated data requirements. It
also provides guidance for the selection of appropriate
methods to be used for planning and conducting the
studies. Documented herein are past experiences that
provide valuable information for detecting and avoiding
problems in planning, performing, and reporting future
studies. The resolution of river hydraulics issues always
requires prediction of one or more flow parameters; be it
stage (i.e., water surface elevation), velocity, or rate of
sediment transport. This manual presents pragmatic
methods for obtaining data and performing the necessary
computations; it also provides guidance for determining
the components of various types of studies.
1-2. Scope
Procedures for conducting river hydraulic investigations
are presented herein with minimal theory. Details of the
theoretical principles of river hydraulics can be found in
standard textbooks and publications that are referenced
throughout this manual. Each chapter provides general
information and guidance to assist and support decisions
regarding choice of the most appropriate analytical and/or
modeling methods and data acquisition for specific
1-3. Applicability
This guidance applies to HQUSACE elements, major
subordinate commands, laboratories, and field operating
activities having civil works responsibilities.
1-4. References
References are listed in Appendix A.
1-5. Needs for River Hydraulics Studies
Missions of the Corps of Engineers include the development and maintenance of flood control and navigation
systems. It is the policy of the Corps of Engineers to
plan, design, construct, and provide for the maintenance
of safe, functional, cost-effective projects. River hydraulic analyses are an essential component of most riverine

projects, and the results from these analyses are often

critical to project formulation, design, construction, and
operation throughout the projects life. River hydraulics
includes the evaluation of flow characteristics and geomorphic (physical) behavior of rivers and changes in
these due to natural or man-made conditions.
As examples, determination of the elevations of dams,
spillways, levees, and floodwalls requires both hydrologic
and hydraulic computations. A major component of
studies related to floodplain information, flood control
channel design, navigation, water quality assessment,
environmental impact and enhancement analysis, is the
prediction of stage, discharge, and velocity as functions
of time anywhere on a river. Environmental aspects of
river engineering often require the prediction of stage,
velocity distributions, sediment transport rates, and water
quality characteristics, to evaluate the impacts of proposed actions on future river characteristics. Study of
any type of river project requires a thorough evaluation
of the possible impacts that it may have, both upstream
and downstream from the location of the project itself.
Prediction of the operation, maintenance, and repair or
replacement requirements of existing and proposed projects is another role that river hydraulics studies play in
the Corps planning and design processes.
1-6. General Methods
Reliable assessment and resolution of river hydraulics
issues depend on the engineers ability to understand and
describe, in both written and mathematical forms, the
physical processes that govern a river system. Provided
herein are background information and technical procedures necessary to perform river hydraulics engineering
studies. This manual provides river engineers at all
levels of experience with a wide range of practical field
examples, diagnostic advice, and guidance for performing
river hydraulics investigations.
Three categories of
methods for predicting river hydraulic conditions were
identified by Rouse (1959). The first and oldest uses
engineering experience acquired from previous practice
by an individual. The second utilizes laboratory scale
models (physical models) to replicate river hydraulic
situations at a specific site or for general types of structures. Laboratory modeling has been in extensive and
successful use for at least the past 60 years. The third
category is application of analytical (mathematical)
procedures and numerical modeling. Recent use of physical and numerical modeling in combination, guided by
engineering experience, is termed "hybrid modeling" and
has been very successful.


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

a. Field experience.
Field experience is an
extremely valuable asset for an engineer, yet planning
and design based only on experience may not yield a
defensible and reproducible product. Design by experience alone may result in inefficient trial-and-error procedures. Furthermore, the rationale for the design may be
lost if the person with the experience becomes
b. Physical models. Application of physical models
has evolved into a dependable and reproducible
procedure for analyzing river hydraulics.
modeling techniques are documented by the U.S. Department of the Interior (1980), Petersen (1986), and ASCE
(1942). These references provide guidance for planning
and conducting river hydraulics studies using physical
c. Analytical procedures. Application of analytical
(mathematical) procedures and numerical modeling have
become accepted methods for analyzing river hydraulics
and are the focus of this manual.
d. River behavior. The most thorough contemporary
strategy for analyzing and predicting river behavior and
response to imposed changes combines all three of the
methods mentioned above; this is known as hybrid


1-7. Organization
Seven chapters, followed by four appendixes, detailing
guidelines, data requirements, and computational procedures are presented. The chapters are: Introduction,
Introduction to River Hydraulics, Formulating Hydraulic
Studies, Multidimensional Flow Analysis, Unsteady
Flow, Steady Flow - Water Surface Profiles, and Water
Surface Profiles With Movable Boundaries. Guidance
for selecting appropriate study and design procedures is
given in each chapter along with examples. The order of
the technical chapters (4, 5, 6, and 7) is intended to show
how each successive approach derives from the prior
approach. References are in Appendix A. Appendix B
provides definitions of the technical terms used throughout this document. Appendix C overviews reporting
requirements and the development of a study work plan.
Appendix D gives guidance on the preparation of geometric data and selection of energy loss coefficients
based upon past experience. This information is generally applicable to all the methods presented in this
manual; therefore, Appendix D should be consulted prior
to embarking on any river hydraulics study. This manual
is not intended to be read straight through; there is, therefore, some redundancy among Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and
Appendix D with regard to such items as calibration
procedures and parameter selection.

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15 Oct 93

Chapter 2
Introduction to River Hydraulics

2-1. Introduction
Proper use of this manual requires knowledge of the
fundamentals and laws of fluid mechanics. This chapter
provides an overview of the principles necessary to
perform river hydraulic studies and provides some guidance for selecting appropriate methods for conducting
those studies. It must be supplemented with use of
standard textbooks such as Chow (1959), Henderson
(1966), and/or French (1985). Topics presented herein
include: flow dimensionality, the nature of water and
flood waves, an overview of definitions and flow classifications, and basic principles of river hydraulics and
a. General. Rivers are complex and dynamic. It is
often said that a river adjusts its roughness, velocity,
slope, depth, width, and planform in response to human
activities and (perhaps associated) changing climatic,
geologic, and hydrologic regimes. These adjustments
may be rapid or slow, depending upon the source and
character of the forces spawning the adjustments. When
a river channel is modified locally, that modification may
initiate changes in the channel and flow characteristics
that may propagate both upstream and downstream and
throughout tributary systems. These changes may occur
over large distances and persist for long times.
b. Analysis techniques. Effective analysis of river
problems requires recognition and understanding of the
governing processes in the river system. There are two
basic items that must always be considered in river
hydraulics analyses: the characteristics of the flow in the
river, and the geomorphic behavior of the river channel.
These two components are sometimes treated separately;
however, in alluvial channels (channels with movable
boundaries) the flow and the shape of the boundary are
interrelated. One-dimensional, steady state, fixed-bed
water surface profiles are often computed as part of
"traditional" river hydraulics studies. However, some
floodplain management, flood control, or navigation
studies may require consideration of unsteady (timedependent) flow, mobile boundaries (boundary characteristics that can change with flow and time), or multidimensional flow characteristics (flows with nonuniform
velocity distributions) to properly perform the required

c. Options. The analyst has a number of options for

analyzing river flows and must choose one (or a combination of several) that yields sufficiently useful and
defensible results at optimal cost. There does not yet
exist definitive criteria which can be routinely applied to
yield a clear choice of method. This manual serves as a
guide for thought processes to be used by the hydraulic
engineer studying a reach of river with the aim of predicting its behavior for a wide range of flows.
2-2. Flow Dimensionality Considerations
a. Realm of one-dimensionality. To decide if a
multidimensional study is needed, or a one-dimensional
approach is sufficient, a number of questions must be
answered. Is there a specific interest in the variation of
some quantity in more than one of the possible directions? If only one principal direction can be identified,
there is a good possibility that a one-dimensional study
will suffice. Let this direction be called the main axis of
the flow (e.g., streamwise); it is understood that that
direction can change (in global coordinates) along the
flow axis, as in a natural river.
b. Limitations of one dimensionality.
Onedimensional analysis implies that the variation of relevant
quantities in directions perpendicular to the main axis is
either assumed or neglected, not computed. Common
assumptions are the hydrostatic pressure distribution,
well-mixed fluid properties in the vertical, uniform velocity distribution in a cross section, zero velocity components transverse to the main axis, and so on.
c. Two-dimensional flow. It is possible that actual
transverse variations will differ so greatly from the
assumed variation that streamwise values, determined
from a one-dimensional study, will be in significant
error. If flow velocities in floodplains are much less than
that in the main channel, actual depths everywhere will
be greater than those computed on the basis of uniform
velocity distribution in the entire cross section. It is
possible that the transverse variations will be of greater
importance than the streamwise values. This is of particular importance when maximum values of water surface
elevation or current velocity are sought. For example, in
river bends, high velocities at one bank can lead to scour
that would not be predicted on the basis of average
streamwise values. Also, flow in a bend causes superelevation of the water surface on the outside of the bend
which may be a significant source of flooding from a
dam-break wave passing through a steep alpine valley.


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In swiftly flowing streams, the superelevation of the

water surface on the outside of a bend, required to accelerate the water towards the inside in making the turn,
needs not disrupt the one-dimensionality of the flow from
the computational standpoint. The superelevation is
predictable from the one-dimensional computed velocity
and the bend radius, and can be added to the water surface elevation at the stream axis after this has been computed. For a third example, a strong cross wind in a
wide shallow estuary can generate water surface elevations considerably greater on the downwind bank than on
the main axis of the channel.
e. Determination of flow dimensionality. It is not
possible to state with theoretical certainty that a given
reach can be assumed one-dimensional unless multidimensional studies on the reach have been carried out
and compared to the results of a one-dimensional
approach. As a practical rule of thumb, however, if the
reach length is more than twenty times the reach width,
and if transverse flow and stage variations are not specifically of interest, the assumption of one dimensionality
will likely prove adequate. Events of record in wide
reaches can yield indications of susceptibility to strong
cross winds or large transverse differences in atmospheric
pressures. The history of flooding in the reach should be
studied for potential sources of significant transverse
disturbance. As an extreme example, it was the massive
failure of the left bank, which fell into the reservoir, that
produced the catastrophic overtopping of Viaont Dam in
Italy in 1963, and it was the ride up of the resulting
wave from the dammed tributary which crossed the channel of the main stream, the Piave River, and obliterated
the town of Longarone. In most cases departures from
strictly one-dimensional flow are confined to regions in
the vicinity of local disturbances. Expansions and contractions in cross sections lead to transverse nonuniform
velocity distributions and, if severe enough, in water
surface elevations as well. These local effects are
usually accounted for in a one-dimensional analysis by
adjusting coefficients for head loss.
f. Composite channels. The concept of a composite
channel is typically used to account for retardation of
flow by very rough floodplains in a one-dimensional
analysis. It is assumed that, with a horizontal water
surface and energy slope common to main channel and
overbank flows, the total discharge can be distributed
among the main channel and overbanks in proportion to
their individual conveyances. The different length traveled by the portion of the flow in the floodplains can, in
principle, be accommodated by computing three


contiguous one-dimensional flows, the main channel, and

the right and left floodplains (Smith 1978, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers 1990b).
g. Floodplains. A river rising rapidly and going
overbank may take significant time to inundate the floodplain. The transverse water surface will then not be
horizontal and will slope downward (laterally outward
from the main channel) to provide the force for the flood
proceeding up the floodplain. The cross-sectional area
for carrying the streamwise flow will then be less than
that under a horizontal line at the elevation of the water
surface in the main channel. In the absence of twodimensional computations, information from past records
of the timing of floodplain inundation should be compared to rise time in the main channel to determine the
importance of this effect.
h. Networks. While a network of interconnected
streams is surely two-dimensional, the individual channels comprising each reach of the network can usually be
treated as one-dimensional. In some cases of multiple
flow paths, such as through bridges crossing wide floodplains with multiple asymmetric openings, the flow distribution may be difficult to determine and the water
surface elevation substantially non-horizontal; in such
cases, two-dimensional modeling may be preferable
(U.S. Department of Transportation 1989).
2-3. Water Waves
a. General. Water flowing (or standing) with a free
surface open to the atmosphere is always susceptible to
wave motion. The essence of wave motion exists in the
concept of the propagation of disturbances. If a given
flow is perturbed by something somewhere within its
boundaries, some manifestation of that perturbation is
transmitted at some velocity of propagation to other
portions of the water body. There are different categories of water waves, many of which are not pertinent to
river hydraulics studies. A pebble cast into a body of
water generates waves which radiate from the point of
entry in all directions at speeds, relative to the bank,
dependent upon the water velocity and depth. In still
water they radiate as concentric circles. The concept of
wave propagation depending upon wave celerity and
water velocity is common to the analysis of all water
waves. The waves generated by a dropped pebble are
usually capillary waves, whose celerity is strongly dependent upon the surface tension at the air-water interface.
They are unrelated to river hydraulics except that they

EM 1110-2-1416
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may affect measurements in a small-scale physical model

of a channel.
b. Wave types.
(1) Chop and swell on the surface of an estuary in a
stiff wind represent gravity waves, which are unlike a
flood wave in a river because the motions of the water
particles are confined to orbits in the upper layers of the
water body. The deeper a measurement is taken below
the surface of such a wave, the smaller are the velocities.
The celerities of such waves depend mainly upon the size
of the wave, and less upon the depth of the water upon
whose surface they travel. Such waves can cause substantial intermittent wetting, erosion, and even ponding
well above the surface of an otherwise undisturbed water
body. Their short wavelength implies variation of velocities and pressures in the vertical as well as in the horizontal directions with time; hence, the mathematics of
their calculation is substantially more complicated than
that of flood waves. In typical flood studies, the magnitudes of such surface waves are estimated from empirical
formulas and then superimposed upon the surface of the
primary flood wave. Another kind of short wave occurring in very steep channels at Froude numbers (see
paragraph 2-4c) near two results from the instability of
flow on those slopes. This form of wave motion is the
so-called "roll wave," and can be seen in steep channels,
such as spillways with small discharges (e.g., gate

details and examples are in Chapter 5 and Appendix D.

Only one-dimensional situations are discussed here; that
is, river reaches in which the length is much greater than
the width. Similarly, it is assumed that the boundaries of
the reach are rigid and do not deform as a result of the
flow (see Chapter 7 and EM 1110-2-4000, 1989).
(1) Flood routing. Many flood routing techniques
were developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries. The fact that water levels during flood events
vary with both location and time makes the mathematics
for predicting them quite complicated. Various simplifying assumptions were introduced to permit solutions with
a reasonable amount of computational effort. While
analytical techniques for solving linear wave equations
were known, those solutions could not, in general, be
applied to real floods in real bodies of water because of
the nonlinearity of the governing equations and the complexity of the boundaries and boundary conditions.
Numerical solutions of the governing equations were
largely precluded by the enormous amount of arithmetic
computation required. The advent and proliferation of
high-speed electronic computers in the second half of the
twentieth century revolutionized the computation of flood
flows and their impacts. Numerical solutions of the
governing partial differential equations can now be
accomplished with reasonable effort.

(2) There is another variety of short wave that may

be pertinent to some flood waves. In rare instances,
changes in flow are so extreme and rapid that a hydraulic
bore is generated. This is a short zone of flow having
the appearance of a traveling hydraulic jump. Such a
jump can travel upstream (example: the tidal bore when
the tide rises rapidly in an estuary), downstream
(example: the wave emanating from behind a ruptured
dam), or stay essentially in one place (example: the
hydraulic jump in a stilling basin).

(2) Data for flood routing. Solution of the partial

differential equations of river flow requires prescription
of boundary and initial conditions. In particular, the
geometry of the watercourse and its roughness must be
known, as well as the hydraulic conditions at the
upstream and downstream ends of the reach and at all
lateral inflows and outflows (tributaries, diversions) along
the reach. Due to the extreme irregularity of a natural
watercourse, the channel geometry and hydraulic properties (such as roughness and infiltration) cannot be
specified exactly. The accuracy to which they must be
specified to yield reliable results is not a trivial issue
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1986, 1989).

c. Flood waves. The essence of flood prediction is

the forecasting of maximum stages in bodies of water
subject to phenomena such as precipitation runoff, tidal
influences (including those from storm tides), dam operations, and possible dam failures. Also of interest are
discharge and stage hydrographs, velocities of anticipated
currents, and duration of flooding.
methods for making such predictions, typically called
flood routing, relate the response of the water to a particular flow sequence. A brief introduction is given here;

(3) Water motion. The motion of water particles at

a cross section during a flood is nearly uniform, top to
bottom. The drag of the sides and bottom, possible
secondary currents resulting from channel bends or irregularities, and off-channel storage (ineffective flow) areas
create a nonuniform distribution of velocity across a
cross section. The celerity of a flood wave is dependent,
in a fundamental way, on the water depth. In a flood
wave, the pressure distribution is nearly hydrostatic; i.e.,
it increases uniformly with depth below the surface.


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These are so-called "long waves" that are, in fact, gradually varied unsteady flows in open channels. The term
"unsteady" implies that measurements of water velocity
at one point in such a channel will show time variance at
a scale larger than turbulent fluctuations. "Varied"
means that, at any instant, velocities at different points
along the channel are different. "Gradually varied"
means that the pressure distribution in a cross section is
(4) Wave speed. The analyst must be cognizant of
the fact that the response of water in a river to a flood or
other disturbance is a wave which propagates at some
speed and influences water levels consecutively, not
simultaneously. While it may be possible to ignore that
fact under certain circumstances, it should never be done
mechanically without careful consideration of the specific
conditions. Only if the travel time of the wave is small
compared to the time for a boundary condition to change
substantially can the water in a reach be assumed to
behave as a unit without regard for the wave motion.
The kinematic wave speed, that is, the speed of propagation of the main body of the flood, is strongly dependent
on the channel slope and roughness and must be considered (Ponce 1989).
2-4. Flow Classification
To determine which principles apply to a particular situation in river mechanics, it is necessary to properly classify the flow. Various categories of flow are amenable to
different simplifying assumptions, data requirements, and
methods of analysis. The first step in the analysis of
river hydraulics situations is classification of the state,
type, and characteristics of the flow. Once the presumed
flow characteristics have been categorized, the engineer
can identify the data, boundary conditions, and simulation
techniques appropriate for the situation. The following
sections present definitions and flow classifications that
lead to selection of analysis techniques.
a. Effects of channel boundaries. Water may be
conveyed in two types of conduits: (1) open channels
and (2) pressure conduits (neglecting ground water). The
extent to which boundary geometry confines the flow is
an important basis for classifying hydraulic problems.
Open channel flow is characterized by a free (open to
atmospheric pressure) water surface. Pipe or pressure
flow occurs in conduits, pipes, and culverts that are flowing completely full and, therefore, have no free water
surface. Flow in a closed conduit, however, is not


necessarily pipe or pressure flow. If it is flowing partially full and has a free surface, it must be classified and
analyzed as open channel flow.
(1) Figure 2-1 shows that the same energy principles
are valid for both pressure flow and open channel flow.
The dynamic forces, however, in steady pressure flows
are the viscous and inertial forces. In open channel flow
the force of gravity must also be considered. Flows are
more complicated in open channels because the water
surface is free to change with time and space; consequently, the water surface elevation, discharge, velocity,
and slopes of the channel bottom and banks are all interrelated. Also, the physical conditions (roughness and
shape) of open channels vary much more widely (in
space and time) than those of pipes, which usually have a
constant shape and roughness. Because this manual
covers only river hydraulics, little emphasis is placed on
methods of solving pipe or pressure flow problems unless
they pertain directly to river hydraulics, such as pressure
flow through bridge crossings or culverts (see Chapter 6).
Chow (1959, chap. 1) discusses many of the similarities
and differences between pipe and open channel flow.
(2) Flow in an alluvial channel (a channel with
movable boundaries) behaves differently from flow in a
rigid boundary channel. In alluvial channels (most natural rivers) rigid boundary relationships apply only if the
movement of the bed and banks is negligible during the
time period of interest. Once general mobilization of bed
and bank materials occurs, the flow characteristics,
behavior, and shape of the channel boundaries become
interrelated, thus requiring far more complex methods for
flow analysis. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of this manual are
directed primarily at rigid boundary problems. Chapter 7
presents the theory and methods for analyzing movable
boundary river hydraulics. Details of sediment investigations are provided in EM 1110-2-4000.
b. Effects of viscosity (laminar and turbulent flow).
(1) The behavior of flow in rivers and open channels
is governed primarily by the combined effects of gravity
and fluid viscosity relative to inertial forces. Effects of
surface tension are usually negligible for natural rivers.
The three primary states of flow are laminar flow, transitional flow, and turbulent flow.
(2) A flow is laminar, transitional, or fully turbulent
depending on the ratio of viscous to inertial forces as
defined by the Reynolds number:

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Figure 2-1. Comparison between pipe flow and open-channel flow






Reynolds number (dimensionless)

characteristic flow velocity (ft/sec)
characteristic length (ft)
kinematic viscosity of water (ft2/sec)

In open channels, L is usually taken as the hydraulic

radius; i.e., the cross-sectional area normal to the flow
divided by the wetted perimeter. Care must be taken to
use a homogeneous system of units for these terms so
that the Reynolds number is dimensionless. An open
channel flow is laminar if the Reynolds number is less
than 500. Flows in open channels are classified as turbulent if the Reynolds number exceeds 2,000, and they are
transitional if Re is between 500 and 2,000 (Chow 1959).
Laminar flow is characterized by the dominant effects of
viscosity. In laminar flow, parcels of fluid appear to
travel in smooth parallel paths. Laminar flow occurs
very rarely in natural open channels. When the surface
of a river appears smooth or glassy, it does not necessarily mean that the flow is laminar; rather, it is most likely

tranquil, though turbulent flow. Laminar open channel

flow can occur, however, when a very thin sheet of water
flows over a smooth surface; otherwise, it is usually
restricted to specially controlled laboratory facilities.
(3) In turbulent flow, pulsatory cross-current velocity
fluctuations cause individual parcels of fluid to move in
irregular patterns, while the overall flow moves downstream. One effect of the microstructure of turbulent
flow is the formation of a more uniform velocity distribution. Figure 2-2 shows the differences between typical
laminar and turbulent velocity profiles in an open channel
and a pipe. Much greater energy losses occur in turbulent flow. The energy required to generate the random
cross current velocities must come from the total energy
of the river, but it is of no real help in transporting the
flow downstream. Therefore, open channel flow relations for turbulent flows describe energy and friction
losses differently than for laminar flows.
(4) Because flows in natural rivers are always turbulent, methods of analyzing turbulent open channel flows
are presented exclusively in this document. Readers
interested in the analyses of laminar flow conditions


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Figure 2-2. Laminar and turbulent velocity profiles

should refer to texts by Chow (1959), Henderson (1966),

and Rouse (1959).
c. Effects of gravity (subcritical and supercritical
flow). The ratio of inertial to gravitational forces is an
important measure of the state of open channel flow and
is represented by the Froude number:


F = Froude number (dimensionless)
V = mean flow velocity in the channel (ft/sec)
g = acceleration of gravity (ft/sec2)
L = characteristic length term (ft)
In open channels and rivers the characteristic length (L)
is often taken as the hydraulic depth; i.e., the
cross-sectional area normal to the flow divided by the top
width at the free surface. Depending on the magnitude
of the Froude number, the state of flow is either "subcritical, "critical", or "supercritical."


(1) When the Froude number is less than 1, the

effects of gravitational forces are greater than inertial
forces, and the state of the flow is referred to as subcritical, or tranquil flow. Note that the denominator in the
Froude number (Equation 2-2) is the expression for celerity of a shallow water wave. Therefore, in subcritical
flow, the wave celerity is greater than mean channel
velocity, and a shallow water wave can move upstream.
As a simple field test, toss a stone into the river; if you
observe the ripples from the stone hitting the water moving upstream, the flow for that location, depth, and discharge is subcritical (F < 1).
(2) When inertial and gravitational forces are equal,
the Froude number is equal to unity, and the flow is said
to be at the critical state (i.e., critical flow). For these
conditions, a shallow water wave remains approximately
stationary in the flow relative to the banks. At critical
flow, the depth is referred to as "critical depth."
(3) When inertial forces exceed gravitational forces
(F > 1) the state of flow is referred to as supercritical, or
rapid flow. For this state, the flow is characterized by
high velocity, and shallow water waves are immediately

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

carried downstream. It is possible, however, that point

velocities in a natural channel will exceed critical velocity when the average state of flow is subcritical.

interaction and effects of the flow with a mobile alluvial

bed are presented in Chapter 7.
2-6. Types of Flow

(4) Prior to performing hydraulic calculations, such

as determining water surface profiles, engineers must
determine the state of flow for the range of discharges
and depths being evaluated. When the state of flow is
subcritical (F < 1), the water surface profile is controlled
by channel characteristics at the downstream end of the
river reach. Therefore, steady flow water surface profile
computations proceed from the downstream control point
upstream (referred to as a backwater calculation). If
supercritical flow exists, calculations go from upstream to
downstream. If the direction of the computation does not
correspond to the prevailing state of flow, the computed
water surface profile can diverge from the true profile
and lead to erroneous results. If computations proceed in
the proper direction for the state of flow, the calculated
water surface profile converges to the true profile even if
the estimated starting water surface is in error.

The following flow classifications are based on how the

flow velocity varies with respect to space and time.
Figure 2-4 shows some of the possible types of open
channel flow that occur in rivers. Each type of flow
must be analyzed using methods that are appropriate for
that flow.
a. Steady flow. A flow is steady if the velocity at a
specific location does not change in magnitude or direction with time. (Turbulent fluctuations are neglected in
these definitions.)
b. Unsteady flow. If the velocity at a point changes
with time, the flow is unsteady. Methods for analyzing
unsteady flow problems account for time explicitly as a
variable, while steady flow methods neglect time all

2-5. Regimes of Flow

There are four regimes of open channel flow, depending
on the combined effects of viscosity and gravity:
(1) subcritical-laminar, (2) subcritical-turbulent,
(3) supercritical-laminar, and (4) supercritical-turbulent.
The two laminar regimes are not relevant to natural rivers because fully turbulent flow is always the case.
Therefore, determination of the flow regime for most
open channel and river hydraulics situations involves
verifying that the state of the flow is either subcritical
(F < 1) or supercritical (F > 1).
a. Subcritical flow. In rivers and channels, if the
flow is subcritical (F < 1) and the bed immobile, water
will accelerate over shallow humps and obstructions on
the bottom and decelerate over deeper areas and troughs.
This is illustrated in Figure 2-3. In sand bed channels
flow separation often occurs just downstream of the crest
of the sand waves. Surface boils may appear on the
water surface just downstream from the flow separation
locations. In natural alluvial channels, the occurrence of
separation zones and increased flow turbulence leads to
increases in flow resistance and energy losses.
b. Supercritical flow. If the flow is supercritical
(F > 1), water flowing over obstructions and humps will
decelerate while accelerating in the pools and troughs as
shown in Figure 2-3.(c) and (d), respectively.

c. Uniform flow. Uniform flow rarely occurs in

natural rivers because, by definition, uniform flow
implies that the depth, water area, velocity, and discharge
do not change with distance along the channel. This also
implies that the energy grade line, water surface, and
channel bottom are all parallel for uniform flow. The
depth associated with uniform flow is termed "normal
depth." Uniform flow is considered to be steady flow
only, since unsteady uniform flow is practically nonexistent (Chow 1959). Only in a long reach of prismatic
channel of uniform roughness carrying a flow that has
been undisturbed at the reach boundaries for a long time
will the flow be uniform.
d. Nonuniform flow. Most flow in natural rivers and
channels is nonuniform, or spatially varied flow. Here,
the term "spatially varied" is to be taken in the onedimensional sense; i.e. hydraulic variables vary only
along the length of the river. Even if the flow is steady,
spatial variation can result from changes occurring along
the channel boundaries (e.g., channel geometry changes),
from lateral inflows to the channel, or both.
(1) Rapidly varied. If spatial changes to the flow
(depth and/or velocity) occur abruptly and the pressure
distribution is not hydrostatic, the flow is classified as
rapidly varied. Rapidly varied flow is usually a local


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 2-3. Relation between water surface and bed configuration for tranquil and rapid flow (from
Simons and Sentrk 1976)

phenomenon. Examples are the hydraulic jump and

hydraulic drop (see p. 6 of Chow 1959).
(2) Gradually varied. As a rule of thumb, if the
slope of the surface of a body of water is indiscernible to
the naked eye, the flow therein is gradually varied.
Unsteadiness of open channel flow (in contrast to the
case of a rigid closed conduit flowing full) implies nonuniformity because disturbances (imposed flow changes)
are always propagated as waves. In principle, at any
instant, some portion of the flow is influenced by the
disturbance, other portions have not yet been reached,
and the requirements for varied, i.e., nonuniform flow are
met. Furthermore, any nonuniformity of the channel
characteristics; e.g., expansions and contractions in cross
section shape or changes in slope or roughness, causes
the flow to accelerate and decelerate in response. The
relative sizes of these two contributions to the flow nonuniformity, flow unsteadiness, and irregular channel
geometry, influence the applicability of various
techniques for simulating river flows. In general, the
flow in a river subject to variations in inflow, outflow, or
tidal action should be assumed to be unsteady and nonuniform. Gradually varied flow implies that the stream


lines are practically parallel (e.g., a hydrostatic pressure

distribution exists throughout the channel section). An
underlying assumption for gradually varied flow computations is that "The headloss for a specified reach is
equal to the headloss in the reach for a uniform flow
having the same hydraulic radius and average velocity
..." (French 1985, p. 196). This assumption allows uniform flow equations to be used to model the energy
slope of a gradually varied flow at a given channel section.
It also allows the coefficient of roughness
(Mannings n), developed for uniform flow, to be applied
to varied flows. These assumptions have never been
precisely confirmed by either experiment or theory, but
the errors resulting from them are known to be small
compared to other errors such as survey errors and
roughness estimation (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1986). If large errors are introduced by the use of
simplified gradually varied flow methods, or if the particular flow conditions violate the basic assumptions of
steadiness, one-dimensionality, or rigid boundaries, the
river engineer must consider use of more detailed analytical methods. Chapter 3 presents some simple procedures
for eliminating inappropriate methods and identifying

EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 2-4. Some types of open-channel flow

what methods may be appropriate for any particular

2-7. Classification of Flow Profiles
The following classification of steady flow water surface
profiles follows that of Chow (1959). This assumes a
one-dimensional condition.
a. Channel slope. Channel slope is one criterion
used to classify steady flow profiles. A critical slope is
one on which critical velocity is sustained by a change in
potential energy rather than pressure head. A mild slope
is less than critical slope, and a steep slope is greater
than critical slope for a given flow. When the slope is
positive, it is classified as mild, steep, or critical, and the
corresponding flow profiles are the M, S, or C profiles,
respectively (see Figure 2-5). If the slope of the channel
bed is zero, the slope is horizontal and the profiles are
called H profiles. If the bed rises in a downstream direction, the slope is negative and is called an adverse slope,
producing A profiles.

b. Normal and critical depths. Another parameter

used to classify gradually varied flow profiles is the
magnitude of the water depth relative to normal depth,
Dn, and critical depth, Dc. The depth that would exist if
the flow were uniform is called normal depth. Critical
depth is that for which the specific energy for a given
discharge is at a minimum. Specific energy is defined

V 2


d = depth of flow (ft)
= energy correction factor (dimensionless)
V2/2g = velocity head (ft)
2-8. Basic Principles of River Hydraulics
a. Conservation of mass. Evaluation of the hydraulic characteristics of rivers and open channels requires


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Figure 2-5. Classification of steady flow profiles

analysis of mass and energy conservation. Conservation

of mass is often referred to as flow continuity. Continuity is the principle that states that mass (stream flow
volume) is conserved (e.g., mass is neither created nor
destroyed within the system being evaluated). Mass
conservation in a volumetric sense means that the volume
passing a given location will also pass another location
downstream provided that changes in storage, tributary
inflows and outflows, evaporation, etc. between the two
locations are properly accounted for.


(1) The simplest description of mass conservation

for steady, one-dimensional, flow without intervening
inflows and outflows is:

V1 A1

V2 A2

...Vi Ai

Q = volumetric flow rate (ft3/sec)
V = mean flow velocity (ft/sec)
A = cross-sectional flow area (ft2)


EM 1110-2-1416
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and the subscripts on V and A designate different river

section locations. Equation 2-4 is not valid where the
discharge changes along the river. That type of flow is
referred to as spatially varied flow and occurs when
water runs into or out of the river from tributaries, storm
drains, drainage canals, and side-channel spillways.
The continuity equation for unsteady, onedimensional flow requires consideration of storage as
shown below:




B = channel top width (ft)
x = longitudinal distance along the centerline of the
channel (ft)
d = depth of flow (ft)
t = time (seconds)
The two terms represent the effects of temporal change
in storage and spatial change in discharge, respectively.
Further detail regarding the derivation and alternative
forms of the continuity equation are presented by Chow
(1959), Henderson (1966), and French (1985). See also
Chapters 4 and 5.
b. Conservation of energy. The second basic component that must be accounted for in one-dimensional
steady flow situations is the conservation of energy. The
mathematical statement of energy conservation for steady
open channel flow is the modified Bernoulli energy equation; it states that the sum of the kinetic energy (due to
motion) plus the potential energy (due to height) at a
particular location is equal to the sum of the kinetic and
potential energies at any other location plus or minus
energy losses or gains between those locations.
Equation 2-6 and Figure 2-6 illustrate the conservation of
energy principle for steady open channel flow.







WS = water surface elevation (ft)
he = energy loss (ft) between adjacent sections


and the other terms were previously defined. This equation applies to uniform or gradually varied flow in channels with bed slopes () less than approximately
10 degrees. Units of measurement are cited in Table 2-1.
In steeper channels, the flow depth d must be replaced
with (d*cos) to properly account for the potential
energy. For unsteady flows refer to Chapters 4 and 5.
Table 2-1
Conversion Factors, Non-SI to SI (Metric)
Units of Measurement
Non-SI units of measurement used in this report can be
converted to SI (metric) units as follows:


To Obtain

cubic feet


cubic meters

cubic yards


cubic meters

degrees Fahrenheit


degrees Celsius or







miles (US statute)



tons (2,000 pounds,




* To obtain Celsius (C) temperature readings from Fahrenheit (F)

readings, use the following formula: C = (5/9)(F - 32). To obtain
Kelvin (K) readings, use: K = (5/9)(F - 32) + 273.15.

c. Application to open channels. Even though the

same laws of conservation of mass and energy apply to
pipe and open channel flow, open channel flows are
considerably more difficult to evaluate. This is because
the location of the water surface is free to move temporally and spatially and because depth, discharge, and the
slopes of the channel bottom and free surface are interdependent (refer to Figure 2-1 and to Chow (1959) for
further explanation of these differences). In an open
channel, if an obstruction is placed in the flow and it
generates an energy loss (he in Figure 2-6), there is some
distance upstream where this energy loss is no longer
reflected in the position of the energy grade line, and
thus the flow depth at that distance is unaffected. The
flow conditions will adjust to the local increase in energy
loss by an increase in water level upstream from the disturbance thereby decreasing frictional energy losses.
This allows the flow to gain the energy required to


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 2-6. Open channel energy relationships

overcome the local energy loss, but the increase will

gradually decrease in the upstream direction. It is this
complication, the freedom in the location of the water
surface, that makes hydraulics of open channels more
complicated and difficult to evaluate than that of closed
d. Use in natural rivers. The primary difference
between study methods used for prismatic channels
(channels with an unvarying cross section, roughness,
and bottom slope) and natural rivers results from variations in natural river channel cross-sectional shape and
roughness and variable bottom slope. Figure 2-7 presents
plan and profile views of a typical study reach for a
natural river and identifies the various classes and types
of flow that may occur within the reach. Note that, not
only can the type of flow vary along a natural channel,
but also the flow regime. Practical application of steady,
one-dimensional flow theory is detailed in Chapter 6.
(1) Figure 2-7 emphasizes that, in natural rivers and
streams, there is rarely uniform flow. Theoretically, a


complete closed-form solution to the mathematical statement of the balance between the rate of energy loss and
the rate at which it is being added by the drop in the
channel bottom does not exist. Approximations, based
on uniform flow analogies, provide the simplified flow
relationships previously presented for steady gradually
varied flow. The exactness of these approximations is a
function of the accuracy of the channel geometry
measurements, cross-sectional spacing, and, most importantly, an accurate estimate and use of energy losses.
(2) Other characteristics of flow in natural rivers
must be considered when deciding on an approach to
take for evaluating river hydraulics problems. The river
engineer must also consider the effects and relative
importance of the steadiness or unsteadiness of the flow
and whether a one-dimensional approximation of the flow
will provide sufficient accuracy and detail for the particular flow and channel configuration.
e. Unsteady flow.
discussions regarding

Chapter 5 presents detailed

typical data and computer

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Figure 2-7. Varying flow classification along a channel


EM 1110-2-1416
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requirements as well as the various kinds and forms of

hydraulic routing models that are available.
f. Multidimensional flow. Flow in a river channel is
often considered to be one-dimensional in the direction
of flow. As previously discussed, this assumption allows
a simplified mathematical analysis of the flow. Multidimensional flows require accounting for the physics
(mass and momentum conservation) of the flow in two,
and sometimes three, directions. Detailed discussions of
multidimensional flow analysis methods are presented in
Chapter 4 and in the texts by Abbott (1979), Cunge et al.
(1980), and Fischer et al. (1979).
g. Movable boundary analysis. Alluvial rivers often
exhibit significant bed and bank mobility during and after
floods. For erodible channels, use of alternative computational procedures that account for sediment transport
characteristics may be necessary to accurately describe
project performance with respect to channel boundary
reactions and flow characteristics. Methods and procedures for evaluating alluvial channel (mobile boundary)
hydraulics are presented in Chapter 7 and in EM 1110-24000.
h. River channel geomorphology. Natural streams
acquired their present forms from long-term processes
involving land surface erosion, stream channel incisement, streamflow variation, human activities, and land
use changes. The study of these processes associated
with land form development is referred to as geomorphology. In a natural river, there is a continuous
exchange of sediment particles between the channel bed
and the entraining fluid. If, within a given river reach,
approximately the same amount of sediment is transported by the flow as is provided by the inflow, the reach


is said to be in equilibrium. In natural rivers, a primary

design problem is to improve, modify, or maintain the
channel while also maintaining equilibrium. If a new
channel is to be constructed, or an existing channel is to
be altered, the primary problem is determining the stable
channel dimensions.
(1) Channels may be straight, braided, or meandering depending upon the hydrology and geology of the
region. The characteristics of an existing channel are a
good indication of the potential success or failure of a
proposed channelization project. River engineers must
have some knowledge of river channel geomorphology in
order to properly identify existing channel problems and
to anticipate potential project-induced responses by the
channel following channel modification or changing flow
regulation. Texts by Leopold et al. (1964), Schumm
(1977), and Petersen (1986) are excellent references.
EM 1110-2-4000 also provides guidance for evaluating
geomorphologic changes that can occur in rivers naturally, or as a result of human actions.
(2) The most important principle of river geomorphology that river engineers must consider is that, once
disturbed, an alluvial stream or channel begins an automatic and unrelenting process that proceeds towards a
new equilibrium condition. The new equilibrium characteristics (channel shape, size, depth, slope, and bed
material size) may or may not be similar to the streams
original characteristics. Failure to recognize important
sediment transport characteristics of an alluvial stream
can lead to a situation in which a project does not perform as designed, if that design is based solely on rigid
boundary hydraulics.

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Chapter 3
Formulating Hydraulic Studies

3-1. Initial Considerations

When assigned a hydrologic engineering study, the
tendency of many hydraulic engineers is to immediately
begin the technical analysis. However, the entire study
components must be planned first, recognizing the hydrologic/hydraulic information needs of other study team
members. For most hydrology and hydraulics (H&H)
studies, the engineers initial effort should be spent on
scoping and evaluating as many aspects of the entire
study as can be identified. Besides individual experience, the hydraulic engineer should utilize the experience
of others for advice and guidance in the technical aspects
of the study. Frequent communications with the study
manager, the economist, and other team members are
necessary to ensure that their requirements are met.
Other Corps personnel, the local project sponsor, and
higher level reviewers will also have useful suggestions
and information that will be valuable in establishing the
overall scope and procedures for the hydraulic analysis.
All of this information should be summarized in a written document, called a HEMP (Hydrologic Engineering
Management Plan) which guides the hydraulic engineer
through the course of the analysis. The HEMP is a
detailed work outline covering the complete technical
study. It should be the first significant item of work
completed by the hydraulic engineer and should be
updated during the study process as new insights are
gained. The purpose of this chapter is to present the
ingredients needed to develop this document. Additional
information about a hydraulic work plan is given in
Appendix C.
a. Project objectives. The objectives of a proposed
project are usually broad. For the majority of Corps
work, these objectives are to provide flood control,
and/or navigation to a specific reach of stream or an
entire river basin. Other objectives often include hydropower, river stabilization, water supply and conservation,
ground water management, permits, recreation, and environmental and water quality enhancement. For a project
involving many of these objectives, the hydraulic engineer may require consultation with outside experts.
Personnel from HEC, WES, the Hydrology Committee,
various centers of expertise in Corps Districts, state agencies, universities, or private consultants can provide assistance in developing the hydraulic study scheme and in
making decisions regarding selection of appropriate
hydraulic analysis tools.

b. Study objectives. Once the project objectives are

established, specific elements of the hydraulic analysis
can be addressed. Development of the study plan
requires establishment of appropriate levels of detail
commensurate with the particular study phase. The
appropriate level of hydraulic analysis detail is a key
issue in most studies affecting, perhaps drastically, both
the time and cost of the effort. This issue is often a
major matter that should be resolved between the hydraulic engineer and the study or project manager early in the
(1) The hydraulic engineer must be knowledgeable
of the planning process and design the analysis to meet
the requirements of any particular reporting stage of the
study (reconnaissance versus feasibility versus design).
The engineer must be prepared to explain why a certain
level of detail is needed, and why short-cut/less costly
methods (or more expensive methods) would not (or
would) be necessary and appropriate at particular stages
of a study. Frequent and clear communications with the
study team and development of a HEMP will facilitate
specification of the appropriate levels of study detail. A
justifiable H&H study cost estimate cannot be made
without first developing an H&H work plan.
(2) Level of detail for the feasibility stage should be
determined during the reconnaissance phase. Assuming
Federal interest is found during the reconnaissance study,
the most important work done in the reconnaissance
report is to itemize all perceived problems and data needs
and document how the study team proposes to address
them in the later reporting stages. The reconnaissance
report is the instrument used to define the level of detail
required for the feasibility report stage. Table 3-1 overviews the objectives and level of detail typically required
in the Corps reporting process; particular circumstances
may require a different blend of requirements and
3-2. Overview of Techniques for Conducting
River Hydraulics Studies
A general overview is given below; the following chapters discuss various technical approaches in detail.
a. Field data. Field (prototype) data collection and
analysis serves both as an important aspect of the application of other methods and as an independent method.
It is an indispensable element in the operation, calibration, and verification of numerical and physical models.
Also, to a limited extent, field data can be used to


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93
Table 3-1
Hydraulic Study Objectives





Qualitative analysis: one year time frame, primarily use existing data,
with and without project analysis to determine if economic justification is
likely, establish required data collection program.


