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The Advaitist: Devi - 01



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The Advaitist
Sunday, January 15, 2012


Devi - 01


From Mahanirvana Tantra Chapter 4

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The Advaitist: Devi - 01

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Transliteration - ITRANS
tvaM parA prakR^itiH sAkShAd brahmaNaH paramAtmanaH |
tvatto jAtaM jagat sarvaM tvaM jagajjananI shive || 10 ||
mahadAdyaNuparyantaM yadetat sacharAcharam |
tvayaivotpAditaM bhadre tvadadhInamidaM jagat || 11 ||
tvamAdyA sarvavidyAnAmasmAkamapi janmabhUH |
tvaM jAnAsi jagat sarvaM na tvAM jAnAti kashchana || 12 ||
tvaM kAlI tAriNI durgA ShoDashI bhuvaneshvarI |
dhUmAvatI tvaM bagalA bhairavI ChinnamastakA || 13 ||
tvamannapUrNA vAgdevI tvaM devI kamalAlayA |
sarvashaktisvarUpA tvaM sarvadevamayI tanuH || 14 ||
tvameva sUkShmA sthUlA tvaM vyaktAvyaktasvarUpiNI |
nirAkArA.api sAkArA kastvAM veditumarhati || 15 ||
upAsakAnAM kAryArthaM shreyase jagatAmapi |
dAnavAnAM vinAshAya dhatse nAnAvidhAstanUH || 16 ||
chaturbhujA tvaM dvibhujA ShaDbhujA.aShTabhujA tathA |
tvameva vishvarakShArthaM nAnAshastrAstradhAriNI || 17 ||

sR^iShTerAdau tvamekA.asIt tamorUpamagocharam |

tvatto jAtaM jagat sarvaM parabrahmasisR^ikShayA || 25 ||
mahattattvAdibhUtAntaM tvayA sR^iShTamidaM jagat |
nimittamAtraM tadbrahma sarvakAraNakAraNam || 26 ||
sadrUpaM sarvatovyApi sarvamAvR^itya tiShThati |
sadaikarUpaM chinmAtraM nirliptaM sarvavastuShu || 27 ||
na karoti na chA.ashnAti na gachChati na tiShThati |



The Advaitist: Devi - 01

satyaM j~nAnamanAdyantamavA~Nmanasagocharam || 28 ||
tadichChAmAtramAlambya tvaM mahAyoginI parA |
karoShi pAsi haMsyante jagadetachcharAcharam || 29 ||
tava rUpaM mahAkAlo jagatsaMhArakArakaH |
mahAsaMhArasamaye kAlaH sarvaM grasiShyati || 30 ||
kalanAt sarvabhUtAnAM mahAkAlaH prakIrtitaH |
mahAkAlasya kalanAt tvamAdyA kAlikA parA || 31 ||
kAlasaMgrasanAt kAlI sarveShAmAdirUpiNI |
kAlatvAdAdibhUtatvAdAdyA kAlIti gIyate || 32 ||
punaH svarUpamAsAdya tamorUpaM nirAkR^itiH |
vAchAtItaM manogamyaM tvamekaivA.avashiShyase || 33 ||
sAkArA.api nirAkArA mAyayA bahurUpiNI |
tvaM sarvAdiranAdistvaM kartrI hartrI cha pAlikA || 34 ||

You are the only Para Prakriti of the Supreme Soul Brahman, and from You has sprung the whole
Universe O Shiva its Mother.
O gracious One ! whatever there is in this world, of things which have and are without motion, from
Mahat to an atom, owes its origin to and is dependent on You.
You are the Original of all the manifestations; You are the birthplace of even Us; You knowest the
whole world, yet none know You.
You are Kali, Tarini, Durga, Shodashi, Bhuvaneshvari, Dhumavati. You are Bagala, Bhairavi, and
You are Anna-purna, Vagdevi, Kama-lalaya. You are the Image or Embodiment of all the Shaktis and
of all the Devas.
You are both Subtle and Gross, Manifested and Veiled, Formless, yet with form. Who can understand
For the accomplishment of the desire of the worshipper, the good of the world, and the destruction
of the Danavas, You assume various forms.
You are four-armed, two-armed, six-armed, and eight-armed, and holdest various missiles and
weapons for the protection of the Universe.

Before the Beginning of things You existed in the form of a Darkness which is beyond both speech and
mind, and of You by the creative desire of the Supreme Brahman was the entire Universe born.
This Universe, from the great principle of Mahat down to the gross elements, has been created by
You, since Brahman Cause of all causes is but the instrumental Cause.
It is the Ever-existent, Changeless, Omnipresent, Pure Intelligence unattached to, yet existing in and
enveloping all things.
It acts not, neither does It enjoy. It moves not, neither is It motionless. It is the Truth and Knowledge,
without beginning or end, Ineffable and Incomprehensible.
You the Supreme Yogini, moved by his mere desire, create, protect, and destroy this world with all
that moves and is motionless therein.
Mahakala, the Destroyer of the Universe, is your Image. At the Dissolution of things, it is Kala Who
will devour all, and by reason of this He is called Mahakala, and since You devour Mahakala Himself, it
is You who art the Supreme Primordial Kalika.
Because You devour Kala, You are Kali, the original form of all things, and because You are the Origin
of and devour all things You are called the Adya Kali.
Resuming after Dissolution Thine own form, dark and formless, You alone remain as One ineffable
and inconceivable. You having a form, yet are You formless; You Thyself without beginning, multiform
by the power of Maya, You are the Beginning of all, Creatrix, Protectress, and Destructress that You
at 4:51 PM

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