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SAFETY DATA SHEET Pa N A LC oO PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) (800) 424-8300 (24 Hours) _ CHENTREC. [GT CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ] PRODUCT NAME NoxGuard® 22300 APPLICATION : BOILER WATER TREATMENT COMPANY IDENTIFICATION : Neleo Company 1601 W. Diehl Road Naperville, tinofs 60563-1198 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) (800) 424-0300 (24 Hours) CHEMTREC NFPA 7O4M/FIMIS RATING HEALTH: 0/1 FLAMMABILITY: 0/0 INSTABILITY: 0/0 OTHER: O= insignificant 1=Slight 2=Moderste 3=High 4= Extreme += Chronic Health Hazard 2 __ | COMPOSTTIONINFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ‘Our hazard eveluation has found that this product is not hazardous under 29 CFR 1910.1200. [3.__ [HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION “EMERGENCY OVERVIEW? CAUTION May cause initation with prolonged contact. 1 Do not get in eyes, on skin, on alothing, Do nat take internally. Use with adequale ventilation. in case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with slenty of water and seek medical advice, After contact with skin, wash Immediately with | plenty of water. Use a mid soap if available, | Wear sutlable protective clothing. Nol lammable or combustibio, May evolve oxides of carbon (COx) under fire conditions. May evolve oxides of sulfur | (SOx) under fire conditions. PRIMARY ROUTES OF EXPOSURE EYE CONTACT: May cause imitation with prolonged contact, ‘SKIN CONTACT: May cause iritation with prolonged contact. Nalco Company 1601 W. Diehl Road - Naperile, INinois 60563-1196 - (630)305-1000 For additonal copies of an MSDS v'sit and request access. 1M SAFETY DATA SHEET. Pa N ALCO PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 TENERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) (600) «24-9300 @4 Hours) CHEMTREC INGESTION Not a likely route of exposure. There may be iritation to the gasiro-intestinal tract with nausea and vomiting. INHALATION Nota likely route of exposure. Repeated or prolonged exposure may irate the respiratory tract, AGGRAVATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS : ‘hroviow of available data does not identify any worsening of existing conditions. 4.__| FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: Immodiately tush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If symptoms develop, seck medical advice, SKIN CONTACT Fiush with large amounts of water. Use soap if available. If symptoms develop, seek medical advico. INGESTION. Do net induce vomiting withaut medical advice. #f conscious, attontion, washout mouth and glve water to crink. Get medical INHALATION Romove lo fresh ar, reat symptomatically. if symptoms develop, seek medical advice, NOTE TO PHYSICIAN Based on the individual reactions ofthe pation, the physician! clinical condion. .___ | FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES 's judgement should be used to control syrnpioms ard FLASH POINT: Not flammable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA : This product woul! no! be expected to burn unless all the water is boiled away. The ignitablo, Use extinguishing mecia appropriate for surrounding fre remaining organics may be FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Not flammable or combustible. May (80x) under fre condilons. evolve oxides of carbon (COx) under fire conditions, May evolve oxides of suur SPECIA\, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE FIGHTING in case of fie, woar a full face positve-prossure self contained breathing apparatus and protective sult. Taleo Campany 1607 W. Deh Road » Naperville, Minois 6053-1198 = (630)305-1000 For additional copies of an MSOS visit and request access. ait SAFETY DATA SHEET PAALCO PRODUCT : NoxGuard® 22300 ( TRERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) 424-8900 (24 Hours) CHEMTREC : [6] ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES | PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS: Facet necess to area a& appropriate until clean-up operations are complete. Use personal protective eq.ipmont aesvchanded in Seaton 8 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection). Stop or reduoe any leaks fis safe to do so. Keep people avrey from and upwind of spillleak. Ventiate epil area if possible. METHODS FOR CLEANING UP : ‘SMALL SPILLS: Soak up spill with ab container. Wash affected area. LARGE sorbent material. Place residues in a suitable, covered, properly labeled ‘SPILLS: Conlain liquid using absorbent material, by digging irenchos or by Jeans Reclaim info recovery or salvago drums or fark ck for proper disposal. Clean contaminated surfaoss with FRG. Fggueous cleaning agents, Contact an approved waste hauler for disposal of contaminated recovered wer. Dispose of material in comoliance with reguatians indicated in Secion 13 (O’sposal Considerations). ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS = Prevent material from entering sewers or waterways. , [7% [HANDLING AND STORAGE (HANDLING Caner got in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not ike internal, Uso with adequate ventiation. Do not breathe Poon aetmelduat, Keop the ooianets closed when rot in use. Have omergeney equipment (rf, spl, leaks, we yresally avaizble. Ensure al containers ar labeled. Do not mbcwithaciés STORAGE CONDITIONS Stove in sullable laboted containers. Store the containers tignly closed, Store seperately from acids SUITABLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL : See Biainioss Steal 304, Stainless Stool 316L, Neoprene, EPDM, Polyurethane, Polythytene, Pelypronyiene, PVC, FIBPE (high density polyeltyiene), Buna-N, Epoxy phenolic resin, 100% phenolic resin liner, riorasuonated polyethylene rubber, Fluoroelastomer UNSUITABLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL Milt stee! [a [EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION I OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS = This product does rot contain any subetance that has en established expostie fmt ENGINEERING MEASURES = EAI vontlation s recommended. Use local exhaust ventilation f necessary to control lrbome mist and vapor. Nislco Company 1651 W. Dich! Road - Napervile, Minols 60863-4198 + (630)305-1000 "For additional copies of an MSDS visit and request access. Brit SAFETY DATA SHEET. Pa N. Al Lc O PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) {etd} 424-9800 (24 Hours) _CHEMTREC RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Where coneeniralions in alr may exceed the limits given inthis section or when significant mists, vapors, aerosols, or Gusts ere generated, an approved a purifying respitator equipped wit suitable iter carbidges is rocommended. ‘Consut the respirator / carridge manufacturer data to verify he suitabilly of specific devices. In ovent of emergency ‘or planned enty nto unknown concentrations a positive pressure, ful-facepiece SCBA should be used. I respiratory protecton is required, insttule a complete respiratory protection program including selection, ft testing, taing, maintenance and inspection, { | HAND PROTECTION When handling this product, the use of chemical gloves is recommended. The choice of wark glove depends on work eheltions 2nd what chemicals are handled. Please contact the PPE manufacturer for advice on what type of glove tnateril may be euitable. Gloves should be replaced immediately signs of degradation are observed. SKIN PROTECTION : ‘Wear standard protective elothing. EYE PROTECTION : Wear safely glassas with side-shields, HYGIENE RECOMMENDATIONS Use good wyk and personal tivgione practices to avoid exposure, Keep a safety showor available. Keep an eye wash fountain available. Always wash thoroughly after handling chemicals. Whon handling this product never eat, drink or smoke, HUMAN EXPOSURE CHARACTERIZATION : Based on our recommended product application and personal protective equipment, the potential human exposure is Moderate: | a. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL STATE Liquid (APPEARANCE Yellow Orange | por stone | {CIFIC GRAVITY 1.08 @ 7°F/25°C | DENSITY 88-92 Ib/gal SOLUBILITY IN WATER Complete | pH (100°%) 80-125 FREEZING POINT 30°F <4 VAPOR PRESSURE Same as water 9% Calculated VOC CONTENT Note: These physical properties are typical values for this product and are subject to change. Walco Company 1601 W. Diehl Road Naparvile, Ilinots 60503-1158 = (690)305-1000 For adeitional copies of an MSDS visit and request access. ait SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 PANALCO EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) (800) 424-9300 (24 Hours) _ CHEMTREG, 70. | STABILITY AND REACTIVITY. STABILITY Stable under normal conditions. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION : Hazardous polymerization vill not occur. CONDITIONS TO AVOID Extremes of temperature MATERIALS TO AVOID : Contact with strong oxidizers (e.g. chlorine, peroxides, chromates, nitric ack, perchlorate, concentrated oxygen, | permanganate) may generate heat, fres, explosions andlor toxic vapors. Strong acids HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS : Under fire conditions: ‘Oxides of carbon, Oxides of sulfur [74 [TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION “The following results are for a simiar product. ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Species: Rat LDs0: > 5,000 mgkkg {Test Deserptor: Similar Product SENSITIZATION ‘This product is not expected to be a sensitizer. CARCINOGENICITY None of the substances in this product are listed as carcinogens by t (IARC), the National Toxicology Program (NTP) or the Ameriean Gon! (acai). HUMAN HAZARD CHARACTERIZATION Based on our hazard characterization, the potential human hazard is: Low the Intemational Agency for Reseerch on Uancer erence of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TON faz, [ECOLOGICAL ECOTOXICOLOGICAL EFFECTS “The following results are for the product and a similar product Giaico Company 1601 W. Diehl Road - Napenille, Minois 60563-1198 + (630)305-1000 For additional copies af an MSDS visit and request access. Bit i | | | i | | i i | | | i | SAFETY DATA SHEET eA Tleo) (ial NexGuard® 22300 TUERGENCY TELEPTIONE NUMBER(S) (G00) 424-9800 (24 Hours) _CHENTREC Acute Fish Results: Species Exposure | Test Type 7 "Feat Desaipior Rainbow Trout ‘o6hrs iLcs6 ar Product, Fathead Minnow 988 L050 ‘Similar Product Hnland Siverside ‘a6irs__[LC50 6,000 maf_| Product ACUTE INVERTEBRATE RESULTS: : Spaces Exposure [Tost Type | Value Tost Descriptor ‘Daphnia maga Bhs Lcs0 | > 1,000 mg | Similar Product ‘Hysid Shrimp (Nysidopsis | 96 hrs cso >5,000 mgit | Product bahia) i Daphnia magna [ais ESO S000 might _| Siar Product AQUATIC PLANT RESULTS : 2 i [ Species Exposure [Test Type [Value eat Descriptor é Green Algae ‘hrs ECs Baingh Product (Psoudokirehnereta subcopitala, previously Shonatrun captor) ieee ed Green Algae 8B irs: | NOEC Product (Poeudokirchneriala | subeapitala, proviously | Selenasirum cepricomutum) Bade | PERSISTENCY AND DEGRADATION ‘The organie portion ofthis preparation is expected to be poorly biodegradable. MOBILITY = The environmental fate was estimated using 2 love Il fugacity mode! embedded in the EP! (estimation program interface) Suite TM, provided by the US EPA. The model assumes a steady stale condition betwoon the ota input and tupat, The lave il model does nat requiro eculibrkm between the defined media. The information provided is intended to gv the user a general estimate ofthe environmental fate ofthis produc en the desired conditions of tho models. released into the environment this materiel approximate respective percentages; cereneeeeee Ale Water STEER = 50% is expected to distribute to the air, water end soilsediment in tho ‘The portion In water is expected to be solubie or disporsibie, BIOACCUMULATION POTENTIAL “This preparation or material Is not expected to bioaccumulate, Walco Company 1607 W. Dieh Road - Napervile, Minots 60660-1798 » (630}306-1000 For addillonal copies of an MSDS visit and request access. est SAFETY DATA SHEET Pay LCO PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 "EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS) {@00) 224.0900 (24 Hours) _ CHETTREC ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD AND EXPOSURE CHARACTERIZATION Based on cur hazard characterization, the potential environmental hazard is: Low Based on our recommenced product application and the product's characteristics, exposure is: High Ifroleased into the erviranment, see CERCLA'SUPERFUND in Section 16, the potential environmental 73.__ | DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS If this product becomes a waste, it could meet the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Before disposal, it should be determined ifthe waste meets the ofiteria of a hazardous waste. Hazardous Waste: 1002 1d hazardous wasle transporter and disposed of or treated in a Hazardous wastes must be transported by a license disposal or recycling faciity. Consult local, state, and federal properly irensed hazardous waste treatment, storage, regulations for specific requirements. (4, [TRANSPORT INFORMATION “The information in this section is for reference only an should not tke the place ofa shipping papor (oft Fee ip anton Pleace note a the proper Shipping Name / Hazard Class may vary by packagirg, properties, See Jo af tensportaion. Typical Proper Shipping Names fortis product ae as fotows. LAND TRANSPORT Proper Shipping Name PRODUCT IS NOT REGULATED BURING TRANSPORTATION AIR. TRANSPORT (ICAOVIATA) : Proper Shipping Name PRODUC} IS NOF REGULATED DURING TRANSPORTATION MARINE TRANSPORT (iMDGIIMO) = PRODUCT IS NOT REGULATED DURING Propor Shlpping Nama TRANSPORTATION Walco Company 1601 W. Diehl Road - Naperville, Minols 60563-1198 - (690)305-1000 For additional coples of an MSDS visit and request access. THM SAFETY DATA SHEET PANALCO PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 ERERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) B00) 424-9300 (24 Hours) CHEMTREC 75.