Quantitative analysis: 2-3 year time frame, with and without project H&H,
economics, and plan formulation finalized, qualitative evaluation of mobile
boundary problems, hydraulic design sized, continue/refine data collection




Quantitative analysis: are the feasibility report findings still applicable?

Update economics and hydraulics to current conditions, initiate quantitative
investigation of movable boundary problems (usually).

General Design

Quantitative analysis-detailed hydraulic analysis and design, detailed

modeling and movable boundary analysis, finalize all hydraulics for simple

Feature Design

Quantitative analysis-detailed
hydraulic analysis and design of one
component or portion of a complex project, physical model testing, if


Detailed Project

Qualitative analysis: usually similar to reconnaissance report portion of the

feasibility report.

Quantitative analysis: a combined feasibility report and design.

estimate the rivers response to different actions and river

discharges using simple computations. Obtaining detailed temporal and spatial data coverage in the field,
however, can be a formidable and difficult task.
b. Analytic solutions. Analytic solutions are those in
which answers are obtained by use of mathematical
expressions. Analytical models often lump complex
phenomena into coefficients that are determined empirically. The usefulness of analytic solutions declines with
increasing complexity of geometry and/or increasing
detail of results desired.
c. Physical models.
Analysis of complex river
hydraulic problems may require the use of physical
hydraulic models. The appearance and behavior of the
model will be similar to the appearance and behavior of
the prototype, only much smaller in scale. Physical scale
models have been used for many years to solve complex
hydraulics problems. Physical models of rivers can
reproduce the flows, and three-dimensional variations in
currents, scour potential, and approximate sediment
transport characteristics. The advantage of a physical


model is the capability to accurately reproduce complex

multidimensional prototype flow conditions. Some disadvantages are the relatively high costs involved and the
large amount of time it takes to construct a model and to
change it to simulate project alternatives. Model calibration, selection of scaling and similitude relationships,
construction costs, and the need for prototype data to
adjust and verify physical models are discussed by the
U.S. Department of the Interior (1980), Franco (1978),
Petersen (1986), and ASCE (1942). Conflicts in similitude requirements for the various phenomena usually
force the modeler to violate similitude of some phenomena in order to more accurately reproduce the more
dominant processes.
d. Numerical models. Numerical models employ
special computational methods such as iteration and
approximation to solve mathematical expressions using a
digital computer. In hydraulics, they are of two principal
types finite difference and finite element. They are capable of simulating some processes that cannot be handled
any other way. Numerical models provide much more
detailed results than analytical methods and may be more

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93
accurate, but they do so with increased study effort.
They are also constrained by the modelers experience
and ability to formulate and accurately solve the mathematical expressions and obtain the data that represent the
important physical processes.
e. Hybrid modeling.
The preceding paragraphs
described the four principal solution methods and some
of their advantages and disadvantages. Common practice
has been to use two or more methods jointly, with each
method being applied to that portion of the study for
which it is best suited. For example, field data are usually used to define the most important processes and
verify a model that predicts hydrodynamic or sedimentation conditions in the river. Combining physical modeling with numerical modeling is referred to as hybrid
modeling. Combining them in a closely coupled fashion
that permits feedback among the models which is
referred to as an integrated hybrid solution. By devising
means to integrate several methods, the modeler can
include effects of many phenomena that otherwise would

include effects of many phenomena that otherwise would

be neglected or poorly modeled, thus improving the
reliability and detail of the results. A hybrid modeling
method for studying sedimentation processes in rivers,
estuaries and coastal waters has been developed by the
Waterways Experiment Station (WES) (McAnally et al.,
1984a and 1984b; Johnson et al., 1991). The method
uses a physical model, a numerical hydrodynamic model,
and a numerical sediment transport model as its main
constituents. Other optional components include a windwave model, a longshore current calculation, and a ship
handling simulator.
f. Selection of procedure. Tables 3-2 and 3-3 give
suggestions, based on experience, regarding usage of the
various procedures in different phases of flood control
and navigation studies. This information should be
viewed as a starting point; it will change as computer
resources and the Corps planning process and missions

Table 3-2
Model Usage During Hydraulic Studies For Flood Control Projects










Existing Data GVSF

& Criteria





General Design
Feature Design


* Existing Data and Criteria = available reports, Corps criteria, regional relationships for depth-frequency, normal depth rating relationships,
etc.; GVSF = gradually varied, steady flow [i.e. HEC-2, HEC (1990b)]; MB = mobile boundary analysis [i.e. HEC-6, HEC (1991a)]; GVUSF =
gradually varied unsteady flow [i.e. UNET, HEC (1991b); not including hydrologic models like HEC-1, HEC (1990a)]; Multi-D = multidimensional analysis [i.e. TABS-2, Thomas and McAnally (1985)]; Phys. = physical models (by WES or similar agency).
? Possible, but very unusual - highly dependent on problem being analyzed.
(1) Sediment problems must be addressed, but the procedure at this stage may be qualitative or quantitative, depending on the type and
magnitude of the project.
(2) Use is possible, but unlikely, on most flood control studies.
(3) Typically employed to evaluate design performance for a short reach of river or in the immediate vicinity of a specific project component, or to refine the hydraulic design of a project component.


EM 1110-2-1416
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Table 3-3
Model Usage During Hydraulic Studies For Navigation Projects

Existing Data GVSF

& Criteria.










General Design
Feature Design



* As defined in Table 3-2.

? As defined in Table 3-2.
(1) Sediment problems must be addressed at this stage, either quantitatively or qualitatively. Detailed movable boundary analysis with
computer modeling is more likely at this stage for a navigation project than for a flood control project.
(2) Navigation projects for this stage are typically small boat harbor or off-channel mooring facilities of rather uncomplicated design.
GVUSF or multidimensional modeling techniques are normally not utilized. A field survey during the reconnaissance and data gathering
stages of a study by the responsible hydraulic engineer is essential.

3-3. Analysis of Hydraulic Components

Most problems that are studied have solutions that
include hydraulic structures that are identified early in
the reconnaissance phase. Different types of structures
require different methods for proper evaluation. General
guidance for method selection is given in Table 3-4 for
flood control, navigation, and hydropower projects. The
study objectives, along with the type of hydraulic component to be evaluated, should indicate the type of analysis
3-4. Data Requirements
There are three main categories of data needed for
hydraulic studies: discharge, geometry, and sediment.
Not all of these categories, or all of the data within each
of these categories, will be needed for every study.
a. Discharge.
(1) A project is usually designed to perform a function at a specific discharge. It must also function safely
for a wide range of possible flows. Flood control projects are usually designed for the discharge corresponding


to a specific flood frequency, or design event, while

navigation studies use a discharge for a specific low flow
duration or frequency. The single discharge value for the
hydraulic design should not be over-emphasized; rather,
project performance must be evaluated for a range of
flows, both greater than and less than the "design discharge." A levee may be designed to provide protection
from the one-percent chance flood, but the levee design
must also consider what happens when the 0.5- or
0.2-percent chance or larger flood occurs. A channel
may be designed to contain the 10-percent chance flood,
but the annual event may be the most dominant in terms
of forming the channel geometry to carry the streams
water/sediment mixture. In some cases, the absence of a
low flow channel to carry the everyday water and sediment flows has caused the 10-percent chance channel to
be quickly silted up. Similarly, steady flow evaluations
may be insufficient to adequately evaluate project performance. Full hydrographs or sequential routings for a
period of record may be required to address the projects
response to sediment changes or the occurrence of consecutive high or low flow periods. Velocities are important for water quality, riprap design, and other
engineering studies. Velocity for the peak design flow

EM 1110-2-1416
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Table 3-4
General Guidelines for Typical Methods of Analysis for Various Hydraulic Components
Flood Control

Typical Analysis Procedures


GVSF normally; sediment analysis: often qualitative, but detailed movable boundary analysis may be necessary on
flank levees.

Dams (height)

Normally hydrologic reservoir routing, or GVUSF.


As above to establish crest elevation and width, general design criteria from existing sources to develop profile,
specific physical model tests to refine profile.



Interior Flood

General design criteria from existing sources to establish floor elevations, length and appurtenances, specific
model tests to refine the design, movable boundary analysis to establish downstream degradation and tailwater
design elevation.

GVSF normally, qualitative movable boundary analysis to establish magnitude of effects, quantitative analysis for
long reaches of channel modifications and/or high sediment concentration streams, physical model tests for problem designs (typically supercritical flow channels).
Integral part of a levee analysis - hydrologic routings normally for pump and gravity drain sizing, GVSF for ditching
and channel design, physical model testing for approach channel and pump sump analysis.


GVSF or GVUSF analysis, physical model testing, movable boundary analysis on sediment-laden streams.


Similar to stilling basin design, although model tests often not required.


GVSF usually, GVUSF for major confluences or tidal effects.

Overbank Flow

GVSF normally, GVUSF/Multi-D for very wide floodplains or alluvial fans.

FPMS Studies

GVSF normally.


Dikes - Movable boundary analysis (quantitative), multidimensional modeling, physical model tests.
Cutoffs - GVSF or GVUSF, movable boundary analysis to establish the rate of erosion and channel shifting,
physical modeling.
Revetment - general design criteria from existing sources, GVSF, physical model tests.



Normally, GVSF to establish pool elevations, profiles and depths, multidimensional modeling to estimate current
patterns, physical model testing, movable boundary analysis to establish downstream scour for stilling basin
General design criteria from existing sources, possible multidimensional modeling/physical modeling for approach
and exit velocities and refinements of lock design and filling/emptying systems.


System simulation for optimal operation. Multidimensional analysis for flow patterns, physical model tests.


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93
or velocities for specific time periods may be needed,
depending on the study requirements.
(2) Discharge data include measured and/or synthesized flows along with frequency, velocity, duration, and
depth information. Measured data at gages are the preferred source for this category; seldom, however, does
sufficient measured data exist. A typical hydraulic analysis requires simulated data from hydrologic models as
well as information on historical events, usually floods.
This latter data is often obtained from extensive discussions with local residents living along the study stream
and the review of newspaper accounts and/or Corps or
other agency reports. A field survey during the reconnaissance and data gathering stages of a study by the
responsible hydraulic engineer is essential.
b. Channel geometry.
(1) Channel geometry is required for any hydraulic
study. Geometric data include channel and overbank
topography, stream alignment, bridge and culvert data,
roughness information, changes in stream cross section
shape, and alignment over time. Extensive field and/or
aerial surveys supply the bulk of these data; however,
cost reductions can be achieved by locating and using
available data. Most rivers and streams have been studied in the past. Floodplain or flood insurance reports are
often available and can be valuable sources of geometric
and other data. Bridge plans are usually available from
state, county, or municipal highway departments. Navigable rivers have hydrographic surveys of the channel
taken periodically. Aerial photos have been taken at
regular intervals by the Soil Conservation Service since
the mid-1950s providing data on stream channel
changes. Even if it is decided that new surveys need to
be obtained, the above sources provide valuable information on changes in channel alignment and geometry over
time, indicating potential problems related to the streams
sediment regime. The keys to the usefulness of the data
are the accuracy of the survey data and the locations of
cross sections along the stream. Accuracy is discussed in
section 3-4e and Appendix D. Additional information on
the effects of survey data accuracy on computed water
surface profiles can be found in "Accuracy of Computed
Water Surface Profiles" (USACE 1986).
(2) The amount of survey data required depends on
the study objective and type. For instance, more frequent
surveys are needed for navigation projects than for flood
control projects. Detailed contour mapping for urban
studies should be obtained in the feasibility phase rather
than in the design phase, whereas detailed mapping for


agricultural damage reduction studies may often be postponed to the post-authorization stage. For movable bed
studies repeat channel surveys are needed at the same
locations, separated by significant time periods, to evaluate a models performance in reproducing geometric
changes. Thalweg profiles and/or repetitive hydrographic
surveys are needed for analysis of bed forms and the
movement of sand waves through rivers.
c. Sediment.
(1) The amount of sediment data needed is not
always apparent at the beginning of a hydraulic study.
The sediment impact assessment, as outlined in
EM 1110-2-4000, is performed during the initial planning
process. Sediment assessment studies are typically performed to determine if the project proposal is likely to
create a sediment problem or aggravate an existing one.
The results of this evaluation will dictate the need for
additional data and quantitative studies during the feasibility and design phases. If a sediment problem presently
exists, or is expected with a project in place, a sediment
data collection program must be initiated so that the
problem can be properly addressed in later stages of the
(2) Sediment data include channel bed and bank
material samples, sediment gradation, total sediment load
(water discharge versus sediment discharge), sediment
yield, channel bed forms, and erosion-deposition tendencies. Long-term sediment measuring stations are few in
number, and modern methods of sediment measurement
can make older records questionable. Sediment data
collected at a gaging site are usually short-term. Flood
control or navigation studies must address sediment to
determine if there is, or will be, a sediment problem if
the study proposal is implemented. Often, the initial
sediment analysis is performed in a rather qualitative
fashion with a minimum amount of data. If there
appears to be a sediment problem, a data collection program should be established, at least for a short period, to
obtain calibration data. Chapter 7 and EM 1110-2-4000
should be reviewed for further guidance on sediment
(3) The type of project often dictates the amount
and type of sediment data needed. For instance, reservoir and channelization proposals require that the entire
suspended sediment load (clays, silts, sands, and gravels)
be analyzed, whereas flood control channels or river
stabilization projects primarily require analysis of the bed
material load (mainly sands and gravels) because the
finer materials (clays and silts) usually pass through the

EM 1110-2-1416
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reach. The latter type of projects may require less data
than the former. For example, an evaluation of the bed
material at and near the surface, through "grab samples"
or collection with hand augers, may be adequate. If the
material consists of fine sands, a detailed sediment study
may be required, possibly in the feasibility phase.
d. Data availability. Data are usually available from
the U.S. Geological Surveys (USGS) nationwide data
collection system.
Corps water data measurements
provide another source; in many parts of the United
States state agencies and water conservancy districts also
collect water data. If measured data are not available but
are required for the study, a data collection system is
necessary. Guidance on specifying and developing a
gaging system is available from the USGS (1977) with
additional information in ER 1110-2-1455. Definition of
the need for certain data and budgeting for its collection
should be included in the feasibility or reconnaissance
report cost estimates.
e. Accuracy of data. Results from numerical models
are routinely available to a precision of 0.01 foot, implying far more solution accuracy than that of the basic data.
The hydraulic engineer should be aware of the impact of
input data uncertainty relative to reliability of the computations. There are relatively few USGS discharge gages
having records rated as "excellent." This rating carries
an explanation that 95 percent of the daily discharge
values are within 5 percent of the "true" discharge (thus
5 percent are outside of that limit). "Good" records have
90 percent of the daily discharges within 10 percent. If
any specific discharge varies by 5 percent, the corresponding stage could vary significantly depending on the
stream slope and geometry. Instantaneous peak discharges presumably would be less accurate. Thus, a
potentially significant accuracy problem exists with the
basic data.
(1) Geometric data are more accurate than flow data;
however, some variation is still present, see U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (1989). If not located properly, cross
sections obtained by any technique may not be "representative" of the channel and floodplain reach for which
each section is used (see Appendix D). Significant errors
in water surface profile computations have occurred
when distances between cross sections were large.
Closer cross section spacings will improve the accuracy
of the profile computations (i.e. the solution of the equations), but will not necessarily result in a better simulation unless the sections are properly located to capture
the conveyance and storage in the reach. A more
detailed discussion of river geometry requirements is

provided in Appendix D.
The computer program
"Preliminary Analysis System for Water Surface Profile
Computations (PAS)" is designed to assist with data
development for profile computations (U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers 1988b).
(2) Sediment data have the most uncertainty, due
both to the difficulties in obtaining the measurements and
the incorporation of discharge and geometry measurements in the calculation of sediment load. Sediment load
curves typically are the most important relationships in
sediment studies. This water discharge/sediment discharge relationship should be sensitivity tested to evaluate the consequences of an over- or under-estimate.
(3) Absolute statements as to the accuracy of final
hydraulic results should be tempered by an understanding
of the field data accuracy. The more accurate the final
hydraulics are required to be, the more accurate the data
collection must be. Sensitivity tests to evaluate possible
over- or under-estimates should be routinely made.
f. Hydraulic loss coefficients. Various energy loss
coefficients are required for hydraulic studies. These
energy loss coefficients include channel and overbank
friction, expansion-contraction losses, bridge losses, and
miscellaneous losses.
(1) Mannings n. For the majority of hydraulic
studies, Mannings n is the most important of the hydraulic loss coefficients (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1986). The variation of water surface elevation along a
stream is largely a function of the boundary roughness
and the stream energy required to overcome friction
losses. Unfortunately, Mannings n can seldom be calculated directly with a great deal of accuracy. Gage
records offer the best source of information from which
to calculate n for a reach of channel near a gage. These
calculations may identify an appropriate value of n for
the channel portion of the reach. Whether or not this
value is appropriate for other reaches of the study stream
is a decision for the hydraulic engineer. Determination
of overbank n values requires a detailed field inspection,
reference to observed flood profiles, use of appropriate
technical references, consultation with other hydraulic
engineers, and engineering judgment. For some streams,
n varies with the time of year. Studies on the Missouri
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1969) and Mississippi
Rivers have found that Mannings n is significantly less
in the winter than in warm weather for the same discharge. If stages are to be predicted in the winter as well
as the summer, temperature effects must be addressed.
Similarly, many sand bed streams demonstrate a great


EM 1110-2-1416
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change in bed forms as discharge increases. A threshold
level exists such that when discharge and velocity reach
a certain range, the bed changes from dunes to a flat bed,
thus dramatically decreasing n. A higher discharge can
pass at a lower elevation than an earlier, lower, discharge
due to this phenomena. This "discontinuous" rating
curve is a characteristic of many streams. An example is
shown in Figure 3-1. References by Chow (1959),

Figure 3-1. Discontinuous rating curve


French (1985), and Barnes (1967) may be used to assist

in the estimation of n for a reach of stream. A more
complete discussion of loss coefficients is provided in
Appendix D.
(2) Equivalent roughness, k. An alternate method of
defining Mannings n is by estimating an equivalent
roughness coefficient k. This technique is described by

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93
Chow (1959) and in EM 1110-2-1601. It relates n to a
function of k and the hydraulic radius (R). A k value is
the equivalent diameter, in feet, of the predominant grain
size in the channel or the average size of an overbank
obstruction. Advantages to using k to calculate n include
adjustments to k as depth changes are not required; n can
be found directly from k and the R for the stage being
evaluated, and errors in estimating k result in only small
differences in the calculated value of n. The engineer
must evaluate the significance of other factors
influencing n, including bed form changes, channel alignment, cross-sectional area changes, and bank vegetation.
Field inspection of the study stream at varying states of
flow is imperative for attaining appropriate estimates of n
for ranges of discharge. It is not beyond reason to
expect the hydraulic engineer to walk or float the entire
reach of stream to determine friction values.
(3) Expansion-contraction coefficients.
water surface profiles are mostly influenced by friction
forces, changes in the energy grade line, and the corresponding water surface elevations can result from significant changes in stream velocity between cross sections.
This is most apparent in the vicinity of bridges which
tend to force the discharge through an opening smaller
than the upstream and downstream channels. Therefore,
a contraction into and an expansion out of a bridge
results in eddy energy losses. These losses are usually
quantified with coefficients of expansion or contraction
(when using a one-dimensional approach), based on the
abruptness of the change. For most situations, the expansion/contraction energy losses are not great except in the
vicinity of bridges and culverts. Using the appropriate
coefficient at each streamflow obstruction is important, as
well as adjusting the coefficient back to an appropriate
value upstream of the obstruction. The references by
Chow (1959) or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1988a,
1990b) provide typical values of expansion and contraction coefficients.
(4) Bridge losses. Bridges that cause relatively small
changes in the energy grade and water surface profiles
can be adequately modeled using appropriate values of
Mannings n and expansion-contraction coefficients.
Bridges that cause the profile to become rapidly varied
near and within the bridge require other methods of
analysis. Weir flow over the roadway, pressure flow
through the opening, and open channel flow where critical depth in the bridge occurs are examples where
detailed bridge analysis is required. To correctly model
losses for these situations, bridge geometry becomes
more important. The number, location, and shape of
bridge piers must be obtained; a roadway profile and

weir coefficient are needed for weir flow calculations;

guardrails and/or bridge abutments which serve to partially or fully obstruct weir flow must be defined; the
precise upstream and downstream road overtopping elevations must be identified (often through trial and error
computations) and debris blockage estimated. Photographs and verbal descriptions of each bridge and field
dictated to a hand-held tape recorder are most useful
when modeling each bridge. References by U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (1975, 1988a, 1990b) should be
consulted for additional information.
g. Study limits. The appropriate spatial scope for a
hydraulic study is often incorrectly identified, particularly
if all possible project effects are not envisioned. The
study, or model, should not start and stop at the physical
limits of the proposed project. Rather, the boundaries
should extend far enough upstream and downstream from
the project limits to completely encompass the full
effects of the project on the basin. Reservoir, channelization, levee, and navigation projects may produce
changes in stage, discharge, and sediment conditions that
can affect reaches well removed from the physical location of the project. For example, major channelization,
resulting in shortening of the stream, may generate
upstream headcutting and downstream deposition that can
continue for decades. Reservoirs can cause upstream
deposition, thereby increasing water surface elevations
over time, and may cause downstream degradation
because of the relatively sediment-free waters that are
released. The deposition and degradation can extend up
tributaries also. Study limits must be established so that
all effects of the project, both positive and negative, can
be identified and evaluated. Figure 3-2 illustrates some
considerations for establishment of study limits for a
reservoir project and the type of data required at various
locations within the study area.
h. Possible needs for additional data. Not all data
needs can be foreseen at the start of a study. Consultations with experienced personnel early in the study are
often useful in identifying data needs. Some common
needs that often surface well into a study include stage
and/or discharge duration data (especially where stagefrequency near a stream junction becomes important),
surficial soils analysis to estimate sediment yield for
ungaged areas (particularly where the amount of sand
compared to the amount of fines is important), type and
gradation of bed material present at different times for
movable bed model calibration, measurement of velocity
directions and magnitudes at various stages, times, and
locations for use in multidimensional model calibration.


EM 1110-2-1416
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EM 1110-2-1416
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i. Other factors. Ongoing or near-future, changes in
the watershed should be considered in developing water
surface elevations. Consideration of urbanization effects
on future discharges has long been a requirement of
Corps analysis. Other localized effects should also be
considered. Local channel modifications and bridge
replacements that are ongoing or scheduled to be completed prior to implementation of a Corps project should
be incorporated into the hydraulic study. Bridge obstructions, particularly culverts under a high fill, can cause
significant upstream ponding and induce damage to
nearby structures. If the local community has no plans
(or funds) to rectify a severe local flooding problem such
as this, the Corps study team should include this obstruction in the future condition, without project, analysis. On
several occasions, however, in the time between the
Corps feasibility report and the final design document,
such obstructions have been replaced, greatly decreasing
project benefits and affecting the authorized plan. Sensitivity tests on economic effects to the Corps recommended plan of potential modifications to culverts or
bridges are encouraged. The project manager should
maintain continuous contact with the local community
and highway department to obtain information on potential bridge replacements that may affect the project.
3-5. Calibration of Hydraulic Analysis Models
The reliability of the results of a hydraulic model study
depends on the skills and experience of the hydraulic
engineer performing the study, applicability of the model
to the physical situation, and the quality of the data used
to both model the study reach and calibrate the model.
The overall calibration process incorporates three distinct
steps: obtaining the necessary data and translating it into
input for a numerical model, calibrating the model, and
verifying the model. Additional guidance on calibration
is given in Chapters 4 through 7 and Appendix D.
a. Purpose of calibration. The objective of the
calibration process is to match the output of the model
with observed data (usually water surface elevations).
This process is performed by adjusting one or more
parameters, such as Mannings n, until a satisfactory
match of model results with known data is achieved.
When a set of known conditions has been approximately
matched by the model, one can apply the model to
unknown conditions (the 1-percent chance flood, the
Standard Project Flood, etc.) with more confidence that
the model output is reasonably representative of the
physical processes associated with that event. However,
to be confident, the observed data for calibration should

be obtained from an event that is near the scale of the

events to be modeled.
b. Observed data. This includes data recorded at
gages along with that obtained from field observations by
Corps personnel, and from interviews with local residents. Recorded discharges, stages, and velocities are
valuable for calibration purposes; however, it is rare that
sufficient gage data are available for comprehensive
The preponderance of calibration data
usually comes from local observations during and after
an event. The hydraulic engineer should plan for several
days of field work to obtain highwater marks from local
residents observations or following an event that occurs
during the study. The best data often come from people
who have lived near the stream for many years. They
can supply information concerning flood elevations,
erosion or deposition tendencies, local channel modifications (when and where), tendencies for debris to obstruct
bridge openings, how often the stream gets out of banks,
and possible flow transfers between watersheds during
floods. As much information as possible should be
obtained from local residents for use in the calibration
process. While all information is useful, the hydraulic
engineer should recall that the further back in time, often
the hazier the memory of the individual is for exact flood
heights. The exact water level of the flood may not be
accurately recalled. The engineer should not expect that
model results will match every highwater mark exactly.
c. Calibration process.
The calibration process
normally focuses on matching stage and discharge data at
gaging sites with highwater marks used to calibrate the
model at ungaged sites. This section addresses only the
stage or highwater mark calibration.
(1) The first step in the process does not begin until
the study reach data have been assembled and entered
into an input file, several discharges have been simulated,
and the data file corrected as necessary. Effective flow
area transitions between adjacent cross sections should be
reasonable; profiles through bridges should be closely
inspected to ensure that faulty modeling procedures are
not leading to incorrect head losses and computed water
surface profiles; and all warnings or messages from a
numerical model should be reviewed and corrected if
necessary. The hydraulic engineer should ensure that the
model is performing reasonably well before "fine tuning"
is initiated to match model results to field data.
(2) For subcritical flow, one-dimensional steady
flow water surface profile computations begin


EM 1110-2-1416
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downstream from the study reach, preferably at a reliable
boundary condition. If starting conditions are not known,
the engineer must ensure that profile computations begin
sufficiently far downstream that any errors in estimating
starting water surface elevation will be eliminated by
profile convergence to the correct elevation downstream
of the study reach. This distance is mainly a function of
the stream slope. Additional guidance on selecting the
correct distance downstream of the study reach is given
in "Accuracy of Computed Water Surface Profiles"
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1986).
(3) The channel n value can be calibrated for various
flows if stage-discharge data are available (e.g. at a
gage). Once a match of computed and actual stages at a
gage site for in-bank flows is obtained, the channel n
may be held constant and the overbank n calibrated for
different historic floods. For one or more known discharges, the computed profile should be plotted and
compared with measured stages and highwater marks. It
should not be expected that the two will exactly coincide.
A successful calibration occurs when the computed profile is close to the majority of highwater marks, with
some scatter allowed. Means to achieve a calibration
include changes to Mannings n, adjustments to
expansion/contraction coefficients where warranted, modifications to effective flow boundaries, or to bridge
geometry descriptions. Typically, most of the adjustments are to Mannings n.

(4) Considerable uncertainty exists in the estimation

of n, with estimates by experienced hydraulic engineers
commonly differing by 20 percent at the same stream
section (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1986). Thus, one
can reasonably justify an increase or decrease of this
magnitude to calibrate a model. The hydraulic engineer
should be cautious if an "unreasonable" adjustment to n
is required for calibration. Rigorous guidance on acceptable calibration errors cannot be given. The judgment
and experience of the responsible hydraulic engineer and
reviewers is foremost. Rules of thumb of 1 foot are
often used, but this criterion may not be acceptable for
all situations, particularly for steep streams. Some general considerations for the calibration process are given
in Table 3-5. Figure 3-3 shows an example of satisfactory water surface elevation calibration for a stream
reach. The process and rationale for calibration should
be documented in the study reports.
(5) Additional calibration data are necessary for the
application of two-dimensional, unsteady flow, and sediment transport models. Each chapter on the application
of the various methods provides information on model
calibration and verification.
d. Verification. The last step in the calibration process is verification of the model. This operation is most
desirable, but is not always possible, often requiring
more data than is available. The verification process is

Table 3-5
Data Gathering/Calibration Considerations

Obtain as many highwater marks (HWM) as possible after any significant flooding, no matter how close together and how
inconsistent with nearby HWMs. Physically describe each HWM location so that surveys may be obtained at a later date.

Obtain highwater marks upstream and downstream of bridges if possible, so that the effects caused by these obstructions
can be estimated and so that bridge modeling procedures may be confirmed.

Check on bridge/culvert debris blockages with local residents. For urban streams, check with residents and newspaper files
on occurrences of bridge opening blockages by automobiles or debris.

For historical flooding, check on land use changes, both basin wide and local, since the flood(s) occurred.

What has been happening to the stream since the last flood? Erosion or deposition that may have occurred since historic
floods, if significant, will render calibration with todays channel configuration invalid.

If HWMs are taken from debris lines, remember that wave wash can result in the debris line being higher than the HWM,
particularly for pools.

Is the observer giving the HWM biased? A homeowner may give an exaggerated HWM if the owner thinks it might benefit
a project; the owner with a house for sale may give a low estimate or indicate no flooding occurs if he/she thinks it will
affect the sale.


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 3-3. Profile calibration to high water marks

similar to the "split sample" testing procedure of frequency analysis. The calibrated model is used to compute elevations from additional flood events that were not
used during the calibration process. The objective of this
test is to confirm that the calibrated model can be used
with confidence for other events. If only one or two
floods have data, insufficient information may exist for
the verification process; however, the verification step
should be part of the overall calibration process. In the
absence of data for verification, additional sensitivity
analyses should be performed to evaluate the potential
range of results due to uncertainty in input data.
3-6. Guidelines for Analytical Model Selection
The choice of appropriate analytical methods to use during a river hydraulics study is predicated on many factors
including (1) the overall project objective, (2) the particular study objective for the project (level of detail being
called for), (3) the class, type, and regime of flows
expected, (4) the availability of necessary data, and

(5) the availability of time and resources to properly

address all essential issues. The following sections discuss the importance of these factors.
a. Study objectives. The type of analytical model
selected by the hydraulic engineer should reflect the
demands and objectives of the study. The type of model
required may not be apparent until the hydraulic engineer
becomes well-versed in the problems to be evaluated and
spends considerable time with the study manager, economist, and local sponsor, discussing problems and potential solutions. Much of the initial reconnaissance work
focuses on this problem. The level of detail relates
directly to the model selected, as was described in section 3-1b. The study manager or local sponsor may
specify or request a certain level of detail that may or
may not be appropriate for the stage of the study. The
hydraulic engineer must be able to designate the level of
detail required for the problems to be studied, stage of
the study, and intelligently discuss these requirements
with the study manager, and local sponsor. It is the

EM 1110-2-1416
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responsibility of the hydraulic engineer to ensure that the
level of detail is not too little nor too much for the stage
of the study.
(1) Although absolutes cannot be given regarding the
level of detail for specific studies, Table 3-2 gives some
representative guidance. In general, gradually varied
steady flow is appropriate for most feasibility report
Exceptions include those projects that
obviously have an extensive effect on sediment regime
(major channelization or reservoirs) that require movable
boundary analysis in the feasibility phase, or those projects that may significantly change velocity patterns or
cause rapid changes in stage (locks and dams, power
plant operations, etc.).
Movable bed models and
unsteady or multidimensional models are often utilized in
the design stage, often after a data collection program has
been in place to obtain the necessary data with which to
calibrate and verify these more complex models.
b. Data availability. While the first consideration
should be study stage and level of detail required, the
amount of available data also plays a part in the model
selection. Gradually varied steady flow models can be
calibrated with only highwater marks whereas movable
boundary and unsteady or multidimensional models may
require data from the entire hydrograph to calibrate.
These models also require more hydraulic engineer skill
and computer resources than gradually varied steady flow
models. The necessity of using more sophisticated models will usually become apparent in the planning process.
Occasionally, higher level models must be used in the
survey report stage, even without adequate calibration
data. While the level of reliability may suffer due to
limited or no calibration data, a skilled and experienced
hydraulic engineer should be able to utilize such models
to evaluate changes or differences due to a project, even
though absolute with or without project values are questionable. If accuracy is critical to the results of the feasibility report, a data collection program must be budgeted
and planned for during the reporting process.
c. Accuracy considerations. The term "accuracy" is
rather nebulous when applied to hydrologic engineering.
Physical and numerical models can yield information
with a high level of precision, but with accuracy limited
by the input data. The field data used to develop, calibrate, verify, and operate models often vary 10 percent,
or more, from the actual values.
(1) The best evidence of the accuracy of the results
is the skill and experience of the hydraulic engineer


performing the analysis. Rather than specifying a numerical range, an appropriate reply to an accuracy question
might be: "Because the model has adequately reproduced known events, the results for other, hypothetical,
events are deemed to be representative of what would
occur and results can be used with a reasonable level of
confidence, provided that the same physical processes
dominate in both known and hypothetical events."
Implied in the foregoing is the use of sensitivity tests to
evaluate the influence of key variables (like n values) on
design profiles to judge the sensitivity of project economics to those profiles.
(2) Determination of existing condition profiles
requires the most care in the feasibility stage, as these
profiles are key in the evaluation of existing potential
damages, and flood hazard. Design studies require more
accuracy for designing hydraulic components than necessary in the feasibility stage.
d. Modeling requirements (time, experience, and
computer resources). Modeling requirements vary with
the reporting stage. In general, the more sophisticated
the model required, the more time and cost is involved
and the more limited is the pool of experienced engineers
from which to draw. Only one or two experienced
hydraulic engineers (at most) are usually available in any
office to perform a hydraulic study requiring a multidimensional or movable boundary model. Other hydraulic engineers can encounter considerable start-up time
and cost due to their inexperience with these techniques.
e. Hydraulic considerations. Computation of flow
characteristics in natural channels can be a complicated
and difficult task. Many design failures and maintenance
problems have resulted from the application of inadequate or inappropriate analytical methods for the problem
being considered. It is essential, therefore, to choose,
develop, and calibrate the proper analytical method or
modeling approach from the very beginning of a river
hydraulics study. Much of the success of a project evaluation lies in the ability to properly formulate the hydraulic studies as one of the first tasks performed by the
study team. The type of analysis needs to be accurately
defined prior to selecting the model so that the study
objectives dictate the model usage and not the other way
(1) As overviewed in Chapter 2, the classification
and state of flow should be estimated as best as possible
as an aid in selection of an analytical tool. Considerations are:

EM 1110-2-1416
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Flow Classification:

Open channel, Pressure, or


require a

Flow Type:

Steady - gradually or rapidly

varied Unsteady - gradually or
rapidly varied

Accessibility of user-support services (i.e.,

consultation with someone who is thoroughly
familiar with the program).

Locations of Controls: Subcritical reaches, supercritical reaches, transitions, structures, rating curves

Quantity, accuracy, and availability of ready-touse input data for the study area.

Boundary type:

Fixed or mobile

f. Other considerations. Once the study objectives,

funds, study time frame, data and personnel availability
are determined, several other important questions and
considerations should be made prior to selecting a particular numerical or physical model. These may include:
Are the data requirements of the model consistent
with the study objectives? Personnel costs are
usually more significant than computer costs.
Capacity of the model and available computer
hardware and software to provide information
required for the study.
Adequacy of the theoretical basis of the numerical
Degree to which the model has been tested and
Data requirements in relation to data availability and
amount of pre-processing required. Also, are the
available data proprietary or public?
Ease of application of the program. Factors include
model documentation, input structure, diagnostic
capabilities, output structure, flexibility to display
output, and support.
Data management capabilities (e.g., ability to pass
information from one module to another).
Ease of making program modifications, either inhouse or by contract.
Program efficiency in terms of typical run times and





g. Summary. The following summary steps are

suggested as a procedure for selecting an appropriate
model for conducting river hydraulics studies.
(1) Define study objectives and required products.
Identify project time and personnel availability.
(2) Summarize flow classification, state, regime and
type as outlined above and estimate the types of data,
amount of data, and quality of data needed to evaluate
the types of flow characteristics identified.
(3) Prepare a list of essential data needs in tabular
form. Data categories may include:
Hydrologic data (flow records, highwater marks, etc.)
Channel and floodplain geometry data
Sediment data
Geomorphologic and historical data
Other information (e.g., previous studies and reports)
(4) Are the data identified above readily available?
Also, are they of the quality and proximity to the study
site to be appropriate? Are the data proprietary or public? How up-to-date are they? Develop lists of available
and missing data.
(5) Estimate the time and costs associated with the
collection of the missing data.
(6) Examine Tables 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4 and compare
to the results from the estimation of key hydraulic characteristics. Select the most appropriate methods based on
results of this examination.
(7) Consider alternative methods based on results of
subsequent studies made such as the reconnaissance
study. Continually update and improve methods to meet
the specific needs of the study.

Program accessibility. Can the program be run on a

computer that is convenient to access? Does it


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Chapter 4
Multidimensional Flow Analysis

4-1. Introduction
a. Definitions. Multidimensional flow analysis is the
description and/or prediction of the detailed hydraulic
characteristics of a particular flow situation in more than
one dimension (direction). "Hydraulic characteristics"
refers to the following properties of the flow, discharge,
velocity, water surface elevation (depth), boundary shear
stress, rate of energy dissipation, and constituent or sediment transport rate. "Particular flow situation" refers to
the specific body of water, location therein, physical
setting, alternative design configurations, and flows
(steady or dynamic) to be studied.
b. Description. This type of analysis recognizes
velocity and depth variations in either two or three directions. For example, flow patterns in an estuary or at a
river confluence may exhibit significant velocities in both
the streamwise and transverse directions. A one-dimensional flow model does not explicitly consider these
transverse effects.
Horizontal, depth-averaged, twodimensional flow models such as RMA-2 (King 1988,
Gee et al. 1990) are used in river hydraulics studies
mainly for two purposes: (1) to analyze two-dimensional
flow patterns in detail at some area of interest (such as at
bridge crossings, the confluence of two channels, flow
around islands, etc.) or (2) to analyze the flow behavior
on an unbounded alluvial fan or in a wide river valley.
Two- and three-dimensional models can be used for both
steady and unsteady flow conditions. Sediment transport
and water quality analyses can also be done with multidimensional flow models such as TABS-2 (Thomas and
McAnally 1985). TABS-2 has primarily been used for
simulating the sedimentation processes in reservoirs,
estuaries, and complex river channels.
c. Techniques. The techniques discussed in this and
the following two chapters are strictly applicable only for
rigid boundary (bed and banks) situations. Techniques
that are used for movable boundary problems (Chapter 7)
are extensions of the techniques presented in Chapters 4
through 6. In selecting an appropriate technique, or suite
of techniques, the engineer must identify the important
physical processes that need to be recognized in the
analysis. Resources and data necessary to manage and
perform the appropriate level of analysis need to be
identified early in the study plan (refer to Chapter 3).

