LIN 4701 - CHILDES Database Transcript #1: Waked Up

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LIN 4701 CHILDES database transcript #1


CHI Abe Target_Child, FAT Father, MOT Mother, GRA Grandmother
@Age of CHI: 2;11.30
@Sex of CHI: Male
@Group of CHI:
@Birth of CHI:
@Date: 13-DEC-1973
CHAT 23-OCT-1987
*CHI: I don't like cranky dogs I like happy dogs like Rufus.
*MOT: yeah you can play with happy dogs.
*CHI: you know when I sleeped Rufus started to barked too loud and then I
waked up.
*MOT: did you go back to sleep or did you get up?
*CHI: I goed@n back to sleep Pudge is a cranky dog I like Rufus better
from Pudge.
*MOT: I do too Pudge is an old dog and old dogs are cranky sometimes.
*FAT: where are you going # Abe?
*FAT: why don't you stay out here and talk to us?
*CHI: I wan(t) (t)a see the presents.
%exp: under the Christmas tree
*FAT: why don't you stay out here?
*FAT: tell Grandma about school.
*CHI: school?
*CHI: what school?
*MOT: tell Grandma where you see these kinds of things Abe.
*CHI: I don't know I don't know.
*MOT: you can bring carrot+head and potato+head out here and work on em.
*CHI: ok oh I [/] I [/] I can't find carrot+head.
*MOT: oh you lost it?
*CHI: yeah.
*GRA: oh # we'll find him around some place # I'm sure.
*CHI: what is this?
*CHI: what is this?
*CHI: huh?
*GRA: I don't know what that is.
*MOT: look what I found.
*CHI: hey!
*CHI: see the shoes can't stick on him.
*MOT: you can't get the shoes on?
*CHI: hunhunh.
*GRA: why don't you use another body?
*GRA: then you can put shoes on.
*CHI: how come Grandma you call my daddy Sonny?
*GRA: oh that's his name to me I'm his mommy and so I call him Sonny and
he calls me Mommy.
*CHI: oh # where [/] where's potato head?
*MOT: I don't know.
*CHI: I like the man's body put this body right here so I know where it
are ok?



here on the table?

yeah # get these off # oh dear # hey!
I'm making a carrot+head help me!
help me!
I can't fix it can I have [//] can I take this home with me?
you can play with it # but I don't know if you can take it home with
I'm sure you can take it home with you # Abe.
I'm sure you can take that home with you # Abe.
her said I can her said I can.
ok did you say thank you?
thank you know what number I'm gon (t)a be on my birthday?
no how old are you going to be # Abe?
three years old what a big boy.
that's scaring [/] that's scaring me.
what scared you # Abe?
that noise did.
when Rufus barked?
uhhuh # I wan(t) (t)a do this I wan(t) (t)a do this.
go ahead.
help when you put it on # you # uh # uh # uh # put the black things
on ok?
after I put this on # you put the black thing on.
you have to do that first come here and I'll show you you have to
put the black thing on first and then put that on.
you show me then I can put his shoes on.
ok # I see # now I can.
uhhuh now you can fix up old Mr Carrot+head get down # Rufus.
why you don't like Rufus?
oh # I like her it's just that I don't like her to jump up on me and
lick me all the time.
how come?
do you like her to lick you all the time?
you do?
good maybe Santa Claus can bring you a big wet tongue for Christmas
that can lick you all the.
# no I don't think so he can't put it in me because I have just one
tongue [/] just one tongue.
oh you have one tongue and that's enough?
that's (e)nough tongue I like Rufus uh # I like Rufus to bark at me.
you like Rufus to bark at you?
she's a friendly little dog # isn't she?




