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Sigma Society Chapter Meeting

February 9, 2014 at 5:30pm

Roll Call: If you could meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it
Guest Speaker
Dana from phi mu
o Donating one dollar can give clean water to people in
Haiti for 1 year
o If you want to participate in it, you dont drink anything
but water and you save up the money that you would
have spent and you donate it
o Cups will be in the union if you just want to donate
BK Taylor
o The health educator
o He puts on the stress less fest
o February 21st is the everyday angels fashion show
o You wear one outfit that you feel beautiful in and another
outfit that you are proud of
o Looking for about 10 people to set up and about 20
Exec Reports:
Everyday Angels
o Let Meaghan know if you want to sign up
o Let Meaghan know if you arent getting her Sunday agenda email
o Those awesome sonic cards that exec is selling
o They are $5 and we will get all the profit
Vice President:
Formal Shirts
o If you would like to turn in a shirt idea, you can do this by
Wednesday at 12 pm
o Reminder: The theme is the final rose
Contact Info
o Please check the contact info to make sure everything is updated
Absence forms

o If you are a pledge, please make sure you send separate absence
forms for pledge meetings and active meetings and state which
one it is for in the form
o $3,123.77
Pledge Dues
o Due March 16th
o This is the Monday after activation
o $30 in cash, check or online
Online is on the website and you scroll to the bottom of the
home page
Valentines Day Bear Drive Results
o We got 56 bears and 100 cards
Service Week Schedule
o This will be e-mailed to you tonight with updates
o If you want to bring poptabs, boxtops, or cans, you can start
doing this on Friday
o Spring door decs will also be due on Monday
o Cat food is two small bags or one big bag for an hour and there is
no country fair brand
o Poptabs: 50 for an hour
o Boxtops: 25 for an hour
o Cans: 4 for an hour
o All are caps of 2 hours
Mandatory Project and Attendance
o We are doing a doggy trot and we get to walk around with dogs
and collect goods for the Humane Society
o February 21st from 11-1
o We are doing this event with TKE
o If you cannot attend, you need to submit an absence form by
Monday February 16th
Humane Society Forms
o Everyone is required to fill out a form in order to do the event
Service Opportunities
o Pins for pets: At the bowling alley
March 13th from 5-8
Silent auction
Door prizes
Bowling teams
o Adopt a Family
Donate $10 for an hour and there is a cap of 3 hours

o Carlie Helsel Benefit

Sunday February 22nd
A woman named Jen has breast cancer and has to get
treatments in Florida
St. Joe at the Eagles lodge
Spaghetti Dinner for $6
Also doing an auction
If you want to donate anything to auction off, please let
Carlie know
Event from 11-4 and dinner from 11:30-3
o If you want to help plan any of these events, please e-mail
New Member Welcome
o Actives, if you want to be a mom or a co-mom, let Lily and Alycia
Date Reminders
o Activation: Towerview March 15th at 7pm
o Mom/Dot: March 29th in Ballroom at 7pm
No Report
Carnation Hand-out
o If you are handing out carnations this Friday, please show up for
your time
o If you can no longer make it, please e-mail Rachel and follow
proper protocol
Upcoming Fundraiser
o There arent sign ups for this but be thinking about it
o Book sale at the public library
There arent set dates but be thinking about it
o Volleyball tournament
Sunday April 12th at Beal Park
You can make a team and play if you would like
March 30th -April 3rd from 11-3 will be the info tournament
for this
No Report
Bridal Show:
The Winner Is
o The gray v-neck with E society on the front

No Report
Public Relations:
No Report

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