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110 units 1br

82 units 2br
11 units 3br

Water CISTERN CAPACITY computation

Residential water used per capita per day: 40-53 gal. mean of 46.5 gal
Expected 1031 residential users
46.5 gal per capita per day x 1031residents= 47,941.50 gal. of water per day-STORAGE
47,941.50 gal x 365 days = 17,498,647.50 gal of water annually
Source: Midwest Plan Service, Iowa State Univ., 1968. Private Water Systems. p. 15.
Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings (11th edition)
Office water used per person per day : 6 gal
Expect office worker for 2 shift per day= 3,242 (1,621 office workers per shift)
3,242 Office workers x 6 gal per person per shift= 19,452 gal office/commercial water storage
19,452 x 365 days= 7,099,980 gal of water annually
Total water cistern size
47,941.50 gal storage for residential users + 19,452 gal storage for commercial users=
67,393.50 gal minimum water supply cistern size x 3 for emergency purpose = 202,180.50
total storage
Peak hourly demand of water
(Total daily requirement of water/hours of water consumption (usually 15-17hours)) x 2.2
(47,941.50/16(mean of 15&17)) x 2.2= 6,591.95
Water tank computation
Total daily demand of water/2
Residential use
47,941.50 gal per day/2= 23,970.75 gal of water tank
Office use
19,452 gal per day/2= 9,726 gal of water tank
Electric Water heater with storage
Residential -12 gal per capita (peak hour)
12 gal x 1031 residents =12,372 gal

Office - 0.4 gal per capita (peak hour)

0.4 gal x 3,242 office workers = 1,296.80 gal
Fire Hydrant Cistern Computation
= 1hr reserve of daily water demand
67,393.50 gal daily water demand / 16 hours(mean of 15&17hours of water
consumption)=4,212.10 gal of fire cistern x 3 for emergency purpose= 12,636.30
Fire Hydrant Tank Computation
=1hr reserve of daily water demand
Residential use
47,941.50 gal daily water demand / 16 hours(mean of 15&17hours of water consumption)=
2,996.35 gal of water tank
Office use
19,452 gal daily water demand / 16 hours(mean of 15&17hours of water consumption)=
1,215.75 gal of water tank
Rainwater cistern
V = A x R x 0.90 x 7.5 gals./ ft3

= volume of rain water cistern (gallons)

= surface area roof (square feet)

= rainfall annual average(feet)

0.90 = losses to system (no units)


= conversion factor (gallons per cubic foot)

V= 45,977.41sq.ft. (4,271.44 sqm) x 0.65ft (196.91mm) x 0.90 x 7.5 gals./ ft3

Maximum rainwater collection = 201,725.8864 gal

30% of daily water demand is for toilet use(

Rainwater will be used for flushing toilet and landscape irrigation therefore;
67,393.50 gal of daily water demand x 30% =20,218.05 gal and;

Delivery Pump
Sump pit

Generator size

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