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broadcaster: good morning people in this time we accompany the young

Maricielo, Jean Paul and Miss Karen

Karen: hello, good morning everyone. Is a pleasure to be with you once more
Marcielo: hi everyone, I hope you are fine at home
Jean Paul: good morning I am glad to share with you once again girls
broadcaster: ok, guys. First how are you? I hope you good
karen: yes , thank you. Although somewhat busy but well
maricielo: Im fine. Thank you
jean paul: good thanks for asking
broadcaster: Now if we start. Guys that say about who to been the best singer
of the last year?
Maricielo: for me I was Chayanne the best singer, besides being a good singer
is Dancer
Karen: ok, maricielo, you're right about that sings very well but the best singer
Ricky martin
Broadcaster: jean paul you think which of the two is better?
Jean paul: good if you ask me who is the best? both have won grammys but a
singer is full ricky martin is younger than chayanne but the experience of
chayanne in the course of his career. I think and believe that chayanne.
Broadcaster: ok. They think about the delicious dishes that exist in peru?
Karen: if I get to choose between ceviche and aji de gallina. I keep the ceviche
is the best
Jean paul: el pollo a la brasa is more delicious than the ceviche
Maricielo: for me all the dishes are delicious. I could not tell which is the best
Broadcaster: I give you the reason maricielo. everyone has a different taste
each delicious and what is your favorite pet
Maricielo: the cats are perfect pets are the best
Jean paul: the parrots are much cleanner than cats Therefore I prefer parrots

Karen: the dog is man's best friend. it is faithful. so it makes the best pet
Broadacaster: I agree with you. time is over. Thanks for coming guys and you
who watch this program until the next.
Maricielo: bye
Jean paul: bye
Karen: see you

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