4-2. Limitations of One-Dimensional Analysis

Flow in a channel or river is quite often viewed as being
one-dimensional in the streamwise direction. This means
that the stage (water surface elevation), velocity, and
discharge vary only in the streamwise direction. Subdivision of cross sections, however, provides an approximate
method of accounting for transverse roughness and velocity distributions. This approach provides a simplified
mathematical description of the flow for water surface
elevation prediction (see Chapters 5 and 6).
detailed analysis of flow velocities and directions requires
representation of the flow physics (conservation of mass
and momentum) in two and, sometimes, three dimensions. The engineer should understand the capabilities,
limitations, and effort required to perform the various
levels of analysis described in this and the following
chapters. This information should be used to make an
informed decision regarding the technical approach
needed to meet the study objectives and to define the
resources necessary to manage and perform the study.
4-3. Equations of Flow
The principles of mass and momentum conservation are
presented below in generalized three-dimensional form.
Simplifying assumptions allow the reduction of the equations to two dimensions and to one dimension.
a. Conservation of momentum. The conservation of
momentum equations in the x (horizontal), y (horizontal),
and z (vertical) directions are respectively:






x xx x

y xy y

(xz )






x yx x

y yy y

(yz )




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x zx x

y zy y

z zz z


b. Conservation of mass.
equation is:




The conservation of mass

formulations of these equations may also include forces

due to wind, ice, and the earths rotation. For most
riverine situations, wind and the earths rotation (Coriolis
effect) are not important; they may become important for
bodies of water with length scales of tens of miles, and
may become dominant for large bodies of water such as
the Great Lakes. The continuity equation (4-4) represents an accounting of water mass of constant density.
Other formulations of these equations, such as used in
estuaries, oceans, and lakes may include variable density.
4-5. Use of Equations of Flow


x,y,z = the Cartesian coordinate directions.
u,v,w = velocity components in the x,y,z
directions, respectively.
t = time.
g = the acceleration due to gravity.
p = pressure.
= fluid density.1
xx, xy, etc. = the turbulent exchange coefficients which
describe the diffusion of momentum in
the direction of the first subscript to that
of the second subscript.
x, y, z = terms representing the influence of
boundary shear stresses.
4-4. Significance of Terms
a. Accelerations.
The terms in these equations
represent forces (e.g., the pressure gradient p/x), local
(temporal) accelerations (e.g., u/t), convective accelerations (e.g., uu/x), and mass continuity. The momentum
equations are derived by application of Newtons Second
Law of Motion. The basic assumptions made are that the
fluid is incompressible (constant density) and that the
effects of turbulent momentum exchange can be simulated with an "eddy viscosity" (Boussinesq assumption).
A rigorous derivation of these equations may be found in
Rouse (1938) and French (1985).
b. Forces. The forces in Equations 4-1 to 4-3 are
those of gravity, pressure, boundary friction, and
exchange of momentum due to turbulence.

a. General. Equations 4-1 to 4-4 are applicable to

all river and channel flow situations that satisfy the
assumptions of constant density and a rigid (or at least
slowly changing) boundary. The difficulty lies in solving
the equations. The only reliable and routinely used engineering tool for solving the three-dimensional equations
at this time (1991) is the physical model. Numerical
models (computer programs), however, are routinely and
successfully used for solving the two- and onedimensional simplifications of the above equations.
Three-dimensional numerical models are presently under
development and undergoing field testing with some
applications being reported. A major study of Chesapeake Bay using a three-dimensional numerical model is
reported by Kim et al. (1990) and Johnson et al. (1991).
b. Traditional approaches. "Traditional" approaches
to river hydraulics studies separate continuity, or storage,
routing HEC-1, (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1990a)
to determine the discharge, from the one-dimensional
steady flow computations HEC-2, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers 1990b) used to determine water surface elevations. Application of Equations 4-1 to 4-4 achieves the
combined result of both routing and water surface elevation computation in a single computation. The "traditional" techniques presented in Chapters 5 and 6 are
based on simplifications of, or approximations to, the
equations presented above. There are many river analysis problems that can be satisfactorily evaluated with
simplified methods. The focus of this chapter, however,
is the analysis of more complex hydraulics problems in
greater detail and resolution than is available with the
traditional techniques.
4-6. Two-Dimensional Flow Conditions

In general, density is a function of temperature,

salinity, and pressure and is described with an additional
"equation of state", see Sverdurp et al. (1942) and
Wiegel (1964).

a. General. For many rivers the width to depth ratio

is 20 or more. In these cases, and for many common

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applications, the velocity variations in the vertical are

much less important than those in the transverse and
streamwise directions. The above equations can be averaged in the vertical (i.e., depth averaged) to yield the
two-dimensional equations for flow in the horizontal
plane which adequately describe the flow field for most
rivers with these characteristics. Two-dimensional flow
analysis should be considered for river hydraulics problems where the direction or distribution of flow is of
importance, either directly or because it affects variables
of interest such as water surface elevation, and cannot be
assumed as is required by a one-dimensional analysis.
Figure 4-1 depicts a situation where the flow could be
adequately modeled by a two-dimensional approach.
Figure 4-2 contrasts the one-dimensional approach to the
same problem where one must select cross sections perpendicular to the flow direction. While it may be possible to calibrate a one-dimensional model to reproduce the
overall energy loss in this flow field, key components

of the flow field such as flow separations and recirculation zones would not be reproduced at all by a onedimensional model.
b. Specific situations. Another situation that may
require a two-dimensional analysis is that of a bridge
with multiple openings crossing a broad, flat, floodplain.
In this case the water surface elevation upstream of the
bridge may be strongly dependent upon the distribution
of flow among the bridge openings. This distribution of
flow cannot be directly computed with a one-dimensional
approach. Such situations require that the engineer carefully select the level of analysis; physical model, numerical model, or other analytical technique (refer to
Chapter 3).
c. Dynamic simulations. Multidimensional flow
analysis can be either unsteady (dynamic) or steady.
Dynamic simulations require substantially more

Figure 4-1. Two-dimensional flow representation in cache creek settling basin


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Figure 4-2. One-dimensional flow limitation in cache creek settling basin

computational effort than steady state simulations (Gee et

al. 1990). Furthermore, the analysis and presentation of
results from a dynamic simulation is much more complex
than that of a steady flow simulation. Therefore, in
designing a multidimensional flow study it is important
to decide whether a dynamic analysis is necessary. In
most riverine studies, steady flow is adequate; in tidal
systems it never is. The alternative design configurations
and/or flows to be studied must be carefully selected to
maximize study efficiency and ensure that all relevant
situations are analyzed. Refer to Appendix C for more
detailed information regarding the contents of a work
plan for the application of a multidimensional flow
4-7. Available Computer Programs
a. Use. Use of two-dimensional numerical modeling
techniques is becoming a routine and accepted engineering practice. Inexperienced analysts should seek guidance and advice from experienced engineers, particularly


early in the study, to define data and resources needed

for complex model applications. Application of such a
sophisticated numerical flow model for a one-time study
may best be accomplished with the assistance of a Corps
laboratory or outside contractor.
Development of
in-house expertise for such applications, while requiring
significant initial investment of resources in training, may
result in future savings if several similar studies are
planned. Consideration must be given to model availability (public versus proprietary), applications experience, training and documentation, features, applicability,
and required computer resources. Good graphics capabilities, both screen and color hardcopy, are essential to
perform efficient and successful applications of multidimensional flow models. Multidimensional flow model
applications should be integrated with CADD and/or GIS
as appropriate for study needs.
b. RMA-2. Computer programs are readily available
for conducting two-dimensional river hydraulics analyses
in the horizontal plane (Thomas & McAnally 1985,

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U.S. Department of Transporation 1989). Commonly

used in the Corps of Engineers is RMA-2 (King 1988)
which is the hydraulics module of the TABS-2 modeling
system (Thomas and McAnally 1985). Synopses of these
and other programs are presented in HEC (U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers 1982b). RMA-2 solves the vertically
(i.e., depth) averaged version of equations 4-1 to 4-4;
written as shown below.
Momentum equations:




hxx 2u
x 2




hyx 2v
x 2



hxy 2u
y 2





hyy 2v
y 2











Continuity equation:




x,y = the horizontal coordinate directions.
u,v = velocity components in the x and y
directions, respectively.
t = time.
g = the acceleration due to gravity.
a = the bottom elevation.
h = the depth.
= fluid density.
xx, xy, etc. = the turbulent exchange coefficients which
describe the diffusion of momentum in
the direction of the first subscript to that
of the second subscript.
Sfx, Sfy = terms for the nonlinear Manning or
Chezy representation of bottom friction.
x, y = terms representing boundary shear stresses
other than bottom friction (e.g., wind),
these terms also include the Coriolis

4-8. Data Requirements

It is useful to think of "data" in three categories:
analysis input data, calibration data, and validation or
confirmation data. These categories are useful when
identifying data requirements for both physical and
numerical models.
a. Analysis input data. Analysis input data are those
items required to operate the model. They consist of a
geometric description of the study area (e.g., cross sections in one-dimension, contour maps, or a digital terrain
model for two-dimensions), flow to be analyzed (a single
discharge for steady flow, or a hydrograph for unsteady
flow), other boundary conditions such as stages or rating
curves, and various coefficients that approximate the
effects of friction and turbulence. Of these, the geometric description of the study area is usually the most
time consuming to develop and schematize; it is, however, not necessarily the most important data in terms of
simulation accuracy (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The density (i.e. resolution) and accuracy
required of the flow and geometric data are governed,
fundamentally, by the study purpose, not the analysis
technique (Cunge et al. 1980).
b. Calibration data. Calibration data consist of field
observations that are used to evaluate the performance of
a model and adjust the coefficients to improve its performance, if necessary. "Performance" is a qualitative, or
subjective, measure of the degree to which the model
faithfully reproduces the field observations. This measure is applied by the engineer performing the study and
documented by means of the reporting process. The
complexities of river hydraulics do not allow the setting
of objective criteria to measure the accuracy of calibration. Whether the models performance is acceptable
depends on study objectives, sensitivity of study outcomes to model results, and reliability of field data.
(1) The weight given to the performance of a model
with regard to different hydraulic variables, such as water
surface elevation or velocity, will vary with study objectives, data availability and reliability, and the judgment of
the engineer. For example, floodway studies focus on
accurate computation of the water surface elevation while
constituent transport studies require accurate reproduction
of velocity, water discharge, and mixing. Surrogate data
should be used with caution. For example, if the study
objectives require the prediction of discharge, prototype
discharge should be measured for calibration rather than
derived from a rating curve.


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(2) In the context of two-dimensional modeling for

river hydraulics, the study objectives usually require the
prediction of velocity or stage. Field measurements of
velocity must include the direction as well as the magnitude.
Most two-dimensional models used for river
hydraulics compute vertically averaged velocities; therefore, the field data must be converted to vertical averages
for proper model-prototype comparisons. For most situations, it is adequate to use the average of the velocities
measured at 0.2*depth and 0.8*depth (French 1985).
Depth must also be obtained at the locations of the
velocity measurements. "Depth" alone is of limited
value; one should also have the corresponding water
surface or bed surface elevation. Similarly, to calibrate a
model for stage prediction, one should have field measurements of stage and the variation of stage with time at
many locations within the study area. Also, the discharge(s) at the time(s) of those measurements must be
c. Validation data. Validation data are field observations not used in calibration that are used to provide an
independent check on model performance (ASCE 1982).
The above considerations for calibration data also apply
to validation data.
4-9. Data Development and Model Calibration
a. Geometry. An accurate geometric description of
the flow region is a primary requirement. "Accurate"
here means that the key flow controlling and conveying
features of the study area are appropriately represented in
the field data. The engineer should be aware of the
origin and veracity of the field data. Ideally, the area of
interest is described by a detailed digital terrain model or
contour map of adequate resolution for the study needs.
Refer to EM 1110-2-1003 and "Accuracy of Computed
Water Surface Profiles" (1986). Most existing model
data are, however, in the format of cross sections (HEC2). Direct use of HEC-2 style data for two-dimensional
or one-dimensional unsteady simulations should be tempered by the following considerations: (1) the HEC-2
cross sections may not have been chosen to best represent the direction and distribution of flow, (2) off-channel
storage areas (important for dynamic simulations) may
have been neglected when surveying the cross sections,
and (3) the sections may not be appropriate for the objectives of the present study. Therefore, before using an
existing HEC-2 (or other one-dimensional steady flow)
data set, thoroughly check the data for conformance with
the needs of the present study objectives. The use of


cross sections to develop two-dimensional model input

requires that the sections be registered (located) on a
topographic map or aerial photograph and the contours
filled in, usually by hand.
b. Bottom roughness.
In most two-dimensional
riverine situations, bottom roughness can be described in
the same fashion as would be used for a "traditional"
one-dimensional (HEC-2) analysis (refer to Chapter 6).
Due to the ability of the two-dimensional approach to
incorporate spatial variation of roughness, aerial photographs or topographic maps can be used to identify
regions of uniform roughness, such as clumps of vegetation, changes in bed material or bed forms. As in the
one-dimensional approach, the roughness coefficients
selected from field inspection (which is essential for
successful modeling) will probably need to be modified
in the calibration process. Should the calibration process
indicate the need for values of coefficients that are outside the range suggested by good engineering judgment,
one should closely inspect the geometric data, flow data,
boundary condition specifications, and calibration data.
Most often it is flawed geometric data, or the manner in
which it is interpreted by the engineer and used by the
numerical model that is the cause of a poor simulation.
c. Turbulent exchange coefficients.
Two-dimensional flow models require turbulent exchange coefficients, often called eddy diffusivities, which represent the
internal shear forces created by the transfer of momentum between faster and slower regions of flow by means
of turbulent mixing. This can actually be observed in
most rivers by watching surface boils and eddies move
about in the flow. These coefficients reflect, somewhat,
the energy losses that are described by the expansion and
contraction coefficients in one-dimensional models. The
values of these coefficients cannot be directly measured
nor observed. Calibrated expansion-contraction coefficients cannot be directly translated into values for the
turbulent exchange coefficients. Guidance on selection
of values for the turbulent exchange coefficients is provided in the documentation for two-dimensional models
(e.g., TABS-2, Thomas and McAnally 1985). These
coefficients primarily effect velocity distributions and
should be calibrated based on velocity distributions measured in the field. If measurements are not available,
information from photographs (both ground and aerial) of
the flow or sketches of observed flow patterns can be of
use. Some flow situations such as a jet entering a still
body of water are momentum dominated. In these cases,
the exchange coefficients are very important. Most open

EM 1110-2-1416
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river problems are friction dominated, however, and the

model results may not be very sensitive to the value
selected for the turbulent exchange coefficients. A general approach is to first calibrate the roughness coefficients (Mannings n values) to reproduce the energy loss
or water surface gradient through the study reach and
then adjust the turbulent exchange coefficients to match
the observed or expected velocity distribution. The
exchange coefficients should be set to the high end of the
expected range first, then lowered until the desired velocity pattern is reproduced by the model. In general, the
higher the coefficients, the more uniform the velocity
distribution; the lower the coefficients, the more readily
does flow separation and eddy formation take place.
Two-dimensional models (as with one-dimensional models) should be calibrated to steady flow conditions first, if
possible, before attempting calibration to an unsteady
flow event (Cunge et al. 1980).
d. Field data. In addition to thoroughly inspecting
the study area, the analyst should be familiar with the
manner in which field observations are made, that is, the
type of instruments used and the conditions under which
the data were obtained. Data reduction techniques may
also affect the accuracy and variability of the observations. The analyst should not consider field data to be
perfectly accurate nor necessarily representative of field
conditions over the complete range of circumstances to
be studied. Internal consistency of field data should be
checked if at all possible. For example, when using
velocity observations for calibration of a two-dimensional
model in steady flow conditions, one should calculate the
discharge from the velocity and depth measurements and
compare it to the discharge obtained from a nearby gage
at the same time as the velocity measurements were

4-10. Example Applications

Most applications of two-dimensional horizontal models
to date have been in estuarial environments; some of
these applications are presented in "Two-Dimensional
Flow Modeling" (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1982b),
McAnally et al. (1984a, 1984b), and MacArthur et al.
(1987). A recent study that evaluated the effects of
deepening a ship channel on velocity patterns and shoaling is discussed by Lin and Martin (1989). Computation
of velocity distributions in a river downstream from a
hydropower project is presented in Gee and Wilcox
(1985). Impacts of highway bridge crossings on water
surface elevations are discussed in Lee (1980), Tseng
(1975), and Heltzel (1988). Effects of dikes on the flow
distribution in a river was investigated using TABS-2 by
Thomas and Heath (1983). Use of two-dimensional
modeling to analyze effects on river stage of a major
channel encroachment is presented in Stewart et al.
(1985). In this study use of a one-dimensional model did
not produce credible results because values of the expansion-contraction coefficients governed the outcome and,
as this was a design study, there were no field data for
their calibration. Results were much less sensitive to the
values of the turbulent exchange coefficients because the
major flow patterns and separation areas were calculated
directly by the two-dimensional model. It is the effects
(energy losses) of these separation areas that the expansion-contraction coefficients attempt to describe. Use of
RMA-2 to model flood movement in a large river channel-floodplain system is presented in Gee et al. (1990).
This paper also describes the computational resources
required to perform such a study. Use of a two-dimensional model to analyze distribution of flow in the
St. Lawrence River is documented by Heath (1989).


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Chapter 5
Unsteady Flow

5-1. Introduction
This chapter is presented in two sections. Section I
presents guidance on the practical use of unsteady flow
modeling and Section II presents some theoretical considerations regarding various routing techniques. Guidance
regarding the application of unsteady flow models is
presented first because the theoretical information,
although important, is of a more general nature.
Section I
Application of Unsteady Flow Models
5-2. Steady versus Unsteady Flow Models
The traditional approach to river modeling has been the
use of hydrologic routing to determine discharge and
steady flow analysis to compute water surface profiles.
This method is a simplification of true river hydraulics,
which is more correctly represented by unsteady flow.
Nevertheless, the traditional analysis provides adequate
answers in many cases. This section identifies when to
use unsteady flow analysis.
a. Steady flow. Steady flow analysis is defined as a
combination of a hydrologic technique to identify the
maximum flows at locations of interest in a study reach
(termed a "flow profile") and a steady flow analysis to
compute the (assumed) associated maximum water surface profile. Steady flow analysis assumes that, although
the flow is steady, it can vary in space. In contrast,
unsteady flow analysis assumes that flow can change
with both time and space. The basics of steady flow
analysis were given in Chapter 2; details may be found
in Chapter 6.
(1) The typical steady flow analysis determines the
maximum water surface profile for a specified flood
event. The primary assumptions of this type of analysis
are peak stage nearly coincides with peak flow, peak
flow can accurately be estimated at all points in the
riverine network, and peak stages occur simultaneously
over a short reach of channel.
(2) The first assumption allows the flow for a steady
state model to be obtained from the peak discharge computed by a hydrologic or probabilistic model. For small
bed slopes (say less than 5 feet per mile), or for highly

transient flows (such as that from a dam break), peak

stage does not coincide with peak flow. This phenomenon, the looped rating curve effect, results from changes
in the energy slope. The change in slope can be caused
by backwater from a stream junction, as shown in
Figure 5-1, or by the dynamics of the flood wave, as
depicted in Figure 5-2. Since coincidence of peak stage
and flow does not exist in either of these cases, the
proper flow to use in a steady flow model is not obvious.
(3) The second assumption concerns the estimation
of peak flow in river systems. For a simple dendritic
system the flow downstream from a junction is not necessarily equal to the sum of the upstream flow and the
tributary flow. Backwater from the concentration of flow
at the junction can cause water to be stored in upstream
areas, reducing the flow contributions. Figure 5-2 shows
the discharge hydrographs on the Sangmon River at the
Oakford gage and at the mouth of the Sangmon River
21 miles downstream. The outflow hydrograph is attenuated and delayed by backwater from the Illinois River.
Steady state analysis often assumes a simple summation
of peak discharges. For steep slopes, once again, the
assumption may be appropriate but its merit deteriorates
as the gradient decreases.
(4) A more difficult problem is that of flow bifurcation. Figure 5-3 shows a simple stream network that
drains a portion of Terrebonne Parish in Louisiana. How
can the flow in reach 3 be estimated? Figure 5-1 shows
the hydrograph at mile 0.73 in reach 3; note the flow
reversal. Hydrologic models and steady state hydraulics
cannot predict that division of flow or the flow reversals.
(5) The third assumption allows a steady flow model
to be applied to an unsteady state problem. It is assumed
that the crest stage at an upstream cross section can be
computed by steady flow analysis from the crest stage at
the next downstream cross section; hence, it is therefore
assumed that the crest stage occurs simultaneously at the
two cross sections. Because all flow is unsteady and
flood waves advance downstream, this assumption is
imprecise. As the stream gradient decreases and/or the
rate of change of flow increases, the looped rating curve
becomes more pronounced, and the merit of this assumption deteriorates.
(6) The three assumptions are usually justified for
simple dendritic systems on slopes greater than about
5 feet per mile. For bifurcated systems and for systems
with a small slope, the assumptions are violated and the


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Figure 5-1. Looped rating curve induced by backwater

profiles from a steady flow model are suspected. In general, for large rivers and low lying coastal areas, steady
flow analysis is not appropriate.
Conditions that Require Unsteady Flow
Unsteady flow analysis should be used under the following conditions:
a. Rapid changes in flow and stage. If the inflow or
the stage at a boundary is changing rapidly, the acceleration terms in the momentum equation (see Section 5-12)
become important. The leading example is dam break
analysis; rapid gate openings and closures are another
example. Regardless of bed slope, unsteady flow analysis should be used for all rapidly changing hydrographs.
Any information on events of record, high water marks,


eyewitness accounts, and so on can be useful in identifying such conditions. Eyewitness accounts of the Johnstown dam-break flood, for example, describe seiching in
a major tributary valley. Occupants of floating houses
made the trip up and down the valley several times as
the currents reversed direction. Only an unsteady flow
model with all acceleration terms intact is capable of
modeling such an effect on downstream hydrographs and
water levels.
b. Mild channel slope.
Unsteady flow analysis
should be used for all streams where the slope is less
than 2 feet per mile. On these streams, the loop effect is
predominant and peak stage does not coincide with peak
flow. Backwater affects the outflow from tributaries and
storage or flow dynamics may strongly attenuate flow;
thus, the profile of maximum flow may be difficult to

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Figure 5-2. Discharge hydrograph at the oakford gage at the mouth of the Sangmon River

determine. For bed slopes from 2 to 5 feet per mile, the

need for unsteady flow analysis may depend upon the
study objectives. Large inflows from tributaries or backwater from a receiving stream may require the application of unsteady flow. Flow reversals may occur under
such conditions, rendering hydrologic routing useless.
For slopes greater than 5 feet per mile, steady flow
analysis is usually adequate if the discharge is correct.

one-dimensional approach to a simulation is adequate

(see Chapters 4 and 6).

c. Full networks. For full networks, where the flow

divides and recombines, unsteady flow analysis should
always be considered for subcritical flow. Unless the
problem is simple, steady flow analysis cannot directly
compute the flow distribution. For supercritical flow,
contemporary unsteady flow models cannot determine the
split of flow. Records of current speeds and directions at
different points in a flooded valley and rates of inundation of floodplains help determine whether a

a. Costs. The influence of errors in reach geometry

on predicted stages can be estimated based on regression
equations given in "Accuracy of Computed Water Surface Profiles" (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1986).
Profile errors can also be investigated in a simplified,
though representative, reach by modifying its geometry in
accord with the possible error and noting the effect on
predicted discharges and stages. The costs associated

5-4. Geometry
The geometry of the reach can be determined from topographic maps, surveyed profiles and cross sections, onsite
inspection, and aerial mapping.


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Figure 5-3. Network of flow system at Terrebonne Parish near Houma, Louisiana


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with surveys of various degrees of accuracy can be estimated from "Accuracy of Computed Water Surface Profiles" (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1986, 1989).
b. Changes. Visual inspection of a reach must be
done to identify the nature of the boundary material,
vegetation, and human activities. Alluvium is subject to
scour and deposition with possibly major changes in
cross section shape accompanying a major flood event.
As gross changes in cross section occur within alluvial
streams, roughness also changes as dune patterns change
during a flood event. Estimated changes in roughness
can be applied to a rigid bed model to evaluate the
importance of their effect. Prediction of boundary movement lies outside the scope of this Chapter; refer to
Chapter 7 and EM 1110-2-4000.
c. Micro-geometry.
Visual inspection should be
used to identify the boundary roughness and other characteristics, such as potential infiltration, of a reach.
Infiltration is usually of concern for overland flow;
occasionally however, significant water loss (or gain)
from a channel will occur in sand, karst, or volcanic
geology. Boundary roughness affects the passage of a
flood wave. Inspection of the study reach will indicate
the nature of the roughness elements: cobbles, boulders,
trees, houses, their density and distribution, and variance
of roughness with stage and distance down the reach.
First approximation values for roughness parameters can
be gleaned from past experience with similar roughness
elements (Chow 1959, Chapter 5); the drag of trees, and
small structures can be estimated from expected velocities, areas of projection normal to the expected flow, and
an estimated drag coefficient. Improved values of roughness are obtained by comparing computed and observed
flows and stages for events of record.
5-5. Controls
a. Hydraulic controls. Hydraulic control sections
should be sought out because these are natural reach
delimiters. At such a section, there is a unique stagedischarge relation (except for the hysteresis induced by
unsteady flow), unaffected by flow conditions downstream; hence, it is ideal for a gaging station. It is possible that a control is weak; that is, a rising downstream
water level can drown the control section and force its
effect upon the subject reach. In that case the reach
cannot be studied independently of downstream reaches.
This possibility can be investigated with steady flow
analyses based on projected flood discharges.

(1) The issue of downstream control is significant to

the choice of flood routing method. Influences on water
levels within a reach stemming from conditions downstream (tidal levels, or increased levels due to small
slope, high roughness, or flow constrictions downstream,
for example) preclude application of hydrologic methods.
Known water levels (say, tidal) at the downstream end of
a reach allow use of hydraulic methods. Otherwise the
downstream boundary must be extended until a control
(or known level) is encountered.
(2) Downstream from a critical depth control is
supercritical flow. If the channel downstream is hydraulically steep and sufficiently long to encompass the reach
of interest, supercritical flow will persist all the way
down the reach. No independent downstream boundary
condition is possible, since downstream depth and discharge are dictated by the flow in the reach. The correct
way of modeling such a flow is with an unsteady flow
model. If available models cannot deal with supercritical
flow, a diffusion model will yield a reasonable result if
water surface elevations are not needed and the stream is
not extremely flat.
(3) In most cases, the zone of supercritical flow is
relatively short, ending either in a plunge into a pool of
subcritical flow or joining subcritical flow downstream in
a hydraulic jump. In unsteady flow, this jump (called a
hydraulic bore) can move about.
b. Friction control. A so-called friction control
pertains to a section in a nearly uniform reach, sufficiently long to insulate the section from downstream
backwater. Then, the stage-discharge relation is governed by a condition of normal depth (near normal in the
case of unsteady flow). This type of downstream boundary condition is well suited for all flood routing techniques that recognize downstream boundary influences.
5-6. Boundary Conditions
"Boundary conditions" is a mathematical term which
specifies the loading for a particular solution to a set of
partial differential equations. In more practical terms,
boundary conditions for an unsteady flow model are the
combination of flow and stage time series, which when
applied to the exterior of the model either duplicates an
observed event or generates a hypothetical event such as
a design flood, or dam break. For an observed event, the
accuracy of the boundary conditions affects the quality of
the reproduction. In a similar but less detectable manner


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the reasonableness of the boundary conditions for a

hypothetical event (because accuracy can seldom be
established) limits the quality of the conclusions. Furthermore, the way that the boundary conditions are
applied can control the overall accuracy and consistency
of the model.
a. Upstream boundary conditions. The upstream
boundary condition defines an input to be routed through
the system. In most cases this is either a flow or stage
(1) Flow hydrograph. A flow hydrograph is the
classic upstream boundary condition where the time
varying discharge is routed downstream and the corresponding stages are computed by the model at the
upstream boundary and elsewhere. If the flow hydrograph is at a gaging station, the location of the station
should be checked. If the station is on a stream with a
flat bed slope or with a highly mobile bed, a stage
boundary condition may be preferable for reproducing an
observed event. However, the flow boundary may be
acceptable if the upstream boundary is on a smaller tributary which only makes a minor contribution to the overall system. For this case any error would be lost in the
overall system. Be careful when using flows from a
slope station as an upstream boundary condition; the
values may not be accurate, resulting in an inability to
(2) Stage hydrograph. If a stage hydrograph is used
as an upstream boundary, the corresponding flow is
computed from the conveyance given by the geometric
data. Because errors in stage data are less than errors in
flow data, the stage hydrograph may have substantial
advantages in accuracy over the flow hydrograph. The
stage hydrograph is used when a flow station is not available or the quality of flow data is in question. Flow
computed from a stage boundary must always be verified
against reliable flow measurements, otherwise substantial
error in flow can result. If no flow measurements are
available, the stage hydrograph should only be used when
absolutely necessary and then with caution. Figure 5-4
shows the reproduction of flow measurements at
Hickman from routing Cairo stages down the Mississippi
River. Figure 5-5 shows the reproduction of stage at
Memphis 200 miles downstream.
b. Downstream boundary condition. For subcritical
flow, the downstream boundary condition introduces the
effect of backwater into the model. Four types of


downstream boundary conditions are stage hydrograph,

flow hydrograph, rating curve, and Mannings equation.
(1) Stage hydrograph.
The classic downstream
boundary is the stage hydrograph. The corresponding
flow is calculated by the model. Because the stage
hydrograph is observed, and therefore presumed accurate,
the downstream end of a study reach can be located at a
(2) Flow hydrograph. The flow hydrograph is a
special purpose downstream boundary condition which is
generally used to simulate a reservoir outflow or a pumping station if accurate outflow is known. For the flow
hydrograph, the model calculates the corresponding
stages. The time series of computed stages is based on
an initial stage and will change with a differing initial
stage. The flow hydrograph must be used with great care
because the flow is leaving the system and negative
depths may be computed, in particular at pumping
(3) Rating curve. A single valued rating curve
describes a monotonic relationship between stage and
flow. The rating curve is accurate and useful for
describing a boundary condition at a free overfall, such
as a spillway or at a falls, or at a pump station whose
performance is defined by a schedule. But the single
valued rating curve is often a poor downstream boundary
condition for a free flowing stream. Natural rivers display a looped rating curve; use of a single valued rating
curve, however, forces a monotonic relationship which
erroneously reflects waves upstream. For this reason, the
rating curve must be located well downstream of the
reach of interest in a free flowing stream to prevent
errors from propagating upstream into the area of interest. This lack of sensitivity should be confirmed by
sensitivity tests.
(4) Mannings equation. Mannings equation can be
used as a downstream boundary condition for a free
flowing stream when no other boundary condition is
available. The model computes both stage and flow with
the stage being a function of the friction slope. Two
methods prevail for determining the friction slope. Fread
(1978, 1988) in DWOPER and DAMBRK assumes that
the friction slope is equal to the water surface slope.
UNET (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1991b) uses the
friction slope at the last cross section. These two
assumptions, which produce slightly different results, are

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Figure 5-4. Computed versus observed flow at Hickman

both reasonable. Because of the variable friction slope,

Mannings equation does display the looped rating curve;
but the boundary condition still should be placed well
downstream of the area of interest. Any model which
uses Mannings equation as the downstream boundary
condition should be tested for sensitivity to confirm that
its use at the boundary has no affect on the area of
c. Lateral inflow. Lateral inflow (or outflow for a
diversion) data also constitute a boundary condition.
Unlike upstream and downstream boundary conditions
which translate into an independent equation, lateral
inflow (qL) augments the equations of continuity and
momentum (see Equations 5-2 and 5-3). Lateral inflow

can come from gaged and ungaged areas, and can be

located at a point and/or uniformly distributed along the
length of the valley.
(1) In any river system a part of the drainage will
not be gaged. To provide an accurate and consistent
simulation, the modeler must estimate the inflow from
those ungaged areas. Along the Illinois River, for example, there is 2,579 square miles of ungaged drainage
between the Marseilles and Kingston Mines gages, which
is about 52 percent of the total gaged area. Figure 5-6
shows a simulation result at Kingston Mines without the
ungaged drainage. The omission of the ungaged drainage
produced a uniform error of about 1 foot in the simulated


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Figure 5-5. Reproduction of Stage at Memphis from Stages Routed from Cairo, 220 Miles Upstream

stage hydrograph. This difference could have been corrected by adjusting the n values, but the error would have
become apparent as an inconsistency when verifying
against other events. Figure 5-7 shows the correct simulation which includes the ungaged inflow.
(2) The estimation of ungaged inflow is difficult
because of the wide variation in spatial rainfall patterns.
Two methods are proposed: estimating runoff using
drainage area ratios applied to gaged watersheds in the
vicinity and use of a rainfall-runoff model. Drainage
area ratios work well for large events when the rainfall is
relatively uniformly distributed spatially. For smaller
events, which cause small peaks in low flow, the method
is less appropriate. A hydrologic model is preferable, but


it may be an additional study step to develop and maintain, and requires precipitation data.
Small, often
unnamed, tributaries may be lumped together and entered
uniformly as a single hydrograph which is distributed
along a portion of the stream. Generally, the distribution
is according to floodplain distance. Uniform lateral
inflow is for the convenience of the modeler.
(3) Lateral inflow from a gaged tributary or from a
large ungaged tributary is usually entered at a point. For
streams with a flat bed slope a tributary inflow causes a
disruption in the stage profile, as shown in Figure 5-8 by
the correspondence between flow and stage discontinuities. Locating point inflows, even for ungaged areas,

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Figure 5-6. Simulation of the Illinois River at Kingston Mines without 2,579 square
miles of ungaged drainage

may be a determining factor in the accuracy of the

model. For the Illinois River, unsatisfactory results were
produced if inflows from greater than 100 square miles
were not entered at a point.
5-7. Steps to Follow in Modeling a River System
The following is a sequence of steps to follow when
modeling a river system using unsteady flow. In subsequent sections, some of these topics will be expanded.
a. Prepare schematic diagram. The basic schematic
diagram shows the layout of the river system and the
principal tributaries for which gaged flow data are available. It is best to model every tributary for which
cross-sectional data are available since the degree of

detail determines the accuracy and consistency of the

simulation. Also, tributaries can be modeled at modest
additional cost in computer time and engineer effort.
The scope of the model should be large enough so that
errors in the downstream boundary condition do not
affect results at the locations of interest. An example
schematic diagram for the Red River of the North is
shown in Figure 5-9 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
b. Collect cross-sectional data.
Collect all the
cross-sectional data available on the main stem and tributaries. If data are old, or suspect for any reason, new
data may be required. Usually cross section data are
unavailable on all but the largest tributaries, thus limiting


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Figure 5-7. Simulation of the Illinois River at Kingston Mines including 2,579 square
miles of ungaged drainage

the scope of the model. Study funds may limit the number of new surveys. If a major tributary has no surveyed
cross sections, consider approximating the channel cross
section and obtaining overbank information from USGS
quadrangle maps. Remember, accuracy and consistency
depend on the degree of detail. Details of cross section
positioning are presented in Appendix D.
c. Collect stream gage data. Collect flow and stage
data for the main stem and all tributaries. It is recommended that a data base such as HEC-DSS (U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers 1990d) be used to organize observed
data and maintain, display, and analyze computed results.


d. Develop gaging table. Develop a table showing

stream gaging locations from upstream to


downstream, all major tributaries with gages, all major

tributaries without gages, and reaches with uniform
lateral inflow. For an unsteady flow simulation to be
successful, every square mile of drainage must contribute
inflow to the model. The gaging table locates the
ungaged drainage and identifies the source from which
ungaged inflow will be estimated. Table 5-1 is such a
table for the Lower Mississippi River.
e. Revise schematic diagram. Revise the diagram by
identifying all the reaches to be modeled, the locations of
the gages, and all inflow points. To some extent, the
gaging table and the schematic diagram are redundant,
but the graphical display in the diagram helps assure an
accurate definition of the system.

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Figure 5-8. Disruption of the stage profile of the Illinois River by inflow from the Fox

f. Assemble cross section file. On the basis of the

schematic diagram, prepare the geometric data file. See
Appendix D.
g. Identify a calibration event. Choose a time period
that includes one of the largest events of record. The
period should also include low flow and should contain
the maximum amount of stage data.
h. Assemble boundary condition file.
From the
gaging table and the schematic diagram, assemble the
boundary condition file locating all point and uniform
lateral inflows in their proper locations.
i. Calibration. Calibrate the data to reproduce the
calibration event.

j. Verification. Verify the simulation using other

periods and events in the record. Minor adjustments to
the parameters are acceptable, but no major changes
should be needed. If the reproduction is inadequate,
attempt to identify why.
5-8. Accuracy of Observed Data
All observed data are subject to measurement error.
Both the operation and calibration of an unsteady flow
model are based primarily on flow and stage data from
gaging stations. Some stations have better records than
others. It is the management of the error which results
in the quality and consistency of the model. Consistency
is the ability to reproduce multiple events with a single
calibrated data set.


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Figure 5-9. Schematic diagram for the Red River of the North


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a. Stage data. Stage data are the most accurate type

of hydrologic data. Stage measurement is accurate to
within the amplitude of wind induced gravity waves and
the consistency of the recording device. Experience has
shown that gravity waves are typically about 0.1 foot
in magnitude; see Figure 5-10. Traditional recording
devices, e.g., strip chart recorders and paper tapes, which
were predominant until the early 80s, tended to lose
their accuracy with time. Each month, when the gage
reader changed the tape, the automatic and the manual
gage readings were recorded. Usually the difference was
a couple of tenths of a foot although, occasionally, big
discrepancies were found. The recorded readings were
typically then adjusted by a linear relationship with time
to match the manual reading under the assumption that
the error increased gradually with time. The validity of
this assumption may be questionable. These errors,
which may be hidden, have bearing on how well the
model seems to match observed data. Another problem
is that gages sometimes lose their datum. Figure 5-11
shows a comparison of the Des Plaines River stages at

Lockport with those at Brandon Road Pool, which is

downstream. For 1974, Brandon Road is higher than
Lockport; hence, the Des Plaines River appears to be
flowing backwards. Which gage is correct?
(1) Newer gages have electronic recorders and transmit data via satellite. Still, the gages are subject to the
similar losses of accuracy with time. Also, satellite
transmissions are subject to large errors which appear as
spikes in the time series. These spikes are easy to discern, but if they are input to a simulation they are
(2) Finally, point observations, say the 07:00 reading, are often read from the hourly satellite time series.
Since the data may be oscillating (Figure 5-10) is one
point representative of the overall time series?
b. Flow data. Flow is usually a derived, not a measured quantity.
Periodic flow measurements, using
velocity meters, are initially used to define a rating curve

Figure 5-10. Oscillation of the 1-hour time series from a satellite for the Illinois River at Meredosia


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Figure 5-11. Stage hydrographs for the Illinois Waterway at Lockport Tailwater and
Brandon Road Pool

and then to define shifts (seasonal, systematic, and random) from the rating curve. The "shifted" rating curve is
then used to routinely derive discharge from stage with
the discrete flow measurements being the only solid data.
(1) The USGS defines an "excellent" gaging station
as having 95 percent of the daily discharges within
5 percent of the true value. The departure of the measurement from the rating curve is composed of the error
in the measurement and the true shift. The shift is manually determined by attempting to isolate the error. The
records at upland stations where the bed slope is large
are usually good. On the other hand, the records on
large rivers, where the bed slope is small and the dynamics are large, are suspect.

(2) The ability to adequately determine the rating

curve shift depends on the frequency of discharge
measurement. Long term trends of aggradation and
degradation are adequately defined by even an infrequent
measurement cycle. However, unless several measurements are taken during a flood event, it is unlikely that
the loop or a seasonal shift will be adequately defined,
resulting in an error. When modeling a river system, if a
gaging station is used as an upstream boundary, the error
results in an inconsistency in calibration between events
which cannot be reconciled. On the Middle Mississippi
River a base flow error of 5 percent results in a model
inconsistency of 1 foot. If the lack of definition of the
loop is added to the base error, sizable inconsistency can
be explained. Slope stations are gaging stations which


EM 1110-2-1416
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are influenced by backwater. At these stations the rating

curve is modified not only by the shift but also by a
slope correction which is computed from the observed
fall to a downstream gage. Discharge records at a slope
station are seldom very good and should be used as
boundary conditions with caution.
(3) There are gaging stations whose records are not
very reliable. These are usually on streams with a flat
bed slope or a mobile boundary. At these locations, only
the actual flow measurements can be used with
5-9. Calibration and Verification
When a model is calibrated, the parameters which control
the models performance, primarily Mannings n and
reach storage, are determined. The key to a successful
calibration is to identify the true values of the parameters
which control the system and not to use values that compensate for shortcomings in the geometry and/or the
boundary conditions. Because unsteady flow models
reproduce the entire range of flows, they should be calibrated to reproduce both low and high flows.
a. Mannings n. In the unsteady flow models used
in the United States, the friction slope is generally modeled using Mannings equation. Mannings n value
relates the roughness of the stream boundary to the friction force exerted on the system. For most problems, an
initial estimate of Mannings n (it is only an educated
guess) is used at the start of the calibration. The initial
values are then adjusted to match observed stage data.
When no observed stage data exists, the estimated values
take on a greater importance since they are assumed to
be representative of the system. See Appendix D for
detailed information on selecting n values.
b. Calibration. Calibration of an unsteady flow
model is a four step process. In the first step the n values are adjusted to reproduce the maximum stages of an
event. The storage in the cross sections is then adjusted,
if necessary, to improve timing and attenuation. In the
third step, the flow versus Mannings n relationship is
adjusted to reproduce both high and low flow event
stages. Finally, the model is fine tuned to reproduce a
longer period which should include the initial calibration
(1) The initial calibration event should be one of the
larger events which are available in the time series. The


purpose of this phase is to adjust the initial n values to

match the crest of the event at all stations in the model.
Figure 5-12 shows the hydrographs for the Illinois River
at Havana after the initial calibration.
Note that,
although the crest stage is approximately correct, the
timing of the hydrograph and the reproduction of low
flow are deficient.
(2) Total storage as defined by river cross sections
is almost always deficient. In natural rivers, the timing
of the hydrograph is determined by storage and the
dynamics of the flood wave. Timing can be adjusted by
modifying storage, friction, and distribution of lateral
inflows. If the timing cannot be calibrated by reasonable
adjustment of these factors, then there is some other
problem, most likely an error in the cross sections. For
the Illinois River, which is confined by levees in the
reach near Havana, an increase in overbank storage of
about 20 percent yields the results shown in Figure 5-13;
an increase in storage of about 40 percent yields those
shown in Figure 5-14. Both changes are only minor
increases in storage area because the overbanks are confined by levees.
(3) By varying Mannings n with flow the reproduction of stage is improved; see Figure 5-15. The model
still does not reproduce the initial time steps, but the
disagreement is probably caused by the initial conditions.
(4) The final calibration consists of fine tuning the
flow-roughness relation and the adjustments in storage.
The event selected should be an extension of the event
chosen for the initial calibration. For the Illinois River
example, the final calibration was performed for the
period from 15 Nov 1982 to 15 Sep 1983. The event
includes high flow and low flow and a second major
flood in May 1983. Figure 5-16 shows the reproduction
of stage at Havana during the period. The model parameters required only slight adjustment to better simulate
low flow.
c. Verification. The calibrated model should be
verified against two or more periods which include significant events. The periods should be long, approaching
one year, so that seasonal effects can be detected.
Figure 5-17 shows the reproduction of the 1974 observed
data on the Illinois River.

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Figure 5-12. Hydrographs for the Illinois River at Havana after initial calibration

5-10. Example Applications of Unsteady Flow

Numerous applications, in addition to those presented
above to illustrate the use of unsteady flow models, have
been performed; the following is a brief summary. The
one-dimensional unsteady flow program DWOPER,
developed by the National Weather Service, has been
used to simulate flood wave movement through the
Central Basin of the Passaic River in New Jersey. This
was a complex routing problem because of flat gradients
and flow reversals that were involved (U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers 1983). The one-dimensional unsteady flow
model UNET has been applied to a 90-mile long reach of
the Red River of the North to improve analysis of flooding on this river. The study reach was characterized by
agricultural levees and other flow controlling features on

a wide, flat floodplain (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

1990c). Cunge et al. (1980) present several examples of
applications to complex natural river systems. A study
of potential mudflow movement in Castle Creek, near
Mount Saint Helens was performed (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers 1990e) using the NWS DAMBRK model
(Fread 1988).
Section II
Theory of Routing Models
5-11. Introduction
a. General. This section describes, in a one-dimensional context, the physical characteristics of flood waves
passing through a reach of channel. An overview of


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 5-13. Hydrographs for the Illinois River at Havana with overbank storage
increased by 20 percent

prediction techniques is presented: first hydraulic techniques, which simulate the wave motion by solving the
mathematical equations governing the unsteady flow in
the reach, and then hydrologic techniques, which compute outflow hydrographs directly from predetermined
reach characteristics and a given inflow hydrograph. The
effects that the assumptions characterizing a model have
on its applicability are discussed.
b. Hydrologic routing versus hydraulic routing. In
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the
approaches used to analyze problems associated with the
movement of water were fragmented among different
professions in accord with the area of endeavor affected
by the particular case of water motion. The assumptions
developed to allow solution of these complex problems


varied widely in the different fields in accord with the

inventiveness of the researcher and were generally unrelated. Classical hydrodynamicists studied the mathematics of potential flow of a perfect fluid, which water
under certain circumstances imperfectly imitates. Mathematicians studied laminar flow, a turbulence-free
phenomenon in which fluid mixing takes place only on a
molecular level. Laminar flow is rarely seen in rivers;
the high Reynolds numbers and boundary roughness of a
typical river make turbulent flow the norm. Hydraulic
engineers developed empirical formulas for head loss in
turbulent flow in pipes. Because of the greater complexities of open channel flow, engineers devised assumptions
and computational schemes to be as simple as possible
for analyzing river flows.

EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 5-14. Hydrographs for the Illinois River at Havana with overbank storage
increased by 40 percent

(1) This section seeks to relate the so-called hydrologic and hydraulic approaches to flood routing. The
hydrologic approaches, which are simpler to use but
harder to defend theoretically, are viewed from the point
of view of the hydraulic approaches, which are better
grounded in basic theory but relatively difficult to apply.
(2) The aim of both approaches is the same: to
determine the response in a given reach of a watercourse
to a given inflow sequence (usually a flood hydrograph),
and, both recognize the physical principle of conservation
of mass. They both seek to account, at all times, for all
of the volume of water initially in the stream and that of
the inflow(s) and outflow(s). The volume of water
stored in a reach varies with time as a flood wave passes

(3) Mathematically, with I(t) representing an inflow

sequence (hydrograph), T(t) the net lateral inflow along
the length of the reach (tributary inflow minus infiltration, etc.), O(t) the outflow hydrograph, and S(t) the
volume of water (storage) between the inflow and outflow sections, the principle of conservation of mass can
be written:
I (t )

T (t )

O (t )

dS (t )


(4) The argument, t, is explicitly stated to underscore the premise that the equation holds true at each
instant of time. With the inflow hydrograph given, and
with the tributary hydrograph given, estimated, or


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 5-15. Hydrographs for the Illinois River at Havana with adjusted flowMannings n relationship

neglected, the outflow hydrograph can be computed if the

relation of the storage to the hydrographs is also known.
It is on this issue, the relationship between the geometrical quantity, storage, and the kinematic quantities, discharge hydrographs, that the hydrologic and hydraulic
approaches differ.

of record for the reach, or theoretically on the basis of

some simplifying physical assumption. In the most
empirical of the hydrologic techniques, the storage is not
even considered; inflow hydrographs are manipulated by
an averaging technique flexible enough to allow matching
of computed and measured outflow hydrographs.

(5) The hydrologic techniques focus attention on

discharge hydrographs. The outflow discharge hydrograph constituting the response of the reach to the inflow
hydrograph is computed directly, and after that is done,
the water levels in the reach are somehow related to the
discharges. To achieve such a direct solution for the
outflow hydrograph, a storage versus flow relation is
assumed, either empirically on the basis of flood events

(a) Furthermore, in hydrologic methods, the study

reach is treated as a whole. Even if the reach is broken
into subreaches, as some of the techniques propose, it is
assumed that the outflow hydrographs can be determined
sequentially, from upstream to downstream. The outflow
hydrograph of one subreach serves as the inflow hydrograph for the neighboring downstream subreach.


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 5-16. Hydrographs for the Illinois River at Havana with flow-Mannings n relationship adjusted to reproduce the 1983 flood

(b) In this approach, time is the only variable, and

the mathematics of the simulation reduce generally to an
ordinary differential equation. This equation relates the
sought after time variation of the outflow to the given
time variation of the inflow and to the given response
characteristics of the reach, e.g. a storage versus flow
relationship. The hydrologic techniques typically solve
this differential equation numerically, i.e. algebraically,
through the use of finite-sized time steps.
(6) The hydraulic approaches explicitly recognize, in
addition to the physical principle of mass conservation, a
second physical principle, one or another form of conservation of momentum. If, then, an assumption is made
regarding the shape that graphs of the variation of stage
and discharge along the reach would have, absolute

values for both profiles can be found. The usual

assumption is that the shape of the stage and discharge
profiles cannot be given a priori for the reach as a
whole. It must be broken into a sufficient number of
distance steps so that the shape of depth and discharge
variation in each can be assumed to be a straight line.
For this reason, the hydraulic techniques generally
require a determination of depth and discharge at a
sequence of stations within the reach, even if the conditions are in fact sought at only one point.
(a) As a result, a characteristic feature of hydraulic
approaches is the calculation of flow variables in the
interior of the study reach, even if they are not of special
For example, to arrive at the outflow


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 5-17. Verification of the Illinois River model against 1974 observed data

hydrograph for a reach subject to a given inflow hydrograph at its upstream end, the hydraulic methods compute
water surface elevations and discharges at a sequence of
stations in the interior of the reach. The desired hydrograph is computed along with all interior hydrographs,
and stages in the reach are routinely determined as part
of the solution. In another example, the calculated
advance of a dam-break flood wave is a by-product of
calculations of flow conditions in the interior of the
(b) In the limit, as the number of distance steps
increases indefinitely, while the size of each is
correspondingly reduced, the governing physical principles lead to partial differential equations in distance
along the channel and time. The dependent variables are
the time dependent profiles of depth and discharge (or


depth and discharge hydrographs at all stations in the

reach). These partial differential equations are generally
solved numerically, algebraically, in finite-sized distance,
and time steps with the aid of high-speed electronic
(7) The hydrologic techniques are often easier to
apply than the hydraulic techniques and are usually associated with quicker, less troublesome, computations.
Hydraulic methods require a description of the geometry
and roughness of the reach usually defined by cross
sections and reach lengths. Those hydrologic methods
which use past flood hydrograph records to estimate the
response of the reach bypass such detailed analysis of the
physical characteristics of the reach; the lumped effect of
its physical characteristics is assumed to be incorporated

EM 1110-2-1416
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into the measured responses. And if, in fact, the reach

does behave sufficiently like the calibration events for
the flood being studied, the hydrologic approach may be
nearly as accurate as any of the hydraulic routing
schemes for determining discharge. The difficulty, of
course, is in establishing the storage versus flow relation
pertinent to the subject flood.

equations should not be used to analyze flow over a

spillway, and (c) the momentum correction factor is
assumed to be 1.
(2) The magnitude of each of the terms in the
momentum equation plays a significant role in the
hydraulics of the system. The terms in equation 5-3 are:

5-12. Unsteady Flow Model

a. Unsteady flow equations. Derivations of the
unsteady flow equations are presented in numerous references. Chow (1959), Fread (1978), and Users Manual
for UNET (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1991b)] are
three of such references. They can be obtained from the
two-dimensional equations presented in Chapter 4 by
assuming that the dependent variables only change in one
direction, x, and that direction is along the river axis
rather than being a cartesian coordinate. Common formulations of the equations are as follows:

local acceleration


advective acceleration


water surface slope


friction slope

The water surface slope can be expressed as

Equation of continuity





Equation of momentum







in which h is the depth and

S f



Q = flow
A = active flow area
S = storage area
qL = lateral inflow per unit flow distance
V = Q / A = average flow velocity
g = acceleration of gravity
z = water surface elevation
Sf = friction slope
VL = average velocity of the lateral inflow
x = flow distance
t = time


pressure term


bed slope

The roles of these terms are discussed below.

b. Weaknesses of the unsteady flow equations.
(1) Friction slope is the portion of the energy slope
which overcomes the shear force exerted by the bed and
banks, and it cannot be measured. To quantify the friction slope, the Manning or Chezy formulas for steady
flow are used:
Mannings Equation

(1) The assumptions implicit to the unsteady flow

equations are essentially the same as those for the steady
flow equations: (a) the flow is gradually varied; that is,
there are no abrupt changes in flow magnitude or direction; (b) the pressure distribution is hydrostatic; therefore,
the vertical component of velocity can be neglected.
This means, for example, that the unsteady flow


Q Q n2
2.21A 2R 4/3




EM 1110-2-1416
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n = Mannings n value
R = hydraulic radius
Chezys Equation

A 2C 2R


in which C is the Chezy coefficient. Note the use of the

absolute value of discharge; this keeps the sign of Sf
proper for flow reversals.
(2) Equations 5-5 and 5-6 are semi-empirical equations for steady flow, but they also produce acceptable
results for unsteady flow. Other equations have been
proposed for estimating the friction slope Einstein (1950),
Simons and Sentrk (1976), and ASCE (1975). Typically, these equations are logarithmic and contain sediment parameters. Most modelers have avoided these
equations because they are computationally inconvenient,
requiring an iterative solution to solve for the friction
slope within each time step.

c. Force exerted by structures.

Bridge piers,
embankments, dams, and other hydraulic structures exert
a force on the flow which is not considered in the
momentum equation presented above. To illustrate this
force, consider submerged flow over a broad crested weir
as shown in Figure 5-18. The unequal pressure distribution on the upstream and downstream faces exerts a net
force in the upstream direction on the flow. This force is
not included in the friction term, nor is it included by the
pressure force from the bank which is included in the
water surface slope term. If the force is not included in
the momentum equation, the computed swell head
upstream of the structure will be too small. Moreover,
the force is seldom quantified. The emphasis of research
has been to quantify the energy loss through structures,
which is useful for computing the swell head for steady
(1) Modelers Fread (1978), and Barkau (1985) have
proposed augmenting the momentum equation with an
additional slope term based on the energy loss:

Figure 5-18. Exterior forces acting on a control volume of fluid flowing over a broad crested weir


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in which hL is the head loss due to the force and dx is

the distance over which the loss occurs.
(2) Since energy loss is obtained by integrating force
applied over distance, Equation 5-7 estimates an additional energy slope to overcome the force. The added
slope produces the correct swell head upstream of the
structure. The augmented momentum equation now



S h


d. Subcritical and supercritical flow. The unsteady

flow equations are wave equations. Disturbances propagate according to the rate



c = the celerity of a gravity wave
c = (gD)
D = hydraulic depth
(1) If V < c, the flow is subcritical, and disturbances
move both upstream and downstream. Hence, a disturbance downstream, such as a rise in stage, propagates
upstream. If V > c, the flow is supercritical, and the
velocity sweeps all disturbances downstream. Hence, a
stage disturbance downstream is not felt upstream.
(2) Equation 5-9 has profound implications for the
application of the unsteady flow equations. Subcritical
flow disturbances travel both upstream and downstream;
therefore, boundary conditions must be specified at both
the upstream and downstream ends of the routing reach.
For supercritical flow, the boundary conditions are only
specified at the upstream end.
(3) Near critical depth, the location for the boundary
conditions is changing; hence, the flow and the numerical
solution may become unstable. Instability when the
depth is near critical is one of the greatest problems
encountered when modeling unsteady flow.
streams which are modeled with unsteady flow are

subcritical at higher stages but, at lower stages the pool

and riffle sequence usually dominates flow. Supercritical
flow can occur at the riffles. Because unsteady flow
models simulate the full range of flow, the models can
become unstable during low flows.
e. Numerical models. An unsteady flow model (also
called a dynamic wave model) solves the full momentum
and continuity equations. Forces from all three sources
(gravity, pressure, and friction) and the resulting changes
in momentum (local and advective accelerations) are all
explicitly considered along with mass conservation. If
the assumption of one-dimensional flow is justified, and
the discretization of flow variables introduces little error,
then the simulation results are as accurate as the input
data. Unsteady flow models differ in their underlying
physical assumptions, in the way in which the real continuous variation of flow variables with space and time is
approximated or represented by discrete sets of numbers,
and in the mathematical techniques used to solve the
resulting equations. Other differences reflect the range of
different steam networks, channel geometries, control
structures, or flow situations that the model is designed
to simulate. For example, not all dynamic wave models
are equipped to handle supercritical flow; a typical indication of failure is oscillating water surface profiles and
an aborted execution. There are also differences (which
can strongly effect study effort) in input data structure,
user operation, documentation, user support, and presentation of results.
(1) Such a model can accurately simulate flows in
which acceleration plays an important role, such as flood
waves stemming from sharply rising hydrographs such as
a dam break flood; disturbances of essentially still water,
for example the drawdown of water in the reservoir
behind a ruptured dam; and seiching, which is a long
period longitudinal oscillation of water.
example of a situation that can be modeled only by a
dynamic wave model is the reflection of a dam break
flood wave from a channel constriction.
(2) As the bed slope becomes small, it becomes less
important than the water surface slope and the acceleration terms play a greater role. The looped rating curve is
an example of this phenomenon. For streams on a low
slope, the rising limb of the hydrograph passes at a lower
stage than the falling limb for a particular discharge.
The loop for the Illinois River at Kingston Mines during
the December 1982 flood is shown in Figure 5-19. The
flow and stage hydrographs were shown in Figure 5-8.


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 5-19. Looped rating curve for the Illinois River at Kingston Mines, 15 Nov 82 to 31 Jan 83

The peak flow always precedes peak stage. The loop can
be explained with the help of Figure 5-20. The slope of
the water surface is greater on the rising limb than on the
falling limb, thus the flow is accelerating on the rise and
decelerating on the fall.
(3) If the flow changes rapidly, then the acceleration
terms become important regardless of the slope of the
bed. The advective acceleration term diffuses the discharge downstream; it lengthens and attenuates any rapid
change in discharge. Figure 5-21 shows a test of routing
a rapidly rising and falling hypothetical hydrograph
through a channel of unit width using an unsteady flow
model. In 8,000 feet the peak discharge had attenuated
by over a third and the hydrograph had lengthened
dramatically. This is typical of dam break type waves.
f. Numerical approximations.
Discretization, the
representation of a continuous field of flow by arrays of


discrete values, is a major concern in the construction of

unsteady flow models. The choice of scheme influences
the ease of writing, correcting, and modifying the program; the speed at which the program executes; accuracy
of the solution, including satisfaction of volume conservation, momentum conservation, and computation of
proper wave velocities; the robustness of the model; and
ultimately, its stability.
(1) Explicit solution schemes allow the computation
of flow variables at the end of a time step at one point in
the channel, independent of the solution for neighboring
points. Implicit schemes solve for the flow variables at
the end of a time step at all points in the channel simultaneously. The former are easier to program and maintain, but require small time steps to avoid computational
instability. The required size of the time steps for
usually much less than that needed to resolve the rates at

EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 5-20. Explanation for looped rating curve effect


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 5-21. Attenuation from a hypothetical dam break type flood routed 8,000 feet downstream through a
channel of unit width

explicit schemes is which changes are occurring to the

flows at reach boundaries. This can lead to a very inefficient solution. The time steps for implicit schemes are,
theoretically, dependent only on accuracy criteria and can
be many times larger than in explicit schemes. Implicit
models appear, further, to be generally more robust.



5-13. Diffusion Model

This is the diffusion wave, or zero-inertia approximation.

Forces from all three sources are assumed to be in equilibrium, so that the acceleration is zero. If the sum of
local acceleration (a measure of unsteadiness) Q/t and
advective acceleration (a measure of nonuniformity)
(QV)/x is small compared to the sum of weight (i.e.,
gravitational) and pressure components, this model is
capable of producing a simulation virtually as realistic as
the dynamic wave model. This is often the case for
flows at a low Froude number.

For some flow conditions the water surface slope and the
friction slope are nearly equal and the momentum equation becomes

a. Assumptions. Local and advective accelerations

are often of similar magnitude and opposite sign; their
sum is typically smaller than either one alone.

(2) Most of the successful models available today

use an implicit finite difference scheme (Fread 1978,
1988; Shaffranek et al. 1981; Johnson 1982; U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers 1991b).


EM 1110-2-1416
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b. Nonuniformity. Only when the nonuniformity of

the flow is primarily the result of nonuniform channel
geometry, rather than because of unsteadiness, can the
local acceleration be small compared to advective
(1) The neglect of all acceleration terms in the diffusion model has advantages and disadvantages. A major
advantage is a more robust model, because the acceleration terms are sometimes the source of computational
fragility, especially in a near-critical or supercritical flow.
To a diffusion model, all flows are infinitely subcritical.
(2) The disadvantages include the inability to simulate certain kinds of flow, seiching is infinitely damped,
and bores are imperfectly imitated by relatively gradual
rises in water surface elevation.
(3) The magnitude of the error in outflow hydrograph prediction for typical inflow hydrographs depends
on the channel and inflow hydrograph characteristics.
5-14. Kinematic Wave Model
a. Slope. If the slope of the bed is relatively steep
and the change in discharge is moderate, the pressure
term and the acceleration terms become small compared
to the bed and friction slope terms. Hence, the friction
slope and the bed slope are approximately in balance as
shown in Equation 5-11.
Sf So


This is called the kinematic wave approximation, and the

flow can only be routed downstream. The water surface
elevation at each section can be calculated from
Mannings equation or obtained from a single-valued
rating curve for any discharge. There are no backwater
effects. The physical assumptions in this approximate
method are often justified in overland flow or steep channels if the flow is well established so that there is little
b. Limitations.
(1) The method is patently useless in horizontal
channels, because there is drag but no streamwise weight
component. It typically overestimates water depth in
channels of small slope. As a rule of thumb, the kinematic wave approximation may be applicable for slopes

greater than 10 feet per mile, depending upon the shape

of the hydrograph. Experience has shown that kinematic
wave should not be used when analyzing flows in rivers.
(2) A characteristic feature of flood wave behavior
computed with this method is that, in the absence of
lateral inflow/outflow, there is no subsidence of the crest.
Certain numerical schemes introduce a spurious
numerical subsidence, but that cannot be used rationally
to model real subsidence. The phenomenon of kinematic
shock allows flood wave subsidence within the context of
kinematic wave theory, but does not model real subsidence. When subsidence is important, a kinematic wave
model should not be used.
(3) The major advantage of kinematic wave is that it
displays no computational problems at critical depth.
5-15. Accuracy of Approximate Hydraulic
Numerical criteria are presented in Ponce (1989) for
estimating the relative accuracy of approximate models.
Some of the criteria are based on the relative magnitude
of neglected terms in the unsteady flow equations (5-3
and 5-4). Others, dealing with hydrologic methods, are
concerned with subreach length relative to length of the
flood wave. Still others stem from the results of comparative tests.
a. Kinematic versus diffusion. According to Ponce
(1989), kinematic and diffusion wave models may be
used in reaches with little or no downstream control.
The diffusion wave has a wider range of applicability
than the kinematic wave and should be used unless a
strong case can be made for the latter. Ponce suggests
the following criteria for determining applicability of the
two methods:
The kinematic wave model can be used if
Tr So uo

> 85


The diffusion wave model can be used if

Tr So

> 15




EM 1110-2-1416
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Tr = hydrograph time of rise

So = equilibrium energy slope (or bottom slope for
channel of regular cross section)
uo = average velocity
do = average flow depth
g = acceleration of gravity
b. Data requirements. These depend on the nature
of the method and are described in the sections which
follow and in Appendix D. In general, hydraulic models
require channel geometry, boundary roughness, the initial
state of the water in the channel, and an upstream flow
(1) An upstream boundary condition with its time
variation, such as a discharge or depth hydrograph, must
be specified, as must be the tributary inflows or outflows.
In the special case of supercritical flow at the upstream
end of the reach, both depth and discharge must be given
to a dynamic wave model.
(2) With the dynamic wave and diffusion models,
either a depth or discharge hydrograph is required at the
downstream end. In the special case of supercritical flow
at the outlet (dynamic wave model), no downstream
boundary condition can be given.
(3) No downstream condition can be given to the
kinematic wave model, nor to any of the hydrologic
models, as they all employ "marching" solutions, progressing from upstream to downstream.
5-16. Muskingum-Cunge Model
While the origin of this model is the Muskingum method,
a hydrologic technique, its theoretical basis and application, typically to a large number of subreaches, suggest
that its classification be as a hydraulic method. As such,
it is a subset of the diffusion approach; the additional
assumption, linearization about normal depth at the local
discharge, leads to problems with accuracy at low values
of bottom slope and precludes analysis of flows in which
backwater effects play a role. Its advantages over the
diffusion approach are not known at this time; comparisons might prove it to be a more robust model.
5-17. Hydrologic Routing Schemes
Hydrologic routing focuses on the study reach as a
whole; there is still need for two equations to solve for
the two related variables, water surface elevation and
discharge, even if these are required at just one location.


The principle of mass conservation supplies one of the

required equations but, instead of applying the momentum equation in the interior of the flow, a different theoretical or empirical relation provides the second equation.
A summary discussion is presented below.
a. Average-lag methods. Two significant features of
flood hydrographs have long been observed in many
Reflecting the wave-like character of flood
behavior, hydrographs at successive stations are displaced
in time; peaks, for example, occur later at each successive downstream station. In other words, downstream
hydrographs lag upstream hydrographs. The second
observation is that, usually, hydrograph peaks exhibit
subsidence; that is, a decrease in peak value with distance downstream if there is no significant tributary
(1) Such behavior is observed in the results of the
so-called average-lag methods, empirical techniques
based on averages of inflow hydrograph values lagged in
time. Averages of groups of hydrograph values are
always less than the largest of the group unless all members of the group are equal; in particular, the average of
values in the vicinity of the peak will be less than the
peak itself. Freedom in choosing the time spacing of
points on the inflow hydrograph, the number of points to
include in the average, the weighting coefficients defining the average, the number and length of subreaches to
which to successively apply the technique, and the travel
time for the hydrograph in each subreach; i.e., the
amount of time to lag the hydrograph, often provides
enough flexibility to allow a match of lagged average
reach-outflow hydrographs with observed ones in a calibration event. Many years of familiarity with a reach of
river and with the observed hydrographs can facilitate
choosing the parameters of such a method for a reasonably good fit of computed and measured hydrographs,
but satisfactory routing under different circumstances
would have to be considered fortuitous. There are many
ways in which hydrograph values can be averaged and
lagged. There is no theoretical reason to favor one over
b. Progressive average-lag method. This technique
as found in EM 1110-2-1408 also known as StraddleStagger (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1990a), is the
most empirical of these methods. It provides hydrographs which exhibit subsidence and time lag, and these
can often be made to match observed hydrographs
through adjustment of the arithmetic parameters of the

EM 1110-2-1416
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(1) The reach is treated as a whole; subreach length

equals reach length. Equal weight is given to the
inflowing hydrograph values in determining their
average. The time period over which averaging occurs is
centered on the inflow value being routed; i.e., the one at
a lag-time duration earlier than the time pertinent to the
outflow hydrograph value. The constant time interval
used to define the inflow hydrograph, the number of
points used for averaging, and the lag time (outflow
value time minus routed inflow value time, expressed as
an integer number of time intervals) are chosen by trial
and error for a best fit with observations.
(2) The hope in using this method is that the
storage/hydrograph relation that exists for the reach in
the calibration event is reflected in the arithmetic parameters determined, and that these will continue to be valid
for the subject event. The lack of any theoretical basis
for this hope makes the method unreasonable rather than
approximate. The term approximate suggests that there
is some control over the amount of error. But, in principle, the error in the computed subsidence for the subject
event could be zero, plus or minus a hundred percent or
more. Only if a series of calibration events lead to about
the same parameter values in each case could one reasonably suppose that a subject event in the same reach with
about the same inflow hydrograph as the calibration
events, calculated with those values of parameters, would
yield an outflow hydrograph of about the same accuracy
as the calibration events. In general, the method is not
c. Successive average-lag method. In this technique
(EM 1110-2-1408 1960), also known as the Tatum
Method, each ordinate of the outflow hydrograph for a
subreach is the numerical average of the routed inflow
value and the preceding ordinate in the hydrograph. The
ordinates of the inflow hydrograph are separated by
constant time intervals, t, a parameter of the method.
Subreach length is defined as the distance traveled by the
flood wave in a time interval t/2, taken as the lag time.
The outflow hydrograph for a subreach constitutes the
inflow hydrograph for the next subreach, for which the
procedure is repeated.
(1) Additional subreaches are introduced until the
outflow for the subject reach has been determined. The
number of subreaches constitutes another parameter of
the method. The parameter values are chosen for a best
fit with calibration hydrographs.

(2) A physical interpretation of the Tatum Method

exists; it corresponds to a linear Modified Puls technique
in which subreach storage is directly proportional to
subreach outflow with the constant of proportionality K =
t/2. Nonetheless, the method, like Progressive AverageLag, must be considered empirical, and is not generally
d. Modified Puls. This approach is more rational
than the average-lag methods, because it strives to solve
the mass-conservation relationship (equation 5-2) by
providing a second, storage versus flow, relation necessary to close the system.
(1) The method is characterized by a far-reaching
physical assumption which, unfortunately, is often not
warranted in rivers. The required storage versus flow
relation stems from the assumption that there exists a
unique relationship between storage in the reach and
outflow from the reach. It is further assumed that this
relationship can be found for the reach, either theoretically or empirically from past events; and that, once
determined, applies to the study event. The mathematical
form of the relationship is not important, a graph or table
of numbers will suffice.
(2) An empirical relation can be found by measuring
discharges as they vary with time during a calibration
flood event at the inlet and outlet of the reach and applying the volume-conservation principle, (Equation 5-2).
To the extent that tributary flow is accounted for, the
relationship is valid for the event for which the information was recorded. To the extent that the relationship
will continue to be valid for another event, or a different
inflow hydrograph, it can be successfully used to predict
outflow hydrographs for that event.
(3) A storage-outflow relation can be easily devised
for a channel which is so large that the water surface
remains level during the event to be simulated (a reservoir or "level pool") and if a discharge coefficient, theoretical or empirical, is available for the outlet. This is
the physical circumstance for which the basic assumption
of the Modified Puls method is valid.
(4) Hypothetical relationships between storage and
outflow are sometimes derived for rivers from steady
flow computations. Steady water surface profiles and,
hence, water volumes, are computed in the reach for a
sequence of discharges (outflows). The resulting table of


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

volumes as a function of discharge constitutes the

storage/outflow relation. Such a relation ignores the
effects of unsteadiness on the flood wave profile and
hence on storage. The method can be successful if the
local accelerations are negligible; i.e., if the reach is so
geometrically nonuniform that advective accelerations
from that source are large, and, at the same time, the rate
of rise of the flood is so small that local and advective
accelerations resulting from the unsteadiness are negligible in comparison.
(5) A potential source of major error with the Modified Puls method is that, in some flow circumstances,
there is no physical relation between reach storage and
outflow. The method does not account for the time
changes in water flow that are transmitted as waves and
not instantaneously from one end of the reach to the
other. For example, a sharp increase in discharge at the
upstream end of a reach produces a wave of increased
depth that travels downstream at some velocity, generally
somewhat greater than the water velocity. Thus, the
storage in the channel starts to increase immediately, but
the outflow is not affected at all until the wave finally
arrives at the downstream end of the reach.

increased indefinitely, the scheme approaches that of the

kinematic wave theory.
(8) Except for level-pool routing, the Modified Puls
method should be used with caution, particularly for
conditions outside the range of events used for
e. Muskingum technique. The assumption is made
that the storage in a reach at some instant is related to
both the inflow and outflow of the reach at that instant,
which is more realistic than relating storage to outflow
alone, as in the Modified Puls method.
In the
Muskingum technique storage is assumed to be in part
directly proportional to inflow and in part directly proportional to outflow. The constants of proportionality
can be determined either empirically from a study of
known events or theoretically as in the MuskingumCunge technique. The major cause for concern in empirical derivations is that the subject simulation event may
not produce the same wave profiles as the calibration

(6) The storage/outflow relation derived from a

sequence of steady flows is unique; it plots as a single
curve without hysteresis. But even a stage/outflow relation at a gaging station exhibits hysteresis in unsteady
flow, with one branch of the hysteresis loop describing
the function for the rising limb of the hydrograph and the
other for the falling limb. This is due to the influence of
local acceleration and its effect on water surface slope
and advective acceleration. While a small amount of
hysteresis is not of great concern, the hysteresis loop for
a storage/outflow relation can be markedly more pronounced because of the traveling flood wave volume
passing through the reach.

f. Muskingum-Cunge technique. In addition to the

diffusion wave assumptions, the assumption is made that
during the passage of the flood wave down the reach,
departures from normal depth in the reach are not great.
Then the proportionality constants in the Muskingum
method can be determined theoretically. The diffusion
equations are linearized about normal depth for some
average condition in the reach and the results manipulated to yield the proportionality coefficients. The theoretical nature of the determination of the coefficients
suggests that this is a hydraulic rather than hydrologic
technique, especially, if the reach is broken up into a
large number of subreaches to account for the unknown
shape of the flood wave and to better schematize the
boundary geometry. It is also discussed in section 5-16.

(7) In order to devise a more correct theoretical

relation between storage and outflow than is possible
using the entire reach as a unit (typically, the shape of
the water surface within the reach is unknown), the reach
may be broken into a number of subreaches. In each of
these, the water surface is assumed level, or parallel to
the bottom, and the outflow of a subreach is related to
the depth through some uniform flow formula such as the
Manning equation. As the number of subreaches is

g. Working R and D method. This method is the

same as the Muskingum method in that storage is
assumed to be related to both inflow and outflow, but not
necessarily proportional. Tabulated or graphed relations
are envisioned. The method has more potential than
Modified Puls (which can be considered a subset of the
working R and D method) because it allows for the possibility that reach storage depends on inflow as well as


EM 1110-2-1416
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Chapter 6
Steady Flow - Water Surface Profiles

Section I
6-1. Scope
This chapter is limited to a discussion of calculating rigid
boundary, steady-flow, water-surface profiles.
assumptions, equations, and general range of application
are presented in this section; data requirements, model
development, special problems, and an example calculation follow in subsequent sections.
6-2. Assumptions of the Method
Computer programs used to compute steady, gradually
varied flow water surface profiles are based on a number
of simplifying assumptions. A thorough understanding of
these assumptions is required before an adequate model
of a study reach can be developed. Considerable engineering judgment is required in locating cross sections
and preparing input data. The assumptions and how they
affect program application follow:
a. Steady flow. Depth and velocity at a given location do not vary with time. This assumption requires that
the flow remain constant for the length of time being
considered. Of course, for natural rivers this condition
does not hold true precisely. However, it is usually
acceptable for general rainfall and snowmelt floods in
which discharge changes slowly with time. For such
floods, a person standing on the bank of a stream during
a flood would most likely not perceive the vertical movement or curvature of the water surface.
b. Gradually varied flow. The depth and velocity
change gradually along the length of the watercourse.
These conditions are valid for most river flows, including
floods, and the assumption of a hydrostatic pressure
distribution (associated with gradually varied flow) is
reasonable as long as the flow changes are gradual
enough so that the imaginary lines of flow are approximately parallel.
c. One-dimensional flow. Variation of flow characteristics other than in the direction of the main axis of
flow may be neglected and a single elevation represents
the water surface of a cross section perpendicular to the

flow. Thus, velocities in directions other than the direction of the main axis of flow and effects due to centrifugal force at curves, are not computed. A correction
factor is applied to account for the horizontal velocity
d. Small channel slope. The stream channel must
have a slope of 1 in 10 or less. Small slopes are
required because of the assumption that the hydrostatic
pressure distribution is computed from the depth of water
measured vertically. For a bed slope of 1:10, which is
steep for a natural channel, measuring the depth vertically results in an error of only one percent. Most floodplain studies are performed on streams that meet this
e. Rigid boundary. The flow cross section does not
change shape or roughness during the flood. While this
assumption is generally used, many alluvial streams may
undergo considerable change in the shape of the bed and
banks during a major event.
f. Constant (averaged) friction slope between adjacent cross sections. Approximation of the friction loss
between cross sections can be obtained by multiplying a
representative friction slope by the reach length that
separates them. Various approximating equations are
used to determine the friction slope. For example, in
HEC-2 four equations are available, designated as average conveyance, average friction slope, geometric mean
friction slope, and harmonic mean friction slope
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1990b). This assumption
requires that cross section spacing and the selection of an
appropriate friction-slope equation for computing the loss
be governed by conditions in the reach.
6-3. Standard-step Solution
In open channel flow, the potential energy, Z, is specified
as the height of the solid boundary confining the flow
above some datum. If the pressure distribution is hydrostatic, the pressure energy, P/, is the depth of water
above the solid boundary. These two energy terms can
be added to obtain



where WS is the water surface elevation above the datum,

as shown in Figure 6-1. The equation can then be


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Figure 6-1.

Open channel energy relationships









An equation for the energy head loss he can be written as








L = discharge weighted reach length
Sf = representative friction slope for reach
C = expansion or contraction loss coefficient
The solution of Equation 6-2 is the basis of water surface
profile computations in programs such as HEC-2. The
standard step method used to obtain a solution requires
successive approximations. A trial value of WS2 in
Equation 6-2 is assumed, and values for he and change in
velocity head are computed and summed to obtain WS.
This value is added to the known downstream water
surface elevation to compute WS2.
The difference
between trial and computed values converges with successive trials. The steps in this procedure are as follows:

a. Assume a water surface elevation at the upstream

cross section (or downstream cross section if a supercritical profile is being calculated).
b. Based on the assumed water surface elevation,
determine the corresponding total conveyance and velocity head.
c. With values from step 2, compute Sf and solve
Equation 6-2 for he.
d. With values from steps 2 and 3, solve Equation 6-2 for WS2.
e. Compare the computed value of WS2 with the
values assumed in step 1; repeat steps 1 through 5 until
the values agree to within .01 feet (or .01 meters).
6-4. Range of Applicability
The assumptions of the method as described in section 6-2 are the basis for determining applicability. Their
effects in modeling are as follows:

EM 1110-2-1416
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a. Steady flow. This assumption generally is not a
significant problem. For most naturally occurring floods
on major streams, flow changes slowly enough with time
that steady flow is a fair assumption. Even when it is
not, the assumption would seldom cause any computational problems. Three conditions under which a steadyflow model may not be applicable are:
(1) A rapidly moving flood wave, as from a dam
breach, for which the time-dependent term of the full
unsteady-flow Equation has a significant effect.
(2) Backwater effects from a downstream boundary
condition, such as a tidal flow, are significant.
(3) A flat channel slope resulting in a pronounced
loop effect in the relationship between discharge and
elevation. See Chapter 5 for more information.
b. Gradually varied flow. This is a reasonable
assumption in most river reaches that are free of structures and severe changes in channel geometry; however,
this may not be a valid assumption in the vicinity of
structures such as bridges and channel controls. The
estimation of energy losses and the computation of water
surface elevations in rapidly changing flow become more
uncertain. Under these conditions, the estimated energy
loss may be too high or too low, or the computational
process may not be able to determine a water surface
elevation based on computed energy losses, and a critical
depth is assumed. For most floodplain studies, the critical depth solution is not valid. A critical depth solution
at a cross section will not provide a basis for computing
a floodway encroachment based on a change of water
surface elevation.
c. One-dimensional flow. This may not always be a
valid assumption. Two major problems that violate the
assumption of one-dimensional flow are multiple water
surface elevations and flow in multiple directions.
(1) Multiple water surface elevations within one
cross section usually result from multiple flow paths.
When the flow in each path is physically separated from
the other paths, the distribution of flow in each path is a
function of the conveyance (or energy loss) through the
length of that path. Because the one-dimensional model
distributes flow in each cross section based on the conveyance in that cross section, the flow distribution in the
model is free to shift from cross section to cross section
in the computational process. The traditional solution to
the problem is to divide the model into the separate flow

paths and compute a profile for each (see Chow 1959,

Sec. 11-9).
(2) Flow in multiple directions cannot easily be
modeled with a single cross section perpendicular to the
flow. In cases where the flow is gradually expanding,
contracting, or bending, a cross section generally can be
defined that will reasonably meet the requirement, but it
does take special care. When flow takes a separate path,
as in the case of a levee overflow or a side diversion, the
flow lost from the main channel must be separately estimated and subtracted from the main channel flow. The
HEC-2 program has a split flow option to compute
lateral flow losses and the resulting profile in the main
channel (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1982a).
d. Small channel slope. This condition is common
in natural streams. A slope less than 1 in 10 means that
the pressure correction factor is close to 1 and not
required. Also, the depth of flow is essentially the same
whether measured vertically or perpendicular to the channel bottom (Chow 1959). For most valley streams where
floodway computations are performed, a 1 in 10 slope
would be considered steep. Channel slopes are usually
less than 1 in 100.
e. Rigid boundaries. This assumption requires that
the channel shape and alignment be considered constant
for the period of analysis. The concern is not with long
term changing boundaries, like those on meandering
rivers, but with local scour and deposition that can occur
in a stream during a flood event. The problem is more
pronounced at major contractions, such as bridge crossings, because there is an increase in velocity with the
potential for increased scour. Guidelines for determining
critical scour velocities can be found in design criteria
for stable channels of EM 1110-2-1610.
6-5. Example of Steady Flow Water Surface
Profile Study
a. Study objective. The overall objective was a
comprehensive reanalysis of water surface profiles for a
reach of the Tug Fork River in the Williamson, West
Virginia, flood protection project area (Williams 1988a,
b. Description of the study reach. The Tug Fork
River originates in the southern part of West Virginia
and flows for 155 miles in a northeasterly direction to
Louisa, Kentucky, where it joins the Big Sandy River.


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(1) In the headwater regions the terrain is mountainous, but in the lower reaches, the valleys are wide and
the hills gentle and rounded. Through most of the area,
the river flows in deep, narrow, sinuous valleys between
steep side ridges. Williamson is located in the lower
third of the Tug River Basin, where the valley is 800 to
900 feet wide.
(2) The original water surface profile study reach
extended from Kermit, West Virginia, to the central
business district of Williamson, a distance of 20 miles.
The general slope of this reach is about 2 feet per mile.

The procedure for extrapolating the rating curves

followed EM 1110-2-1601 which utilizes "relative roughness" and uses observed data to calculate roughness
height. The details of the extrapolation procedure and
other details of the study are presented in Williams
(1988a, 1988c). Calibration of the HEC-2 model to the
two flood events is discussed in a later section under the
heading "Model Calibration and Verification" (6-11).
Section II
Data Requirements
6-6. Introduction to Data Requirements

(3) The channel is alluvial with a bottom width of

about 150 feet and stable banks with heights ranging up
to 25 feet above low water. Bed sediments are sand and
gravel. Vegetation, predominately conifer, lines both
banks and covers the floodplain except where cleared for
agricultural or industrial use.
c. Summary of water surface profile model and
parameter evaluations.
Refinements to the original
HEC-2 data file included substituting field data at
bridges, developing reach lengths, and assigning
Mannings roughness coefficients by vegetation and land
use. Channel bank limits were reestablished to better
approximate the limits of bank vegetation.
(1) Sensitivity of calculated profiles was evaluated to
determine the significant hydraulic parameters. Superelevation, bed scour during floods, local inflows, overbank flows, relative roughness, and seasonal vegetation
roughness were analyzed. Key sources of field data for
these evaluations were high-water marks from 1984 and
1977 floods and USGS gage records at Williamson.
(2) Some of the results from these evaluations were
bed scour during these events was found to be negligible,
superelevation did not impact except to indicate that the
calibration tolerance should be relaxed from 0.5 foot to
1 foot, and local inflow changes improved agreement
between calculated and observed profiles between gages.
(3) The three most significant hydraulic parameters
were the identification of significant overbank flow
through the town of Williamson, changes in the values of
roughness as rare flood events overtopped all trees, and
seasonal changes in vegetative roughness.
(4) The maximum discharge during the 1977 event
was so significant that two extrapolations were made, one
for a 94,000 cfs event and one for a 117,000 cfs event.


The time and effort required for completion of water

surface profile studies depend upon the detail of the
analysis required to secure the results desired. In some
cases the character of available basic data and the time
available impose practical limitations on the scope of the
study. In preliminary investigations a rapid approximate
method may give results fully as satisfactory for the
purpose involved as a more accurate but time consuming
computational procedure. In other cases, the utmost
degree of accuracy possible by a detailed and thorough
analysis may be profitable and essential for reliable engineering. Accordingly, profile computations should be
initiated with a careful appraisal of the degree of
accuracy necessary for satisfactory results, considering
the purpose and character of the investigations involved,
the detail and probable accuracy of basic data available,
the complexity of flow conditions in the stream, and the
budget and time limit for completion of the studies.
a. Theory. Hydraulic theory is well established for
channels with rigid boundaries, and computer simulation
models based on this theory produce consistent and accurate results if properly applied. Major sources of error
are inaccuracies in data and improper modeling of flow
b. Categories of data. Basic data are grouped into
five categories: cross sections, reach lengths, loss coefficients, flow regime, and starting condition. The accuracy
required for this data depends upon the accuracy needed
in the final results. At times, it seems most economical
to compensate for inadequacy of data by using safety
factors such as providing liberal amounts of freeboard.
In rural areas such procedures may be acceptable, but in
urban areas both property damage and loss of life can
result from designs based on inadequate and inaccurate
data. Cross-sectional data and loss coefficients are discussed in Appendix D.

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6-7. Flow Regime
Water surface profile computations begin at a cross section with known or assumed starting conditions and
proceed upstream for subcritical flow or downstream for
supercritical flow. Subcritical profiles computed by a
program such as HEC-2 are constrained to critical depth
or above, and supercritical profiles are constrained to
critical depth and below. The program will not allow
profile computations to cross critical depth except for
certain bridge-analysis problems. When flow passes
from one flow regime to the other, it is necessary to
compute the profile twice, alternately assuming subcritical and supercritical flow (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
6-8. Starting Conditions
If feasible, profile computations should be started at a
point of control where the water surface elevation can be
definitely determined. This may be at a gaging station, a
dam, or a section where flow is at critical depth. However, for practical reasons, it is often necessary to start
the computations at other locations.
a. Known elevation. When a profile computation
begins at a dam or a gaging station on a river where the
water-surface elevation versus discharge relationship is
known and is applicable to the conditions for which a
profile is desired, the starting elevation can be determined from a rating curve. A common situation of this
type involves the computation of a water surface profile
starting at a full-pool elevation of a reservoir with a
specified discharge through or over the dam.
b. Critical depth. In certain instances it may be
feasible to start computations from a point where it is
known that critical depth will occur. Critical depth in
rivers may occur where the channel slope steepens abruptly, or at a natural constriction in the channel. Critical
depth may be produced artificially by structures that raise
the channel bottom or constrict the channel width. If a
critical depth location can be determined, the critical
depth option for determining the starting elevation can be
specified in input to a program like HEC-2, and it will
compute the critical depth and use it.

program will do a normal-depth calculation automatically. It will compute the discharge for the initial conditions, and compare it with the given discharge. If there
is a significant difference, it will adjust the depth and
repeat the computation in a series of iterations until a
1 percent difference criterion is met for the computed
and given discharges.
d. Estimated slope. When the starting elevation for
a selected discharge cannot be determined readily, it is
necessary to derive a starting elevation using available
expedients. One method is to select a water-surface
slope on a similar stream(s), and solve Mannings Equation by trial-and-error or graphically for the water-surface
elevation necessary to give that slope.
e. Estimated stage. Another method is to begin
profile computations using a trial starting elevation at a
location some distance downstream from the reach for
which the backwater curve is desired. The error resulting
from an incorrectly assumed trial starting elevation will
tend to diminish as the computation progresses upstream.
The distance downstream can be estimated from the
regression equations presented in "Accuracy of Computer
Water Surface Profiles" (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1986). Equations are presented for both critical and
normal depth starting assumptions. The impact of the
starting depth assumption can be tested by computing a
second profile beginning at the same downstream location but at a different trial starting elevation. The starting assumption is reasonable if the two corresponding
backwater curves merge into one before the computations
have progressed to the reach for which the backwater
curve is desired. In selecting the trial starting elevations,
one elevation should be below and the other above the
true elevation.
f. Tidal conditions. When the profile computation
begins at the outlet of a stream influenced by tidal fluctuations, the maximum predicted high tide, including
wind-wave set up, is taken as the starting elevation at a
station usually located at the mouth of the stream.
Section III
Model Development
6-9. Data Sources

c. Uniform flow. If the assumption of uniform flow

is reasonable, the slope-area method may be used to find
a starting elevation based on the computation of normal
depth. If an estimate of the slope of the energy grade
line and an initial estimate of the starting water surface
elevation are input to HEC-2 at a given cross section, the

Data requirements for water surface profile computations

were discussed in the preceding section. To reiterate, the
following data are required: discharge, flow regime,
starting water surface elevation, roughness and other
energy loss coefficients, and the geometric data--cross

EM 1110-2-1416
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sections and reach lengths. Sources for geometric data
and energy loss coefficients are discussed in Appendix D.
Sources for the remaining items are discussed here.
a. Discharge. The discharge used in water surface
profile computations is generally the peak discharge
associated with a given frequency. For example, in a
multiple-profile analysis for a floodplain-information
study, peak discharges for the 10-, 50-, 100-, and
500-year events may be required. Peak discharges are
generally obtained from flood-frequency analysis or from
the application of historical or design storm precipitation
data to rainfall-runoff models such as HEC-1.
b. Flow regime. Since water surface profile computations in a model such as HEC-2 do not cross critical
depth, it is necessary at the outset of an analysis to
decide whether to analyze the flow as subcritical or
supercritical. The flow regime is subcritical in most
rivers; however, if this assumption is used and is incorrect, program output will indicate that a wrong decision
may have been made. Critical depth will be assumed
and noted in the output for cross sections in the model
where the regime is different from that assumed. For
reaches in which flow actually passes from one regime to
the other, it may be necessary to make a separate computation for each regime and combine the results for a
complete analysis.
c. Starting water surface elevation.
methods for determining the starting water surface elevation are discussed in the preceding section on data

(1) Minimizing error in the application of theory is

the responsibility of the engineer conducting the study.
(2) Computation errors include numerical round-off
and numerical solution errors. The former is negligible
using todays modern computers and the latter can be
minimized by employing readily available mathematical
solution techniques.
(3) Data estimation errors may result from incomplete or inaccurate data collection and inaccurate data
estimation. The sources of data estimation errors are the
accuracy of the stream geometry and the accuracy of the
method used and data needed for energy loss calculations. The accuracy in stream geometry as it affects
accuracy of computed profiles is important. The accuracy of energy loss calculations depends on the validity
of the energy loss Equation employed and the accuracy
of the energy loss coefficients. The Manning Equation is
the most commonly used open channel flow Equation
and the coefficient measuring boundary friction is
Mannings n-value.
b. Accuracy of data collection and estimation.
(1) Aerial survey and topographic map accuracy.
Stream cross-sectional geometry obtained from aerial
surveys (aerial spot elevations and topographic maps)
that conform to mapping industry standards are more
accurate than is often recognized. Cross-sectional geometry obtained from aerial spot elevation surveys is twice
as accurate as cross-sectional geometry obtained from
topographic maps derived from aerial surveys for the
same contour interval.

