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Ashly Blum

Mark Kalin in his article, The Courage of Malala: Shot for Advocating Education for
Girls, states that Malala Yousafzai is a strong advocator for young women and has dealt with
many challenges the past few years. He first supports his claim by giving an insight on her
background and has emerged as an international symbol for challenges such as, gender equality,
education, and opportunities. Then he talks about how her dad was a principal for a school in
Pakistan and how he educated her even though it came with a risk. Finally he explains she was a
threat to men by standing up and going against her regular customs, which put a extreme
downgrade on women and that led to her shooting but she survived and continued to believe in
educating women and Pakistanis other than harming them. Kalins purpose was to show how
well Malala Yousafzai has pulled through many hardships, poverty, and injustice by growing up
a Pakistan and deciding to advocate for women in her hometown but in order to accomplish this
he gave insight on her background and her families background. He establishes a kind but
influential tone for his worldwide audience.
Say Do Chart:
Chapter 1: Say
introduces main character, Malala Yousafzai
symbol of challenges such as gender equality, education and opprotunity
explains gratitude to U.S
gives background on Malala by telling age and what she is known for
establishes her background and her hardships through facts about her
quotes Malala when she thanked the president, Obama
Chapter 2-4: Say
introduces situation with drone attacks and the U.S
explains that Malala goal was to help give women access to explore their intellectual
instead of killing, educate them
introduces her dad
quotes Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK about drone attacks involving obama
connects Pakistan and U.S issue with Malala advocacy by quotes
quotes father about global poverty, and educating students
Chapter 5 Say:
threat to men that have been on the top of the patriarchal pyramid

explains why Taliban gunman shot Yousafzai

love of knowledge and courage got her through it all
cites BBC Urdu service regarding the Taliban shooter
gives insight on her surgery in England and outcome after
Chapter 6-9: Say
Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize but didn't win
spoke at the UN and received many honors
U.S using Malala as a tool for propaganda to continue the war
argues that she is no supporter of violence
Supports Malala about women not having enough basic rights
explains situation between Afghanistan and Pakistan
quotes Malala about education being a basic right but a privilege in the West (Islam)
quotes Yousafzai on the background of what women are like in the West
Chapter 10: Say
political powers use her as a pawn but she stands strong
concludes with idea that she is a proud young women that grew up in Pakistan
states that she was trying to be used as tool for propaganda
concludes with a quote from Malala herself
stating the world has changed around her but she has not
I believe that the author did a good job stating facts and citing quotes from the book that backed
up Malalas argument. Mark Kalin supports her argument by agreeing and supporting by stating
his opinion but in a formal matter. Kalin did a good job interpreting her voice and her importance
to the Pakistani community while also explaining her gratitude towards the U.S. I now
understand the situation between each countries and how serious it has been and grown
throughout the years.
In Mark Kalins article he does well on backing up his evidence with quotes from other sources
and the book itself but doesnt state a strong enough argument that tells if he supports her or not.
He tells facts about her, family, and her ethnicity but also gives both sides such as the situation
with the government. Kalin couldve spoken more about her feelings towards the situation and
less on the government issue with it.

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