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Creator: A Kaiser, Mayor: Zoha Khan, and

Assistant: S Siddiqui
Back ups: S Alam :T Peracha

( Creator has
3 pairs of glasses
Sorry were late
CREATOR (of the Spira Game)
Oh Hello Ms.Engineer and .
ASSISTANT (an exciting genius)
Her awesome assistant!
looks at engineer like how?)
ENGINEER (leader of the city).
So this is your explicit video game designing company?
(CREATOR looks around) To you it might not look much, but its good. Anyways, you asked me
to design the
futuristic city
in my new video game. Would you like to see the progress?
(mayor nods, pulls out glasses hands them out, board spins around to reveal city, )
Here you go, your very own virtual city of Spira! Spira...interesting name...(Spreads out
hands to show city)

Thanks it means to bud or grow,

but this is way cool!

How did we get here, what is this????
Well, its actually pretty simple, all I did was program the software to only be accessible
through the very glasses you are wearing.
It looks ...small( puts hands on hips and looks confused)
Thats because I used a scale proportion of 100 feet to 1 inch.But now lets talk business.
What I really need from you is some help designing Spira.
Most of the components are

finished but I need your help to understand some of the more detailed concepts of the city.
Im a video game designer, not an engineer..or her assistant.
So, what do you already know and what do you need to know.
K then,
I already have the terrain down in the game, with flat land and slight elevation. If Im correct,
Spira was once known as Barcelona, in Spain. The game also has options for tourist locations,
like the streets of Ramba, I mean Rambla, and the Sagrada Familia.

Now, I think that electrical and environmental engineers should base the city off of
alternative energy sources, eliminate the problem of air pollution and drastically decrease
the effects of global warming from what they were a century ago.And we have to make sure
were still properly feeding and sustaining the people.
So then as a result, Spiras population could increase to an amazing, i dont know, 1.82
million. But what about problems like food shortage, lack of fresh water, and poor air
Ok, now i'm curious, how
we solve the food shortages, how did it even occur??
Well, Spira mostly depends on imported foods, so the the citizens food is usually packaged or
That means that the people only get foods that had NO nutrients.
The nutritional scientists

of Spira start growing Quinoa and Brale, to solve this problem. Quinoa, a protein that looks
similar to rice, contains nine out of the ten essential amino acids humans cannot produce.

Hold up, Brale, -- isnt that a type of writing?

Not that brale! This one is a vegetable!
Brale is broccoli and kale grafted together and melded with golden bamboo, its pretty
brilliant. Brale contains all of the necessary minerals and vitamins a human needs and makes
up for arginine, the amino acid not supplemented in Quinoa.
Ok, again, Im confused, did you say, Grafted? What in the name of Spira is that!?!?
(sighs) Well, the agricultural engineers use Grafting( points to
foam board) which
is the
process in which the twig of one plant is attached to the stem of another plant and grown.
So Quinoa is grown in Spiras vertical farms, and Brale is grown deep below the city in
Spiras underground farms, which are designed by the environmental, agricultural, food,
mechanical and electrical engineers.
If I do the math (punches numbers on calculator) one farm produces approximately 2
million bundles of Quinoa and Brale and there are 4 major farms, providing food for all the
people in the city. I designed the vertical farms with the fold out solar panels, these panels
would help decrease the urban island heat effect.

(nods)mhm. The farm enables the crops to get more natural sunlight and rain, so less
artificial components are used. The plants taste
better! I think they should be here,
here, here, and.maybe here.( points to
Vertical Farms)
Thats all great, but personally, I feel like the underground farm is what really makes
Spira as unique as it is( points to underground farms, touches model) OOOOHH pixels!
Yeah thats a glitch i need to fix it (Nervous chuckle, Assistant shoots dirty look)
AHHHH, You say what now? The underground farm system?!!?
That would be really cool for

the game.
(winces in pain, fake smiles, nods) Its pretty easy to understand. The plants are grown
underground in the citys empty subway stations, on light-sensitive machines that rotate so
that each plant can get an ideal amount of sunlight. The moisture underground is absorbed
by the smart-sprinklers to water the crops.
The smart sprinklers( POINTS TO
are a modified
system of hydroponics. Tiny nozzles mist water and nutrients onto the roots of the plants,

making sure not to give too much or too little. The excess returns to the nutrient reservoirs
underneath to be reused. These are designed by the agriculture engineers. (Mayor points at
You mentioned before the lack of fresh water, how do we manage to fix
I have an idea. How about these super cool algae purification farms ( smiles POINTS TO
These grow under floating attachable disks that are strong
enough to withstand heavy weights, which will allow them to be used for walkways and bike
paths. Underneath the disks, the algae purifies dirty sewage. When the water is clean, it is
sent to a underground water retention tank and is stored for later use. These tanks can be
located all over the city and provide easy access to clean water.
Im impressed, I cant believe no one thought of this before!
sure did!
So how do we get people place to place? Oh...LIGHT BULB! I have a great idea,
MINI domes

on top of hovering trains with climate control, sprinklers, and everything!ASSISTANT

-(interrupts) They could grow other vegetables and deliver them.yeah!

Theres more, it will also replaces the subways and gives city tours. The players would
absolutely LOVE visiting places like the virtual Sagrada Familia, a church of great historic and
architectural value.
Yeah...Im catching on, I have an idea for the hover train we could use magnetic levitation.
We should also include an advanced drone system. These drones are more of delivery bots.
They transport the crops from the farms to the shops. They also deliver goods from the
factories to shops. Also specialized hover vehicles for the disabled.
This. Is. Awesome. (very enthusiastic) But, wait, how are we going to get the info to people?
we cant have uneducated people in such an advanced city.
That would bring us to the schools and curriculums. I think that we should have Student
Research Centers around the city that allow students to experiment with different
agricultural methods. By educating the students, we can get more solutions can be made to
feed the citizens.
But we cant have so much work. We need to let our citizens chill.

Yeah, I guess. Everyone wants to be entertained.hmm(deep contemplation)

Maybe with.. video games?
Why not? After all we want them to play the game, but I was thinking we should have
community gardens (points to the
placed around the neighborhoods for people to
of course, grow their food, as well as chat with neighbors and simply relax. Also there would
be Interactive Agriculture Museums( points to
around the city with amazing High
tech exhibits. Hows that for mind exercise!?!?
I think we just
have to have
reflection halls in public places like libraries, malls, parks and
airports. These points are for reflecting, meditating, or just taking a break from an exhausting
All this activity, would help make the most of your day, doesnt it?
Sure does. But all this interaction can really tire a person out. Well, to ensure our citizens
stay up and on their toes, we could have a designated scanner with a tablet for each person.
Yeah.The scanner checks the person for any symptoms of diseases. If any is symptom is
detected, a diagnosis is sent immediately..

.And diagnoses shows up on the tablet, which is fed with information on thousands of
diseases. It is also has the genetic information of the patient so that the prescription can be
given accordingly.
Ok so this health system is pretty cool! Maybe I could have a whole operate the hospital
section of the game...mhm


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