6-10. Data and Profile Accuracy

It would seem, from the list of suggested cross-section
locations in Appendix D, that the effects of most undesirable features of nonuniform, natural stream channels can
be lessened by taking more cross sections. While this is
generally true, time, cost, and effort to locate and survey
cross sections must also be considered. A balance must
be set between the desirable number of cross sections
and the number that is practical. Accuracy of the data
and the profiles should be part of the balance
a. Associated error. Errors associated with computing water surface profiles with the step-profile method
can be classified as basic theory, computational, or data
estimation (McBean and Pernel 1984).


(2) Profile accuracy prediction. The effect of aerial

spot elevation survey or topographic mapping accuracy
on the accuracy of computed water surface profiles can
be predicted using the mapping industry accuracy standards, reliability of Mannings coefficient, and stream
hydraulic variables.
(3) Mannings coefficient estimates. The reliability
of the estimation of Mannings coefficient has a major
impact on the accuracy of the computed water surface
profile. Significant effort should be devoted to determining appropriate Mannings coefficients.
(4) Additional calculation steps. Significant computational errors can result from using cross-sectional
spacings that are often considered to be adequate. The

EM 1110-2-1416
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errors are due to inaccurate integration of the energy
loss-distance relationship that is the basis for profile
computations. This error can be effectively eliminated
by adding interpolated cross sections (more calculation
steps) between surveyed sections.
(5) Aerial survey procedures. Aerial spot elevation
survey methods are more cost effective than field surveys
when more than 15 survey cross sections are required.
Use of aerial spot elevation survey technology permits
additional coordinate points and cross sections to be
obtained at small incremental cost. The coordinate points
may be formatted for direct input to commonly used
water surface profile computation computer programs.
c. Errors in the data.
(1) Profile errors resulting from use of commonly
applied field survey methods of obtaining cross-sectional
coordinate data are a function only of Mannings coefficient of reliability "Nr" (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
1986). Computed profile error resulting from survey
error is small even for rough estimates of Mannings
(2) Profile errors resulting from use of aerial spot
elevation surveys for obtaining cross-sectional coordinate
data vary with the contour interval and reliability of
Mannings n-value.
(3) The small profile error for the aerial spot elevation survey method is due to the high accuracy of aerial
spot elevation surveys and the randomness of the measurement errors at the individual coordinate points. The
latter results in compensating errors along the crosssectional alignment. For the error prediction determined
from the regression Equations to be valid, eight or more
cross-sectional coordinate points are needed to ensure
that the randomness and thus compensatory error process
has occurred.
(4) The error in computed water surface profiles
increases significantly with decreased reliability of
Mannings coefficient. The profile errors resulting from
less reliable estimates of Mannings coefficient are
several times those resulting from survey measurement
errors alone.
(5) There is significantly greater error for larger
contour intervals for topographic maps than for aerial
spot elevation surveys. Data from topographic maps are
simply less accurate. Also, topographic map crosssectional elevations can only be obtained at the contour

intervals. Significant mean profile errors (greater than

2 feet) may be expected for analyses involving steep
streams, large contour intervals, and unreliable estimates
of Mannings coefficients.
(6) The error prediction Equations in "Accuracy of
Computed Water Surface Profiles" (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers 1986) may be used to determine the mapping
required to achieve a desired computed profile accuracy.
6-11. Model Calibration and Verification
a. Calibration. The goal of calibration is to obtain a
set of parameters for a model so that it will respond like
the physical system it represents. A calibrated steadyflow water surface profile model should compute water
surface elevations that are essentially the same as
observed elevations (from high water marks or gage
readings) not only for the set of conditions used in calibration but for others as well. This is accomplished with
a trial-and-error procedure in which a water surface profile is computed with an initial set of parameters and
compared to the observed data. The parameters are
adjusted on the basis of the comparison, and the procedure is repeated until a suitable fit is obtained.
b. Verification. Verification is closely akin to calibration in that it, too, amounts to the comparison of
computed model output to observed data. The distinction
between the two procedures is usually made on the basis
of timing and the different data sets involved. A model
is first calibrated to one set of observed data and then
verified with another set.
c. Factors in reconciling differences. Several factors
that might be considered in reconciling differences
between computed and observed data (Hoggan 1989) are
as follows:
(1) There is usually some leeway in assigning n
values, and these might be adjusted upward or downward
slightly to achieve a better fit of computed and observed
(2) The reliability of the discharge values from a
hydrologic model or other sources might be questioned.
If differences in computed and observed profiles are
great (a few feet or more), erroneous discharge values
might be the problem, and this possibility should be
(3) Even though the precision of survey data is
usually not a problem (as discussed in 6-10c), major

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93
errors in survey data can occur, having significant impact
on the accuracy of computed profiles, and may warrant
(4) At some locations changing the bridge method
used in the model may improve the computed profile.
(5) If a high water mark is unusually high at a
bridge, it may have resulted from a snag or debris caught
on the piers. A dam failure or diversion upstream can
also abnormally affect high water marks.
(6) The replacement of a bridge, channel modifications, construction of encroachments, and development of
adjacent land since the water marks were made would
complicate calibration and verification.
(7) Questionable data are always a possibility. For
example, inaccurate rainfall data could cause discharge
values to be off, and information from local residents
regarding high water marks may be in error.
d. Other considerations. Other considerations for
the evaluation of the high water marks (Williams 1988b)
are as follows:
(1) Looped rating curves. Some rivers exhibit a
looped rating curve which indicates that for a given depth
the discharge will be greater on the rising stage of a
flood than on the falling stage. This leads to the maximum water surface elevation not corresponding to the
peak discharge, and can result in calibrating a model to
high water marks that are not consistent with the given
(2) Superelevation. Sometimes high water marks are
taken at curves on a river in which the water surface is
superelevated at the outside of a bend. Because a onedimensional steady-flow model assumes a horizontal
water surface, the computed elevation must be adjusted
for this superelevation before it is compared with high
water marks.
(3) Waves and "set up". If a debris line is used to
determine high water marks, it may be higher than the
actual water surface elevation because of the effect of
waves. Errors can occur from water-momentum changes
which result in a "set up" of the water surface elevation.
This may occur if the debris line is not parallel to the
flow, if the flow must make an abrupt change in direction, or at "dead end" areas.


(4) Backwater areas. If water surface elevations are

affected by backwater, high water marks will be higher
than normal-depth elevations. The effects of the backwater can be determined by varying the downstream
control in the model. By using the downstream elevations required to match the high water marks, it can be
determined if these elevations are within the expected
downstream elevation range. This problem usually arises
for a study reach on a tributary at a location near the
confluence of the tributary with the main stream. If
channel modifications on the tributary affect the downstream control, the calibrated n value for a given discharge may no longer be valid.
e. Adjusting n. Several suggestions for adjusting n
values in the calibration process (Williams 1988a, 1988c)
are as follows:
(1) Flow resistance caused by vegetation can vary
due to the depth of flow, vegetative stand characteristics
(see Figure 6-2), and amount of foliage. Differences in
seasonal foliage may need to be considered when calibrating events that occur at different times of the year.
(2) Flow resistance is affected by bedforms and
surface (or grain) resistance. Simons and Richardson
(1966) describe the types of bedforms and their relative
resistance (Figure 6-3). Brownlie (1981) has developed a
flow resistance relationship which takes into account both
the surface and the bedform. This should be used only
in the alluvial portion of a river.
(3) A compound channel is one with laterally varying roughness and flow depth, as depicted in Figure 6-4.
If compound channel subsections influence each others
flow by phenomenon such as momentum exchange
between subsections, a composite n is recommended
because each subsectional roughness height does not
change appreciably with flow depth, but the composite
height does (and so does the composite n).
EM 1110-2-1601, Appendix IV for details.
(4) The assignment of n values in water surface
profile modeling should be done in a systematic and
defensible manner by identifying the types of roughness
encountered in the prototype along with a corresponding
range of assigned n values. The reaches are then categorized by types of roughness and assigned n values within
the established range. If this is done early in a study, it
can be of value in establishing a good initial model and

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Figure 6-2.

The behavior of Mannings n in grassed channels


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Figure 6-3.


Types of bed forms and their relative resistance to flow

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Figure 6-4.

Compound channel with laterally varying Roughness and flow depth


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become the basis for determining n-adjustment limits.
An example of a table of n values used for model calibration in the Williamson, West Virginia, flood control
project is presented in Table 6-1.

initial tributary discharges were made after the rainfall

data were reexamined and the 1984 flood reconstituted.
This changed the main stem discharge at the Kermit gage
from 82,000 to 58,000 cfs for the 1984 flood.

f. Example of HEC-2 calibration. A brief description of the calibration of an HEC-2 model used on
20-mile reach of the Tug River in West Virginia is presented in this section. The model was calibrated to
floods that occurred in 1984 and 1977. For additional
detail on the calibration, see Williams (1988a, 1988c).

(3) The calibration of the 1984 flood resulted in a

channel Mannings n of 0.058 at the USGS gage in
Williamson. The 1977 flood calibration produced channel n-values of 0.041 and 0.028 for the 94,000 and
117,000 cfs calibrations, respectively.

(1) Using Chow (1959) as a guide, Mannings

n-values were assigned to specific reaches of the river
and put in the HEC-2 model. The initial n-values were
adjusted to reproduce observed high water marks. These
marks were reproduced within 0.5 foot except for three
marks that were reproduced within 1.0 foot, attributable
to superelevation "runup" at bends.
(2) Due to inconsistencies in the observed watersurface profiles for the 1984 flood, adjustments to the


(4) Analyses of the detailed USGS discharge/

velocity measurements from the 1984 flood indicated that
significant flow through the Williamson central business
district (CBD) occurred during the 1977 flood. To simulate this, the HEC-2 model was adjusted to reflect the
geometry of the buildings and streets, and this overbank
area was assigned a Mannings n-value of 0.020. Checks
were made to assure that side flow over the existing
floodwall was sufficient to meet the CBD conveyance

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Section IV
Special Problems

b. Backwater effects of bridges. Some of the findings of extensive studies on backwater effects of bridges
(Bradley 1978) are depicted in Figures 6-5 and 6-6.

6-12. Introduction to Special Problems

The nature of flow profiles and energy losses at natural
or constructed channel features that cause increased
energy losses or modified boundary conditions are discussed. Special modeling approaches are presented for
various kinds of problems.
6-13. Bridge Hydraulics
a. Nature of flow through a bridge constriction.
Flow through a bridge in a wide floodplain has been
conceptualized as having four regions: accretion, contraction, expansion, and abstraction (Laursen 1970).
(1) The region of accretion begins upstream from the
bridge, a distance just far enough so that the flow is not
constricted by the influence of the bridge and the streamlines are parallel. This region extends downstream to a
point close to the upstream face of the bridge. As the
flow moves through this region towards the bridge, the
flow in the overbanks of the floodplain must move laterally toward the channel so that it can pass through the
bridge opening. Since the contraction takes place over a
considerable distance, the type of flow is "gradually
(2) The region of contraction begins immediately
above the upstream face of the bridge where the first
region ends and extends through the bridge. The flow
contracts more severely in this region to pass through the
bridge opening, and the geometry of the opening has a
significant effect on the amount of energy loss. A jet is
generally formed in the bridge opening, and extends into
the region of expansion immediately downstream from
the bridge, where it expands through turbulent diffusion
and mixing. The type of flow is "rapidly varied" in these
two regions of severe contraction and expansion, and the
energy losses are relatively high compared to the other
two regions.
(3) The region of abstraction extends downstream
from the region of expansion to a point where the flow is
fully expanded within the confines of the floodplain and
the streamlines are again parallel. In this region the flow
is "gradually varied" as it expands laterally away from
the channel to fill the floodplain.

(1) The bridge constriction produces practically no

alteration of the shape of the streamlines near the center
of the channel (Figure 6-5); however, a very marked
change is in evidence near the abutments. The momentum of the flow from both overbanks (or floodplain)
must force the advancing central portion of the stream
over to gain entry to the constriction. After leaving the
constriction the flow gradually expands (5 to 6 degrees
per side) until normal conditions in the stream are
(2) Constriction of the flow causes a loss of energy,
the greater portion occurring in the expansion downstream. In a subcritical flow regime, the effect of the
constriction is reflected in a rise in water surface and
energy grade line upstream from the bridge. This is
illustrated with the centerline profile of the stream flow
shown in Figure 6-6. The normal stage of the stream
without the channel constriction is represented by the
dashed line labeled N.W.S. (natural water surface). The
water surface as affected by the bridge constriction is
represented by the solid line and labeled W.S. The water
surface is above the normal stage at cross section 1 by
the amount of h1*, which is referred to as "bridge backwater." The flow crosses through normal stage close to
cross section 2, reaches minimum depth near cross section 3, and returns to normal stage downstream at cross
section 4.
c. Types of flow at bridges. One of several different
types of flow may exist at a bridge depending upon the
regime and the flow depth relative to key elevations of
the bridge and approach structures. In addition to four
different classes of low flow, pressure flow, weir flow,
and combinations of weir and pressure or weir and low
flow are possible. A typical discharge rating curve is
shown in Figure 6-7.
d. Bridge loss calculations. The energy losses at a
bridge can be divided into two categories: those that
occur in the approach reaches immediately upstream and
downstream from the bridge and those that occur through
the structure. In computer programs such as HEC-2, the
first category is computed with standard step profile
calculations that use Mannings Equation to determine
friction losses and apply contraction and expansion


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Figure 6-5. Flow lines for typical normal bridge crossing

coefficients to changes in velocity head between adjacent cross sections to determine other losses. The second
category of losses, which occurs in the flow through the
bridge structure, is determined by one of three different
methods: the normal bridge method, the special bridge
method, or by external hydraulic calculations input to the
The special culvert method available for
analyzing energy losses through culverts is covered in a
subsequent section of this chapter.
(1) The approach reach on each side of a bridge
generally requires two cross sections: one next to the
face of the bridge and one at the other end of the reach.
On the upstream side of the bridge, the length of the

approach for contraction of the flow is usually set at a

distance equal to one times the average of the two abutment projections. On the downstream side, the length of
the reach for expansion is usually set at a distance of
four times the average of the abutment projections. See
Figure 6-8.
(2) The normal bridge method computes losses
through the bridge with the standard step method in the
same manner the program computes losses between natural river cross sections. Two or more additional cross
sections are located within the bridge opening to define
the geometry of the bridge structure and changes in

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Figure 6-6. Stream profile and cross sections for normal bridge crossing, wingwall abutments


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Figure 6-7. Typical discharge rating curve for bridge culvert

roughness for the bridge surfaces. In the computations,

the area of the structure below the water surface is subtracted from the total flow area, and the wetted perimeter
is increased where the water is in contact with the
(3) The special bridge method computes the hydraulic losses through the bridge using hydraulic equations.
The program determines whether the flow is low flow,
pressure flow, weir flow, or a combination, and then
applies the appropriate equations. Schematic flow diagrams and a description of the decision logic for this
process, which is quite complex, are presented in the
HEC-2 users manual (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(4) Externally computed bridge losses can be input
to the program as computed changes in water surface
elevations between cross sections located on opposite
sides of the bridge.


(5) Guidelines for selecting a method for a particular

bridge analysis are presented in the HEC-2 users manual
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1990b). In general, the
normal bridge method is most applicable when friction
losses are the predominate consideration, or the conditions make it impractical to use the special bridge
method. The special bridge method is most applicable
for computing weir flow, pressure flow, low flow, or a
combination of these that can be modeled effectively
with the hydraulic equations available in the method. If
the bridge acts as a hydraulic control and a rating curve
is available, reading in the known water surface elevations would be the preferred method.
6-14. Culvert Hydraulics
a. Culvert loss calculations. Computation of the
energy losses in the transition sections upstream and
downstream from a culvert is almost the same as for a
bridge. In the computation of the loss through the

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Figure 6-8.

Cross section locations in the vicinity of bridges

culvert the concepts of "inlet control" and "outlet control"

are used.
b. Inlet and outlet control. Inlet control of the flow
occurs if the flow capacity of the culvert entrance is less
than the flow capacity of the culvert barrel. Outlet control occurs if the culvert capacity is limited by downstream conditions or by the flow capacity of the culvert
barrel. The headwater, which is the depth of water at the
culvert entrance measured from the invert, is computed
for a given flow rate under both inlet control and outlet

control conditions. The higher value computed indicates

which condition "controls," and it is this value that is
used to determine the culvert loss.
(1) For inlet control, a series of equations that have
been developed from extensive laboratory tests
(U.S. Department of Transportation 1985) is used to
calculate the headwater under various conditions. The
headwater is computed assuming that the inlet acts as an
orifice or a weir, and the capacity depends primarily on
the geometry of the culvert entrance.


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(2) For outlet control, the headwater is computed by
taking the depth of flow at the culvert outlet, adding all
head losses, and subtracting the change in the flow line
(invert) elevation from the upstream to the downstream
end. This is a complex process that must consider
several conditions within the culvert and downstream of
the culvert. A flow chart and description of the equations used in the computations are presented in the
HEC-2 users manual (U.S. Army Corps of Enigneers
6-15. Limits of Effective Flow
Irregularities in the natural topography or the introduction
of structures such as bridges or levees into a watercourse

Figure 6-9.


Types of effective flow options

may require that field topographic data be modified to

depict the effective flow areas through the channel irregularities or structures. Numerical models such as HEC-2
contain capabilities to restrict flow to the effective flow
areas of cross sections. Among these capabilities are
options to simulate sediment deposition, to confine flows
to leveed channels, to block out road fills and bridge
decks, and to analyze floodplain encroachments. Figure 6-9 illustrates these effective flow area modifications.
In modeling it is important to study carefully the flow
pattern of rivers being analyzed to determine effects of
levees, bridges, and other obstructions to natural flow
patterns. Appendix 4 of the HEC-2 users manual provides guidance for modeling effective flow areas.

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6-16. Channel Controls
Any constriction in a channel that backs up water is a
"control," and if the bed and banks of the channel at a
control do not change, a constant relationship between
discharge and water surface elevation will be maintained.
The location of a control in a channel is called a "control
section." And a control section controls the flow in such
a way as to restrict the transmission of the effect of
changes in flow condition either in an upstream direction
or a downstream direction depending on the state of flow
in the channel (Chow 1959). Streams are commonly
made up of alternate reaches of slack water and rapids,
and the head of a rapids being necessarily of a permanent
nature is a control that tends to back water upstream.
a. Critical depth. The condition of critical depth
implies a unique relationship between depth and discharge that can only occur at a control. The flow regime
can pass from subcritical to supercritical, or vice versa,
only if the flow passes through critical depth. Critical
depth occurs when subcritical flow passes over a weir or
free outfall. It may occur if the channel bottom is abruptly elevated or the side walls are contracted. In fact,
measuring flumes are designed to force flow through
critical depth by raising the bottom and narrowing the
width of the channel. The discharge is determined by
simply measuring the depth in the flume (Bedient and
Huber 1988).
b. Importance of controls in computing water surface profiles. Since a control section holds a definitive
stage-discharge relationship, it is a suitable location for
developing discharge rating curves for water surface
profile analysis. It is common practice to obtain starting
water surface elevations from rating curves or conditions
of critical depth at control sections. High water marks
and gage readings at control sections are useful data in
model calibration and verification.

with 350,000 cfs from the Missouri River to give a total

discharge of 431,000 cfs immediately below the confluence. Cross sections 1K and 6 are located immediately
upstream from the confluence of the two streams, as
shown in Figure 6-10. The hydraulic elements of cross
sections 5, 6, 7 and 1K are shown in Table 6-3.
(1) The friction slope for each cross section is computed for the discharge of 81,000 cfs, at cross section 1K
and 350,000 cfs at cross section 6. The friction-head
loss hf is then computed, using the average friction slope
from cross sections 5 to 1K on the Kansas River and
from 5 to 6 on the Missouri River.
(2) The velocity head for cross section 5 is computed at a discharge of 431,000 cfs, and the velocity
head for cross sections 1K and 6 is taken as the weighted
average velocity head for the discharge of 431,000 cfs
through the combined area of the two cross sections.
The total V2Q value is determined for the combined area
and divided by 431,000 to obtain the average V2.
(3) The resulting change of 0.28 feet (h) between
cross sections 5 and the combined area is added to the hf
of 0.10 feet to obtain the total rise in water surface of
0.38 feet between cross sections 5 and 1K. Likewise, the
same change is added to hf of 0.16 feet between cross
sections 5 and 6 to obtain the total rise in water surface
of 0.44 feet between backwater elevations.
(4) The method as described in the preceding paragraphs should be applied only to channels having low
velocities not exceeding about 10 feet per second.
(5) Computer programs such as HEC-2 can compute
water surface profiles for tributaries together with profiles for the main stream in a single execution of the
program (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1990b).
6-18. Changing Flow Regime

6-17. River Confluences

a. Confluence of a river. At the confluence of a
river and one of its tributaries, the determination of the
water surface elevation of each stream immediately
upstream from the confluence is necessary to continue
the backwater computations up the main river or the
b. Example. The procedure in solving this problem
at the confluence of the Missouri and Kansas Rivers is
shown by example (EM 1110-2-1409) in Table 6-2. A
discharge of 81,000 cfs from the Kansas River combines

a. Steady-state water. Most commercially available

steady-state water surface profile programs such as
HEC-2, can only simulate one regime of flow for a
single profile computation. Whenever the calculated
flow profile would cross critical depth from either the
subcritical or supercritical regimes, or whenever the
simulation cannot converge to a solution, critical depth at
that location is assumed. For the majority of subcritical
flow situations critical depth is a good assumption.
However, in supercritical reaches in particular, the critical depth assumption may not be satisfactory.


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Figure 6-10.

Index map, Missouri and Kansas Rivers at Kansas City, Missouri


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b. Mixed flow regimes. It is unusual to find a reach
where the flow is consistently supercritical. Constrictions
and local reductions in cross-sectional area in a stream
having an overall slope approaching critical slope can
cause the flow regime to oscillate back and forth from
supercritical to subcritical. Molinas and Trent (1991)
have developed a backwater model which locates changes
in flow regime and performs the water surface profile
calculations once the regime transition points have been
6-19. Ice-covered Streams
a. Ice stability. Ice stability analysis by Canadian
and American researchers has shown that ice covers and
the formation of ice jams are a complex process that is a
function of relative stream dimensions, ice properties,
and the velocity of flow. Various researchers have categorized ice-covered streams as narrow, wide, deep, and
shallow in accordance with criteria that includes velocity,
width, depth, and ice thickness.
(1) Pariset et al. (1966) present an ice stability criterion which is suitable for analysis of cohesionless-icecovered wide rivers. Spring breakup ice is considered to
possess negligible cohesion, and is approximately analyzed by Parisets criterion. Calkins (1978) indicates that
Parisets Equations are appropriate for deep streams. He
suggests that, as a rule of thumb, a river can be considered to be deep if the depth of flow is greater than
12 feet.
(2) Parisets 1966 paper presents the following
dimensionless stability criteria "X" for analyzing the ratio
of the thickness "h" of ice to the upstream open water
depth "H." (This is shown graphically in Figure 6-11.)
C 2BH 4


(1) Profiles may be computed for ice-covered

streams by normal standard-step backwater calculations if
allowance is made for the flow area blocked by the ice,
and if the increased wetted perimeter is accounted for.
Hydraulic roughness values must also be adjusted to
account for differences in roughness between the ice and
the stream bed. The position of the floating ice relative
to the free water surface (piezometric head) is determined
by the specific gravity of the ice; a typical value is
approximately 0.92. Figure 6-12 shows pertinent hydraulic parameters of an ice-covered stream.
A = open flow area under the ice
Pb = wetted perimeter of the channel
B = wetted perimeter of the ice cover
nb = Mannings n value for the stream bed
ni = Mannings n value for the ice cover
R = hydraulic radius


ice stability indicator

Chezy coefficient
stream width
upstream depth

b. Ice-covered streams. Ice cover occurring on a

small stream may have sufficient strength to completely
bridge the stream during low flow, creating an approximate closed conduit condition. During high flows ice


(open channel) (6-5)



(ice-covered channel) (6-6)

(2) For wide ice-covered channels, the total wetted

perimeter (Wp + B) is double the wetted perimeter for the
same flow area of an open channel. Thus, the resulting
hydraulic radius is half that for an open channel. The
increased wetted perimeter is the principal reason that an
ice-covered stream requires a greater depth topass an
equivalent discharge when compared to a stream flowing
under open channel conditions.



may be held in place by rocks or trees, and as flow rises,

open channel conditions may occur above the ice, and
pressure flow may occur beneath the ice. Ice covers
wide stream floats, and is free to rise and fall with
changing discharge.




nb )2/3


nc = composite Mannings n value
nb = stream bed Mannings n value
ni = ice Mannings value
c. Ice jams. A number of researchers have classified ice jams with the different classification schemes
depending on the season, ice type, and river width. The


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Figure 6-11.


Stability function of ice cover for deep, wide channels

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= ice volume in the jam

= coefficient of ice loss
= length of river contributing ice
= ice cover thickness at breakup

The ice loss coefficient has been computed for some

streams in northern New England as ranging from 0.95 to
0.1. The high ice loss coefficient of 0.95 reflected a long
river reach with many tributaries and a significant loss of
ice to the river banks. The lower ice loss coefficient is
for an ice jam in a short river length. Each ice jam site
will have a different ice loss coefficient that will be
consistent from year to year.

Figure 6-12.

Hydraulic parameters of an ice-covered

primary objective of an ice jam analysis is to predict

location, expected thickness and length, associated water
levels, and duration.
(1) The locations of ice jams have been identified in
the past by prior occurrences at a particular site. Out of
a listing of 20 ice jam sites in Vermont, the one common
feature that stands out at 14 of the sites is the presence
of a relatively long backwater condition. At five sites,
two or more streams form junctions; three of these sites
are also at the end of a backwater section. Two sites
have no structures influencing the jams, but have an
almost annual occurrence. At one site, jams form at an
obvious channel enlargement, and at the other jams form
at an exposed ledge that crops out just upstream of a
island. Two ice jam sites have no noticeable physical
irregularities in the stream channel geometries, but appear
to have relatively mild slopes.
(2) The length and thickness of an ice jam is
governed by many factors. One study of ice jam lengths
and volumes for streams in the northeastern U.S. showed
that the ice jam length did not exceed 10 percent of the
upstream river length which contributed ice to the jam.
(3) An estimate for volume of ice in an ice jam can
be expressed as



(4) Figure 6-13 shows the average jam depth hj as a

function of position within the normalized jam length Lr
for two jams on narrow, steep rivers. The ice jam depth
is expressed in multiples of the ice cover thickness prior
to breakup, i.e., hj/h. If the initial ice cover is 2 feet,
then the ice thickness at the toe of the jam would be
roughly 8 feet.
(5) The length of the ice jam Lj can be computed if
no records are available by making an assumption about
the ice thickness distribution and the volume of ice
reaching the site. Using a very simple ice jam length
thickness distribution as constant over the length of the
jam of hj = 2h, the ice jam length can be computed by
dividing the expected volume of ice by the thickness
distribution function, yielding




(6) Figure 6-14 shows the type of variation one can

expect in ice jam thickness measurements in one cross
(7) The first calculation made in any analysis of an
ice jam is to determine the ice volume expected to reach
the jam location. The volume can be calculated by
measuring river mileage from a USGS topographic map,
calculating the expected ice thickness, and determining
the average river top width. Once a volume has been
calculated, engineering judgment must be used to determine the actual amount of ice reaching the site. A good
first approximation is 10 percent.



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Figure 6-13. Nondimensional ice jam thickness versus its relative length (narrow, steep rivers)


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Figure 6-14.

Typical ice jam sections on a shallow stream


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Chapter 7
Water Surface Profiles With Movable

Section I
7-1. Similarities and Differences Between
Fixed and Mobile Bed Computations
The computation of water-surface profiles for flow over a
movable boundary differs from fixed bed water-surface
profile computations as illustrated in Figures 7-l and 7-2.
In both cases a study reach is identified and boundaries
are drawn around it to form model limits. Within those
model limits, the geometry and loss coefficients are
assembled to make a digital model of the study area. A
physical analogy at this point is an empty flume.
a. The fixed-bed solution. As can be seen from the
basic equations governing steady gradually varied flow
over a fixed bed (see Chapter 6), the solution requires
that two values be given, usually water discharge and
water surface elevation. In mathematical terminology,
the flow entering the model and the tailwater elevation
are called "boundary conditions." A physical analogy is
opening a valve to let water enter a flume and regulating
the tailgate so that flow leaves the flume at the desired
depth. The boxes in Figure 7-1 depict the solution process by showing the typical hydraulic parameters, water
velocity, depth, width and slope, with arrows indicating
the sequence of the computations.
b. The mobile-bed solution.
The addition of a
mobile bed increases the number of processes which
must be included in a numerical model. Sediment transport, bed roughness, bed armor, bed surface thickness,
bed material sorting, bed porosity, and bed compaction
equations are required in addition to the sediment continuity equation which defines the sediment exchange rate
between the water column and bed surface. The number
of additional equations causes a major increase in complexity. That is not the most significant difference
between fixed and mobile bed numerical computations,
however. The most important difference is that the cross
section shape and bed n value become functions of the
flow hydraulics.
Consequently, a feedback loop is
created as illustrated by the arrows in Figure 7-2. The
uncertainty about n values substantially complicates
numerical modeling of mobile boundary problems. There

Figure 7-1. Fixed bed model

are other major gaps. For example, the bed sorting

process which occurs when a mixture of sediment sizes
is transported is poorly understood. Also, because sediment is transported primarily in the channel, mobile bed
computations must maintain an accurate distribution of
flow between the left overbank, channel, and right overbank at each cross section, as well as a history of how
the flow arrived at that location in the cross section. It is
only necessary to balance energy in a fixed bed computation to solve for the water surface elevation.
Section II
Theoretical Basis
7-2. Sediment Transport Functions
Before 1942 much of the work in sediment transport was
influenced by DuBoys (1879). He proposed the idea of a


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Figure 7-2. Movable bed model

bed shear stress and visualized a process by which the

bed material moved in layers. The depth of movement
was that required for the velocity to become zero. The
DuBoys formula for sediment transport is described in
ASCE (1975). A major change in the approach to predicting sediment transport was proposed by Einstein
(1942) when he presented a transport formula based on
probability concepts in which the grains were assumed to
move in steps with the average step length proportional
to the sediment grain size. The Einstein Bed-Load Function, Einstein (1950) embodies those concepts.
a. Einsteins concepts. Einstein described bed material transport as follows:
The least complicated case of bed-load movement
occurs when a bed consists only of uniform

sediment. Here, the transport is fully defined by

a rate. Whenever the bed consists of a mixture
the transport must be given by a rate and a
mechanical analysis or by an entire curve of
transport against sediment size. For many years
this fact was neglected and the assumption was
made that the mechanical analysis of transport is
identical with that of the bed. This assumption
was based on observation of cases where the
entire bed mixture moved as a unit. With a
larger range of grain diameters in the bed, however, and especially when part of the material
composing the bed is of a size that goes into
suspension, this assumption becomes untenable.
Some examples of this type of transport are given
in the flume experiments described on pp. 42-44
of this publication.

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The mechanical analysis of the material in transport is basically different from that of the bed in
these experiments. This variation of the mechanical analysis will be described by simply expressing in mathematical form the fact that the motion
of a bed particle depends only on the flow and its
own ability to move, and not on the motion of any
other particles. (Einstein 1950, p. 32)
(1) Einsteins hypothesis that motion of a bed particle depends only on the flow and its own ability to move
and not on the motion of any other particles allowed him
to describe the equilibrium condition for bed material
transport mathematically as two independent processes:
deposition and erosion. He proposed an "equilibrium
condition," and defined it as the condition existing when
"For each unit of time and bed area the same number of
a given type and size of particles [are] deposited in the
bed as are scoured from it" (Einstein 1950, p. 32).
(2) Although Einsteins work is classic and presents
a complete view of the processes of equilibrium sediment
transportation, it has been more useful for understanding
those processes than for application, partially because of
the numerical complexity of the computations. Many
other researchers have contributed sediment transport
functions - always attempting to develop one which is
reliable when compared with a variety of field data. The
resulting functions are numerous, yet no single function
has proved superior to the others for all conditions.
Therefore, the following functional form is presented
here to show the importance of various parameters.

f (U, d, Se , B, Deff , SGs ,

Gsf , Dsi , Pi , SGf , T )

(Sediment Transport)



effective width of flow

effective depth of flow
effective particle diameter of the mixture
geometric mean of particle diameters in each
size class i
G = total bed material discharge rate in units of
weight/time (e.g. tons/day)
Gsf = grain shape factor
Pi = fraction of particles of the ith size class that are
found in the bed
Se = slope of energy grade line
SGf = specific gravity of fluid
SGs = specific gravity of sediment particles
T = water temperature
U = flow velocity

Of particular interest are the groups of terms: hydraulic

parameters (U, d, Se , B), sediment particle parameters
(Deff , SGs , Gsf ), sediment mixture parameters (Dsi , Pi ),
and fluid properties (SGf , T).
b. Selection of a sediment transport function. As
mentioned above, numerous transport functions have
been developed with the aim of computing the rate and
size distribution of the transport of bed material, given
the hydraulics and bed material gradation (ASCE 1975).
As it cannot be stated which one is the "best" to use
given a particular situation, the engineer should become
familiar with how the functions were derived, what types
of data they have been compared to (laboratory flume
versus river measurements), and past usage. A recent
study (Yang and Wan 1991) rated the accuracy of several
transport functions compared with both laboratory and
river data and concluded that, for river data, the accuracy
in descending order was Yang, Toffaleti, Einstein, Ackers
and White, Colby, Laursen, Engelund, and Hansen. It
also states that the rating does not guarantee that any
particular formula is superior to others under all flow and
sediment conditions. Another study (Gomez and Church
1989) favored the formulas of Einstein, Parker, and
Ackers-White for gravel bed rivers. An "applicability
index" based on river characteristics was developed by
Williams and Julien (1989).
(USAEWES 1991) package offers a procedure to aid in
the selection. It is based on screening of the various
transport functions using information from past studies
that compared computed and calculated transport rates
and the hydraulic characteristics of the particular stream.
Use of such an approach is documented by U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (1990e). The engineer should be
aware that different transport functions will probably
yield different answers. The impact will most likely be
greater on transport rates than on computed geometry
changes. Extreme situations, such as mud and debris
flows, require different analytic techniques, see
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1990f) for an example.
c. Numerically modeling the movable boundary
problem. Although sediment discharge formulas appear
in a numerical model of the movable boundary problem,
there are significant differences between the calculations
for sediment discharge and those in a mobile boundary
sediment movement model. Table 7-1 summarizes those
differences. The words "equilibrium" and "nonequilibrium" condition in this table refer to the exchange of
sediment particles between the flow field and the bed.
Whereas the bed is the only source of sediment to a
sediment transport formula, a sediment movement model


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Table 7-1
Sediment Tansport versus a Movable Bed Sedimentation model
A. Sediment discharge formulas.



Require flow intensity, bed roughness, specific gravity of

particles, and bed surface gradation.

B1. All of A1 plus inflowing sediment load, geometry over long

distances, bedrock locations, and gradations beneath the bed


Calculate the equilibrium condition.

B2. All of A2 plus calculate changes in bed profile due to

nonequilibrium transport.


Functional only for the bed material load.

should partition the river into reaches so that both the

bed and the inflowing sediment load to the reach are
sediment sources to the calculations in that reach. Nonequilibrium conditions are common from one reach to the
next because sediment movement tends to be highly variable in both rate and particle size distribution. A mobile
bed sedimentation numerical model should calculate
transport by size class and keep a continuous accounting
of the gradation in the stream bed and on its surface.
(1) To have general applicability a numerical sedimentation model must erode, entrain, transport, deposit
and consolidate mixtures of sediment particles for the
nonequilibrium case. Einstein did not address the nonequilibrium condition, but his "particle exchange" concept
was extended for the HEC-6 numerical sediment movement model as described in Section 7-12.
(2) Sediment movement modeling for most engineering studies does not require tracing the motion of individual particles.
Rather, it requires calculating the
influence of flow intensity on bed particle behavior,
subject to particle size and availability. The objective is
to calculate changes in the bed surface elevation in
response to nonequilibrium sediment conditions and to
feed those changes back into the hydraulic calculation of
the flow intensity-sediment load parameters. Some questions dealing with sediment quality cannot be fully
addressed, however, without tracing the paths and dispersion of the sediment particles.


Sediment movement models.

B3. In the case of sand moving over a gravel bed, models will
calculate both the load moving and bed surface gradation
required to sustain it. Wash load can be handled in several

Section III
Data Requirements
7-3. General Data Requirements
Two types of data are required. One type records the
behavior of the prototype. The other is the data required
to operate the numerical model. The first is summarized
for completeness. The second, which begins with geometry, is presented in more detail. The project area and
study area boundaries should be marked on a project map
to delineate the area needing data. Show the lateral
limits of the study area and the tributaries. Bed profiles
from historical surveys in the project area are extremely
valuable for determining the historical trends which the
model must reconstitute. Aerial photographs and aerial
mosaics of the project area are very useful for identifying
historical trends in channel width, meander wave length,
rate of bank line movement, and land use in the basin.
Gage records contain the annual water delivery to the
project area and the water yield from it. They are also
useful for establishing the hydraulic parameters of depth,
velocity, n-value, and the trends in stage-discharge curves
in, or close to, the study reach. It is important to work
with measured data. Do not regard the "extrapolated"
portion of a rating curve as measured data. An example
of this is shown in Figure 7-3 where the measured flows
are less than 1,850 cfs whereas the project formulation
flows range up to 16,000 cfs. Be aware that "measured"
data is subject to errors as discussed in sections 5-8

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Figure 7-3. Rating curve at a gage

and 6-10. Reconnaissance of the project reach is a valuable aid for determining channel morphology, geometric
anomalies, the existence of structures, and sediment
characteristics of the channel. Include geotechnical and
environmental specialists in a field reconnaissance if
possible. Document these observations of the prototype
in project reports. View as much of the prototype as is
feasible and not just at bridge crossings. Hydraulic data
such as measured water surface profiles, velocities, and
flood limits in the study reach are extremely valuable.
Local agencies, newspapers, and residents along the
stream are valuable sources of information that can supplement field measurements.

7-4. Geometric Data

Mobile bed calculations attempt to determine the water
surface and bed surface elevations as they change over
time. It is necessary to prescribe the initial geometry.
After that, computations aggrade or degrade the cross

sections in response to mobile bed theory.

sections never change locations.

The cross

a. Cross sections.
(1) As in fixed bed calculations, it is important to
locate the cross sections so they model the channel contractions and expansions. It is particularly important in
mobile boundary modeling to also recognize and set
conveyance limits. That is, when flow does not expand
to the lateral extent of a cross section in the prototype,
conveyance limits should be set in the model.
(2) There is no established maximum spacing for
cross sections; it depends on both study needs and accuracy requirements related to the particular numerical
model being used. Some studies have required distances
as short as a fraction of the river width. Others have
successfully used sections spaced 10-20 miles apart. The
objective is to develop data that will reconstitute the
historical response of the streambed profile and capture


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key features of the flow and the boundary movement.
The usual approach is to start with the same geometry
that was developed for fixed bed calculations. Note that,
as most fixed bed data sets are prepared to analyze flood
flows, they may be biased towards constrictions such as
bridges and deficient of reach-typical sections that are
important for long term river behavior. There may also
be cases when some of these cross sections must be
eliminated from the data set to preserve model behavior,
such as at deep bends or junctions where the shape is

Figure 7-4. Cross section locations


molded by turbulence and not one-dimensional sediment

transport, but those are usually exceptions.
b. River mile. Show the cross sections on a map, as
in Figure 7-4, for future reference. Use of river mile as
the cross section identification number is recommended.
It is much easier to use or modify old data if the cross
sections are referenced by river mile rather than an arbitrary section number.

