Anglicka Gramatika Cvicebnice (B2)

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I.  NOUNS (PODSTATNÁ JMÉNA)  . ................................................................................  9

GENDER  . .............................................................................................................................   9
PLURAL  . ............................................................................................................................   10
IS / ARE  ..............................................................................................................................  11
ARTICLES: A / AN / THE / NO ARTICLE  ................................................................  12
QUANTIFIERS  .................................................................................................................  15
COUNTABLE / UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS  . ............................................................   17
MANY / MUCH / LOTS OF / LITTLE / A LITTLE / FEW / A FEW  ..................   18

II.  ADJECTIVES (PŘÍDAVNÁ JMÉNA)  . ........................................................................  20

WORD ORDER OF ADJECTIVES  ...............................................................................  20
ENDINGS OF ADJECTIVES -ed / -ing  .......................................................................  20
COMPARISONS  . .............................................................................................................  22
AS / LIKE / THAN  . .........................................................................................................  23
SO / SUCH A / SUCH AN / SUCH  ..............................................................................  25
ENOUGH / TOO  ..............................................................................................................  26
WORD FORMATION  . ...................................................................................................  28
III.  ADVERBS (PŘÍSLOVCE)  ..........................................................................................  30
ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB –  .........................................................................................   31
It feels, looks, tastes, smells, sounds good  ...................................................................   31
ADVERBS + ADJECTIVES: (I am terribly sorry)  ......................................................  32 
ORDER OF ADVERBS  ....................................................................................................  32

IV.  PRONOUNS (ZÁJMENA)  ........................................................................................  34

DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS: this – these, that – those  ................................  34
PERSONAL AND POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: I – me – my – mine  ....................  35
REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: myself  ................................................................................  36
EACH OTHER / ONE ANOTHER  . .............................................................................  37
INDEFINITE PRONOUNS: some, any, no  . ................................................................  37
EVERY / EACH ..................................................................................................................  39
EITHER / NEITHER / BOTH  ........................................................................................  39
RELATIVE CLAUSES AND PRONOUNS: who, what, which, that, whose  . .......  40
SO AM I, NEITHER / NOR AM I  . ...............................................................................  42
V.  GRAMMAR TENSES (GRAMATICKÉ ČASY)  . .........................................................  44
PRESENT SIMPLE (I do) / PRESENT CONTINUOUS (I am doing)  . ..................  44
PAST SIMPLE (I did) / PAST CONTINUOUS (I was doing)  . ................................  46
PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE (I have done)  ...............................................................  49
PAST SIMPLE (I did) / PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE (I have done)  . ...................  50
  CONTINUOUS (I have been doing)  ........................................................................  52
FOR / SINCE  .....................................................................................................................  54
PAST PERFECT SIMPLE (I had done)  .........................................................................  55
PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (I had been doing)  ...............................................  56
FUTURE SIMPLE (I will / shall do)  . ............................................................................  57
WILL / GOING TO  .........................................................................................................  58
GOING TO / I AM DOING  ...........................................................................................  60
  (I will have been doing).................................................................................................  60
REVISION OF TENSES  ..................................................................................................  62
NEGATIVES  . ....................................................................................................................  63
QUESTION FORMATION  ............................................................................................  64
INDIRECT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  . .............................................................  69
QUESTION TAGS  ...........................................................................................................  70
HAVE SOMETHING DONE  .........................................................................................  72
I WANT TO DO IT / I WANT YOU TO DO IT  .......................................................  73
TO DO / DOING  . ............................................................................................................  73
TO DO / DO  ......................................................................................................................  75
I USED TO DO / I AM USED TO / I AM GETTING USED TO ............................   76

VI.  MODAL VERBS (MODÁLNÍ SLOVESA)  .................................................................  77

PRESENT FORMS OF MODAL VERBS  .....................................................................  77
PAST FORMS OF MODAL VERBS  . ............................................................................  79
LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS  . ..........................................................................................   81