__[ REGULATORY INFORMATION This section contains additional information that may fax section is for reference only. It's not exhaustive, and should not be relfed upon t compliance of hazard assessment, Nalco accepts no fablly for the use ofthis information. NATIONAL REGULATIONS, USA : OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION RULE, 29 CFR 190.1200 Baved on our hazard evaluation, none of the substances in this product are hazardous. (CERCLA'SUPERFUND, 40 CFR 8022 Notification of spills ofthis product is not roquired. SARA/SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1986 (TYTLE iI) - SECTIONS $02, $11, 312, AND 313 : SECTION 302 - EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (40 CFR 358) : ‘Fhis produc! does not contain substances listed in Appendix A and B es an Extremely Hazardous Substance. ONS 314 AND 312 - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET REQUIREMENTS (40 CFR 370) sect ion has found that this product is not hazardous under 29 CFR 1910. 1200. Our hazard evaluat Under SARA 314 and 312, the EPA has established threshold quantties forthe reporting of hazardous chemicals, “Tho curent thresholds are: 600 pounds or the threshold planning quantity (TPG), whichever is lower, for extremely hazardous substances and 10,000 pounds for all other hazardous chemicals. SECTION 913 - LIST OF TOXIC CHEMICALS (40 GFR 972) ‘This product does not contain substances on the List of Tox’c Chemicals. TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT (TSCA) ‘The substances in this preparallon are included on ar exempted from the TSCA &{b) inventory (40 CFR 740) FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) Federal Food, Drug and Cosmatic Act When use sitvatlons necossltale compliance with FDA regulations, this product is acoeptable uncles: 21 CFR 173.390 Boer Water Addiives 21 CFR 176.170 Components of paper and paperboard in contaei with aqueous enc fatty foods and 21 GFR 176.180 Components of paper and paperboard In contact with dry foods. ‘The following limttations apply: ‘Maximum doseage Limitation, 473.310: 1000 PPM ‘as product in the boflerwater ressures above 1,000 PSIG (6895 kPa). Limitation for 176.170 and 176.180: When fovel not to exceed 150 ppm in the boiler water, where the boller ‘maximum concentration of 80% based on the The polymer must notbe used at p used es a boiler water additive in papermill boilors at | lowdown water is recycled info the wet-end of the paper process al & Walco Company 1607 W. Diehl Road = Napervilie, Winois 60563-1708 ° (630)305-1009 For adcitional copies of an MSDS visit and requast access, alti | SAFETY DATA SHEET Pa NI A LC oO PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 UEMERGENOY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) (600) 424.9200 (24 Hours) CHEMTREC ‘weight of cry pulp, this product complies with all applicable Federal Food Additive Reguiations including 21 CFR 176.170 and 176.180. Steamy produced may be used in contact with any food type, defined under 21 CFR 170.3, Which includes milk or milk products. NSF NON-FOOD COMPOUNDS REGISTRATION PROGRAM (former USDA List of Proprietary Substances & Non-Food Compounds) : NSF Registration number for this product is: 121214 “This product is acceptable for treating boilers or steam lines where steam produced may contact edible products and/or cooling systems where the treated water may not contact edible products in and around food processing areas (68). “This product has been certified as KOSHER/PAREVE for year-round use INCLUDING THE PASSOVER SEASON by the CHICAGO RABBINICAL COUNCIL. FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, CLEAN WATER AGT, 40 GFR 401.15 / formerly Sec. 307, 40 CFR. 418.4 formerly Sec. 314 38) of the following substance(s) This product may contain trace levels (<0.1% for carcinogens, <1% all other substances) listed under the requiation. Additional components may be unintentionally present at trace lovols, = Citations -] Substancels) S05, 31 CCupric Sulphate CLEAN AIR ACT, Seo. 112 (Hazardous Air Pollutants, as amended by 40 CFR 63), Sec, 602 (40 CFR 82, Class | and Ii Ozone Depleting Substances) : Components listed under this ragulation may be present at trace levels. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 “Substances listed under California Propostion S& aro not intentionally added or eepectad to he present inthis product MICHIGAN ORITICAL MATERIALS Substances listed under this regulation are no! ‘components may be present af frace levels intentionally added or expected fo be present in this product. Listed STATE RIGHT TO KNOW LAWS ‘Substances listed under this regulation are not components may be present at trace levels. intentionally added or expected to be present in this product. Listed Walco Company 1601 W. Dishi Road - Napenvile, Mints 60500-1198 - (630)05-1000 For addtional copies of an MSDS visit and request access. O1tt SAFETY. DATA SHEET PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 f PaNaLCO THERGENCY TELEPHONE NUTIBER(S) — é ~(a00) 428300 (ea Hours] CHEMTREC INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL CONTROL LAWS + CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT (CEPA) : ‘Fhe substance(s) in tis preparation are inchided in or exempted from the Domestic Substance List (OSL). AUSTRALIA ‘All substances in thie product comply withthe National Industrial Chemicals Notification & Assessment Scheme (WICNAS).. CHINA Jl substances in this product comply with the Provisions on the Enviranmental Administration of New Chemical Substances and aro tiled on oF exempt from the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances China (ECSC). EUROPE “Thee substances in this preparation have been reviewed for compliance with the EINECS or ELINGS inventorios. JAPAN ‘this product andlor component{s) are exempt or excluded from the list of Existing and New Chemica! Substances (ENCS) under tho Law Regulating the Manufacture and Importation OF Chemical Substances. KOREA ‘All substances inthis product comply with the Toxic Chemical Control Law (TCCL) and are listed on the Existing Chemicals List (ECL) PHILIPPINES ‘Al substances inthis product comply with the Republic Act 6969 (RA 6869) and aro listed on the Palippines Inventory of Chemicals & Chomical Substances (PICCS). [i6,_ [OTHER INFORMATION hip, we have evaluated the human and environmental hazards ‘ommended use of this product, we have characterized the prod ‘your own risk management practices. We have ovaluated ‘Due to our commitment to Product Stewer exposures ofthis product, Based on our rt general rick. This information should provide assistance for ‘our praduet's risk as follows: The fhuman risk ist Low "The environmental risk is: Low th our recommendations may affect the risk characterization. Our sates representative will ‘Any use inconsistent wit if your product application fs consistent with our recommendations, Together we can assist you to determine if implement an appropriate risk management process. et provides health and safety information. The product is to be wsed in ‘This product material safety data sh it iterature. Individuals handling this product should be informed of the applications consistent with our produ Tialco Company 1601 W. Diehl Road - Naperville, Minols 60563-1188 > (639)305-1000 ‘For aduilional copies of an MSDS visit and request access. 0/1 SAFETY DATA SHEET. PRODUCT NexGuard® 22300 Pan ALCO _~ “UEMERGENOY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) (G00) 424-9300 (24 Hours) _ CHEMTREC be evaluated so that appropriate handling practices and training programs can be established fo insure safe workplace | secommended safety precauitions and should have access to this information. For any other uses, exposures should { operations. Please consult your local sales representative for any further information. REFERENCES “Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices, Amerloan Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, OH., (Arial Insight™ CD-ROM Version), Ariel Research Corp. Bethesda, MD. Hazardous Substances Data Bank, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Marytand (TOMES CPS™ CD-ROM Version), Micromedex;.Inc., Englewood, CO. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemioals to Man, Geneva: World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer. Integrated Risk Information System, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. (TOMES CPS™ CD-ROM Version), Micromedex, Int., Englewood, CO. ‘Annual Report an Carcinogens, National Toxicology Program, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Heaith Senice. ‘Tile 28 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910, Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), (Artal insight™ CD-ROM Version), Arie! Research Corp., Bethescla, MD. Registry of Tox: Effects of Chemical Substances, National institute for Occupational Safety and Hesith, Cincinnati O#, (TOMES CPS™ CD-ROM Version), Micromedex, Inc, Englewood, CO. Jed guide to industrial chomicals covered undor major regulatory and advisory programs), Module, Chemical Inventories Modula and tho Gonarics Module (Ariel rch Corp., Bethesda, MD. ‘Arie Inaight™ (An Integral North American Module, Westen Furopes Insight™ CD-ROM Version), Arie! Rese: “The Teratogen Information System, University of Washingion, Seattle, WA (TOMES CPS™ CD-ROM Version), Micromedex, inc., Englewood, CO. Prepared By: Produat Safety Department Date issued : 06/272012 Version Number: 2.3 Nalco Company 1601 W, Dishi Road - Naperviie, Minois 60563-1108 - (630)305-1000 For additional copies of an MSDS visit and request access. wit

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