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7-5. Bed Sediment Data
The bed sediment reservoir is the space in the bed of the
stream from which sediment can be eroded or on to
which it can be deposited. This reservoir occupies the
entire width of the channel, and in some cases, the width
of the overbank also. It might have a very small depth,
however, as in the case of a rock outcrop.
a. Gradation of the bed sediment reservoir. It is
also necessary to prescribe the gradation of sediment in
the bed sediment reservoir.
b. Conditions data.
The section on "Boundary
Conditions Data" (7-6) provides suggestions for selecting
sample locations for use in calculating an inflowing sand
and gravel discharge rate. This section gives suggestions
for selecting locations that also describe development of
the armor layer to resist erosion.
(1) For example, in one study two samples were
taken in the dry at each of 27 cross sections spaced over
a 20 mile reach of the creek. One was from near the
waters edge and the other was from the point bar
deposits, about half the distance to the bank. These
samples were sieved separately and the resulting gradations plotted; see Figures 7-5 and 7-6.

(2) Results from the waters edge samples were used

to test for erosion because they were coarser than themid
bar samples. The midbar samples were used to test for
transport rates.

7-6. Boundary Conditions Data

Four types of data are included in this category: inflowing water discharges, inflowing sediment concentrations,
inflowing sediment sizes, and elevation of the water
surface at the outflow boundary.
a. Water inflows. Although an instantaneous water
discharge (e.g. a flood peak) may be of interest, it is not
sufficient for movable bed analysis because time is a
variable in the governing equations and sediment volumes rather than instantaneous rates of movement create
channel changes. Consequently, a water discharge hydrograph must be developed. This step can involve manipulations of measured flows, or it can require a calculation
of the runoff hydrograph. Historical flows are needed to
reconstitute behavior observed in the river, and future
flows are needed to forecast the future stream bed

Figure 7-5. Bed surface gradation based on water edge samples


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Figure 7-6. Bed surface gradation based on midbar samples

(1) The length of the hydrograph period is important.

Trends of a tenth of a foot per year of change in bed
elevation become significant during a 50- or 100-year
project life. A long period hydrograph can become a
computational burden. In some cases, data compression
techniques may be useful. As an example, Figure 7-7
shows how a year of mean daily flows might be represented by fewer discharges of longer duration.
(2) Tributaries are lateral inflow boundary conditions. They should be located, identified, and grouped as
required to define water and sediment distributions. The
locations should be shown on the map of the cross section locations. It is important that the water and sediment inflows from all gaged and ungaged areas within
the study reach be included. A water balance should be
performed for the study period. Keep in mind that a
10 percent increase in water discharge may result in a
20 percent increase in bed material transport capacity.
Inflows from ungaged areas must be developed. Drainage area ratios may be used in some cases; in others,
however, use or development of a hydrologic model of
the basin may be necessary. Document how inflows
were determined for those tributaries that were not
included in the analysis as individual channels.

b. Sediment inflows. The second and third boundary

conditions are the inflowing sediment concentration and
the fraction of that concentration in each particle size
(1) Inflowing sediment concentrations. Occasionally
suspended sediment concentration measurements,
expressed as milligrams per liter, are available. These
are usually plotted against water discharge and often
exhibit very little correlation with the discharge; however, use of such graphs is encouraged when developing
or extrapolating the inflowing sediment data. As the
analysis proceeds, it is desirable in most situations to
convert the concentrations to sediment discharge in
tons/day and to express that as a function of water discharge as shown in Figure 7-8. A scatter of about 1 log
cycle is common in such graphs. The scatter is smaller
than on the concentration plot because water discharge is
being plotted on both axes. The scatter may result from
seasonal effects (e.g., vegetation and fires), random
measurement errors, changes in the watershed or hydrology during the measurement period, or other sources.
The analyst should carefully examine these data and
attempt to understand the shape and variance of the

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Figure 7-7. Water discharge histograph

(2) Grain size classes. The total sediment discharge

should be partitioned into size classes for the mobile bed
computations. Table 7-2 shows a procedure developed
for the Clearwater River at Lewiston, Idaho. Figure 7-9
is the graph of that data set. Note that, due to the availability of various size fractions in the bed and the suspended load gradation for a given flow, the transport rate
does not necessarily decrease with increasing particle
size. This phenomenon occurs primarily at low flows
and may, therefore, be of little consequence to the overall
stream behavior.
(3) Calculating sediment inflow with transport
theory. When no suspended sediment measurements are
available, the inflowing sediment boundary condition
must be calculated. That is possible for sand and gravel
using mobile bed hydraulics and sediment transport
theory. There is no comparable theory for the wash load
inflow. When making a calculation for the boundary
condition, select the reach of channel very carefully. It
should be one approaching the project which has a slope,
velocity, width and depth typical of the hydraulics which
are transporting the sediment into the project reach. It
should also have a bed surface that is in equilibrium with
the sand and gravel discharge being transported by the

flow. Having located such a reach, sample the bed surface over a distance of several times the channel width.
Focus on point bars or alternate bars rather than the
thalweg of the cross section. Measure the geometry of
that reach. Make the calculation by particle size for the
full range of water discharges in the study plan.
(4) Bed material sampling. Figure 7-10 illustrates a
typical bed sediment gradation pattern on a point bar.
Use such information to determine where to sample to
get the bed gradation for a sediment transport calculation.
Note that, although the typical grain sizes found on the
bar surface form a pattern from coarse to fine, there is no
one location which always captures the precise distribution which will represent the entire range of processes in
the prototype. The bed gradation governs the calculated
sediment discharge. For example, the rate of transport
increases exponentially as the grain size decreases (Figure 7-11). There is no simple rule for locating samples.
The general rule is "always seek representative samples."
That is, very carefully select sampling locations and
avoid anomalies which would bias either the calculated
sediment discharge or the calculated bed stability against
erosion. Samples taken near structures such as bridges


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Figure 7-8. Sediment-discharge rating curve


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Table 7-2
Distribution of Sediment Load by Grain Size Class
Water discharge: 35,000 cfs

Total Bed Load, tons/day. . . . . .130

Total Susp. Load, tons/day. . . . . .1,500
Total Sediment Load. . . . . . 1,630

Grain Size


Bed Load





silt & clay

cobbles & larger


Bed Load



Total Load
(4) +(6)











1. The distribution of sizes in the bed load is usually computed using a bed load transport function and field samples of bed material
gradation. The bed load rate is rarely measured and may have to be computed.
2. The suspended load and its gradation can be obtained from field measurements.

will rarely be





(5) Sediment inflow from tributaries. The sediment

inflow from tributaries is more difficult to establish than
it is for the main stem because there is usually less data.
The recourse is to assess each tributary during the site
reconnaissance. For example, look for a delta at the
mouth of the tributary. Look for channel bed scour or
deposition along the lower end of the tributary. Look for
drop structures or other controls that would aid in stabilizing a tributary. Look for significant deposits if the
tributaries have concrete lining. These observations will
help guide the development of tributary sediment
c. Tailwater elevation. The final boundary condition
specifies the water surface elevation at the downstream
end of the study reach. It is referred to as a tailwater
elevation because it serves the same purpose as a tailgate
on a physical model. It can be a stage-discharge rating
curve (Figure 7-3); or it can be a stage hydrograph. The
rating curve can be calculated by normal depth if the

boundary is in a reach where friction is the control and

the water surface slope is approximately constant for the
full range of discharges. When a backwater condition
exists, such as at the mouth of a tributary or in a reservoir, then use a stage hydrograph as the boundary condition. Be sure it covers the same period of time as the
inflow hydrographs.
d. Boundary condition changes over time.
above discussion assumes that the inflowing sediment
load curves and their particle size distributions, as well as
the tailwater rating curve, will not change in the future.
That assumption should be justified for each project or
appropriate modifications made to the study procedure
and numerical model application.
7-7. Data Sources
a. General. The data that will be needed for the
study may come from office files, other federal agencies,
state or local agencies, universities, consultants, the team
making the field reconnaissance of the project site and


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Figure 7-9. Sediment load curves

study reach, and surveys initiated specifically for the

b. U. S. Geological Survey (USGS). USGS topographic maps and mean daily discharges are used
routinely in hydraulic and hydrology studies and are also
common data sources for sediment studies. Mean daily
flows, however, are often not adequate for sediment
studies. Data for intervals less than one day or stagehydrographs for specific events, if needed, can be
obtained from strip-chart stage recordings that are available by special request. It may be preferable to use
USGS discharge-duration tables rather than developing
such in house; these are available from the state office of
the USGS.
Water quality data sometimes include

suspended sediment concentrations and grain size distributions. Published daily maximum and minimum sediment discharges for each year and for the period of
record are available as are periodic measurements of
particle size gradations for bed sediments.
c. National Weather Service (NWS). There are cases
where mean daily runoff can be calculated directly from
rainfall records and expressed as a flow-duration curve
without detailed hydrologic routing. In those cases, use
the rainfall data published monthly by the National
Weather Service for each state. Hourly and daily rainfall
data, depending on the station, are readily accessible.
Shorter interval or period-of-record rainfall data can be

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Figure 7-10. Gradation pattern on a bar

Figure 7-11. Variation of sediment transport with grain size


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obtained from the NWS National Climatic Center at
Asheville, North Carolina.
d. Soil Conservation Service (SCS). The local SCS
office is a good point of contact for historic land use
information, estimates of future land use, land surface
erosion, and sediment yield. They have soil maps,
ground cover maps, and aerial photographs which can be
used as aids to estimate sediment yield. Input data for
the Universal Soil Loss Equation is available for much of
the United States. The SCS also updates reservoir sedimentation reports for hundreds of reservoirs throughout
the country every 5 years, providing a valuable source of
measured sediment data.
e. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation
Service (ASCS). This agency of the Department of Agriculture accumulates aerial photography of crop lands for
allotment purposes.
Those photographs include the
streams crossing those lands and are therefore extremely
valuable for establishing historical channel behavior
because overflights are made periodically.
f. Corps of Engineers. Because the Corps gathers
discharge data for operation of existing projects and for
those being studied for possible construction, considerable data for a particular study area may already exist.
The Corps has acquired considerable survey data, aerial
and ground photography, and channel cross sections in
connection with floodplain information studies. Corps
laboratories have expertise and methods to assist in
development of digital models.
g. State agencies. A number of states have climatologic, hydrologic, and sediment data collection programs.
Topographic data, drainage areas, stream lengths, slopes,
ground cover, travel, and times are often available.
h. Local agencies, universities, consultants,
businesses and residents. Land use planning data can
normally be obtained from local planning agencies.
Cross section and topographic mapping data are also
often available. Local agencies and local residents have
in their verbal and photographic descriptions of changes
in the area over time, information that is most valuable to
the engineer. This source may include descriptions of
channel changes associated with large flood events, incidents of caving banks, significant land use changes and
when these changes occurred, records of channel
clearing/dredging operations and other information.
Newspapers and individuals who use rivers and streams
for their livelihood are likewise valuable sources for data.


7-8. Data and Profile Accuracy

Agreement between calculated and measured water surface elevations of 0.5 foot is usually satisfactory for
mobile boundary studies of natural rivers. Profiles of the
computed average bed elevation may not correlate well
with the prototype, but cross-sectional area changes
should match prototype behavior.
Section IV
Model Confirmation and Utilization
7-9. Model Performance
Prior to using a numerical model for the analysis of a
project, the models performance needs to be confirmed.
Ideally this consists of a split record test: selection (or
calibration) of coefficients and verification of coefficients. The selection phase is intended to allow values
for the coefficients to be chosen and adjusted so that the
computed results reproduce field measurements within an
acceptable error range. Computed results should be
compared with measurements from the prototype to identify data deficiencies or physically unrealistic coefficients. Coefficients should then be adjusted as necessary,
within the bounds associated with their uncertainty, to
improve the agreement between observed and calculated
values. Model adjustment does not imply the use of
physically unrealistic coefficients to force a poorly conceived model to exactly match prototype measurements.
If a discrepancy between model results and prototype
data persists, then either there is something wrong with
the model representation of the dominant physical processes (a model deficiency as a result of limiting assumptions), there is a deficiency in the representation of field
data as model input (an application error), and/or there is
something wrong with the measured data (a data deficiency).
Therefore, if model calibration cannot be
accomplished through the use of physically realistic
values of the coefficients, the measured prototype data
should be checked for possible errors and the numerical
model (input data, basic equations, and solution algorithms) examined.
a. Model adjustment. Model adjustment is the process of data modification that produces simulation results
that are in acceptable agreement with the prototype
behavior. Adjustment consists of the selection of values
for fixed and movable bed coefficients, and application
of the art of transforming three-dimensional prototype
measurements into "representative" one-dimensional data.
Fixed bed coefficients are Mannings n values which do

EM 1110-2-1416
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not depend on the characteristics of the movable boundary, coefficients of contraction and expansion, and ineffective flow area delineation. Movable bed coefficients
are n values for the movable bed, which may depend on
the rate of sediment transport. Development of representative data for one-dimensional computations is not done
by simply averaging a collection of samples.
geometry, it is the selection of cross sections which will
yield a one-dimensional approximation of hydraulic
parameters that reconstitutes prototype values so that
water and sediment movement in the model mimics that
in the prototype. For sediment, it is the selection of bed
sediment gradations, inflowing sediment loads and the
fraction of sediment in each size class of those loads that
reflect the dominant prototype processes.
(1) Mannings n values. The most credible method
for determining n values for flood flows is to reconstitute
measured high water profiles from historic floods.
Another method is to reconstitute measured gage records.
When there are no reliable field measurements the
recourse is to use movable boundary roughness predictors
for the movable bed portion of the cross section
(Brownlie 1981, Limerinos 1970) and calibrated photographs (Barnes 1967, Chow 1959) for the overbank and
fixed bed portions. Document prototyped conditions with
photographs during the field reconnaissance.
(2) Contraction and expansion losses. Information
on contraction and expansion losses is more sparse than
for n values. King and Brater (1963) give values of 0.5
and 1.0, respectively, for a sudden change in area accompanied by sharp corners, and values of 0.05 and 0.10 for
the most efficient transitions. Design values of 0.1 and
0.2 are suggested. They cite Hinds (1928) as their reference. Values often cited by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (1990b) are 0.1 and 0.3, contraction and
expansion respectively, for gradual transitions.
(3) Representative data.
Developing a onedimensional representation of a three-dimensional open
channel flow problem is an art. It requires one to visualize the three-dimensional flow lines in the actual problem
and translate that image into a one-dimensional description. This step will often require several iterations to
arrive at an acceptable representation. A useful approach
is to "creep" up on a solution by first running a fixed bed
simulation then adding sediment.

this is expected to be about the 2-year flood peak discharge. Ascertain that the model is producing acceptable
hydraulic results by not only reconstituting the water
surface profile, but also by plotting and examining the
water velocity, depth, width and slope profiles. This test
will often reveal width increases between cross sections
that are greater than the expansion rate of the fluid and,
therefore, require conveyance limits. Computed velocities at extremely deep bend sections may occasionally not
be representative of sediment transport around the bend;
one recourse is to eliminate those sections from the
model. The results from running this discharge will also
give some insight into how close the existing channel is
to a "normal regime." That is, if there is overbank flow,
justify that it does indeed occur in the prototype and is
not just a "numerical problem" because in a regime channel the bank-full discharge is considered to be about the
2-year flood peak. It is useful to repeat this steady state,
fixed bed, test for the maximum water discharge to be
used in the project formulation before moving on to the
movable bed tests. The key parameters to observe are
water surface elevations, flow distribution between channel and overbanks, and velocities. Each study is unique,
however, and one should regard the contents of this
paragraph as suggestions that illustrate the analysis process and not a complete checklist.
(2) Steady flow, movable bed tests. It is useful to
evaluate the model performance for the 2-year flood peak
with a movable bed. Again, if the channel is near
regime, this should be about a dominant discharge and
result in very little aggradation or degradation. Before
focusing on sediment transport, however, demonstrate
that the Mannings n value for the channel is appropriate
for a movable boundary. Make whatever adjustments are
necessary to ensure that the n value for the stream bed
portion of the cross section is in reasonable agreement
with that obtained from bed roughness predictors. Also,
the sediment transport rate will usually be higher at the
beginning of the simulation than later because there is
normally an abundance of fines in the bed samples which
will be flushed out of the system as the bed layers are
formed. A physical analogy is starting water to flow
down a newly constructed ditch. It is important to balance the sizes in the inflowing bed material sediment
load with transport potential and bed gradation. The
scatter in measured data is usually sufficiently great to
allow smoothing, but the adopted curves should remain
within that scatter.

b. Initial tests.
(1) Steady flow, fixed-bed tests. Start with a steady
state discharge of about bank-full. In a regime channel

c. Consequences of inaccurate n values. In fixed

bed hydraulics, a range of n values is typically chosen.
The low end of that range provides velocities for riprap

EM 1110-2-1416
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design, and the high end provides the water surface profile for flood protection. In movable bed studies such an
approach is usually not satisfactory because of the feedback linkage between sediment transport and hydraulic
roughness. Use of Mannings n values which do not
conform with that linkage can result in either too much
degradation or too much aggradation.
d. Verification process. The model adjustment process is to ensure that the model will reconstitute the
trends which have been observed in the prototype. The
second step, the verification process, is to change boundary conditions and rerun the model without changing the
coefficients. This step establishes whether or not the
coefficients which were selected in the first step will also
describe the prototype behavior when applied to events
not used in their selection. Change the inflowing sediment load as necessary to correspond with that during the
time period selected for verification. Start with steady
state data and progress to a hydrograph of flows.
(1) It is important to base the evaluation of model
performance on those processes which will be used in
decision making. These usually include the water surface
profiles, flow distributions between channel and

Figure 7-12. Reconstituting the stage-discharge rating curve


overbanks, water velocities, changes in cross-sectional

area, sediment discharge passing each cross section, and
accumulated sediment load by size class passing each
cross section. A one-dimensional model may not precisely reconstitute thalweg elevations because the thalweg
behavior is a three-dimensional process. Therefore, use
cross-sectional end area changes or other measures rather
than thalweg elevation in the verification test. Three
types of graphs should be plotted to show verification
results. The first is "variable versus elevation." An
example, the comparison of calculated stages with the
observed rating curve, is shown in Figure 7-12. The
second graph is "variable versus distance" at a specific
time as illustrated by the water surface and bed surface
profiles in Figure 7-13. The third is "variable versus
time" at selected cross sections along the study reach as
shown in Figure 7-14.
(2) The verification period used may be several
years long. If so, select only a few key values per year
to plot. Plot the calculated water surface elevations at all
gages in the study area as well as the observed elevations
that occurred at the same time. Model performance may
be quantified by computing the mean of the absolute
values of error. Of course, the lower the mean value of

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure 7-13. Water surface and bed surface profiles

error, the better the performance. Unfortunately, performance quality is defined by problem-specific characteristics and will probably differ from problem-to-problem.
Good engineering judgment should be used to determine
when the models performance is satisfactory or requires
additional adjustment.

hydraulic problems starting at the downstream end and

proceeding toward the upstream end of the model.
Reverse that direction for sediment problems. Do not
worry about scour or deposition at the downstream end
of the model until it is demonstrating proper behavior
upstream from that point.

e. Correcting model performance. If the calculated

results do not follow the observed trends, take the following steps. First, plot the active bed gradation from
cross sections at and downstream from inflow points
using results from near the end of the hydrograph along
with a bed gradation curve from field measurements. If
the model is reproducing the dominant processes in the
prototype, the key parameters should match reasonably
well. The following suggestions illustrate the thought
process that should occur when there is an unacceptable

(2) Second, be sure the model is numerically stable

before adjusting any coefficients or processes.

(1) First, position the upstream boundary of the

model in a reach of the river which is stable, and be sure
the model exhibits that stability. That means that cross
sections near the upstream end of the reach should
neither significantly erode nor deposit.
Attend to

(3) Once the above two conditions are met, focus

attention on overall model performance. Check the
boundary conditions to ascertain that the particle size
classes in the inflowing sediment load have been
assigned "representative" concentrations. Use depth and
gradation of the bed sediment reservoir to determine that
the model bed matches the prototype. Make plots for
several different times because the gradation of the
model bed will vary with the inflowing water-sediment
mixture. Correct any inconsistencies in these data and
try another execution. If any problem persists, check the
field data for possible rock outcroppings and check calculated profiles for possible errors in nearby sections.


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure 7-14. Water surface trend plot (specific gage plot)

(4) If calculated transport rates are too high, check

prototype data for a gravel deposit which could be forming an armor layer.
(5) If calculated rates of deposition are too high or
rates of erosion are too low, check top bank elevations
and ineffective flow limits to ensure that the model is not
allowing so much flow on the overbanks that the channel
is becoming a sink.
(6) Finally, if none of the above actions produce
acceptable performance, change the inflowing sediment
load. First use a constant ratio to translate the curve
without rotation. If that is not successful, rotate the
curve within the scatter of data.


7-10. Development of Base Test and Analysis

of Alternatives
The most appropriate use of a movable bed simulation is
to compare an alternative plan of action with a base
a. The base test. In most cases the base condition is
the simulated behavior of the river under a "no action
future." In a reservoir study, for example, the base test
would calculate the behavior of the river, both upstream
and downstream of the proposed dam site, without the
dam in place. In many cases, the base test simulation
should show little or no net scour or deposition. These
are river reaches which are near equilibrium (where scour

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93





b. Plan tests. The project alternatives can be simulated by modifying the base test data set appropriately.
In the case of a reservoir, a dam can be simulated by
inserting "operating rule data" into the base test model.
For a channel improvement project, cross-sectional
geometry and roughness can be changed. If a major
change is to be analyzed, make the evaluation in steps.
Avoid changing more than one parameter at a time
because that makes the results difficult to interpret. For
example, it is best to analyze a channel modification
project in two steps.
First, change the hydraulic
roughness values and simulate future flows in the existing geometry. It will be necessary to select and justify
the Mannings n for future conditions. Justify values by
consideration of proposed design shapes, depths, channel
lining materials, proposed vegetation on the overbanks,
probable channel debris, anticipated riprap requirements,
and maintenance agreements. Second, insert the modified cross sections and complete the analysis by simulating the alternatives to be tested.
Also, select the
appropriate contraction and expansion coefficients. Use
model results as an aid in predicting future conditions;
rely heavily on engineering judgment and look for anomalies in the calculated results. These "surprises" can be
used by the experienced river engineer to locate data
inadequacies and to better understand the behavior of the
prototype system. Any unexpected response of the
model should be justified very carefully before accepting
the results.
c. Presentation of results. Results should be presented in terms of change from the base case wherever
possible rather than absolute values. This will provide an
assessment of the impacts of proposed projects.
d. Sensitivity tests. It is usually desirable during the
course of a study to perform a sensitivity test. Quite
often certain input data (such as inflowing sediment load)
are not available, or subject to substantial measurement
error. The impact of these uncertainties on model results
can be studied by modifying the suspected input data by
x percent and rerunning the simulation. If there is
little change in the simulation, the uncertainty in the data
is of no consequence. If large changes occur, however,
the input data needs to be refined. Refinement should
then proceed using good judgment and by modifying
only one parameter or quantity at a time so as to be able
to see the exact effect that overall changes may have.

Sensitivity studies performed in this manner will provide

sound insight into the prototypes behavior and lead to a
sound model description of the real system.
Section V
Computer Programs
7-11. Introduction
Many computer programs are available for movable
boundary simulations, and more will be created in the
future. Two widely used programs are briefly discussed
below as examples. This is not an exhaustive review.
For any particular study, the need for use of a particular
program or suite of programs must be defined and justified early in the study. See Chapter 3.
7-12. Scour and Deposition in Rivers and
Reservoirs (HEC-6)
HEC-6 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1991a) is a movable boundary model.
It was formulated around
Einsteins basic concepts of sediment transport; however,
it is designed for the nonequilibrium case. Einstein did
not address the nonequilibrium condition, but his "particle exchange" concept was extended in HEC-6 by noting
that when sediment is in transport there will be a continual exchange between particles in motion and particles on
the bed surface. The residue in the bed may be measurable, as in the case of the "bed material load", or it may
be unmeasurable, as in the case of "wash load". The
stability of particles on the bed surface may be related to
inertia, as in the case of noncohesive particles; or that
stability may be primarily electrochemical, as in the case
of cohesive particles. Energy forces acting to entrain a
particle may be primarily gravity induced, as in the case
of flow in inland rivers; or the forces may be combinations of energy sources such as gravity, tides, waves, and
density currents, as in the coastal zone. Different types
of sediment require different entrainment functions
depending upon the propensity of the sediment to change
hydrodynamic and physical properties of the flow and
upon the sensitivity of the sediment type to water temperature and chemistry.
a. Equations of flow. The equations for conservation
of energy and water mass are simplified by eliminating
the time derivative from the motion equation which
leaves the gradually varied steady flow equation. It is
solved using the standard step method for water surface
profiles. The following terms are included:


EM 1110-2-1416
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(U 2/2g)

(conservation of energy)


g = acceleration due to gravity
h = water surface elevation
Se = slope of energy line
U = flow velocity
x = distance in the direction of flow
= correction for transverse distribution of
flow velocity


(conservation of water) (7-3)


Bs = width of bed sediment control volume
Qs = volumetric sediment discharge rate
qs = lateral or tributary sediment discharge rate
t = time
Ys = bed surface elevation
d. Computational methodology. Descriptions of the
computational methodology used in HEC-6 and application of the program are presented in HEC by the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1991a).
7-13. Open Channel Flow and
Sedimentation (TABS-2)

A = cross-sectional area of flow
Q1 = lateral or tributary inflow
Q = main stem water discharge downstream
from Q1
U = main stem mean water velocity upstream
from Q1
b. Friction and form losses. Both friction and form
losses are included in Se; bed roughness is prescribed
with Manning n values. n values may vary with water
discharge, location, or be related to bed material size
(Limerinos 1970).
c. Equation of sediment continuity. The Exner equation is used for conservation of sediment:




Figure 7-15. TABS-2 schematic


(conservation of
sediment) (7-4)

a. Purpose. The purpose of the TABS-2 system

(Thomas and McAnally 1985) is to provide a complete
set of generalized computer programs for twodimensional numerical modeling of open-channel flow,
transport processes, and sedimentation. These processes
are modeled to help analyze hydraulic engineering and
environmental conditions in waterways. The system is
designed to be used by engineers and scientists who need
not be computer experts.
b. Description. TABS-2 is a collection of generalized computer programs and utility codes integrated into
a numerical modeling system for studying twodimensional hydraulics, transport, and sedimentation
processes in rivers, reservoirs, bays, and estuaries. A
schematic representation of the system is shown in
Figure 7-15.

EM 1110-2-1416
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c. Uses. It can be used either as a stand-alone solution technique or as a step in the hybrid modeling
approach. The basic concept is to calculate water-surface
elevations, current patterns, dispersive transport, sediment
erosion, transport and deposition, resulting bed surface
elevations, and feedback to hydraulics. Existing and

proposed geometry can be analyzed to determine the

impact of project designs on flows, sedimentation, and
salinity. The calculated velocity pattern around structures
and islands is particularly useful. Some applications of
TABS-2 are referenced in Chapter 3.


EM 1110-2-1416
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Appendix A

A-1. Required Publications

ER 1110-2-1150
Engineering after Feasibility Studies
ER 1110-2-1455
Cooperative Stream Gaging Program
EM 1110-2-1003
Hydrographic Surveying
EM 1110-2-1408
Routing of Floods Through River Channels
EM 1110-2-1409
Backwater Curves in River Channels
EM 1110-2-1601
Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels
EM 1110-2-1612
Ice Engineering
EM 1110-2-4000
Sedimentation Investigations of Rivers and Reservoirs
A-2. Related Publications
Abbott 1979
Abbott, M. B. 1979. Computational Hydraulics Elements of the Theory of Free Surface Flows, Pitman,
American Society of Civil Engineers 1942
American Society of Civil Engineers. 1942. "Hydraulic
Models," Manuals of Engineering Practice No. 25, New
American Society of Civil Engineers 1975
American Society of Civil Engineers. 1975. "Sedimentation Engineering," Manual 54, Vito A. Vanoni, Ed.,
ASCE Task Committee, American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York.
American Society of Civil Engineers 1982
American Society of Civil Engineers. 1982. "Modeling
Hydraulic Phenomena: A Glossary of Terms," Journal
Hydraulic Division, Vol 108, No. 7, pp. 845-852.

Barkau 1985
Barkau, R. L. 1985. "A Mathematical Model of
Unsteady Flow Through a Dendritic Network," Ph.D.
Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado
State University, Ft. Collins, CO.
Barnes 1967
Barnes, Harry H., Jr. 1967. "Roughness Characteristics
of Natural Channels," US Geological Survey WaterSupply Paper 1849, US Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC.
Barr Engineering Company 1972
Barr Engineering Company. 1972. "The Effect of
Cross Section Data Errors in Water Surface Profile
Determination," Unpublished report for the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources, Minneapolis, MN.
Beaseley 1973
Beaseley, James G. 1973. "An Investigation of the
Data Requirements of Ohio for the HEC-2 Water Surface Profile Model," Masters thesis, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH.
Bedient and Huber 1988
Bedient, Philip B., and Huber, Wayne C.
Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Addison-Wesley,
New York.
Bradley 1978
Bradley, Joseph N. 1978. "Hydraulics of Bridge
Waterways." Hydraulic Design Series No. 1, 2nd ed.
Bureau of Public Roads (now the Federal Highway
Administration, 1970, rev. March 1978).
Brownlie 1981
Brownlie, W. R. 1981. "Prediction of Flow Depth and
Sediment Discharge in Open Channels," Report
No. KH-R-43A, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA.
Calkins 1978
Calkins, D., et al.
Manual, CRREL.


Ice Engineering Course

Carey 1963
Carey, W. C. 1963. "Effect of Temperature on Riverbed Configuration:
Its Possible Stage-Discharge
Implications," Proceedings of the Federal Interagency
Sedimentation Conference, Miscellaneous Publication
No. 970, Agricultural Research Service, US Department
of Agriculture, Washington, DC, pp. 237-272.


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Chow 1959
Chow, V. T.
Open Channel Hydraulics,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Colby and Scott 1965
Colby, B. R., and Scott, C. H. 1965. "Effects of Water
Temperature on the Discharge of Bed Material," Professional Paper 462-G, US Geological Survey,
Washington, DC.
Cunge, Holly, and Vervey 1980
Cunge, J. A., Holly, F. M., and Vervey, A. 1980.
Practical Aspects of Computational River Hydraulics,
Pitman, London.
Davidian 1984
Davidian, Jacob. 1984. "Computation of Water-Surface
Profiles in Open Channels," Chapter A15 in Techniques
of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological
Survey, Book 3:
Applications of Hydraulics,
US Department of the Interior.
DuBoys 1879
DuBoys, P. 1879. "Le Rohne et les Riveires a Lit
Affouillable," Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, Series 5,
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Einstein 1942
Einstein, Hans Albert. 1942. "Formulas for the Transportation of Bed-Load," Vol 107, Paper No. 2140,
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Einstein 1950
Einstein, Hans Albert. 1950. "The Bed-Load Function
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Fischer 1979
Fischer, H. B. et al. 1979. Mixing in Inland and
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Franco 1978
Franco, J. J. 1978. "Guidelines for the Design, Adjustment, and Operation of Models for the Study of River
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Fread 1978
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Fread 1988
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French 1985
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Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 110, No. 5,
Paper 18796.


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15 Oct 93

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US Department of Interior. 1980. "Hydraulic Laboratory Techniques," Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO.
US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration 1985
US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration. 1985. "Hydraulic Design of Highway
Culverts," US Department of Transportation.
US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration 1989
US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration. 1989. "FESWMS-2DH Finite Element
Surface-Water Modeling System: Two-Dimensional
Flow in a Horizontal Plane," Publication No. FHWARD-88-177.
US Geological Survey 1977
US Geological Survey. 1977. "National Handbook of
Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition."
US Geological Survey 1986
US Geological Survey. 1986. "Rock Riprap Design for
Protection of Stream Channels Near Highway Structures, Vol. 1--Hydraulic Characteristics of Open Channels," Water Resources Investigations, Report No. 864127, Sacramento, CA.
Wiegel 1964
Wiegel, R. L. 1964. Oceanographical Engineering,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Williams 1988a
Williams, David T. 1988a (May). "Levee Design Profiles for the Williamson, West Virginia, Flood Protection Project," Case Study-HEC-2 Application, Video
Taped Lecture #HEC-703, Advanced HEC-2 Course,
Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, CA.
Williams 1988b
Williams, David T. 1988b (May). "HEC-2 Application
in Hydraulic Design," Lecture L1289, Advanced HEC-2
Course, Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, CA.
Williams 1988c
Williams, David T. 1988c. "Levee Design Profiles for
the Williamson, West Virginia, Flood Protection Project," US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Miscellaneous Paper HL-88-4, Vicksburg, MS.


Williams and Julien 1989

Williams, D. T., and Julien, P. Y.
1989 (Nov).
"Applicability Index for Sand Transport Equations,"
Technical Note, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 11, pp. 1578-1581.
Yang and Wan 1991
Yang C. T. and Wan, S. 1991 (Aug). "Comparisons of
Selected Bed-Material Load Formulas," ASCE Journal
of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 117, No. 8, pp. 973-989.
A-3. Bibliography
Gessler 1971
Gessler, Johannes. 1971. "Beginning and Ceasing of
Sediment Motion," Chapter 7, River Mechanics, Edited
by H. W. Shen, Water Resources Publications, Littleton,
Nordin 1964
Nordin, C. F. 1964. "Aspects of Flow Resistance and
Sediment Transport: Rio Grande Near Bernalillo, New
Mexico," US Geological Survey Water Supply
Paper 1498-H, Washington, DC.
Thomas 1977
Thomas, W. A. 1977. "Sediment Transport," Vol. 12,
A United States Contribution to the International Hydrological Decade, Hydrologic Engineering Center,
US Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA.
Thomas 1980
Thomas, W. A. 1980. "Mathematical Modeling Solutions," Application of Stochastic Processes in Sediment
Transport (H. W. Shen and H. Kikkawa, eds.), Water
Resources Publications, Littleton, CO.
Thomas 1982
Thomas, W. A. 1982. "Mathematical Modeling of
Sediment Movement," Gravel Bed Rivers, ed. by R. D.
Hey, J. C. Bathurst and C. R. Thorne, Wiley & Sons,
New York.
Thomas and Heath 1983
Thomas, W. A., and Heath, R. E. 1983. "Application
of TABS-2 to Greenville Reach Mississippi River,"
River Meandering, Proceedings, Conference on Rivers
83, ASCE, New Orleans, LA.

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93
US Army Corps of Engineers 1991a
US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydraulic Engineering
Center. 1991a. "HEC-6, Scour and Deposition in
Rivers and Reservoirs, Users Manual," Davis, CA.
US Department of Transportation 1984
US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration. 1984. "Guide for Selecting Mannings
Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood
Plains," Report No. FHWA-75-84-204, McLean, VA.


EM 1110-2-1416
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Appendix B

The difference between the approximate solutions
obtained using a numerical model and the exact solution
of the governing equations. The degree of conformity
of a measure to a standard or true value.
Variation of the parameters in a model to ensure a close
reproduction by the model of a set of prototype

Alluvial Stream
A stream whose channel boundary is composed of
appreciable quantities of the sediments transported by
the flow, and which generally changes its bed forms as
the rate of flow changes.
A general term for all detrital deposits resulting directly
or indirectly from the sediment transported by (modern)
streams; thus including the sediments laid down in river
beds, floodplains, lakes, fans, and estuaries.
Alternate Bars
Bars formed in a staggered pattern near the banks of
channels. See Figure B-1.

The geologic process by which stream beds, floodplains,
and the bottoms of other water bodies are raised in
elevation by the deposition of material eroded and transported from other areas.
It is the opposite of
A procedure for solving a mathematical problem in a
finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition
of an operation. A step by step procedure for solving a
problem or accomplishing an end. A set of numerical
steps or routines to obtain a numerical output from a
numerical input.
Pertains to alluvium deposited by a stream or flowing
Alluvial Channel
See Alluvial Stream.
Alluvial Deposit
Clay, silt, sand, gravel, or other sediment deposited by
the action of running or receding water.
Alluvial Fan
A conical, or fan, shaped deposit at the base of a mountain range where the mountain stream encounters the
lesser slope of the valley floor. The deposits are generally coarse and alluvial fans most often occur in arid
and semi-arid regions where streamflow is ephemeral
and vegetation cover is sparse.
See also ASTM D 4410-91 "Terminology for Fluvial
Sediment," 1991.

Figure B-1. Alternate bars

Analytical Model
Mathematical model in which the solution of the governing equations is obtained by algebraic analysis.
(1) A departure from the expected or normal. (2) A
geological feature, esp. in the subsurface, distinguished
by geological, geophysical, or geochemical means,
which is different from the general surroundings and is
often of potential value.
The process of progressive coarsening of the bed layer
by removal of fine particles until it becomes resistant to
scour. The coarse layer that remains on the surface is
termed the "armor layer." Armoring is a temporary
condition; higher flows may destroy an armor layer and
it may reform as flows decrease. Or, simply, the formation of a resistant layer of relatively large particles
resulting from removal of finer particles by erosion.
A rapid change in channel direction and form that
occurs during catastrophic, rare, floods.


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Backwater Curve
Longitudinal profile of the water surface in a stream
where the water surface is raised above its normal level
by a natural or artificial obstruction.
Bank Migration
Lateral or horizontal movement of the banks of a
Bed Forms
Irregularities found on the bottom (bed) of a stream that
are related to flow characteristics. They are given
names such as "dunes," "ripples," and "antidunes."
They are related to the transport of sediment and interact with the flow because they change the roughness of
the stream bed. An analog to stream bed forms are
desert sand dunes (although the physical mechanisms for
their creation and movement may be different).
Bed Load
Material moving on or near the stream bed by rolling,
sliding, and sometimes making brief excursions into the
flow a few diameters above the bed, i.e. jumping. The
term "saltation" is sometimes used in place of "jumping." Bed load is bed material that moves in continuous
contact with the bed; contrast with "suspended load."
Bed Load Discharge
The quantity of bed load passing a cross section in a
unit of time, i.e. the rate. Usually presented in units of
tons per day. May be measured or computed. See Bed
Bed Material
The sediment mixture of which the moving bed is composed. In alluvial streams, bed material particles are
likely to be moved at any moment or during some
future flow condition.
Bed or Hydraulic Sorting
See Sorting.
Bed Rock
A general term for the rock, usually solid, that underlies
soil or other unconsolidated, superficial material.
A systematic error introduced into sampling or testing
by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over
others. Bias can be introduced by setting variables or
factors which would result in one outcome.


Boundary Conditions
Definition or statement of conditions or phenomena at
the boundaries. Water levels, flows, concentrations,
etc., that are specified at the boundaries of the area
being modeled. A specified tailwater elevation and
incoming upstream discharge are typical boundary
Boundary Effect
Consequence of dissimilarities between the model boundary conditions and the conditions occurring in the
prototype at the location of the model boundaries.
Boundary Roughness
The roughness of the bed and banks of a stream or
river. The greater the roughness, the greater the frictional resistance to flows; and, hence, the greater the
water surface elevation for any given discharge.
Braided Channel
A stream that is characterized by random interconnected
channels divided by islands or bars. Bars which divide
the stream into separate channels at low flows are often
submerged at high flow.
Adjustment of a models parameters such as roughness
or dispersion coefficients so that it reproduces observed
prototype data to acceptable accuracy.
A natural or artificial waterway which periodically or
continuously contains moving water.
Channel Stabilization
A stable channel is neither progressively aggrading nor
degrading, or changing its cross-sectional area through
time. It could aggrade or degrade slightly, but over the
period of a year, the channel would remain similar in
shape and dimensions and position to previous times.
Unstable channels are depositing or eroding in response
to some exterior conditions. Stabilization techniques
consist of bank protection and other measures that work
to transform an unstable channel into a stable one.
Characteristics Method
Numerical method in which the governing partial differential equations of a mathematical model are transformed into characteristic (ordinary differential)

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Coastal Model
Model of a coastal area. Often a movable bed model
used to reproduce coastal sediment transport.
Cohesive Sediments
Sediments whose resistance to initial movement or
erosion is affected mostly by cohesive bonds between
Concentration of Sediment
The dry weight of sediment per unit volume of watersediment mixture, i.e. mg/l or ppm.
Conceptual Model
A simplification of prototype behavior used to illustrate
functional relationships.
Process in which a model of a specific study area is
built and tested to prove that the model design and
implementation is adequate and no major phenomenon
has been overlooked.
The property of a numerical solution to a set of partial
differential equations that, as time and distance steps are
decreased, the difference equations approach the
differential equations.
The state of tending to a unique solution. A given
scheme is convergent if an increasingly finer computational grid leads to a more accurate solution.
A measure of the flow carrying capacity of a channel
section. Flow is directly proportional to conveyance for
steady flow. From Mannings equation, the proportionality factor is the square root of the energy slope.
Cross Section
Depicts the shape of the channel in which a stream
flows. Measured by surveying the stream bed elevation
across the stream on a line perpendicular to the flow.
Necessary data for the computation of hydraulic and
sediment transport information.
Cross-sectional Area
The cross-sectional area is the area of a cross section
perpendicular to the direction of flow beneath the water

The geologic process by which stream beds, floodplains,
and the bottoms of other water bodies are lowered in
elevation by the removal of material from the boundary.
It is the opposite of aggradation.
A deposit of sediment formed where moving water (as
from a stream at its mouth) is slowed by a body of
standing water.
The mass of a substance per unit volume. The Greek
letter is the common symbol.
Density Current
A highly turbid mixture of water and very fine grained
sediment which flows into and along the bottom of a
reservoir because its density is relatively larger than that
of the standing water in the reservoir.
Depth of Flow
The depth of flow is the vertical distance from the bed
of a stream to the water surface.
The mechanical or chemical processes through which
sediments accumulate in a (temporary) resting place.
The raising of the stream bed by settlement of moving
sediment that may be due to local changes in the flow,
or during a single flood event.
Deterministic Model
Mathematical model in which the behavior of every
variable is completely determined by the governing
equations and the initial states of the variables.
Representation of a continuous process, field, or surface
by numerical (digital) values.
To convert data from map or graphical form to digital
form for use by computer programs.
Dimensionless Number
A physically meaningful ratio of parameters that is
dimensionless. These dimensionless ratios are useful in
determining scaling laws since a particular dimensionless number must be the same in both model and


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prototype to achieve similarity. Examples are the common force ratios, such as the Froude and Reynolds
The discharge, usually abbreviated as "Q", is the volume
of a fluid or solid passing a cross section of a stream
per unit time.
The procedure of representing a continuous variable by
discrete values at specified points in space and/or time.
Discretization Error
Error introduced by the discrete representation of a
continuous variable.
Distorted Model
Hydraulic model in which horizontal and vertical scales
are different.
Conscious departure from a scaling law often necessitated by a complex set of prototype and laboratory
conditions. The term is most commonly used for geometric distortion in which the vertical and horizontal
scales of a hydraulic model are different.
Dominant Discharge
A particular magnitude of flow which is sometimes
referred to as the "channel forming" discharge. Empirical relations have been developed between "equilibrium"
stream width, depth, and slope and the dominant discharge. It has been variously defined as the bank full
flow, mean annual discharge, etc.
Drainage Basin
The area tributary to or draining into a lake, stream, or
measuring site. (See WATERSHED.)
Bed forms with triangular profile that advance downstream due to net deposition of particles on the steep
downstream slope. Dunes move downstream at velocities that are small relative to the streamflow velocity.
Dynamic Model
A mathematical model of flow in an open channel that
solves the complete unsteady flow equations (St. Venant
equations for one-dimensional problems).