VII.  PREPOSITIONS (PŘEDLOŽKY)  .............................................................................  83

PREPOSITIONS OF TIME  . ...........................................................................................  83
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE / MOVEMENT  .............................................................  83
PAIRS OF PREPOSITIONS: between – among, over – above, under – below  . ..  85
VIII.  FIXED EXPRESSIONS (USTÁLENÁ SPOJENÍ)  . ...................................................  87
MAKE / DO  .......................................................................................................................  87
HAVE / HAVE GOT  ........................................................................................................  88
GET / BECOME / GO / TURN / GROW / FALL / COME  expressions................  89
FIXED EXPRESSIONS: preposition + noun  ...............................................................   91
FIXED EXPRESSIONS: adjective + preposition  . .......................................................  92
FIXED EXPRESSIONS: verb + preposition  .................................................................  92

IX.  CONDITIONAL CLAUSES (PODMÍNKOVÉ VĚTY)  ...............................................  97

IF / WHEN  . .......................................................................................................................  97
THREE TYPES OF CONDITIONAL CLAUSES  .......................................................  97
WISH CLAUSES  ...............................................................................................................  99

X.  PASSIVE VOICE (TRPNÝ ROD)  . ............................................................................  102

BY / WITH  . .....................................................................................................................  104
SAY / TELL / TALK / SPEAK  ......................................................................................  105

XI.  INDIRECT (REPORTED) SPEECH (NEPŘÍMÁ ŘEČ)  . ...........................................  108

SHIFT OF TENSES IN REPORTED SPEECH  ............................................................108
TIME EXPRESSIONS IN REPORTED SPEECH  .....................................................  110
REPORTED QUESTIONS  ............................................................................................  112
INDIRECT IMPERATIVE  . ..........................................................................................  113

XII.  CONJUNCTIONS (SPOJKY)  ................................................................................   115

TIME CLAUSES  .............................................................................................................  115
PURPOSE CLAUSES  .....................................................................................................  115
CONTRAST CLAUSES  . ...............................................................................................  117

XIII.  NUMERALS (ČÍSLOVKY)  ....................................................................................   118


  (BRITSKÁ A AMERICKÁ ANGLIČTINA)  .................................................................  120 

IRREGULAR VERBS (NEPRAVIDELNÁ SLOVESA)  ....................................................  122

KEY (KLÍČ)  . ...................................................................................................................  128


ADVERBS – příslovce se v angličtině dělí na:
- adverbs of manner: příslovce způsobu, ptáme se na ně otázkou HOW? (např. well)
- adverbs of place: příslovce místa, ptáme se na ně otázkou WHERE? (např. here)
- adverbs of time: příslovce času, ptáme se na ně otázkou WHEN? (např. tomorrow)
- adverbs of frequency: příslovce frekvence HOW OFTEN? (např. once a year).
Other adverbs (ostatní příslovce): certainly, possibly, probably, surely...

Příslovce tvoříme následovně:

1. přídavné jméno + -ly: např. slow → slowly
2. přídavné jméno, které končí na -ic + -ally: např. tragic → tragically
3. přídavné jméno, které končí na -le: např. terrible → terribly
4. přídavné jméno, které končí na souhlásku + -y: např. happy → happily
5. přídavné jméno, které končí na -ly: např. friendly → in a friendly way
6. nepravidelné tvoření příslovcí: good → well, hard → hard, fast → fast (I work hard.)
Pozor! Po smyslových slovesech následuje přídavné jméno, ne příslovce. (You look
good. It tastes good.)

Exercise 25: Write the correct form of adverbs. Be careful, some of them are
Example: lucky – luckily

1. quick ................................................... 6. horrible ...................................................

2. hard ................................................... 7. tragic ...................................................

3. slow ................................................... 8. good ...................................................

4. calm ................................................... 9. bad ...................................................

