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Christina Andre
In a period where education is one of the prime topics talked about by adults, people are
making new learning development methods to aid children. In Daphne Baveliers ted talk, Your
Brain on Videogames, she introduces a unique way to aid in the learning and brain development
through the use of action-packed videogames. The goal of her presentation is to show how
videogames can be beneficial to people while dispelling long standing rumors about them. In her
ted talk, Daphne Baveliers speech is well written through its structure, the use of literary
devices, and the facts and statistics she uses to convey her message to her audience.
The structure of Baveliers speech was very impressive. She started each subject by
stating each counter argument that would criticize each of her topics. Then, for her rebuttal, she
reveals to the audience facts, statistics, and results of her experiments by having people
participate in a small sample of her lab experiment. Afterwards she elaborates on the subject,
explaining how the lab and the topic are connected and what they revealed about the difference
between video game players and non-video game players. During the elaboration, Bavelier also
adds some background information about each topic. For example, while explaining how video
games improve the persons attention span, Bavelier talked about the conflict-resolution parts of
the brain and the specific functions of each part.
Starting at the beginning and continuing through most of her speech, Daphne Baveliers
use of ethos gave herself, her theories, and all of her experiments credibility. At the very
beginning of her speech Bavelier stated her credentials as a brain scientist to her audience. As a
brain scientist Bavelier elaborates that her main interest is to find out how the brain learns and
how to improve the brain by making it smarter, better, and faster. Her ethos continues when


she discusses some of the experiments she has done in the past in order to prove whether her
hypothesis is correct or not. These experiments allowed her to see how video games, mainly
hard-core action games, affected the brain in a positive matter.
During her speech, Bavelier use statistics to further give her speech credibility and have a
logical background. Early in her speech, Bavelier revealed to the audience of her ted talk that the
statistics on the average age of a video game player is 33 years old and future video game players
are a lot older. Later Daphne Bavelier showed the audience a vision testing chart and the number
of lines a video game player can read compared to a non-video game player. The vision chart
showed how far an average person can read compared to an average person who played video
games. The video game player was able to read about two lines further down than the average
person. Other statistics in the ted talk showed results of her experiments and the effects on the
people of the experimental group.
Baveliers speech may contain a large amount of facts and statistics, however, she also
had a decent amount of pathos to her speech. Throughout her paper Bavelier uses humor on her
audience in order to appeal emotionally to the audience. One point she joked about was how
parents criticized their children who were playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops by thinking cant
they do something more intelligent than shooting zombies? She also use analogies that her
audience would understand to relate her subject easier. One analogy of hers compared wine to
video games, as both have been proven to have beneficial effects for people in controllable
Several times during her speech, Baveliers main audience are implied to be parents.
Throughout the entire ted talk, Daphne Bavelier talked about how a lot of her audience wanted or
desired children to be smarter and read books like Shakespeare. Another moment is when


Bavelier comments It's true. Ninety percent of children do play video games. But let's be frank.
When the kids are in bed, who is in front of the PlayStation? Most of you. Her statement
implies that the audience are parents, because in most cases when a child and an adult live in the
same household the adult is a parent and Bavelier was saying you towards the audience,
meaning her audience consists of parents.
Bavelier throughout the ted talk shows the concerns and arguments of her opposition.
During the beginning of each new topic, Daphne Bavelier starts off by talking about the common
criticism and negative beliefs people had towards video games. Some of these counter arguments
included vision problems, attention problems, and the isnt all technology the same? and why
are people not making more educational video games for children? questions. These statements
not only made the speech more credible, it also showed how well-informed Daphne Bavelier is
in the subject shes talking about.
Daphne Baveliers speech made many good points, however her speech is not without its
flaws. The main flaw in her speech was that she was unable to create or figure out a way to
combine education and video games successfully. The lack of a product was an unfortunate part
in her speech, since she gave her audience so much evidence and promise of how video games
are beneficial to the brain. The reason for not creating the video game is a difficult challenge inof itself. Bavelier herself claims that it is difficult to combine the two successfully, because you
need the fun entertainment of a game and the beneficial effects to help your brain develop and
Daphne Baveliers ted talk Your Brain on Video Games helps us, the audience,
understand the science and beneficial effects video games have on the human mind. Her speech
also gave parents a better understanding how video games can help their children and not scoff at


the concept of them. Probably in the future, Baveliers speech can give clues and knowledge to
use for creating plans and possible methods other experts may attempt.

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