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Daniel Biggs
ENG 102
Per. 4th

Introducing Zamperini. Introducing Laura
Hillenbrands book. Comparing Unbroken
to other WW2 stories.
Introducing Hillenbrands book Seabiscuit.
Introduces Zamperinis memoir.
Hillenbrand verifies Zamperinis stories
with written records. Discusses
Zamperinis running career.
Discussing Zamperinis war career.
Describing Zamperinis life in the POW
camps. Introducing the Bird.
Discussing Zamperinis life after the war.

Using other WW2 books to

describe the style of
Hillenbrands book.
Comparing Unbroken to
Hillenbrands previous
book. Summarizing
Zamperinis running
Describing Zamperinis
struggles and using
specific events to describe
his struggles.
Describing Zamperinis
current affairs to show
that he has survived and
thrived after his struggles.

Krist, Gary. "Laura Hillenbrand's." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 13 Nov. 2010. Web. 12
Feb. 2015.
4-sentence rhetorical precis
Gary Krist, in his article, Laura Hillenbrands Unbroken, reviewed by Gary Krist,
argues that Laura Hillenbrands story of Zamperinis life is different from other war
stories in that the stories Zamperini describes to Hillenbrand are true and can be
verified with historical records. He supports his claim by first introducing Louis
Zamperini and Laura Hillenbrands book Unbroken, then relates Unbroken to
other war stories, then discuses Hillenbrands earlier writings, and finally describes
Zamperinis war life. Krists purpose is to analyze Laura Hillenbrands book
Unbroken. He establishes an official tone for those wishing to learning about this
piece of writing.
Gary Krist describes Unbroken as being
comparable to other war stories, with
one key difference, that Zamperinis
stories are true. This is correct in that
Hillenbrand has made numerous
attempts to verify Zamperinis stories
with written historical record. Krist also

The stories in this book are considerable
unreliable. Though Hillenbrand tried her
best to get all the facts right, she was
discussing events that happened almost
70 years ago, relying on the memory of
a 93 year old man who has suffered
severe physical and psychological

accurately describes the events in the


Daniel Biggs
ENG 102
Per. 4th
trauma. This could result in mixed
memory and confusion of events,
making the stories in this book
unreliable, though Gary Krist believes
these war stories to be more believable
then that of other war stories this is
equally as unreliable.

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