5. fast ................................................... 10. friendly ...................................................

Exercise 26: Correct the following phrases if necessary.

Example: Drive careful! – wrong, Drive carefully!

1. I work hardly. 6. Paul is a carefully driver.

2. There is hardly any butter left. 7. You look well.

3. She is a hard worker. 8. It’ s getting late.

4. The train runs fast. 9. I’ m sorry I’ m late.

5. It’ s a fast train. 10. He is known-well.


Exercise 27: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Mám se dobře. 6. Moje angličtina je dobrá.
2. Tuto noc jsem spala dobře. 7. Její výsledky byli špatné.
3. Proč nejezdíš rychle, když máš rychlé auto? 8. Paul jezdí opatrně.
4. Přátelsky se usmála. 9. Pravidelně hraji tenis.
5. Obyčejně (normálně) chodím do práce pěšky. 10. Nyní na tom sotva pracuje.

 ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB (přídavné jméno nebo příslovce)

Exercise 28: Choose the proper form of the word in each sentence.
Example: It’ s quite UNUSUAL / UNUSUALLY to make a cake with carrots.

1. The cake is not HARD / HARDLY to prepare.

2. Follow the recipe PRECISE / PRECISELY.
3. Grate the carrots FINE / FINELY.
4. The mixture will be too lumpy if you don’ t sieve the flour GOOD / WELL.
5. You can use a food processor to mix the ingredients QUICK / QUICKLY.
6. Mix the ingredients GENTLE / GENTLY.
7. You should SLOW / SLOWLY blend in the oil.
8. You must be CAREFUL / CAREFULLY when you put the cake in the oven.
9. Don’ t make the oven too HOT / HOTLY because your cake will not cook PROPER / PROPERLY.
10. It’ s a great recipe – the cake tastes really GOOD / WELL.

 It feels, looks, tastes, smells, sounds GOOD

(slovesa smyslového vnímání + přídavné jméno ve funkci

Exercise 29: Which form is correct?

Example: This wine smells good / well.

1. The soup tastes good / well. 6. These flowers smell nice / nicely.
2. Jane, you look terrible / terribly! 7. It rains heavy / heavily.
3. What a beautiful / beautifully skirt! 8. It sounds bad / badly.
4. I feel happy / happily today. 9. He earns a lot of money because he works hard / hardly.
5. Drive careful / carefully! 10. This wine tastes quite strange / strangely.

(příslovce ve spojení s přídavným jménem – I am terribly sorry.)

Exercise 30: Translate the following expressions into English.

1. strašně osamělý ..................................................................................................................

2. neuvěřitelně rychlý ..................................................................................................................

3. vážně nemocný ..................................................................................................................

4. absolutně změněný ..................................................................................................................

5. trošku unavený ..................................................................................................................

6. totálně zničený ..................................................................................................................

7. špatně zorganizovaný ..................................................................................................................

8. překvapivě lehký ..................................................................................................................

9. dobře namalované ..................................................................................................................

10. skutečně zajímavé ..................................................................................................................

 ORDER OF ADVERBS (pořadí příslovcí ve větě –

My father works hard in our garden every day.)

1. Příslovce uprostřed věty: (often, usually, never, ever, rarely, normally…)

před plnovýznamovým slovesem, za pomocním slovesem
Např. I often go to the cinema. I have never been to Thailand.
2. Příslovce na konci věty: (yesterday, last week, twice a year, yet, very much…)
Např. I go to the cinema twice a week. I like chocolate very much.
3. Při více příslovcích je pořadí takovéto:
MANNER (způsob – jak?) + PLACE (místo – kde?) + TIME (čas – jak často?)
Např. My father works hard in our garden every day.
4. Vyjadřuje-li sloveso pohyb (např. go, walk, move, drive atd.) je pořadí více
příslovcí takovéto:
PLACE (místo – kde?) + MANNER (způsob – jak?) + TIME (čas – jak často?)
Např. My mother goes to work on foot every day.

