Patrick Schenk Biography 2015

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Patrick Schenk


Patrick Schenk is currently enrolled at DePaul Universitys

Drihause College of Business and is working on his bachelors degree.
He is majoring in Real Estate, and minoring in business law and intends
on pursuing his masters degree after he graduates. Patrick has a
diverse portfolio, strong work ethic, and passion for his work. Patricks
interests include real estate, brokerage, and property development as
well as building businesses around his passions. At heart Patrick is an
Entrepreneur. He has already built two businesses and has been
constructing his third project throughout 2014. All of the businesss he
created pertain to the music industry. In high school he began
managing musicians, building brands, and booking his group to play
over 130 different concerts and events over the three years they were
together. When Chicago became his new home he met his current
friend and business partner Mac Koziarz who he created an
entertainment solutions collective under the name Media Block. Since
their creation in fall of 2013 they have worked with and filmed videos
for people and companies like, North Coast Music Festival, Muhammad
Alis Family, Heineken, The Mid Chicago, Shift Focus Studios, In the
Loop Productions, and many more. Patrick is currently creating an
Independent Record label called Last Stand Records that focuses on
developing artists careers, brand, and over all sound. He believes the
music of the mainstream media lacks substance, character, and overall
vision. He hopes to create a business model that fits the modern
context of the music industry, and proves successful during his time in
Patrick is a proud member of his community, he enjoys
volunteering at Paws Chicago, and donating time to the Episcopal
Church to help furtherer their ministry. Patrick is also a member of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and plans to run for office within the
organization in the coming year. He hopes to gain a seat on the
Emanate Board to help maintain its reputation as the best fraternity
locally and nationally and keep the spirit of SAE alive and well. He
believes in a strong moral compass, hard work, and freedom. Family
comes first, and how important it is to make time for the little things.
Life moves pretty fast. If you dont stop and look around for a while,
you could miss it Ferris

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