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22 June 2010

Dear Parents,
This is an important Newsletter detailing some new developments at Moon
Hall School since you joined us. We believe in keeping you abreast of all
developments, though many of them may not affect you at all or not for
many years! Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you are
concerned about any aspect of these, or of your childs education keeping
the communication channels open is vital in our endeavour to help your
dyslexic child reach potential, and you are always welcome to bring any
concerns to my attention.
Academic Arrangements
Parents of pupils currently in Year 5 were told some time ago that Moon Hall
would in future keep pupils through to the end of Key Stage 2, (primary
education). This decision was taken in concert with Belmont and will enable
us to prepare pupils as thoroughly as possible for KS3 of their education. It
is vital, of course, that literacy and numeracy skills are as sound and as
secure as possible before pupils set out on the road leading to GCSE,
Getting the next move right at the end of KS2 is particularly important, of
course. Knowing the many facets of your children as we do, we feel we are
well-placed to advise you in this regard, and I am familiar with a range of
local and boarding schools, including our own senior school Moon Hall
College. Naturally, many factors are relevant to your choice, not merely
academic ones!
I shall ask Catherine to make appointments for the parents of Year 6 pupils to
meet with me during the Autumn Term, so that we can discuss the way
forward, taking into consideration all those factors. Please be assured that
parental wishes are paramount, and I am sure that a number of parents will
want their child to continue on this site and go into Belmont for Years 7 and 8
as Belmont pupils. It will be important for Mrs. Skrine to be satisfied that

the pupil concerned would benefit, of course, and a place at Belmont will be
at their discretion. We shall be able to offer 1-1 English lessons for our
former pupils, as required.
Our senior school, Moon Hall College, was set up by parental request,
specifically to take our former pupils, so that they need not become boarders
in the search for adequate support for their dyslexic needs. The College is
developing rapidly and if you are likely to be interested in a Year 7 place, you
will need to register at the beginning of Year 6. The College takes pupils
through to GCSE, and is staffed by special needs trained teachers and
secondary subject specialists. We realize that Leigh, near Reigate may add
to your driving burden, but there will be school transport available to and
from Moon Hall College for a modest charge. The next Open Day will be in
the Autumn Term and parents of current Year 6 pupils will be informed by
text, but you are welcome to make a personal appointment to visit at a time
to suit you.
Therapy Arrangements
It goes without saying that all our pupils are individuals with individual
specific learning difficulties, the common denominator of which is dyslexia,
varying in severity. We believe our tried and tested formula of teaching in
small groups enables staff to come to know your children extremely well, and
that as a consequence we can identify any additional special needs which
may become apparent with a childs development, as well as offer
unparalleled pastoral support.
Our recent restructuring, outlined above, has prompted us to take a fresh
look at therapy provision. Those parents whose children are currently in
receipt of therapy will have been directly contacted by the therapist
concerned. In order to reduce the administration costs to the school, it has
been decided that in future therapists will take over the organizational
responsibilities for the service. Both therapists have, therefore, devised a
package for therapy and have prepared leaflets explaining what they offer
and have seen parents individually regarding the cost. Both the school and
the therapists feel that this will give them better liaison with parents and
equal opportunities to liaise with teachers as before. Therapy will remain,
as now, at the discretion of parents, and referrals can come from either
parent or teachers. Teachers will not, however, recommend referral without
first consulting parents.
One of the key attributes of working at Moon Hall, apart from having a
special needs qualification (and passion) is the need to be flexible! Our
timetable is not quite complete, but I am sure parents of children going into
Year 7 and Year 8 will want to know who will be teaching their children next

year. Mrs. Cole, our Head of Senior English, will be the teacher for these
groups. Let me assure you that next years Year 7s will be able to have
English at Moon Hall, as now, when they are in Year 8.
The Alpha P form teacher, until Mrs. Preeces return in February 2011, will be
Mrs. Newton, our Head of Maths, who has worked with Alphas as team
teacher for many years. I will be teaching English to this class. We shall
both be ably supported by Mrs. Williams, Alphas classroom assistant.
The Form Teacher of our new 6MHS class will be Mrs. Sutherland, Deputy
Please be aware that all Delta children will be assessed in September. As
usual, the class lists will then be finalized. Most of Delta M is expected to
become 6MHS, but if assessment indicates that needs are best met in Delta
W, they will be put in the Year 6 group in Delta W. If your child is likely to be
best-placed in Delta W, based on current performance, you will be advised
before the end of term.
We shall be saying goodbye to Mrs. Wallis who has been with us for two
years and who is returning to the maintained sector to become a Senco and
bring her special needs expertise to bear. Our good wishes go with her.
I hope that the above has been helpful. As ever, institutions and systems
evolve and we are looking forward to the next academic year with these
sensible arrangements in place so that we can continue to meet the
challenge of addressing your childrens needs.
Parental Questionnaire
Lastly, but not least! We have always sought to learn the views of all our
parents. The Friends of Moon Hall and class representatives are a very good
conduit, but the anonymity of a general survey gives everyone a chance to
give us individual feedback on what we do. Our last survey was done two
years ago now, so another is due. If your child is a full-time pupil at Moon
Hall, we should be very grateful if you would take a few minutes to complete
the attached questionnaire and return it before the end of term. We will
publish the results, as always, once the questionnaire has been analysed.
Yours sincerely,

Pamela Lor
Head Teacher

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