Exercise 31: Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.
Example: Have you been arrested? (ever) Have you ever been arrested?
1. Tom goes to work by car. (always) ..................................................................................................................

2. Ann doesn’ t smoke. (usually) ..................................................................................................................

3. I go to the cinema. (twice a week)..................................................................................................................

4. My parents travel abroad. (rarely) ..................................................................................................................

5. She has not eaten sushi. (yet) ..................................................................................................................

6. Mike has visited his grandparents. (already) ...............................................................................................

7. My daughter eats cereals. (every morning) ...................................................................................

8. Did you see him? (yesterday) ..................................................................................................................

9. My husband and I have been to Paris. (never) .............................................................................................

10. Have you been married? (ever) ..................................................................................................................

Exercise 32: Make sentences from the following words and phrases, adding
the necessary punctuation.
Example: always / goes / in his / Mr. Johnson / old Fiat / to work
Mr. Johnson always goes to work in his old Fiat.
1. a lot / because / he / I / my boss / rarely / see / travels

2. do / ever / night / shifts / work / you/?

3. a portrait / become / I / like / painter / to / would/ in the future

4. usually / go / to / I / after / bed/ midnight

5. and / employer / get on / I / my / quite well

6. to / classmates/ a week / my/ cinema / go/ twice / the



(ustálená spojení: přídavné jméno + předložka)

Exercise 122: What is the difference in meaning between the following sen-
tences? Translate them into Czech.
1. Nick is good to my parents.
2. Nick is good at languages.
3. I’ m sorry about the mess in my office.
4. I’ m sorry for Mr. Brown.
5. I’ m sorry for coming late.

OF afraid of flying, typical of you, proud of your children

ABOUT worried about my family, sorry about the smell
WITH bored with school, disappointed with her behaviour, fed up with hockey
AT good at languages
IN dressed in black, interested in sports, involved in business
FOR responsible for your life, famous for his film
TO good to me, kind to her, married to a builder, nice to me, similar to your father
ON keen on sports


(ustálená spojení: sloveso + předložka)

ACROSS to come across (something, somebody) (narazit na někoho náhodou)

AFTER to look after (old mother), to take after (podobat se někomu)
AT to be good at (cooking), to look at (something)
to settle down (in a new town), to break down (a computer; a person) (pokazit
se; psychicky se zhroutit), to slow down (spomalit), to turn down (odmítnout)
FOR to look for (a job), to act for (my boss), to apply (for; to+infinitív)
FORWARD to look forward to (the English lesson)
to take place in (the Krkonoše Mountains), to take part in (the meeting), to
IN keep in touch (zůstat v kontaktu), to be interested in (music), to fill in (a form),
to be dressed in (trendy clothes)
INTO to divide into (three parts), to translate into (English)
OF to get rid of (old things), to be kind of (her), to be fond of (children)

to put off (going to England), to switch off (the lights), to take off (the plane),
to turn off (the heating), to get off (the bus)
to depend on (weather), to carry on (learning English), Come on! (Pojď už!,
Do toho!, Ale běž/ neříkej!), to focus on (your work), to concentrate on (work),
ON to put on (weight), to rely on (your memory), to turn on (the lights), to get on
(the bus), to get on with (your mother-in-law), to congratulate on (somebody’ s
success), to be keen on (sailing), to hold on (držat se, vydržet), to try on
to drop out (nedokončit např. školu), to find out (the truth), to send out (the let-
ters), to run out of (petrol, money) (minout)
OVER to take over (the company), to think it over, to turn over (a pancake)
TO to be kind to (me), to be married to (somebody)
to give up (smoking), to make up (new recipes), to look up (a new word in
UP the dictionary), to pick up (a lot of experience), to bring up (children), to get
up (vstát z postele), to wake up (probudit se)

Exercise 123: Put in the correct prepositions.

