TTE596c - Spanish Methodology Lesson Plan Template: (NL-NM-, Etc.)

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TTE596c Spanish Methodology Lesson Plan Template

Name: Erika Somoza

Level: 1-2

Date: 11/03/14

Proficiency Target: [NL-NM-NH, etc.]


Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and

exchange opinions
Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety
of topics.

Lesson Title: Vivimos aqu

Estimated Time for Lesson: 50 min
Objective(s): I can name all the rooms in a house and ask and answer questions about where household
furniture and tools are located.
Technology Goal(s):
6. Technology operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding
of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
1. Understand and use technology systems

Prior Knowledge: Students already learned the prepositions of location and were presented with the
vocabulary of a house and household furniture and tools. Students also learned sequential numbers.
Critical Instructional Materials and Resources:
Power point presentation
Lap tops
White copy paper
Lesson Sequencing:
-Activator/Anticipatory Set: (7 min)
Campanazo: (bellwork) Look at the picture and write three sentences about where furniture is located in
the house.

-Instructional Strategies/Processing Opportunities and Structures

Review Vocab (picture-word association) (the house and furniture) (7 min)
Pizarroncitos- I would say a word in Spanish and students will draw a picture to show the word.
(3 min)
Practice vocabulary- Use laptops to practice vocabulary on Quizlet- log in, play space race.
Highest scores get pesos. (5 min)

House and household items activity: (20 min)

o Draw a picture of your ideal house.
o On the back of your paper, write 20 sentences describing your house.
o Description should include only vocabulary that we have learned in class.

-Formative Assessment(s)
Quizlet scores
House descriptions.
-Summarizer (8 min)
Reflexin: Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
1. Yo vivo en un_______ (apartamento/comedor) en el tercer ________ (piso/cuarto).
2. Preparamos la comida en la _____ (cmoda/ cocina).
3. Duermo en mi ________(armario/cama), que est en mi _____ (cocina/ cuarto).

Summative Assessment
Unit 5 lesson 1 Quiz (open note)

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