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Fabio Fabrega Cervantes

In the area of health, the infections intrahospital constitutes one of the main causes of
disease high level of medical complexity, in the majority of cases entails to the death, thus
leaving to entities unfavourable by not to provide one adequate control and handled of all
diseases the inside of these. For this reason is necessary the generation of mechanisms to
counteract a greater extent the infections the inside the hospital.
The infection intrahospital that in the general area medical (most specific) is called
infections nosocomial, represent the principal causes of deaths worldwide of people
admitted to hospital centers. This is evident because the people who are admitted with a
disease, end up presenting serious complications of other nature, but consequently higher
health risk for the patient. These disease are stemming of infections that to a large extent
come not only the reproduction microbial if not of the resistance to the medicines that
acquire these organisms pathogens because to these environment.
Body of work
The resistance of certain organisms pathogenic to antibiotics difficulty to eradicate and to
have a major form of control, the resistance to antibiotics is due largely to exposure to these
environment but without any effect of control, causing the mutation of these and generating
the vulnerability of patients with these new organisms pathogenic.
The proposed for this problem, is the creation of biofilms or coatings for surfaces
hospitable and surfaces of medical devices based in materials that are resistant to microbes
and greater effect microbicide, that to act as antimicrobial and consequently reduce as much
as possible these environments enabling for reproduction and proliferation of organisms
The mechanism of the coatings surfaces using alloys of copper nanoparticles, seeks to
provide some form of control the proliferation of different pathogenic organism that
circulate in hospital environments and which they acquire greater resistance to antibiotics
known, making them untreatable. Coating that would help to generate environment more
propitious to health care for the patients and the medical staff.

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