Example: to be FED UP with hockey

1. to be INTERESTED ....................... cooking

2. to PICK ....................... some new words

3. to TAKE ....................... the family company

4. to MAKE ....................... own recipes

5. to PUT ....................... telling the truth

6. to SEND ....................... all the letters

7. to be PROUD ....................... me

8. to GIVE ....................... learning English

9. to BRING ....................... children

10. to CARRY ....................... studying archeology

11. to FIND ....................... the truth

12. to LOOK ....................... TO the English lesson

13. to GET RID ....................... old clothes

14. to FILL ....................... the application form

15. to APPLY ....................... the English course

16. to be GOOD ....................... languages


17. CONGRATULATIONS ....................... your success!

18. to DEPEND ....................... the weather

19. to RUN OUT ....................... money

20. to be KIND ....................... her

21. to LOOK ....................... the picture

22. to be FOND ....................... portrait painting

23. to be MARRIED ....................... John ....................... two children

24. to TRANSLATE ....................... English

25. to GET ON ....................... colleagues

26. to TAKE PART ....................... the football match

27. to LOOK ....................... a word in the dictionary

28. to RELY ....................... yourself

29. to be KEEN ....................... sport

30. to be DRESSED ....................... black

Exercise 124: Match the three columns to create phrasal verbs.

1. TO LOOK ON soustředit se na
2. TO LOOK FOR konat pro, jednat v zastoupení
3. TO LOOK IN být zahrnutý v
4. TO LOOK OUT vypnout
5. TO SWITCH OFF zapnout
6. TO SWITCH DOWN hledat
7. TO TAKE ON vzdát se
8. TO THROW OFF starat se o
9. TO BREAK ON vyhledat
10. TO GIVE FOR tešit se na
11. TO RELY AFTER spolehnout se na
12. TO ACT UP pokazit
13. TO BE INVOLVED UP vyhodit
14. TO FOCUS FORWARD TO vzlétnout
15. TO CARE ABOUT mít zájem o

Exercise 125: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Před dvěma měsíci jsem se vzdal kouření.

2. Joe právě hledá jejich číslo v telefonním seznamu.

3. Během dovolené se nám dvakrát pokazilo auto.

4. Vypni tu televizi, prosím tě.

5. Není lehké starat se o tři děti.

6. Hledal jsem klíče a dokumenty.

7. Asi jsem je vyhodil.

8. Musíte vystoupit na třetí zastávce.

9. Promyslím si to.

10. Můj syn si to vymyslel.

Exercise 126: Use the words in the box to complete the phrasal verbs in the text.
You can use the words more than once.
away down in off on out up

If the computer seems to have slowed   down  , try closing it 1....................... and switching it back
....................... again (the memory is probably full). If your computer breaks 3....................... completely,
the most important thing to do is not to panic. If the computer has frozen, you should try pressing
the CTRL, ALT and DEL keys together. If you try that and nothing happens, then after a few min-
utes, you should just switch it 4....................... . If that does not work, you should pull 5....................... the
plug. When you plug it back 6....................... , it should start working again, but it may run through
some system tests first. If none of this helps, do not give 7....................... ! Get 8....................... the manual
(never throw it 9....................... !) – and if you cannot fix the problem using the manual, then look
....................... the service number and phone them.

Exercise 127: Read the dialogue and fill in the missing prepositions.

A: I finally got the invitation 1....................... the interview. I can’ t wait to go 2....................... London.
You can’ t imagine how excited I am 3....................... it.
B: Wait, did you really apply 4....................... that job as an au pair? Are you sure 5....................... going
to London? Sorry, I just thought that you weren’ t interested 6....................... that job anymore. I am
really surprised 7....................... your decision. Why do you want to go?

