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GENERIC NAME: Etoricoxib


DRUG CLASS: Analgesic, Cox-2 inhibitor
PHARMACODYNAMICS: Inhibits COX-2 which prevents the metabolism of
arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H2, which reduces concentrations of prostaglandin
E2, which lowers the hypothalamic set-point to reduce fever, and activation of
descending inhibitory serotonergic pathways to produce analgesia.
DOSAGE: 120 mg table,t p.o, OD
INDICATIONS: Relief of chronic musculoskeletal pain; relief of acute pain; to treat
acute gouty arthritis
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use with caution in elderly people; History of disorders
affecting the stomach or intestines, such as ulceration or bleeding; decreased
kidney function; decreased liver function
ADVERSE EFFECTS: Headache; Dizziness; Disturbances of the gut such as
diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, flatulence or abdominal pain;
Excessive fluid retention in the body tissues, resulting in swelling (edema); High
blood pressure(hypertension); Weakness or loss of strength (asthenia
1. Teach patient to take medicine or medications as physicians order
2. Tell the patient for the possible effects of drug prior to its adverse reactions
and consider such reactions mentioned as normal.
3. Provide the patient with the proper management upon taking medications.
4. Tell the patient to seek for help if no such effects of drug are noted or that if
symptoms prior to his conditions are still noted.
5. Tell patient to maintain his normal diet and the possible consequences of the
drugs effect concerning on his appetite.

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