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Andrea Aragn Hernndez

Buiness English

1) Marveled pg 69 one that causes wonder or astonishment. (marveled
must mean that someone is amazed by something, possibly perplexed
by its existence) She marveled at how quickly he could enter a
2) Trance pg.69 a state that is like being asleep except that you can move
and respond to questions and commands like a person who is awake.
(trance must be when one is not fully unconscious and is stuck in a
state where they are numb to their surroundings) She marveled at
how quickly he could enter a trance.
3) Mending pg.69 to make (something broken or damaged) usable again :
to repair (something broken or damaged). [mending must be to fix
something] Even Talu had some basic skill with mending cuts
and bruises.
4) Summoning pg.101 to ask for (someone or something) to come : to
send or call for (someone or something). [summoning must be to bring
something back from some where] She was about to ask if Korbyn
had been right, that their summoning ceremony had failed,
when the tent flap was lifted.
5) Sunken pg.105 lying or built at a lower level than the surrounding area.
( sunken must mean dipped in) She studied his face and saw his
eyes were sunken with deep lines as if he hadnt slept.
6) Dodged pg.107 a clever or dishonest trick done in order to avoid
something. ( dodged must mean that somebody tried to evade being
hit by something) With a roar, Fennik lunged for him. Korbyn

7) Esteemed pg.106 the regard in which one is held. ( esteemed must

mean something or someone that is revered) Hes Fennik, the
vessel of Sendar and the son of our esteemed hosts.
8) Vessel pg. 106 a container (as a cask, bottle, kettle, cup, or bowl) for
holding something. (Must be somebody that holds something within
themselves or somebody who becomes a proxy for somebody else)
Hes Fennik, the vessel of Sendar and the son of our
esteemed hosts.
9) Flexed pg.123 to move or tense (a muscle) by contraction. ( must
mean to tighten, or to show of) The giant worm flexed in the air,
and then slowly, miraculously, it sank back into the ground.
Reassure. Pg. 130 to make (someone) feel less afraid, upset, or
doubtful. ( to make someone feel better by making the person feel
safe) She breathed with him, evenly and deeply, and she
wished she dared reach over and touch him again--- just to
reassure herself that he was alive.
Limped pg.131 to walk in a slow and awkward way because of an
injury to a leg or foot. ( when someone walks funny) One by one, the
other three horses trotted and limped to them, and one by
one, he healed them.
Ordeal pg.147 an experience that is very unpleasant or difficult. (
something difficult that test a persons character) And the horses
had to recover from their ordeal.
Saddle pg.186 a seat to be straddled by the rider of a vehicle ( a
small cover for the back of a horse that a person sits on it in order to
be more comfortable) He then picked her up with more care
than Liyanna thought she would have, and he placed her in a
Proximity pg. 282 a seat to be straddled by the rider of a vehicle.
( must mean that something is close to another) She closed her
eyes, trying to grasp an inner calmness that was slipping away
with the emperors proximity.


Oasis pg.335 a fertile or green area in an arid region. ( must be a

sanctuary) She touched the oasis where her family had camped
and where she had left the silver bells--- and she touched the
souls of hundreds of people.

1. Someone must explain our cause to them--- prevent misunderstandings

and encourage cooperation. You have met Mulaf. He is ill suited to such a
task. But you, a vessel, one of the deserts own precious jewels . . . I chose
these sentences to represent the story because they are the reason there
was a story. This particular sentence is an explanation as to why the emperor
of the jungle decided to try and invade the desert. Because the emperor
wanted to invade he went to extreme measures, he entrapped the gods and
goddesses that were supposed to inhabit the vessels or human that had
been chosen causing troubles and turmoil between the clans people.
Because the gods and goddesses had been kidnaped one god decides to go
around and collect all of the abandoned vessels and try and rescue the
deities. Once the trickster god rescues the deities a war begins as the empire
of the emperor tries to attack and defeat the desert people that gathered
together after the deities were found.
2. My first impression of the main character Korbin the trickster god, was that
he was fooling the main character Liyanna and would eventually leave her
stranded. I was very convinced that the trickster god was just playing around
with Liyannas emotions making her into a tool and toy that he could use and
dispose of without care.
3. Liyanna was a sort of fruit cultivated by her clan, she never really had any
independence and she was not particularly brave. Liyanna had believed that
she was to die and had not harbored any ambition or plans for her life and
since the day she was born was basically an empty shell. After he was
rescued by Korbin and gone around the desert with him she started to look

forward to life, she started realizing that she wanted things and slowly
became more confident and tenacious as she found a fervor for life.
a. I discovered how interesting the desert sounded. Because of the way the
desert was described in the book by the author, I found that I was interested
in going to it and experiencing what the characters where experiencing. I
also appreciated the way the author described the scenery and at more than
one time I was truly immersed in the story. The way the author created and
weaved the culture of the desert and empire people sparked my interest in
learning about other cultures.
b. This book has changed my view on the topic of invasion of others land
because of duress. Even though the emperor was trying to find a way to keep
his people alive he decide to look for outside sources and try to invade and
destroy a whole civilization and way of living. I saw that one could not only
think about their own needs but they have to see the needs of other people.
c. This book has supported my views on planning for the future and living in
the present. Because the girl in the story thought she would never have a
future she was essentially a skeleton, a capsule, of her human self. She had
no ambition and almost no drive to make her want to live her life past what
she had been pre assigned to do.
5. The author did a good job recreating the complexities of a culture such as
the culture of the desert people, she made the culture have characteristics
and customs that made it seem as if we were learning and participation a
culture form another part of the word.
6. This book could have been better if there had not been the initial
insinuation of a possible relationship between Liyanna and Korbin.

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