A: Well, I simply ran out 8....................... money. I can’ t live 9....................... the money I get here.
B: OK. I am not surprised 10....................... that. But do you realise that family life in Britain is different
....................... ours?
A: I can’ t think 12....................... anything that will stop me 13....................... going.
B: Are you sure that you can take care 14....................... small children? Lucy, listen 15....................... me.
You will be responsible 16....................... them. It’  s not easy.
A: Look, it’ s really important to me! I insist 17....................... going.
B: I am really sorry 18....................... shouting. I just worry 19....................... you.

Exercise 140: Fill in the gaps with BY or WITH.

Example: Letters are delivered by postmen.

1. This poem was written .................... an American poet.

2. It was read .................... many young people.

3. Your car was damaged .................... a hammer.

4. The front lights were broken .................... some vandals.

5. The window has been recently cleaned .................... our cleaner.

6. The window was cleaned .................... anti-fog liquid.

7. The birthday cake was made .................... biscuits.

8. The birthday cake was made .................... my grandmother.


(říct / povídat / hovořiť)

SAY 1. say: “…………” He says: “We should go”.

říct něco někomu 2. say that He says that we should go.
3. say TO + komu He says to us that we should go.
TELL tell + komu (bez předložky) Tell me the truth. (Řekni mi pravdu.)
říct něco někomu – tell somebody a story, a secret, the truth, a lie, the time...
– tell somebody where, when, what...
– tell somebody about something
TALK 1. talk He talked for an hour. (Hodinu povídal.)
povídat, bavit se 2. talk TO + komu He talked to me for an hour.
3. talk about We were talking about you on the bus.
SPEAK 1. speak Do you speak English?
hovořit 2. speak TO + komu I spoke to him about it.
(Hovořil jsem s ním o tom.)

Exercise 141: Fill the gaps with SAY / TELL / TALK / SPEAK.
Example: Could you tell me the time, please?
1. Do you ............................ English?

2. What did you ............................ ?

3. At lunch we often ............................ about work.

4. I ............................ : ”You’ re standing on my toe.”


5. Don’ t ............................ to me!

6. I can’ t ............................ when he returns home.

7. ............................ me the truth.

8. Do not ............................ me the same story again, it is frightening.

Exercise 142: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of SPEAK, SAY,
Example: You didn’ t tell  me where to send the money.

1. We ................................................... about you last night.

2. Did you hear what Marco ................................................... about Isabelle?

3. I can’ t ................................................... German.

4. I’ ve had an argument with Anna, so she isn’ t ................................................... to me at the moment.

5. Who ................................................... you ................................................... to? Is it Kate?

6. Did anyone ................................................... you what the homework was, Tom?

7. Tom, ................................................... me the answer to number six!

8. I didn’ t hear you. What ................................................... you ...................................................?

9. ................................................... up! I can’ t hear you.

10. I ................................................... that I loved learning languages.

Exercise 143: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Řekni mu, aby byl ticho.
2. Kdo to řekl?
3. Kdo ti to řekl?
4. Řekl jste to lékaři?
5. Mluvili jsme o tobě.
6. Bavili jsme se o škole.
7. Mluv se mnou.
8. O čem to mluvíš?
9. Co jsi říkal?

10. Buď ticho! (Neřekni ani slovo!)


Exercise 144: Put in SAY / SPEAK / TELL / TALK in the appropriate form.
Example: I   am talking  to John Henkler about languages.

He 1...................................... that he finds the different languages people 2...................................... fascina­

ting. He should know what he 3...................................... about because his mother 4....................................

Dutch and his father 5................................... English. I think this is confusing, but he 6..................................

that at home they all 7...................................... in English. If his mother’ s parents were still alive,

it  would  be even more strange. They were both born in Belgium. Her father 8......................................

French and her mother Flemish. John hopes that he 9......................................... Dutch soon.

He 10......................................... me that he is taking lessons so that he can 11..................................... to his

cousins. He doesn’ t know if his cousins can 12...................................... English, but I bet they can.

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