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He examined the sociological

consequences of information
Bell was an American sociologist,
writer, editor, and professor emeritus
at Harvard University who was best
known for his contributions
to post-industrialism.

One of his most influential books was entitled The

Coming of Post-Industrial Society.

The three components to a post-industrial society, according

to Bell:
a shift from manufacturing to services
the centrality of the new science-based industries
the rise of new technical elites and the advent of a new principle of

Gloria Schuck and Shoshana Zuboff

Looked at psychological facets.
Zuboff claims that information technology is widening the divide

between senior managers and operational level managers.

She also claims that prior to widespread use of computer systems,
managers, even at most senior level, engaged in both strategic decisions
and routine administration but as computers facilitated, these activities
move down the hierarchy.

In 1990, Peter Senge collaborated with Arie de

Geus and theorized the importance of the use of

information in the success of the organization.

Learning organization is an organization where people

continually expand their capacity to create the results they
truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are
nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free and where
people are continually learning to see the whole together.

Senge claimed that an organization would need to be

structured such that:

People can continuously expand their capacity to learn and be

New patterns of thinking are nurtured
Collective aspirations are encouraged
People are encouraged to see the whole picture together

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