UECS2303 Tut1

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UECS2303 Software Process and Requirements Engineering


Tutorial 1
1. What is software (How can we consider an entity as software)? How can we say that a piece of
software is good?
2. What are the characteristics of software that makes it different from other products such as a pair
of Nike shoes?
3. What do you understand about legacy software? What are the issues associated with legacy
4. Based on the issues stated in question 3, legacy software has to be re-engineered to remain relevant.
What are the approaches normally taken to re-engineer software?
5. Software engineering is a layered technology. Sketch and explain the layers.
6. Visit IEEE Computer Society website and find out the following:
a. What is software engineering?
b. What does SWEBOK stand for?
c. What are the objectives of SWEBOK?
d. What are the knowledge areas of SWEBOK?
7. What do you understand about software process? Illustrate the generic software process
framework (for software).
8. Within the common software process framework, there are two categories of activities, i.e.
framework and umbrella activities. Explain each category with some examples.

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