Empirical Model
Representation of a real system by a mathematical
description based on experimental or observed data
rather than on general physical laws.
The wearing away of the land surface by detachment
and movement of soil and rock fragments through the
action of moving water and other geological agents.
Explicit Scheme
Scheme in which the governing equations of a numerical model are arranged to update the dependent variables in terms of previously known values only.
(Compare with IMPLICIT SCHEME).
Finite Element Method
Method of solving the governing equations of a numerical model by dividing the spatial domain into elements
in each of which the solution of the governing equations
is approximated by some continuous function.
Fixed Bed Model
Model in which the bed and side materials are nonerodible; deposition does not occur either.
Normally dry land adjacent to a body of water such as a
river, stream, lake, or ocean, which is susceptible to
inundation by floodwaters.
Flood Routing
The process of tracing, by calculation, the course and
character of a flood as it progresses through a river
reach or a reservoir.
Flow Duration Curve
A measure of the range and variability of a streams
flow. The flow duration curve represents the percent of
time during which specified flow rates are exceeded at a
given location. This is usually presented as a graph of
flow rate (discharge) versus percent of time that flows
are greater than, or equal to, that flow.
(1) Pertaining to streams. (2) Growing or living in
streams or ponds. (3) Produced by river action, as a
fluvial plain.

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Fluvial Sediment
Particles derived from rocks or biological materials
which are transported by, suspended in, or deposited by
The number of repetitions of a random process in a
certain time period.
Froude Number
U/(gL) (U = velocity, g = gravity, L = length). A
dimensionless number expressing the ratio between the
influences of inertia and gravity in a fluid. The Froude
number is important wherever the gravity effect is dominating, such as with water waves, flow in open channels, sedimentation in lakes and reservoirs, salt-water
intrusions, and the mixing of air masses of different
Froude Number Model (or Gravitational Model)
Model designed to emphasize similarity of gravitational
and inertial forces (Froude Number), while other forces
such as viscous (Reynolds Number) may not be reproduced as accurately. Open channel and coastal models
are of this type.
Gaging Station
A selected cross section of a stream channel where one
or more variables are measured continuously or periodically to record discharge and other parameters.
Geologic Control
A local rock formation or clay layer that limits (within
the engineering time frame) the vertical and/or lateral
movement of a stream at a particular point. Note that
artificial controls such as drop structures also exist.
A science that deals with the physical history of the
earth, especially as recorded in rocks and landforms.
Geometric Similarity
Similarity in form or shape.
The study of landform development under processes
associated with running water.
Network of points covering the space or time-space
domain of a numerical model. The points may be regularly or irregularly spaced.

Heuristic Model
Representation of a real system by a mathematical
description based on reasoned, but unproven, argument.
Historic Flows
The collection of recorded flow data for a stream during
the period of time in which steam gages were in
Hybrid Model
Model combining at least two modeling techniques (e.g.,
physical and numerical) in a closely coupled fashion.
Hydraulic Depth
The hydraulic depth is the ratio of cross-sectional area
to top width at any given elevation.
Hydraulic Model
A physical scale model of a river used for engineering
Hydraulic Radius
The hydraulic radius is the ratio of cross-sectional area
to wetted perimeter at any given elevation.
The study and computation of the characteristics, e.g.
depth (water surface elevation), velocity, and slope of
water flowing in a stream or river.
A graph showing, for a given point on a stream or
channel, the discharge, water surface elevation, stage,
velocity, available power, or other property of water
with respect to time.
The study of the properties, distribution, and circulation
of water on the surface of the land in the soil and in the
Ice Model
Model in which formation of ice, ice conditions, or ice
forces are simulated.
Implicit Scheme
Scheme in which the governing equations of a numerical model are arranged to obtain solutions for the
dependent variables simultaneously at all grid points
corresponding to any one time. The computed values
depend not only on known values at a previous time but
also on the other unknown neighboring values at the


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surrounding grid points at the time being calculated.
(Compare with EXPLICIT SCHEME).
Body of water formed by collecting water, as at a dam.

A representation of a physical process or thing that can
be used to predict the processs or things behavior or

Initial Conditions
The values of water levels, velocities, concentrations,
etc., that are specified everywhere in the grid or mesh at
the beginning of a model run. For iterative solutions,
the initial conditions represent the first estimate of the
variables the model is trying to compute.

A conceptual model: If I throw a rock harder, it will go

A mathematical model: F = ma
A hydraulic model: Columbia River physical model.

Kinematic Similarity
Similarity of motion.

Movable Bed Model

Model in which the river bed and/or side material is
erodible and can be transported in a manner similar to
the prototype; can be hydraulic or numerical.

Linear Model
Mathematical model based entirely on linear equations.
Mannings n-Value
n is a coefficient of boundary roughness. n accounts for
energy loss due to the friction between the bed and the
water. In fluvial hydraulics (movable boundary hydraulics), the Mannings n value usually includes the effects
of other losses, such as grain roughness of the movable
bed, form roughness of the movable bed, bank irregularities, vegetation, bend losses, and junction losses. Contraction and expansion losses are not included in
Mannings n, and are typically accounted for separately.
Mathematical Model
A model that uses mathematical expressions (i.e., a set
of equations, usually based upon fundamental physical
principles) to represent a physical process.
Meandering Stream
An alluvial stream characterized in planform by a series
of pronounced alternating bends. The shape and existence of the bends in a meandering stream are a result
of alluvial processes and not determined by the nature
of the terrain (geology) through which the stream flows.
Mean Velocity
The mean velocity is the discharge divided by the area
of water at a cross section.
The network of computational points (nodes) linked
together by finite element connection tables to form a
digital representation of the modeled areas geometry.


Natural Alluvial Channel

A movable bed in loose sedimentary materials. A
"natural alluvial channel" is an alluvial channel created
by nature.
Navigation Model
Model to study maneuverability of vessels under
currents, waves, wind, etc. for design of navigable
A system of one-dimensional interconnected one-dimensional streams; also used to describe a MESH.
National Geodetic Vertical Datum, vertical datum plane
reference that has replaced mean sea level.
The location in a numerical network where computations are performed and/or output is requested.
Nonlinear Model
Mathematical model using one or more nonlinear
Numerical Experiments
Varying the input data or internal parameters of a
numerical model to ascertain the impact on the output of
those variations.
Numerical Model
A numerical model





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mathematical model as a sequence of instructions (program) for a computer. Given appropriate data, the
execution of this sequence of instructions yields an
approximate solution to the set of equations that comprise the mathematical model.

A relative assessment of a quantity or amount.

One-Dimensional Model
Model defined with one space coordinate, i.e. variables
are averaged over the other two directions (e.g., wave
propagation in a narrow channel).

Quasi-Steady-State Model
Model in which time-dependent variables are simulated
by a sequence of steady-states.

In a river reach, the area between the bank of the main
channel and the limits of the floodplain. See Figure-2.
Any physical property whose value determines the characteristics or behavior of something.
Phasing refers to the timing of flows from the main
stem of the river and its tributaries. The arrival of
flows into the main stem from the upper watersheds is a
function of the size and characteristics of the watersheds, tributary channels, and storm event.
Physical Model
Model using the physical properties and behavior of
modeling materials to represent the prototype; a scale
model of the prototype.
The shape and size of channel and overbank features as
viewed from above.
Point Bar
Deposits of sediment that occur on the convex side or
inside of channel bends. Their shape may vary with
changing flow conditions, but they do not move significantly relative to the bends. However, the general magnitude and location of the bar varies with discharge.
See Figure B-3.
Probabilistic Model
Mathematical model in which the behavior of one or
more of the variables is either completely or partially
subject to probability laws.

An absolute measurement of a quantity or amount.

Quasi-Three-Dimensional Model
A combination of two-dimensional models used to simulate variations in three dimensions.
(1) The length of a channel uniform with respect to discharge, depth, area, and slope; e.g., "typical channel
reach" or "degrading reach", etc., (2) the length of a
stream between two specified gaging stations, control
points, or computational points.
An impounded body of water or controlled lake where
water is collected and stored.
Reynolds Number
(UL)/ - Dimensionless ratio of inertial force to viscous
force; the length may represent grain size, depth of
flow, or pipe diameter, resulting in different Reynolds
Numbers for different purposes. The critical Reynolds
Number describes the onset of turbulence.
Reynolds number is defined as velocity multiplied by
length divided by kinematic viscosity. It is usually
involved wherever viscosity is important, such as in
slow movement of fluid in small passages or around
small objects.
Small triangular-shaped bed forms that are similar to
dunes but have much smaller heights and lengths of
0.3 m or less. They develop when the Froude number
is less than approximately 0.3.
Roundoff Error
Cumulative error introduced by rounding of the results
from individual arithmetic operations because only a
finite number of digits can be retained after each operation of a digital computer.

The full-sized structure, system, process, or phenomenon
being modeled.


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Figure B-2. Example of overbanks

Figure B-3. View of three point bars

Technique used to compute the effect of channel storage
and conveyance on the shape and movement of a flood
wave through a river reach. Also used when describing
the movement of sediment volumes through a river
Routing Model
A model (see Mathematical Model and NUMERICAL
Model) for performing flood routing (see Flood
Flow that is discharged from an area by stream channels; sometimes subdivided into surface runoff, groundwater runoff, and seepage.
Scale (or Scale Ratio)
Ratio of a parameter in a model to the corresponding
parameter in the prototype.


Scale Effect
Consequence of nonsimilarity between model and prototype resulting from the fact that not all pertinent
dimensionless numbers are the same in model and prototype. In a "perfect" model, all pertinent dimensionless
numbers are the same in model and prototype. In a
"real" model, economics dictates the use of certain
materials, e.g., water as a fluid. This means that fluid
density and viscosity are not correctly scaled down from
prototype to model and, as a consequence, some dimensionless numbers are not the same in model and prototype, resulting in scale effect.
Scaling Laws
Conditions that must be satisfied to achieve desired
similarity between model and prototype.
Representation of a continuum by discrete elements,

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e.g., dividing a real river into reaches with constant
Scheme (Numerical or Computational)
Systematic program of action for solving the governing
equations of a mathematical model.
The enlargement of a cross section by the removal of
boundary material through the action of the fluid in
(1) Particles derived from rocks or biological materials
that have been transported by a fluid. (2) Solid material
suspended in or settled from water. A collective term
meaning an accumulation of soil, rock, and mineral
particles transported or deposited by flowing water.

Semi-Empirical Model
Representation of a real system by a mathematical
description based on general physical laws but containing coefficients determined from experimental data.
Shear Force
The shear force is the shear developed on the wetted
area of the channel and it acts in the direction of flow.
This force per unit wetted area is called the shear stress.
Shear Stress
Frictional force per unit of bed area exerted on the bed
by the flowing water. An important factor in the movement of bed material.
Shear Velocity
The shear velocity is defined as the square root of the
quantity shear stress divided by fluid density.

Consists of five fundamental processes: (1) weathering,
(2) erosion, (3) transportation, (4) deposition, and
(5) diagenesis, or consolidation into rock. Also refers to
the gravitational settling of suspended particles that are
heavier than water.

Similarity (or Similitude)

Correspondence between the behavior of a model and its

Sediment Sample
A quantity of water-sediment mixture or deposited sediment that is collected to characterize some property or
properties of the sampled medium.

Simulation Model
Mathematical model in which detailed values of the
various parameters are computed, usually with respect to
both space and time.

Sediment Transport Function

A formula or algorithm for calculating sediment transport rate given the hydraulics and bed material at a
cross section. Most sediment transport functions compute the bed material load capacity. The actual transport may be less than the computed capacity due to
armoring, geologic controls, etc. or greater due to fine
material (wash load) that originates upstream rather than
from the bed.

A measure of meander "intensity." Computed as the
ratio of the length of a stream measured along its
thalweg (or centerline) to the length of the valley
through which the stream flows.

Sediment Transport Routing

The computation of sediment movement for a selected
length of stream (reach) for a period of time with varying flows. Application of sediment continuity relations
allow the computation of aggradation and deposition as
functions of time.
Sediment Yield
The total sediment outflow from a drainage basin in a
specific period of time. It includes bed load as well as
suspended load, and is usually expressed in terms of
mass or volume per unit of time.

Reproduction of the prototype behavior using a model.

The dynamic process by which sediment particles having some particular characteristic (such as similarity of
size, shape, or specific gravity) are naturally selected
and separated from associated but dissimilar particles by
the agents of transportation.
Stability (Numerical or Computational)
The ability of a scheme to control the propagation or
growth of small perturbations introduced in the calculations. A scheme is unstable if it allows the growth of
error to eventually obliterate the true solution.
Stable Channel
A stream channel that does not change in planform or
bed profile during a particular period of time. For


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purposes of this glossary the time period is years to tens
of years.
The stage is the vertical distance from any selected and
defined datum to the water surface.
Stage-Discharge (Rating) Curve
Defines a relationship between discharge and water
surface elevation at a given location.
Steady State Model
Model in which the variables being investigated do not
change with time.
Stochastic Model
See Probabilistic Model.
Stream Bank Erosion
The removal of bank material by the force of flowing
water and the caving of stream banks.
Stream Discharge
The volume of flow passing a stream cross section in a
unit of time.
Stream Gage
A device that measures and records flow characteristics
such as water discharge and water surface elevation at a
specific location on a stream. Sediment transport measurements are usually made at stream gage sites.
Stream Profile
A plot of the elevation of a stream bed versus distance
along the stream.
The water surface elevation downstream from a structure such as below a dam, weir, or drop structure.
The line following the lowest part of a valley, whether
under water or not. Usually the line following the deepest part, or middle, of the bed or channel of a river.
Theoretical Model
Representation of a real system by a mathematical
Three-Dimensional Model
Model defined with three space coordinates.


Tidal Model
Froude number model in which tidal water levels and
current fluctuations are reproduced.
Top Width
The width of a stream section at the water surface; it
varies with stage in most natural channels.
Tracer Model
A fixed-bed model in which patterns of erosion and
deposition are estimated by using tracers of bed material
or lightweight sediment proxies.
A sample area, cross section, or line chosen as the basis
for studying one or more characteristics of a particular
Transportation (Sediment)
The complex processes of moving sediment particles
from place to place. The principal transporting agents
are flowing water and wind.
Transport Capacity
The ability of a stream to transport a given volume or
weight of sediment material of a specific size per time
for a given flow condition. The units of transport
capacity are usually given in tons per day of sediment
passing a given cross section for a given flow. Transport capacity for each sediment grain size is the transport potential for that size multiplied by the actual
fraction of that size class present in the bed material.
Transport Potential
The rate at which a stream could transport sediment of a
given grain size for given hydraulic conditions if the
bed and banks were composed entirely of material of
that size.
Trap Efficiency
Proportion of sediment inflow to a stream reach (or
reservoir) that is retained within that reach (or reservoir). Computed as inflowing sediment volume minus
outflowing sediment volume divided by inflowing sediment volume. Positive values indicate aggradation;
negative values, degradation.
Truncation Error
The error introduced by replacing the derivative terms
of a differential equation by finite differences using a

EM 1110-2-1416
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Taylor series and then truncating after a certain number
of terms.
The irregular, random, velocity fluctuations within a
flowing fluid.
Two-Dimensional Model
Model defined with two space coordinates (i.e., variables are averaged over the third direction).
Unsteady-State Model
Model in which the variables being investigated are time
Comparison of model results with a set of prototype
data that were not used for verification. Comparison
includes: (1) sing a data set very similar to the verification data to determine the validity of the model under
conditions for which it was designed; (2) sing a data set
quite different from the verification data to determine
the validity of the model under conditions for which it
was not designed but could possibly be used; and
(3) using post-construction prototype data to determine
the validity of the predictions based on model results.

Water Column
An imaginary vertical column of water used as a control
volume for computational purposes. Usually the size of
a unit area and as deep as the depth of water at that
location in the river.
Water Discharge
See Stream Discharge.
A topographically defined area drained by a river/stream
or system of connecting rivers/streams such that all
outflow is discharged through a single outlet. Also
called a drainage area.
Wave Model
Froude number model in which gravity waves are reproduced to provide the driving mechanism for currents,
impact forces, wave action, sediment transport, etc.
Wetted Perimeter
The length of wetted contact between a stream of flowing water and its containing channel, measured in a
direction normal to the flow.

Check of the behavior of a calibrated model against a
set of prototype conditions that was not used for


EM 1110-2-1416
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Appendix C
Study Planning and Reporting

C-1. Development of the Hydraulic Study Work

This appendix gives additional details on the preparation
of the hydraulic study work plan, a critical step in
designing and performing a hydrologic engineering study.
Also presented are general reporting requirements for
presentation of hydrologic/hydraulic (H & H) studies. As
mentioned in Chapter 3, the development of a Hydrologic
Engineering Management Plan (HEMP) should occur
early in any project or study involving significant hydrologic/hydraulic effort. The HEMP covers all hydrologic
and hydraulic effort including sediment studies where
appropriate. This section describes the development of
such a plan.
a. General considerations. The preparation of a
HEMP is not intended to be another layer of review
guidance or to put additional burden on the hydraulic
engineer. The use of a HEMP should be of great value
to an engineer in planning and scheduling hydraulic
activities, developing and documenting time and cost
estimates, and decreasing the supervisory time required to
oversee the effort.
b. Purpose of HEMP. The main purposes of a
hydraulic study work plan are to enable the engineer to
estimate the overall amount of effort required and the
level of detail of that effort, plan the sequencing of H&H
activities, determine the interrelationship of the information exchange between H&H and other disciplines and its
effect on scheduling and sequencing activities, and identify other items and potential problems. The HEMP is
nothing more than a detailed outline of how the responsible hydraulic engineering team proposes to perform the
overall hydraulic study. The detail with which the various activities are described should be sufficient to prepare an adequate time and cost estimate for the entire
hydraulic study. A well prepared time and cost estimate
will facilitate negotiations with project managers. The
HEMP should be as detailed as practical, particularly for
hydraulic engineers with limited experience.
experienced engineers may prepare less detailed HEMPs.
The level of presentation should be up to the hydraulic
engineering team which includes the supervisor. In
short, the HEMP may take several days to prepare, but
its existence will pay continuous dividends throughout
the course of the hydraulic study.

c. Level of detail. The HEMP may be as detailed as

desired, in terms of outlining specific hydrologic and
hydraulic work activities. It usually will parallel the
level of the reporting activity, however. Table 3.1
broadly describes the general work processes involved in
the various levels of report activities and the HEMP will
be similar. The level of HEMP is usually most detailed
for the feasibility report stage, since the hydrology and
hydraulics need to be "final" form, and the hydraulic
design in sufficient detail to provide a firm construction
cost and identify the NED plan. Less detailed HEMPs
are acceptable in other phases of the planning process
such as the reconnaissance, reevaluation, or design memorandum stage. Similarly, in the continuing authority
program, the reconnaissance report, being similar to a
feasibility report, requires the most detailed HEMP. The
sections at the end of this appendix illustrate examples of
detailed HEMPs for both a steady and an unsteady gradually varied flow analysis.
d. Determination of the study boundary. As mentioned in Chapter 3, the analysis of a potential project
and its effects on the watershed hydrologic, hydraulic,
and sedimentation regimes is not confined to the physical
limits of the project. The HEMP must address the total
(basin-wide) effects of the project. The study boundary
could well extend for many miles upstream and downstream of the project boundaries as well as up tributaries
to the project stream. The total work to be performed is
largely dependent on the study boundary rather than the
project boundary. It is important that this fact be recognized and included in the HEMP leading to the study
time and cost estimate.
e. Sequence of preparation. The preparation of a
HEMP should take place over the first days or weeks of
initial study planning activities. Information concerning
the necessary H&H activities and level of detail should
be obtained from discussions with interdisciplinary team
personnel, local interests, evaluation of available data,
and examination of potential alternatives.
(1) Objective/problems/alternatives. In the initial
phase, the objective of the plan (flood control, navigation, etc.) is known and at least some of the problems
associated with achieving this objective will be apparent.
One or more alternatives to be evaluated will normally
be obvious as well, at least to an experienced hydraulic
engineer. These problems and alternatives usually suggest likely computational techniques (gradually varied
steady flow, etc.) for an appropriate analysis. These


EM 1110-2-1416
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initial evaluations may be utilized for preliminary development of a HEMP.

objectives, level of available data, technical analysis,

alternatives possible, and the alternative selected.

(2) Data availability. Hydraulic, topographic, and

other data available and required will be identified during
the HEMP formulation phase. The determination of the
project and study boundaries will allow an estimate of
topographic (survey) data needed and form the basis for
a later survey request. Available gaged data should be
identified as well as information from past hydrologic or
hydraulic studies.

b. Guidelines.
preparing the report are:

(3) Review. Two or more drafts of the HEMP may

be appropriate depending on the level of peer review. At
a minimum, the engineers immediate supervisor should
thoroughly critique the work plan for completeness and
agree with the engineer as to the sequence of activities,
level of detail, and method for addressing hydrologic/hydraulic studies and potential alternatives. For
particularly complex or controversial projects, Division
review may be appropriate.
(4) Time and cost estimate.
With the HEMP
reviewed and approved, durations can be estimated for
the activities and an appropriate personnel cost developed. The time and cost estimate, based on a detailed
evaluation of H&H activities, provides the basis for
requesting resources.
(5) Periodic updates. The sequence of activities and
all the alternatives that require evaluation typically cannot
be predicted precisely at the start of a feasibility study,
thus some level of contingency funding is necessary. As
the study unfolds however, the HEMP should be
routinely updated, annually or more frequently, as necessary. At the conclusion of the study, it is worthwhile to
again update the overall HEMP so that the knowledge
gained from this study will be available for future, similar, efforts. The HEMP is not intended to be a one-shot
effort to be developed and forgotten at the start of a
hydrologic engineering study. It should be a "road map",
leading the hydraulic engineer through the entire study
and used on a nearly daily basis.
C-2. Reporting Requirements
a. General. No matter how well the hydraulic engineer has performed a technical analysis, the lack of a
complete and well-written report of the work will cast
doubt on its validity. The report is written to document
the major steps and findings of the hydrologic work and
to convince one or more technical reviewers that the final
result is the most appropriate one for the study





(1) Format. The hydrologic and hydraulic report is

usually presented as an appendix to the main report.
Avoid duplication of material in the main body of the
report or in previous documents that are still accessible
to the review authority. Use cross references as much as
possible. Dont use words when the information can be
conveyed by tables. Dont use tables when figures or
charts can be utilized. Maximize the use of charts, figures, plates and maps in the report. Ensure that locations
discussed in the text are clearly indicated on maps.
Reference the appropriate figure or map in the text.
(2) Project description. Clearly describe and show
the location of the project, its main features, and its
function. Describe the impacts of the project both positive and negative on the system hydrology, hydraulics,
and sediment regime.
(3) Technical information. Start with the basic data
available. Describe the method of analysis selected and
why. What key assumptions were made and how were
they justified? What are the results of the hydrologic
analysis and how do they relate to the plan formulation
process? How did you evaluate the sensitivity of results
to your assumptions and the consequent effects on project design?
(4) Validity. Remember that you are trying to convince a reviewer of the validity of your technical analysis. An independent analysis should arrive at nearly the
same conclusions by following the technical path and
thought processes documented in the report. Checklists
given in Sections C-3 and C-4 provide questions and
information which a reviewer will normally expect to be
addressed in the report. Note that not all of these items
are the responsibility of the hydraulic engineer.
c. Reporting requirements by study. Hydrologic and
hydraulic reporting includes:
(1) Survey reports. These reports are either reconnaissance or feasibility reports.
(a) Reconnaissance reports are limited effort studies
to ascertain if a Federal interest is present. If so, the
study continues to the feasibility stage. Reconnaissance
report hydraulics often consists of the maximum use of

EM 1110-2-1416
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existing data and limited hydrologic/hydraulic analysis.
The amount of H&H effort and reporting is largely set
by the time and funding available for the reconnaissance
effort. Four to six months of part-time hydrologic effort
is often the maximum available. Consequently, both the
HEMP and the reporting level may be minimal. The
hydrologic/hydraulic reporting may only be a few pages,
sufficient to show the work leading to one or more feasible solutions to be investigated further.
(b) Feasibility reports include complete analyses of
the system hydrology and hydraulics, sufficient to determine the NED plan and provide detailed and firm project
costs. H&H studies often require two or more years of
nearly full time hydraulic engineering effort. Obviously,
the level of the HEMP and reporting is much more than
the reconnaissance report. Previously addressed guidance
in C-2.b applies and must be adequately covered. The
hydraulic engineer should also closely review
ETL 1110-2-230, (1978). This guidance illustrates much
of the information desired in a feasibility report, both in
general terms and for specific types of flood control
projects (reservoir, levee, or channel). Documentation of
the effort is normally presented in an hydrology and
hydraulics appendix at the end of the main report. All
significant H&H work effort should be described and
presented, with the sequence outlined in the HEMP providing a starting point for the H&H report outline.
(2) Reevaluation report. This report is the follow-up
to the feasibility investigation, normally prepared within
a year or two after completion of the survey investigation. Consequently, the hydraulic effort usually consists
of updating the hydrology and hydraulics for any changes
in the watershed and to confirm that the hydrologic findings of the feasibility investigation are still valid. Hydrologic and hydraulic reporting should reference the survey
report as much as practical, with the overall level of
reporting much less than the feasibility report. An
exception is the case of a reevaluation taking place many
years after the feasibility report. Depending on the
changes in the watershed, it is possible that the reevaluation would be similar in both technical and reporting
detail to the original feasibility report.
(3) Design memoranda. Preconstruction planning
reports could include both a general design and one or
more feature design memos, depending on the project
(a) General design memo (GDM). This document
provides the detailed engineering and design of the overall project, eventually leading to project construction. An

individual levee unit, a reach of channel, or a pumping

station would usually require only an individual GDM.
The H&H emphasis is on the detailed hydraulic design,
as the hydrology, profiles, etc. should be "firm" from
previous studies. H&H reporting could be as little as a
few pages of text along with accompanying figures and
tables, or it could be quite lengthy. Further discussion of
the H&H information often needed in a GDM is given in
ER 1110-2-1150, pp A2 (1984b).
For small projects
that are not complex, a GDM may not be required.
(b) Feature design memo. When a project is large
and complex or includes many different components, a
series of feature design memos (FDM) are often prepared, following completion of the GDM. Individual
FDMs may be prepared for each of a series of levee
units along a river, on each of several pumping stations
within a leveed area, or for major features of a reservoir
(for the spillway, the stilling basin, the dam, etc.).
Again, the emphasis on the H&H reporting is on detailed
hydraulic design, with hydrology, etc. being "firm" from
previous effort. If performed, the results of physical
model testing and effects on the hydraulic design are
included in the appropriate FDM. For simple components with no model testing, H&H reporting could be
only a page or two of text with the figures being a part
of the detailed drawings prepared for the site layout and
construction. Additional discussion on H&H information
included in a FDM is given in ER 1110-2-1150, pp. B-1
(4) Plans and specifications. This functional design
document is used to bid and construct the project. The
usual H&H information included are period of record
stage-hydrographs and stage duration curves, so that the
contractor may plan the construction activity to take
advantage of low water periods. The level of H&H
reporting is usually represented only by figures, with
little or no text.
(5) Continuing authority program. This umbrella
program allows for the planning, analysis, design, and
construction of small and noncontroversial projects in a
relatively short time frame. The program covers nine
different authorities for small flood control, navigation,
or shore protection projects. Except for the Section 205
program, the studies are of limited dollar amount for both
analysis and construction, and the level of H&H analysis/reporting is also limited. Only the Section 205
authority will be further addressed here. The 205 study
normally includes a reconnaissance report and a definite
project report (DPR).


EM 1110-2-1416
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(a) The reconnaissance report features a detailed
H&H evaluation to firmly establish stage-frequency relations for the economic analysis and clearly demonstrate
that a Federal interest is present. The level of analysis
and reporting detail is similar to a feasibility report.
(b) The definite project report includes all the necessary analysis and design for the preparation of plans and
specifications. Consequently, the level of H&H studies
and reporting is similar to a combination of the reevaluation and design memorandum reports. Updates to the
hydrology and hydraulics and the detailed hydraulic
design are features of the DPR. Hydrologic and hydraulic reporting is presented in a separate appendix to the
C-3. Hydrologic Engineering Study Checklist
a. Safety. Are the levees, channels, spillways, reservoirs, etc. of adequate height, capacity, storage, or level
of protection? Are residual problems (such as flooding)
well documented?
b. Function. Is the plan conceptually correct? Will
it function in an appropriate manner? Are conclusions
supported by a logical sequence of data analyses and
c. Performance. Will the project description, local
cooperation, and operation and maintenance requirements
ensure that the plan will continue to perform as planned
over the project life? Are all the physical features and
institutional arrangements well documented?
d. Engineering.
Does the engineering analysis
appear appropriate for supporting formulation and design
objectives? If not, does it appear that an alternate analysis would result in a different conclusion?

c. Goals. Establish and describe project purposes

and area benefitted.
d. Scope. Describe all related features (including
real estate), not just what is proposed for construction.
e. Performance.
Provide project output, performance levels, and capabilities in economic and physical
terms including residual flooding up to the Standard
Project Flood.
f. Operating requirements. Describe operational
requirements, personnel and equipment, and any constraints (such as warning time) under which the plan
must be operated.
g. Cost estimates. Provide reasonable estimates of
first cost and OM&R cost.
h. Institutional provisions. Establish legal and institutional arrangements for construction, OM&R, etc.
i. Plans. Identify the NED plan (maximum net economic benefits), Environmental Quality (EQ) impacts,
and mitigation; justify departures from NED.
j. Information. Provide design parameters to achieve
c and e above: e.g.; pump head capacity, location of
initial levee overtopping, time to close gates, etc. In
general, prepare, document, and provide robust, defensible, plan and design information.
k. Consensus.





C-5. Example Detailed Hydrologic Engineering

Management Plan for a Feasibility Study (Flood
Damage Reduction using HEC-1 and -2)

a. Rationale. Provide rationale for plan selection,

demonstrate that the plan is logical, that it will work, and
can be operated and maintained to function correctly.

This sample HEMP would be appropriate for the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses associated with a typical
Corps feasibility report for an urbanizing watershed. The
intent of the hydrologic engineering analysis would be to
determine existing and future stage-frequency relationships at all key points in the study area, along with
flooded area maps by frequency. This analysis would be
performed for the without project condition and for various flood reduction components which are considered
feasible for relief of the flood problem.

b. Safety. Address safety considerations: warning

time, rate of rise, consequences of exceeding design, etc.

a. Preliminary investigations.
This initial phase
includes a literature review of previous reports, obtaining

e. Economy. Do the major features of plans generally appear to achieve appropriate project purposes in a
cost effective manner? Is each component economically
C-4. Documentation Checklist


EM 1110-2-1416
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the available data and requesting additional information
needed to perform the investigation.
(1) Initial preparation.
(a) Confer with the other disciplines involved in the
study to determine the objectives, the H&H information
requirements of the study for other disciplines, study
constraints, etc.
(b) Scope study objectives and purpose.

(4) Field reconnaissance. Interview local agencies

and residents along the stream, review newspaper files,
etc. for historic flood data (high water marks, frequency
of road overtopping, direction of flow, land use changes,
stream changes, etc.). Document names, locations, and
other data for future reference. Take photographs of
bridges, ongoing construction, hydraulic structures, and
floodplain channels and overbank areas at cross section
(5) Determine initial estimate of n values for use in
water surface profile computations.

(c) Review available documents such as:


Previous Corps work.

USGS reports.
Local studies.

(d) Obtain hydrologic (historic and design discharges, discharge-frequency relationships, etc.) and
hydraulic (high water marks, bridge designs, cross sections, etc.) data from, for example:
1. Local agencies.
2. State.
3. Federal (Corps, SCS, USBR, USGS, Federal
Highway, NWS, etc.).
4. Railroads.
5. Industries.
6. Other.
(e) Scope major hydrologic and hydraulic activities.
(f) Prepare Hydrologic Engineering Management
(2) Obtain study area maps; from, for example:
(a) USGS quads.
(b) Aerial photographs.
(c) County highway maps.
(d) Others.
(3) Estimate location of cross sections on maps
(floodplain contractions, expansions, bridges, etc). Determine mapping requirements (orthophoto) in conjunction
with other disciplines.

(6) Write survey requirements including mapping

requirements, cross section locations, and high water
b. Development of basin model. This phase of the
analysis involves selection of historic events to be evaluated, development of runoff parameters from gaged data
(and/or regional data from previous studies) to be used
for ungaged basins, and calibration of the basin model to
historic flood events. This step assumes that at least
some recording stream gage data in or near the study
watershed are available.
(1) Optimization of runoff parameters.
(a) Select historic events to be evaluated based on
available streamflow records, rainfall records, high water
marks, etc.
(b) From USGS rating curves and stage versus time
relationships for each event, develop discharge hydrographs at each continuously recording stream gage.
Estimate peak discharge from flood crest gages.
(c) Develop physical basin characteristics (drainage
areas, slope, length, etc.) for the area above each stream
(d) Select the computation time interval ( t) for this
and subsequent analyses. It must define adequately the
peak discharge of hydrographs at gages, consider routing
reach travel times, have three to four points on the rising
limb of the smallest subarea unit hydrographs of interest,
and consider types of alternatives and future assessments.
(e) Using all appropriate rain gages (continuous and
daily), develop historic storm patterns that correspond to
the selected recorded runoff events for the basins above


EM 1110-2-1416
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the stream gages. For average subarea totals use isohyetal maps; for temporal distributions use weightings of
nearby recording rain gages.
(f) Determine optimized unit hydrograph and loss
rate parameters for each event at each stream gage.

gages and physical basin characteristics, previous

regional study relationships of unit hydrograph parameters and physical basin characteristics, from similar gaged
or known basins, or from judgment if no data is
(4) Channel routing parameters.

(g) Make adjustments for better and more consistent

results between events at each stream gage, including
starting values of parameters and rainfall patterns
(different weightings of recording rain gages).
(h) Fix most stable parameters and rerun.

(a) Modified Puls storage-outflow relationships

derived from water surface profile computations
(b) Optimized from stream gage data (HEC-1).

(i) Adopt final unit hydrograph, loss rate, and base

flow parameters for each gaged basin.

(c) Adopted
experience, etc.

(2) Delineation of subareas. Subareas are delineated

at locations where hydrologic data are required as discussed below.

(d) Muskingum-Cunge (need only 8-point sections

and n-values).

(a) Index locations where economic damage computations are to be performed.

(b) Stream gage locations.
(c) General topology of the stream system:

Physical characteristics of the basin.

Major tributaries.
Significant changes in land use.
Significant changes in soil type.





(5) Reservoir Routing (if uncontrolled reservoirs are

present). This type of routing must be performed where
storage has a significant effect on reach outflow values,
with reservoirs being the most notable example. However, one must also apply these techniques where physical features warrant; such as, roads crossing a floodplain
on a high fill, especially where culverts are used to pass
the flow downstream.
(a) Develop area-capacity
storage relationships).



(b) Develop storage-outflow functions based on

outlet works characteristics.

(d) Routing reaches.

(e) Location of existing physical works (reservoirs,
diversions, etc.) and potential locations of alternate flood
reduction measures to be studied.
(3) Subarea rainfall-runoff analysis of historic events.
(a) Subarea rainfall: Average subarea rainfall -from isohyetal maps; temporal distribution -- weighted in
accordance with information from nearby recording rain

(6) Including the routing information of part c

below, generate historic runoff hydrographs at locations
of interest by combining and routing each flood through
the system.
c. Hydraulic studies. These studies are used to
determine water surface profiles, economic damage
reaches, and modified Puls channel routing criteria.
(1) Prepare water surface profile data.
(a) Cross sections (tabulate data for each section).

(b) Average subarea loss rates: Use adopted values

from optimization analyses, previous studies of similar
basins in the region, or other information.
(c) Unit hydrograph parameters are obtained from
relationships based on optimization results at stream


(b) Make cross sections perpendicular to flow.

(c) general, sections should be typical of reaches
upstream and downstream of the cross section; however,
sections that define hydraulic controls are also needed.

EM 1110-2-1416
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(d) velop effective flow areas. If modified Puls
routing criteria are to be determined from water surface
profile analyses, the entire section must be used (for
storage) with high n values in the ineffective flow areas.
May need to adjust volumes to account for actual floodplain storage.

(2) Hydraulic model. Adjust the model to correlate

with high water marks by + 1 foot (rule of thumb--may
not be applicable for all situations).

(e) fine n values from field reconnaissance, from

analytical calculation, and/or comparison with n values
determined from other similar streams.

e. Frequency analysis for existing land use conditions. The next phase of the analysis addresses how
often specific flood levels might occur at all required
points in the study watershed. This operation is usually
done through use of actual gage data (when available) to
perform statistical frequency analyses and through hypothetical storm data to develop the stage-frequency
relationships at all required points.

(f) Bridge/culvert computations.

Estimate where
floods that are being studied will reach on each bridge
and select the normal bridge method, special bridge
method, or special culvert option. Provide cross sections
above and below bridges/culverts to model effective
bridge flow (i.e. use artificial levees).
(2) Proportion discharges based on hydrologic analyses of historic storms and plot peak discharge versus
river mile. Compute a series of water surface profiles
for a range of discharges.
The analysis should start
below the study area so that profiles will converge to
correct elevations at the study limits. May want to try
several starting elevations for the series of initial discharges.
(3) Manually check all swellheads that are greater
than 3 feet.
(4) The results are a series of rating curves at
desired locations (and profiles) that may be used in subsequent analyses. Additional results are a set of storage
versus outflow data by reach; which, along with an estimate of hydrograph travel time, allow the development of
modified Puls data for the hydrologic model.
d. Calibration to historic events. This study step
concentrates on improvement of the hydrologic and
hydraulic models by acceptable replication of actual
historic events, thereby gaining confidence that the models are reproducing the real-world situation.

(3) Adopt hydrologic and hydraulic model parameters for hypothetical frequency analysis.

(1) Determine and plot analytical and graphical

frequency curves at each stream gage.
stage/discharge frequency relations at each gage. Limit
frequency estimate to no more than twice the data length
(i.e., 10 years of data should be used to estimate flood
frequencies no rarer than a 20-year recurrence interval
(2) Hypothetical storms.
(a) Obtain hypothetical frequency storm data from
NOAA HYDRO 35, NWS TP40 and 49 and NOAA
Atlas-2 for Western states, or from appropriate other
sources. Where appropriate, develop the Standard Project and/or the Probable Maximum Storm.
(b) Develop rainfall pattern for each storm, allowing
for changing drainage area within the watershed model.
(3) Develop corresponding frequency hydrograph
throughout the basin using the hydrologic model.
(4) Calibrate model of each frequency event to
known frequency curves. Adjust loss rates, base flow,
etc. The frequency flows at ungaged areas are assumed
to correlate to calibrated frequency flows at gaged

(1) Hydrologic model.

(a) Check computed hydrographs against recorded
data, make adjustments to model parameters and rerun
the model.
(b) If no stream gages exist, check discharges at
rating curves developed from water surface profiles with
high water marks.

(5) If no streamflow records or insufficient records

exist to develop analytical frequency curves, use the
following procedure:
(a) Obtain frequency curves from similar nearby
gaged basins.


EM 1110-2-1416
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(b) Develop frequency curves at locations of interest
from previous regional studies (USGS, COE, State, etc.).

(3) Adjust model hydrologic parameters for all subareas affected by future land use changes.

(c) Determine frequency hydrographs for each event

from the hydrologic model and develop a corresponding
frequency curve at the locations of interest throughout
the basin.

(a) Unit hydrograph coefficients reflecting changed

time-to-peak and possible decreased storage.

(d) Plot all the frequency curves (including other met

hods if available) and, based on engineering judgment,
adopt a frequency curve. This curve may actually be
none of the above, but simply the best estimate based on
the available data.
(e) Calibrate the hydrologic model of each frequency
event to the adopted frequency curve. The frequency
curve at other locations may then be determined from the
calibrated model results.
(6) Determine corresponding frequency water surface
elevations and profiles from the rating curves developed
by the water surface profile evaluations.
f. Future without project analysis. When hydrologic
and/or hydraulic conditions are expected to significantly
change over the project life these changes must be incorporated into the H&H analysis. Effect of urbanization on
watershed runoff is the usual future condition analyzed.
(1) From future land use planning information
obtained during the preliminary investigation phase,
identify areas of future urbanization or intensification of
existing urbanization.
(a) Types of land use (residential, commercial,
industrial, etc.).
(b) Storm drainage requirements of the community
(storm sewer design frequency, on-site detention, etc.).
(c) Other considerations and information.
(2) Select future years in which to determine project

(b) Loss rate coefficients reflecting changed imperviousness and soil characteristics.
(c) Routing coefficients reflecting changed travel
times through the watersheds hydraulic system.
(4) Operate the hydrologic model and determine
revised discharge-frequency relationships throughout the
watershed for future without project conditions.
g. Alternative evaluations.
For the alternatives
jointly developed with the members of the interdisciplinary planning team, modify the hydrologic and/or hydraulic models to describe the effects of each alternative
(individually and in combination) on flood levels. Alternatives can include both structural (reservoirs, levees,
channelization, diversions, pumping, etc.) and nonstructural (flood forecasting and warning, structure raising or
relocation, floodproofing, etc.). Considerably less H&H
effort is necessary for modeling nonstructural alternatives
compared to structural.
(1) Consider duplicating existing and future without
H&H models for individual analysis of each alternative
or component.
(2) Structural components are usually modeled by
modifying storage outflow relationships at the component
location and/or modifying hydraulic geometry through the
reach under consideration. The charts given in Chapter 3
contain more information on the analysis steps for each
of the following alternatives:
(a) Reservoirs--adjust storage-outflow relationships
based on spillway geometry and height of dam.

(a) At start of project operation (existing conditions

may be appropriate).

(b) Levees--adjust cross-sectional geometry based on

proposed levee height(s). Evaluate effect of storage loss
behind levee on storage-outflow relationships and determine revised discharge-frequency relationships downstream, if considered significant.

(b) At some year during the project life (often the

same year as that at which land use planning information
is available).

