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Social studies

Grade 9
Topic: Government
Structure of the government in
The Queen:

The Governor General

Governor General appoints the prime

minister who is voted for by the ruling
political party.

The prime minister then recommends

people from his or her political party
to join their cabinet.

Cabinet ministers are members of the

government who form a central team
to help the prime minister govern the
Each member is responsible for a
different area of Ministry, such a
foreign affairs, education, national
security and health. This area is called
a portfolio. The Cabinet discusses

issues and agree on laws and actions

to benefit the country.

The cabinet and other opposition

members together make up
Parliament. Although the government
is in power, politicians belonging to
other political parties are also
members of parliament. Having an
opposition party means that different

peoples views are represented.

Opposition members also keep checks
on the government and may often
give different and opposing views.
House of Representatives and Senate
Local government


With the government given charge of
the whole country, it is important that
there are measures and checks in
place to insure that no area of
government is behaving immorally or
negligently. Criticism from the

opposition party as well the media

helps keep a check on the
government. The media (Television
station, news paper and radio) is very
powerful. Regular citizens read and
listen to the news and decide whether
or not they wish to keep the current
government in power.
Political Ombudsman
The political ombudsman deals with
complaints from the opposition and
from the public about the
government. It is his job to observe
the political parties and their
supporters. He or she investigates
actions taken by a political party or its
supporters that breaks a law or
agreement that could damage

relations between supporters or

political parties.
Auditor General
The function of the auditor general is
to carry out audits (Checks) of
government accounts or financial
operations. This involves central
government or government
Director of public Prosecutions

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