sometimes her's not friendly sometimes her barks nice sometimes her
sometimes she's not nice?
no sometimes her is look he's standing up where's potato+head?
where's potato+head?
carrot+head's standing up?
I don't know go look for it.
ok I'm gon (t)a put these on the foot stool so they don't get lost.
ok I'll protect them.
Abe # don't walk on your heels.
that'll ruin your cowboy boots.
don't walk on your heels walk on your whole foot # ok?
when you don't walk on your heels you walk on your tipie+toes and
then you fall down.
right so don't walk on your heels by themselves and don't walk on
our tipie+toes by themselves walk on everything together what did
you get?
a etch-a-sketch
I made a l@l this.
you made a l@l on that?
it's supposed to be a letter.
what letter?
what letter is it supposed to be?
oh it does look like a l@l.
sec I'm [//] what is this?
I don't know what is it?
it's a hand.
it's a hand?
it's a funny hand it's uh holding one more truck.
it's a funny hand holding a truck?
no it's holding a gun.
oh it's holding a gun here let me help you draw something.
no no.
why not?
I didn't want my hand to be holded.
ok go ahead and make something else.
Abe # do you want to hang these on the tree?
I found something else you can put on the tree.
candy canes
I wan(t) (t)a eat one.
no we can't eat them we're going to put them on the tree.
I wan(t) (t)a -: &m [/] I wan(t) (t)a get one and eat it.
no we're going to put them on the tree.
Abe # do you want this other piece of bacon?
I guess no.
alright here Rufus do you want to give Rufus the bacon # Abe?
I'm [/] I'm putting candy canes on the tree # I'd like to do another




thing I wan(t) (t)a do another thing.

that's all.
look what I made see Grandma see Grandma.
on etch-a-sketch
oh # what a nice thing.
except it has a xxx on the side it's a broken camel.
do you want me to shake it so that you can start again?
I can shake it.
that was nice when you got me presents.
do you like those presents that are under the tree?
I bet that Santa Claus will bring you some more have you been a good
yeah help me help me # Grandma.
ok now you can start all over.
<2w> shakes etch-a-sketch
Momma see it's standing up.
it's standing up?
boy # you know how to make a lot of stuff with that etch+a+sketch #
don't you?
look at this.
boy that's nice is it a stairway?
how you shake it?
like this?
show me how to shake it.
ok you turn it upside down so it's facing the floor and then you
shake it see?
see it standed up Momma # awoh carrot+head fell down.
well pick him up.
ok # and put him here where he belongs.
is that where he belongs?
uhhuh # where's mine # Mommy # where's mine [/] mine baseball hat?
I don't know let's go look for it.
I'm looking I don't see it.
what are you doing?
I'm looking for mine [/] mine baseball hat.
look to your left what do you see?
my hat where's the stick too?
where are you going # Abe?
I'm finding the stick # I can't find it.
Abe # would you like some Dr Pepper?
would you like a glass of Dr Pepper?
I can drink it out of the bottle.
ok # here it is.
I don't like this I (a)nother kind.
what kind?




yeah Sprite.
I don't have any Sprite # but I'll get some later.
and then I drink it out of the same bottle I had last night.
the same bottle?
yeah it was a smaller bottle.
it was just your size # wasn't it Abe?
uhhuh can I have a piece of candy?
can I have a piece of candy?
I guess so.
I like um um this one # no I like green better I never had that for
a long time.
no # that.
do you want green or white?
where do you put the paper # Abe?
in the garbage.
here here's the garbage right here.
can I throw garbage?
I like to throw garbage.
throw it in right here.
where's Grandpa?
he's at work.
how long will he be home?
he'll be home as soon as he's done probably about nine+thirty.
where's uh # uh # uh # uh # uh # uh # uh # uh # a red stick?
you're looking for a red stick?
yeah a red stick # what is this?
it looks like part of a potato+head to me.
can we leave this out?
&m -: no.
I don't know maybe we should put it all up what do you think?
there are two birds.
toy birds
I didn't know there were two birds at one time.
what are you going to do with those two birds?
I'm gon (t)a leave em right out.
right out there?
I wonder where this one goes.
it can go with the other one.
no it is too much little.
oh one bird's too small?
what are you doing?




I'm hiding.
how come?
I'm getting ready to jump soon as Mommy get here.
you're going to scare Mommy?
no I'm gon (t)a jump.
oh know what this is?
who's that?
a deer.
a reindeer.
no a deer a reindeer has two horns.
oh and that just has stubs maybe it's a baby reindeer.
I wan(t) (t)a jump that was a good idea throwing pillows is a good
idea also.
<1U> jumps
you're going to throw pillows again?
maybe you should pick those toys up first.
what are you doing?
I'm making them stand up.
oh you're not going to throw pillows?
not now.
what are you playing with # Abe?
the birds.
what are you doing with the birds?
I'm making em stand up like [/] like this.
oh do you like those birds?
yeah &m bird.


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