(c) Channels--adjust cross-sectional geometry based

on proposed channel dimensions. Evaluate effect of
channel cross section and length of channelization on


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floodplain storage, modify storage-outflow in reach and
determine revised downstream discharge-frequency relationships, if considered significant.
(d) Diversions--adjust the hydrologic model for re
duced flow downstream of the diversion and identify
where diverted flow rejoins the stream (if it does).
(e) Pumping--adjust hydrologic model for various
pumping capacities to be analyzed.
(3) Evaluate the effects of potential components on
sediment regime.

(4) Diversions--similar to channel

diversion control (weirs, gates, etc.).



(5) Pumping--capacities, start-stop sump elevations,

sump design, outlet design, scour protection, etc.
(6) Nonstructural--floodproofing or structure raise
elevations, flood forecasting models, evacuation plan, etc.
i. Prepare H&H report in appropriate level of detail.
The last step is to thoroughly document the results of the
technical analyses in report form.
Hydrologic and
hydraulic information presented will range from extensive for feasibility reports to minimal for most FDMs.

(a) Qualitatively--for initial screening.

(1) Text.
(b) Quantitatively--for final selection.
(2) Tables.
(4) Nonstructural components.
(3) Figures.
(a) Floodproofing/structure
design events primarily.



(b) Flood forecasting--development of real-time

hydro logic model, determination of warning times, etc.
(5) Alternative evaluation and selection is an iterative process, requiring continuous exchange of information between a variety of disciplines. An exact work
flow usually cannot be developed for most projects, thus
evaluation of alternatives could be relatively straightforward or quite complex, requiring numerous
re-iterations as more cost and design information is
known and project refinements are made. This is usually
the area of the HEMP requiring the most time and cost
h. Hydraulic design. Hydraulic design must be
included with the sizing of the various components, both
to operate H&H models and to provide sufficient information for design and costing purposes.
(1) Reservoirs--dam height, spillway geometry, spillway cross section, outlet works (floor elevation, length,
appurtenances, etc.), scour protection, pool guidetaking
line, etc.
(2) Levees--levee design profile,
interior drainage requirements, etc.


C-6. Generic Hydraulic Study Work Plan for

Unsteady, Gradually-Varied Flow Analysis
There exist several unsteady flow models, such as
DAMBRK, and DWOPER developed by Dr. D. Fread of
the National Weather Service, TABS-2 developed by
WES, and UNET developed by Dr. R. Barkau, etc.
TABS-2 will be used as an example for a HEMP.
a. TABS-2. The Open-Channel Flow and Sedimentation Model (TABS-2) is a two-dimensional finite element
model managed by the Waterways Experiment Station,
Corps of Engineers, that calculates water surface elevations, current patterns, sediment erosion, transport and
deposition, and the resulting bed-surface elevations. The
three basic components of the system are:
(1) "Two-Dimensional
Flows," RMA-2.




(2) "Sediment Transport in Unsteady Two-Dimensional Flows, Horizontal Plane," STUDH.

(3) "Two-Dimensional Model for Water Quality,"


(3) Channels--channel geometry, bridge modifications, scour protection, channel cleanout requirements,
channel and bridge transition design, etc.

One, two, or all three components may be necessary for

a specific project. This generic HEMP will assume that
only the hydraulic and sediment models are necessary.


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b. Preliminary investigations.
The initial phase
includes a literature review of previous reports, obtaining
the available data, and requesting any additional information needed to perform the investigation.
(1) Initial preparation.
(a) Confer with the other disciplines involved in the
study to determine the objectives, H&H information
requirements of the study for other disciplines, study
constraints, etc.

(a) Define the study area on the largest scale map

available. Draw a boundary completely around it. Make
sure that the downstream and the upstream boundaries
are well separated from any point of special interest. If
using a grid generator and/or a digital terrain model,
steps (b) - (f) may be automated.
(b) Lay out the nodes, i.e., the computation points,
and link them together using quadrilateral or triangular
shapes, to create the elements for the mesh. Avoid elements that are too large, especially at, or near, any point
of special interest.

(b) Review available documents, such as:

(c) Number the elements.

USGS water-data reports for the State.

Previous Corps work.
Local studies

(c) Obtain hydrologic and hydraulic data (period of

record routing, discharge-stage relationships, sediment
concentrations, water temperatures, wind velocities, etc.)

Local agencies.
Federal (USGS, SCS, USBR etc.)

(d) A data collection program may need to be established for the study area. Obtain sediment data for the
project reach (silt, clay, sand, gravel, cobbles, boulders,
rocks, etc.), composition of sediment (fine, medium,
coarse, etc.), layer thickness of soil classifications (alluvium, outwash, ice contact, etc.). These data can usually
be obtained from the sources cited above.
(2) Obtain study area maps.
(a) County highway maps.
(b) USGS quads.

(d) Number the nodes counterclockwise, as required

by TABS-2.
(e) Digitize the area within, and including, the
boundary into x, y, z-coordinates at the nodes.
(f) Determine the slopes of the boundary at the
boundary nodes (if using curved-sided elements).
(g) Plot the grid. Make sure that the elements are
well-formed and that the boundaries match the prototype.
(h) Correct and adjust the node locations and bottom
elevations until the representation of the
topography/bathymetry is satisfactory.
(i) Analyze the subsequent output data. Check all
the elements to make sure that they are well defined.
Make all the corrections, if any, and redo step (a) until
the model is completely sanitized.
(j) Give special attention to the list of the boundary
nodes (if given), as they may be needed in identifying
the external boundary nodes for hydrodynamics
(2) Hydrodynamics.
(a) Plot the hydrograph of flows for the period under

(c) Aerial photographs.

(d) Others.

(b) Select the computation time interval. Experiment

to find the optimum value. An interval too large or too
small can cause problems.

c. Development of hydraulic model (RMA-2).

(1) Generation of grid/mesh for the project.


(c) Select the proper type of boundary conditions

(head, flow, velocity, slip boundary, etc.) and their proper

EM 1110-2-1416
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combinations, this is not trivial.
Discharge at the
upstream boundary, and water surface elevation at the
downstream boundary are the boundaries in most river

(e) Select the turbulence exchange coefficients and

diffusion coefficients. Experiment to find the best coefficients for your situation.
(f) Evaluate the roughness coefficients.

(d) Select roughness (n values) and turbulent

exchange coefficients. These can vary spatially; refer to
model user documents and past experience for guidance
on selection.
(e) Create RMA-2 control file and make a test run
for steady flow, using zero flow first.

(g) Select the computation time interval. Experiment

to find the best value for your specific situation. An
interval of 15 minutes has often been found satisfactory.
(2) Model operation.
(a) Run STUDH.

(f) Analyze the output, make all needed corrections,

and make more test runs until the test results are satisfactory. Try dynamic simulations only if needed and the
steady state results are acceptable.

(b) Analyze the output. Correct all errors. Check

for unreasonable erosion or deposition.
Rerun, if

(g) Plot model results. Check the direction and mag

nitude of the velocity vectors.

(c) Compare the results with prototype data and/or

physical model test data. Calibrate the model.

(h) Run RMA-2 calibration tests. Compare model

results against prototype data and/or physical model test
data. Calibrate model coefficients.

(d) Use postprocessor programs to plot or tabulate

(e) Make a verification run using a separate data set.

(i) Run RMA-2 base test.

d. Development of sedimentation model (STUDH).
(1) Data development.
(a) Obtain gradation curves for the channel material
from sources previously mentioned, and select the representative grain size.
(b) Obtain the sediment concentration data from
sourc es previously mentioned. Evaluate the sediment
concentrations at the boundaries, recalling that concentrations too low may cause erosion and that concentrations
too high may cause deposition.
(c) Know the type of sediment you are dealing with.
i.e., silt, clay sand, etc., alone or in combination.

(f) When verification is judged successful, adopt

mod el for production runs.
e. Project analysis (both models).
(1) Perform the base test run.
(2) Perform the base test with project test run.
(3) Evaluate and make the adjustments necessary for
comparison of with and without project conditions.
f. Prepare H&H report in appropriate level of
(1) Text.
(2) Tables.

(d) Estimate the fall velocity. The Stokes diagram

may be used to evaluate the fall velocity of sediment

(3) Figures.


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Appendix D
River Modeling - Lessons Learned

Section I
Defining River Geometry
D-1. Introduction
There is much similarity in the geometric data requirements of various river hydraulics models. This appendix
describes common requirements, points out some differences between models, and presents methods that have
been successfully used to model many different
D-2. Geometric Data
a. River geometry. It is not feasible to replicate all
topographic, land use, vegetative cover, soils types, etc.
details in a digital representation of a river system at
high resolution for hydraulic analyses. Therefore, key
hydraulic features of the channel and floodplains must be
identified by the engineer and included in any digital
model. It is relatively easy to detect significant geometric variations of the floodplains because they are
usually visible on maps (e.g. USGS quads.). The principal features of channel (i.e. in-bank) geometry are harder
to detect because they usually cannot be seen on maps;
their approximate locations can be found, however, with
the understanding of geomorphology. Structures may
constrict the flow, changing the hydraulics of the stream.
The key to developing representative geometric data is
the definition of the features that play significant roles in
both the rivers behavior and the numerical models
b. Cross section locations.
Cross sections are
located to serve two major purposes in river modeling:
(1) to define the geometry of the river and floodplain,
including the flow boundaries; and (2) to satisfy the
computational accuracy requirements of the analytical
method being used. With respect to the latter, for example, most river hydraulics numerical models provide
interpolated computation points based on the properties
of the input cross sections.
c. Unsteady flow vs. steady flow requirements.
Steady flow models and unsteady flow models have
different cross-sectional requirements. A steady flow
analysis requires definition of only the active flow area
(that is, the area which conveys flow), unless

storage-outflow data is being developed for hydrologic

routing. Unsteady flow simulation requires definition of
both the active flow area and the inactive, or storage,
areas. These storage areas are important because for
most rivers, during flood flows, the speed of the flood
wave is determined largely by storage rather than wave
dynamics. Because steady flow cross sections may only
define active flow areas, they may not be sufficient for
unsteady flow analysis. Modifications to the cross sections may be needed to add storage.
(1) Another difference is the range of flows to be
simulated. A steady flow model is often used to calculate water surface profiles for flood events, which are
generally out of bank. In that case, it is seldom used for
low flow, so the channel geometry may not need to be
precisely defined. Often unsteady flow models, especially forecast models, are used to simulate a wide range
of flows; therefore, the cross sections must include both
low flow and overbank flow areas. An exception is a
dam break model which, because of the magnitude and
depth of flow, does not require detailed channel cross
d. Pool-riffle sequence. A river generally forms a
sequence of deep pools and shallow riffles. During low
to moderate flow, the relatively high invert elevation of
the riffle controls the water surface profile, backing water
upstream. Pools and riffles are associated with meandering streams in which the flow is predominantly subcritical (although flow can be supercritical at the riffle). The
pools occur on the outside of bends and the riffles occur
in the straight sections connecting the bends. A poolriffle sequence is shown in Figure D-1. The cross section through the pool is triangular shaped with maximum
depth occurring toward the outside of the bend. The
region on the inside of the bend, called the point bar, is
typically exposed during low flow. The sections in the
riffle tend to be rectangular in shape and much more
shallow than those in pools. During low flow, the constricted cross sections at the riffles control the flow profile and the river becomes a sequence of small pools. As
the flow increases, the impact of the riffles diminishes,
becoming negligible at bank full flow.
(1) Because most data for river models is acquired
to simulate larger flows, the pool-riffle sequence may not
be included. Therefore, pool and riffle cross sections
may be found at random throughout a cross section data
file. The result is data which either simulates low flow
at unrealistically low stages or yields unstable computations at low flow. The latter is caused by supercritical


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Figure D-1. Pool-riffle sequence in a river


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flow occurring at the riffle. The supercritical flow could
be real, or it could be caused by erroneous low tailwater
resulting from a missing downstream riffle. The most
common solution to both problems is to increase
Mannings n for low flow, thereby raising the water
surface. A better solution is to locate the riffles and
obtain sections at them.
(2) Cross sections to be used for forecasts should
include riffles, especially if detailed navigation soundings
are available.
e. Active flow area. The entire width of the floodplain seldom actively conveys flow. The floodplain
generally has irregular boundaries; it is constricted by
landforms, roadway crossings, levees, etc. For most
situations, the active flow area will not expand to the
entire width of the floodplain before contraction into
another constriction. The modeler must decide on the
limits of flow and should draw these limits on maps. As
a rule of thumb, flow contracts at a rate of 1 on 1 and
expands at a rate of 1 (transverse) on 4 (streamwise).
This rule can be modified depending upon the sinuosity
of the stream and valley. Figure D-2 shows the limits of
flow defined in a reach of the Salt River. For this reach,
flow was limited on the left by a terrace and a levee
shown as a solid line. On the right, flow was limited by
a levee and the flows ability to expand.

A = active flow area
Wp = wetted perimeter
(1) Several models, most notably DAMBRK (Fread
1988) and DWOPER (Fread 1978), approximate the
wetted perimeter as the topwidth. The topwidth is
always less than the wetted perimeter, but if the width to
depth ratio is greater than 10, this assumption is reasonable. Still, the conveyance of a section computed using
this assumption will be greater than the conveyance using
the true wetted perimeter. For narrow channels, with
small width to depth ratios, the error from this assumption increases. Figure D-3 shows the relation between
width-depth ratio and the increase in conveyance by
assuming that the wetted perimeter is equal to the
topwidth for a rectangular channel.
(2) The increased conveyance can be offset by
increasing Mannings n values. However, the n values
chosen for a steady flow model or an unsteady flow
model that does not use the topwidth approximation will
not be appropriate for models that do use the topwidth
approximation. The engineer must be aware of how
geometric and other data are used in any particular
numerical model to properly prepare input data and interpret model results.

f. Storage areas. Storage areas are the regions of

the floodplain outside of the active flow area. They may
be ignored for a steady flow analysis but are crucial to
unsteady flow analysis. Because of the irregularity of the
floodplain boundaries, particularly near tributary junctions, the storage indicated by the cross sections is
always less than the total actual storage of the floodplain.
This underestimation of storage can cause a computed
flood wave to arrive too early; consequently, the geometric data may need to be adjusted during calibration.

D-3. Developing Cross-Sectional Data to Define

Flow Geometry

g. Method of specifying wetted perimeter.

wetted perimeter is defined as the length of the cross
section along which there is friction between the fluid
and the boundary. It is used to calculate the hydraulic
radius which appears in the Manning and Chezy formulas. The hydraulic radius is

a. Flow lines. For floodplain studies, flow lines

should be sketched on a topographic map to estimate
flow direction and determine cross section orientations.



Cross-sectional data are used to determine the conveyance and storage of the river channel and overbank areas.
It is customary to obtain the boundary geometry by measuring ground surface profiles (cross sections) perpendicular to the direction of flow at intervals along the stream
and measuring the distances (reach lengths) between
them. Use of digital terrain models is also appropriate.

b. Topographic maps. Cross sections of the overbank areas may be obtained directly from an accurate
topographic map, if one is available. Otherwise, cross
sections must be obtained by field or aerial surveys. It is


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Figure D-2. Active flow limits along the Salt River


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Figure D-3. The relationship between width-depth ratio and the increase in conveyance caused by
assuming that the top width is the wetted perimeter for a rectangular channel

necessary to obtain the shape and slope of the channel

from soundings of the river channel unless an accurate
hydrographic survey is available. The thalweg of the
stream should be located on a map so that cross sections
may be identified by stationing or by river mileage measured along the thalweg. This also will facilitate measuring the reach lengths between cross sections.
c. Subdividing cross sections based on roughness
variation. Cross sections obtained for water surface
profile computations on rivers at flood stage should be
divided into two or more segments that have different
values of the friction coefficient n. These consist of the
main channel areas, with relatively low value(s) of n, and
one or more overbank areas which, because of vegetation
and other obstructions to flow, generally have higher n
values. Aerial photographs are valuable supplements to
topographic maps and surveyed cross sections for determining the extent of vegetation and portions of cross
sections having common values of n.

d. Subdividing cross sections based on depth variation. Parts of a cross section having the same roughness
should be subdivided to reflect abrupt changes in depth.
The effect of roughness variation tends to be reduced as
the depth of flow increases.
e. Checklist for locating cross sections. If cross
sections are located according to the criteria discussed in
the preceding sections and the list of locations that follows, a reasonable initial definition of river and floodplain geometry should be acquired. Cross sections
should be located:
(1) At all major breaks in bed profile.
(2) At minimum and maximum cross-sectional
(3) At points where roughness changes abruptly.


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(4) Closer together in expanding reaches and in

(5) Closer together in reaches where the conveyance
changes greatly as a result of changes in width, depth, or
(6) Between cross sections that are radically different in shape, even if the two areas and conveyances are
nearly the same.
(7) Closer together where the lateral distribution of
conveyance changes radically with distance.
(8) Closer together in streams of very low gradient
which are significantly nonuniform, because the computations are very sensitive to the effects of local disturbances and/or irregularities.
(9) At the head and tail of levees.
(10) At or near control sections, and at shorter intervals immediately upstream from a control (subcritical
(11) At tributaries that contribute significantly to the
main stem flow. Cross sections should be located
immediately upstream and downstream from the confluence on the main stream and immediately upstream on
the tributary.
(12) At regular intervals along reaches of uniform
cross section.
(13) Above, below, and within, bridges.
D-4. Developing Cross-Sectional Data to Satisfy
Requirements of the Analytical Method
Some computational schemes treat each cross section as
being located at the midpoint of a reach and use that
single cross section to represent the entire reach for calculating energy losses. Other schemes (e.g., HEC-2) use
cross sections to define hydraulic break points in the
geometry, and properties of adjacent cross sections are
averaged to calculate losses between them. Again, the
engineer needs to be cognizant of the computational
approach and assumptions of a particular model to properly prepare data.


a. Location of cross sections to represent adjacent

reach conditions. Cross sections should be representative
of the reaches adjacent to them, and located close enough
together to ensure accurate computation of the energy
losses. If the average conveyance between cross sections
is used to estimate the average energy slope, then the
variation of conveyance should be linear between any
two adjacent cross sections.
b. Cross section location based on slope conditions.
Cross sections should be located such that the energy
gradient, water-surface slope, and bed slope are all as
parallel to each other between cross sections as is pragmatic. If any channel feature causes one of these three
profiles to curve, break, or not be parallel to the others,
the reach should be further subdivided with more
c. Spacing of cross sections on large rivers. On
large rivers that have average slopes of 2 to 5 feet per
mile or less, cross sections within fairly uniform reaches
may be taken at intervals of a mile or more.
d. Spacing of cross sections in urban areas and on
small streams with steep slopes. More closely spaced
cross sections are usually needed to define energy losses
in urban areas, where steep slopes are encountered, and
on small streams. On small streams with steep slopes it
is desirable to take cross sections at intervals of 1/4 mile
or less.
e. Maximum reach lengths (distances between cross
sections). One investigation (Barr Engineering Company
1972) recommends maximum reach lengths (measured
down the valley) of: (1) 1/2 mile for wide floodplains
and slopes less than 2 feet per mile, (2) 1,800 feet for
slopes less than 3 feet per mile, and (3) 1,200 feet for
slopes greater than 3 feet per mile.
f. Maximum reach lengths to achieve consistency
between conveyance averaging methods. A profile accuracy study (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1986) used
maximum reach lengths of 500 feet to compute consistent water surface profiles using different conveyance
averaging methods.
g. USGS reach-length guidelines. A U.S. Geological
Survey report (Davidian 1984) suggests that:

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(1) No reach between cross sections should be
longer than 75 - 100 times the mean depth for the largest
discharge, or about twice the width of the reach.
(2) The fall of a reach should be equal to or greater
than the larger of 0.5 foot or the velocity head, unless the
bed slope is so flat that the above criterion holds.
(3) The reach length should be equal to, or less than,
the downstream depth for the smallest discharge divided
by the bed slope.

d. Conveyance ratio. It is suggested that the ratio of

conveyances (K1/K2) between two adjacent cross sections
satisfy the criterion: 0.7<(K1/K2)<1.4 (Davidian, 1984).
Shorter distances between cross sections may be needed,
particularly in long reaches, if this criterion is not met.
This criterion may be relaxed near structures such as
D-6. Other Considerations in Developing CrossSectional Data
Additional considerations for cross sections include:

D-5. Reviewing Computed Results to Determine

Adequacy of Cross-Sectional Data
The criteria presented in the preceding sections provide
guidance for the location of measured cross sections and
should help the engineer understand anomalies in computed profiles if not enough, or poorly located, cross
sections are used. The focus is both on modeling the
physical characteristics of the study reach and on meeting
requirements of the method of analysis to obtain an accurate estimate of the energy losses. After the initial data
are developed and the model executed, a review of the
computed results is required to ensure that the spacing of
cross sections is adequate. The following guidelines may
be used to determine if additional cross sections are
needed. Ideally, these would be surveyed in the field;
however, interpolated sections or hydraulic parameters
are frequently used.
a. Velocity change.
Transitional cross sections
should be added if the velocity change between cross
sections exceeds 20 percent. The accuracy of integration of the energy slope - distance relation is improved
by use of relatively short reaches.
b. Energy slope change. Change in energy slope can
also be used as a basis to evaluate cross section spacing.
If the slope decreases by more than 50 percent, or
increases more than 100 percent, the reach length may be
too long for accurate loss calculations.
c. Flow distribution. The distribution of flow from
cross section to cross section should be reviewed to
ensure reasonable flow transitions. For example, HEC-2
allows flow in three flow elements; the channel and the
two overbanks. A one-dimensional model, such as
HEC-2, does not recognize the effects of geometry
changes between cross sections on flow properties, so the
program user must.

a. End station elevations. The maximum elevation

of each end of a cross section should be higher than the
anticipated maximum water surface elevation.
b. Local irregularities in bed surface. Local irregularities in the ground surface such as depressions or rises
that are not typical of the reach should not be included in
the cross-sectional data.
c. Bent cross sections. A cross section should be
laid out on a straight line if possible. However, a cross
section should be bent if necessary to keep it perpendicular to the expected flow lines.
d. Avoid intersection of cross sections. Cross sections must not cross each other. Care must be taken at
river bends and tributary junctions to avoid overlap of
e. Inclusion of channel control structures. Channel
control structures such as levees or wing dams should be
shown on the cross section, and allowances in crosssectional areas and wetted perimeters should be made for
these structures.

D-7. Modeling Flow Geometry at Structures

a. Bridges and culverts. Roadway embankments
restrict flow to narrow bridge and culvert openings when
the upstream water surface is below the crown of the
roadway. When the flow overtops the roadway, the
embankment acts as a spillway. There are three elements
to modeling a roadway crossing:
(1) Contract the active flow area into the bridge or
culvert opening. Generally the flow contracts at an
approximate rate of 1 to 1 although the boundaries of the


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floodplain and stream meanders may interfere. The

wetted area outside of the active flow area is storage.
The top of the contraction should be set at the top of the
roadway. Unsteady flow models solve the momentum
equation; therefore, no expansion/contraction losses
(commonly called eddy losses) need be applied through
the contraction when using an unsteady flow model.

preprocessor for an unsteady flow model. For perched

bridges, or for bridges where the roadway is not overtopped, conveyance-based calculations, such as in
HEC-2, may be preferable to the family of rating curves.
For the normal bridge method, the bridge piers and deck
are defined with the cross section data thereby reducing
the conveyance.

(2) Compute the head loss for flow through the

bridge or culvert and over the roadway crown
(commonly called weir flow). The structure itself can be
modeled as an interior boundary condition. It is inconvenient to include the equations for bridges, culverts, and
weirs directly in an unsteady flow program. One common approach (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1991b) is
to develop a set of free and submerged rating curves for
the structure. An example is shown in Figure D-4. The
rating, which considers all possible flow conditions
including pressure flow, inlet control, outlet control, open
channel flow and weir flow, is usually computed in a

(3) Expand the flow downstream from the bridge

constriction. The cross section downstream from the
bridge is usually a repeat of the upstream cross section.
The flow will usually expand at an approximate rate of 1
(transverse) on 4 (streamwise). Some modelers, however, define the full flow cross section much closer to the
bridge location.
b. Navigation dams. A navigation dam creates two
flow conditions. During low flow the dam impounds a
pool upstream, maintaining a minimum depth for navigation. During high flow, the gates are opened and the

Figure D-4. A free flow rating curve and a set of submerged rating curves


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river returns to a free flowing state. The dam generates
a swell head upstream. Navigation dams can be found
on nearly every major river in the United States and play
a critical role in determination of the water surface profile and celerity of waves during low flow. Because of
the pools and lack of bed friction during low flow, waves
move quickly, approaching the speed of a gravity wave.
River regulators have observed that the travel time from
Lock and Dam 10 to St. Louis on the Mississippi River,
a distance of 780 miles, is 2 days during low flows. In
contrast, during a flood, the travel time is 10 days.
(1) Navigation pools are regulated to maintain a
control point at or above a certain stage. The control
points are located either at the dam or in the pool. The
latter is called hinge pool operation. Figure D-5 shows
Peoria Lock and Dam pool and tailwater stage hydrographs. Because the control point is located at the dam,
the pool is maintained at a constant level until tailwater

drowns the pool. Figure D-6 shows the pool, tailwater,

and control point stage hydrographs for Lock and Dam
No 26. The control point is maintained at a constant
level by fluctuating the pool elevation until the tailwater
submerges the pool.
c. Controls. Controls are natural or artificial structures which determine the upstream water surface profile.
A control can be a dam, a falls, a rock outcrop, a drop
structure, etc. The accuracy as well as the stability of a
numerical model computation depends on the proper
location and modeling of controls. The control may
prevent supercritical flow upstream. For the Passaic
River Basin in New Jersey, numerous low water dams,
falls, and rock outcroppings control the water surface for
low flow. Figure D-7 shows the maximum water surface
elevation along the Passaic River. Note the jumps in the
profile at the small dams.

Figure D-5. Peoria Lock and Dam pool and tailwater hydrographs


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-6. Pool, tailwater, and control point hydrographs at Lock and Dam 26

d. Dikes. Dikes (also called wing dams or jetties)

are narrow peninsulas of rock or timber built out from
the river banks into the flow (Figure D-8). Dikes concentrate the flow in a section of the river, deepening the
navigation channel for low flow and diverting flow away
from the chutes around islands. The dikes are designed
to create a more efficient and deeper navigation channel
during low flow. There are at least three problems
encountered when modeling dikes:
(1) Locating the dike field. Dikes are not marked on
USGS quadrangle maps and sometimes are marked only
on navigation charts. Cross sections will usually be
located at a dike by chance. Check with the district
potomologist for the location of dike fields.


(2) Modeling the effect of dikes. During low flow,

the discharge is concentrated in the center of the channel
inside the dike field. If the cross sections do not include
the dike, the active flow area will be the full width of the
channel (Figure D-8), which is not correct. The flow
velocity will be too low resulting in slow wave celerities.
The general trend in the water surface may be correct;
but, the model will incorrectly simulate the timing and
shape of small waves. For a forecast model, where
simulation of the full range of flow is important, these
small waves are critical because a poor simulation may
detract from the credibility of the model or prevent the
model from being used to regulate locks and dams. The
only solution is to redefine the cross section invert for

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93
active flow and augment storage, thereby modeling the
effect of the dike.
(3) Nonstationarity of cross sections. Cross sections
surveyed after the installation of a dike field will become
increasingly inaccurate as time passes and the channel
invert deepens. Thus, the low flow n values may need to
be continually changed to adequately reproduce stages or
the cross sections resurveyed.
e. Levees. Levees are earthen embankments which
prevent floodwaters from inundating the floodplain. In
steady flow modeling, levees are represented by constricted cross sections. For unsteady flow modeling,

there is the constricted cross section, but also the added

impact if the levees fail and the interior storage fills.
When the flow is contained by the levees, their impact is
usually a higher water surface. However, if the levees
fail, the protected area becomes available for storage,
cutting off a portion of the hydrograph. Figure D-9
shows the stage hydrographs for the Illinois River at
Peoria from the 1 percent chance exceedance event with
and without levee failures downstream. For this event,
the failures decapitated the flood crest. Figure D-10
shows the maximum water surface profile for the
1 percent chance exceedance event. The failure of the
levees reduced the flood profile by about 2 feet.

Figure D-7. The maximum water surface for a synthetic event on the Passaic River in New Jersey


EM 1110-2-1416
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Figure D-8. River cross section including a navigation dike

(1) The failure of a levee is a dynamic event which

can only be confidently simulated with unsteady flow. A
levee breach typically forms at a low spot in the levee
crown. When the levee fails, there is a draw down of
the water surface at the breach (Figure D-11). The water
from upstream is accelerated toward the breach. The
flow downstream of the breach may reverse direction.
Figure D-12 shows the flow hydrograph with and without
levee failure at Peoria. The large flow spike resulted
from the failure of a levee about 10 miles downstream.
Figure D-13 shows flow hydrographs for the Illinois
River at Kingston Mines, 13 miles downstream of Peoria.
The flow hydrographs show the reversal in flow from the
breach 3 miles upstream.
(2) The reproduction of levee failures may govern
the success or failure of model calibration and the credibility of a forecast model. If a levee fails during an
event being used for calibration (unknown to the analyst),
it may be impossible to correctly reproduce the event
and, thus, calibrate the model without compromising the
integrity of the calibration. Moreover, for a forecast


model, levee failures strongly influence the quality of the

forecast. In October 1986, the failure of 22 levees on the
Missouri River attenuated 80,000 cfs from the flood crest
between Hermann and St. Charles on the Mississippi
River. Without the correct simulation of these levee
failures, the forecasted crest at Lock and Dam 26 tailwater and St. Louis would have been about 2.5 feet
D-8. Developing Reach Length Data
Reach lengths are measured along the flow lines between
cross sections. For HEC-2, three lengths are used to
define the channel and the two overbank flow paths. A
single discharge-weighted reach length computed from
these is used by the program to determine the energy loss
between cross sections.
a. Channel reach lengths. Channel reach lengths are
usually measured along the stream thalweg, but they
should be measured along a line through the estimated

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-9. Stage hydrographs for the Illinois River at Peoria with and without failures

center of mass of the flow if that line differs materially

from the stream thalweg. In many cases, computed and
estimated n values for overbank and channel flows are
based on the same reach lengths for the overbank and
channel areas. Defining the channel length based on the
low flow channel course assumes that the flow will
always follow the channel, even for flood flows.
b. Overbank reach lengths. If overbank flow follows a considerably shorter path than the main channel
flow as in the case of a stream that meanders through the
floodplain (in other cases it may be longer), and if computed or estimated n values used in the water surface
profile computations do not include the effects of overbank reach lengths, then separate lengths should be measured for overbank and channel areas.
(1) Overbank reach lengths are measured along the
center of mass of the flow element. Because this will

vary for each discharge, the estimate should be based on

the most important flood profile being analyzed.
(2) If the overbank cross section area is triangular in
shape, with the deeper portion near the channel, the
center of mass for the overbank area would be located
one-third the distance away from the bank. Under these
conditions, if the floodplain is sketched on a map, an
overbank reach length can be scaled by measuring the
length of the flow line located one-third of the distance
from the channel bank to the end station.
(3) The expected flow path should be sketched on a
map along with the locations of the cross sections. The
computed results can then be evaluated in comparison
with the expected flow path. Do the computed results
conform with the expected? If not, the data may need to
be adjusted based on the computed results.


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-10. The 100-yr maximum water surface along the Illinois River with and without levee failure

D-9. Survey Methods for Obtaining Cross

Sections and Reach Lengths
The number of cross sections that are taken varies with
study requirements and stream characteristics. Methods
used to measure cross-sectional coordinates include field
surveys performed with land surveying instruments, aerial
spot elevations developed from aerial stereo models,
topographic maps generated from aerial photography, and
hydrographic surveys that are needed when the size and
depth of streams preclude measurement by other means.
Measurement errors for these methods are a function of
industry adopted accuracy standards, equipment, terrain,
and land surface cover (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


a. Selecting a data collection method. Information

has been developed for selecting an appropriate method
of data collection for water surface profile computations
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1986). Commercially
available field and aerial surveys and procedures intended
to provide cross section data and topographic mapping
are described therein. Key findings are as follows:
(1) Commercially available aerial and field surveys
utilize up-to-date equipment and procedures to develop
topographic and cross section data.
(2) The equipment used to perform aerial and field
surveys continues to improve with emerging technology.

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-11. The water surface of a river at a levee breach

(3) There are many potential sources of topographic

and cross section data that should be investigated before
setting up a field data collection program.
(4) Other project data needs may affect or even
dictate the survey method for a specific project.
(5) When more than 10 to 15 cross sections are
required, aerial surveys may be more economical than
field surveys.
(6) The incremental costs to procure topographic
mapping, in addition to cross section data, can be worthwhile considering the value of the mapping obtained.
Section II
Energy Loss Coefficients
Variation of Mannings n with River
Mannings n, used widely in river hydraulic models to
represent boundary roughness, varies with river

a. Variation of Mannings n with stage and flow. It

is widely accepted that for the bed or channel portion of
an alluvial stream Mannings n declines with rising stage
and flow. The decline is caused by two factors: (1) a
decline in the relative roughness and, (2) changes in bed
forms. Relative roughness is the ratio of the height of
the predominant projections in the bed geometry to the
depth of flow. For an alluvial channel, the projections
are the bedforms. As the depth increases the effect of
these projections declines, hence, the decrease in n value.
The effect of vegetation in the overbank is analogous.
(1) As the flow increases, the shear stress on the
channel bed increases which can cause a dune bed to
plane out and decrease in resistance (Simons and
Richardson 1966). This phenomenon, which has been
observed on the Lower Mississippi River, is shown in
Figure D-14. For low flow the n value is about 0.06 and
for high flow the n value is about 0.025. Simons also
contends that roughness declines during the rising limb of
the hydrograph and increases during the falling limb
because of the looped rating curve effect.


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-12. Flow hydrographs for the Illinois River at Peoria with and without levee failure

(2) Mannings n is a function of both flow and

stage. Use of the relation of n to flow is one of convenience. The flow relations can be defined for reaches
of a stream. Stage relations apply to a specific cross
b. Variation of Mannings n with water temperature.
The effect of water temperature was summarized by
Vanoni (ASCE 1975). Lane et al. (1949) found that on
the Lower Colorado River, sediment discharge increased
with a decrease in temperature. Observations at Taylors
Ferry showed that in winter, when the water temperature
dropped to 50oF, the sediment discharge was as much as
2-1/2 times larger than in summer when the temperature
was 85oF. The increase was primarily in the suspended
sediment load which agrees with theory because fall
velocity decreases with decreasing water temperature.
(2) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE
1969) studied a 7 mile reach of the Missouri River near


Omaha, Nebraska, for some unsteady flow models.

Figure D-17 shows the variation of temperature, discharge, velocity, and Mannings n with time for the
Missouri River at Omaha, Nebraska, during 1966. The
plot shows a reduction in Mannings n with temperature
and a corresponding increase in velocity. The decrease
in n was caused by a decrease in the height of the dunes
and an increase in their length. Associated with the
lengthening of the bedforms was a 50 percent increase in
suspended sediment discharge.
(1) Colby and Scott (1965) in their study of the
Middle Loop River in Nebraska discovered an increase in
Mannings n with increasing water temperature
(Figure D-15). The numbers beside the points are the
discharges in cfs. The change in n was caused by the
shift in bedforms as shown in Figure D-16. Profiles a, b,
and c were taken on June 25, 1959, with discharge =
350 cfs and water temperature = 85oF; profiles d, e,
and f were taken on December 5, 1959 with discharge

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-13. Flow hydrographs for the Illinois River at Kingston Mines

= 350 cfs and water temperature = 39oF. During the

winter, when the water temperature was low, the bedforms had a tendency to wash out (Figure D-16 d, e,
and f) to a plane bed. During the summer, when the
water temperature is warmer, the bedforms (dunes) were
more pronounced (Figure D-16 a, b, and c).
(3) Carey (1963) studied a 200 mile reach of the
Mississippi River above New Orleans. He observed that,
as the water temperature lowered (80oF to 40oF), there
was a tendency for the bed in the crossings to lower and
for the height of the highest dunes to reduce. He also
observed that, as the water temperature declined, the
discharge for a given gage height increased.
(4) During water year 1983 (December 1982 through
May 1983), three 10 percent chance exceedance peak
discharges were observed at St. Louis. The discharge
measurements taken during these events are plotted
against the St. Louis rating curve in Figure D-18. The
points are labeled with the date of the measurement and
the observed water temperature. Note that the winter

measurements are consistently below the curve. There is

an increase in discharge for a given stage with decreasing
water temperature. To further study this phenomena, the
ratio of measured discharge to rated discharge versus
time for stages over 20 feet was plotted at St. Louis for
the period 1969 to 1983. The rated discharges were
taken from the 1979 rating curve as compiled by the
U.S. Geological Survey. The plot is shown in Figure D-19, and clearly shows the seasonal shift. Note that
the transitions occur in April and November, but the
exact timing of the transitions is not clearly defined.
D-11. Estimation of n Values
Conceptually, there are two major features in any reach:
the channel and the floodplain. The friction force in the
channel stems primarily from the bed sediment grains
and bedforms, whereas the friction forces in the floodplain stem primarily from vegetation and, perhaps, structures. Decidedly different values of n can be expected
for these regions and they should be differentiated.


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-14. Variation of Mannings n with discharge for the Mississippi River at Arkansas City (Source:
St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)

a. Overview of estimating methods. Selection of the

proper value of the coefficient of friction, n, is very
significant to the accuracy of the computed profiles.
Mannings equation can be solved for n when discharges
corresponding to observed water-surface profiles are
known. If discharge measurements for the determination
of n values are not available in Corps of Engineers files
they might be available from the U.S. Geological Survey


or from other Federal or local agencies. If no records

are available, values of n computed for similar stream
conditions or values obtained from experimental data
should be used as guides in selecting n values. Tables
and photographs for selecting n values provided in
hydraulics text books, such as Chow (1959), may be
used. A contemporary summary of methods for predicting n values is given by USACE WES (1992).

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-15. Plot of Mannings friction factor n against water temperature for Middle Loup River at
Dunning, Neb. (Colby and Scott 1965)

b. Experience, the best guide. The best guide for

selecting n values is experience. What values have successfully been used previously in a region? Table D-1
presents a summary of n values for streams in the midwest portion of the United States. For each category
there is a fairly broad range of values. This range must
be narrowed by field inspection and engineering judgment. Simons and Sentrk (1976, p. 225) state that dune
bedforms are associated with n values from 0.018 to
0.035 and a plane bed is associated with n values from
0.012 to 0.016. Soundings show that free flowing
streams have dune bedforms and that streams in backwater have nearly plane beds due to deposition of
sediment. The values in Table D-1 are thus reasonably
consistent with Simons work. The higher upper limit
for medium sized streams can be attributed to the greater
impact of vegetation along the banks. High n values
may be needed at low stages to mimic the effects of
c. Estimates based on observed data. Discharge
measurements often include transverse variation in discharge in a cross section and give sounding depths so
that cross sections can be plotted to compute area and

Table D-1
Values of Mannings n for Streams in the Mid-West
Stream Type

Value Range

Large rivers (over 500 ft wide)

0.020 - 0.035

Medium size rivers (less than

500 ft wide)

0.030 - 0.042

Strong backwater areas

0.015 - 0.025


0.050 - 0.080

plowed field

0.040 - 0.070


0.050 - 0.080


0.070 - 0.150

hydraulic radius. Water surface slopes are obtained from

profiles of high-water marks determined by field surveys
or from records of stages at gaging stations if these are
closely spaced. When discharge measurements are made
to determine n values, it is desirable to also obtain


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-16. Two sets of three longitudinal bed profiles each of Middle Loup River at Dunning, Neb., at
high and low water temperature (Colby and Scott 1965)

watersurface slopes. Such data can be used to derive

more reliable values of n than can be determined from
high-water marks alone.
(1) From the water-surface slope, discharge, area,
and hydraulic radius, the value of n can be computed
from Mannings equation. In one method of calculation,
uniform flow (for which the water-surface slope equals
the friction slope) is assumed and approximate values of
n are determined for overbank and channel areas of the
cross section. As a check on nonuniform flow conditions, water surface profile computations should be made
using the previously determined approximate values of n


to obtain a comparison of the computed water-surface

profiles with the observed profile. Unless reasonable
agreement is obtained, the values of n should be adjusted
by trial-and-error until the computed water-surface profile
is in satisfactory agreement with observed values. The
computations should be made for several discharges to
obtain representative values of n.
(2) If the data show that n varies with stage, n
should be determined from a curve of n versus stage or
from the observed profile which most nearly approaches
the stage of the desired profile. Generally, expansion

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-17. Variation of water temperature, discharge, average velocity, and Mannings n for Missouri
River at Omaha, Neb., during fall of 1966 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1969)

and contraction losses should be considered separately in

determining n; that is, not lumped into the n value.
(3) In determining n values from measured slopes
and discharges, or in computing water surface profiles,
superelevation in bends should be considered.
d. Estimates based on n values from similar reaches.
When records of discharge measurements are not available, values of n determined for reaches of similar characteristics can serve as valuable guides in selecting
proper values of n.

e. Estimates based on published guides. Tables of n

values are provided to varying degree of detail in hydraulics texts and technical reports by Chow (1959), Barnes
(1967), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1975),
U.S. Department of Transporation (1984), Davidian
(1984), USGS (1986), and WES (1992). Photographs to
compare with field conditions are provided in Chow
(1959) and Barnes (1967). Formulas have been derived
to compute roughness coefficients by Beasley (1973),
Chow (1959), Brownlie (1981), U.S. Department of
Transportation (1984), and USGS (1986); they usually


EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-18. Discharge measurements during the Dec. 1982, April and May 1983 floods at St. Louis, plotted with
the St. Louis rating curve (Water temperature also shown in oC.)

require field samples of bed material and laboratory

analysis of grain sizes.
(1) Chow (1959) compiled a table for flow over
differing types of materials. He also presented photographs of differing stream conditions and the associated n
values. Barnes (1967) computed n values for various
streams in the United States. However, one should be
cautious in using such computed n values. It is recommended that published values such as these be used only
when the engineer is unfamiliar with the stream
D-12. Contraction and Expansion Losses
The coefficients of contraction and expansion are not as
quantified as Mannings n.
These coefficients are


provided in backwater models such as HEC-2 and HEC-6

to account for losses associated with the contraction and
expansion of flow due to changes in the size and shape
of flow area. A range of values is given in the HEC-2
users manual; the lowest values apply to valley reaches
in which the change in river cross section is relatively
small, and the highest values apply to bridges and other
locations where the change is more abrupt. Because
these coefficients are applied to differences in velocity
head between cross sections, the degree of change of
velocity head governs their impact. In mild channels
with small changes in velocity head, the impact is small;
but in steep mountain streams where changes in velocity
head are much greater, their impact may be critical to the
solution (Hoggan 1989).

EM 1110-2-1416
15 Oct 93

Figure D-19. Seasonal shift shown for the Mississippi River at St. Louis for stages over 20 feet from
1969 to 1983


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