Course Expectancy Sheet

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Spanish 1-2
Instructor: Erika Somoza/ Alicia Lara
Room: 302
Phone: 232-5737
Course Description:
This first year course prepares students to communicate in Spanish, both in production and
comprehension. As the year progresses, students will develop basic literacy skills in the areas of
listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish.
The curriculum is centered around the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the
21st Century which includes the following areas of focus:

The communication standard stresses the use of language for communication in real
life situations. It emphasizes what students can do with language rather than what
they know about language. Students are asked to communicate in oral and written form,
interpret oral and written messages, show cultural understandings when they
communicate, and present oral and written information to various audiences for a variety
of purposes.
Cultural understanding is an important part of world languages education. Experiencing
other cultures develops a better understanding and appreciation of the relationship
between languages and other cultures, as well as the students native culture. Students
become better able to understand other peoples points of view, ways of life, and
contributions to the world.
World languages instruction must be connected with other subject areas. Content from
other subject areas is integrated through lessons that are developed around common
Students are encouraged to compare and contrast languages and cultures. They discover
patterns, make predictions, and analyze similarities and differences across languages and
cultures. Students often come to understand their native language and culture better
through such comparisons.

Extending learning experiences from the world language classroom to the home and
multilingual and multicultural community emphasizes living in a global society.
Activities may include: field trips, guest speakers and participation in cultural activities.

Textbook: Avancemos 1, McDougal Littell, 2007.

Students who successfully complete this course will show mastery in the following
areas of skill in Spanish **

Basic communicative phrases: Greeting and introductions, saying where

youre from, telling time, asking for and giving the date, talking about the
weather, and common classroom phrases
Describing self and others talk about you and your friends, talking about family,
discussing interests and hobbies
Talking about school schedules, classes, teachers
Food sharing recipes, describing favorite foods, ordering in a restaurant
Shopping Describing clothing, money exchange in a Spanish speaking country
Home Describing a house and household items, planning a party, talking about
chores around the house
Talking about ones health Sports, communication with nurses and doctors
Daily routine Discussing ones daily routine
Travel Discussing vacation plans, using basic travel phrases
**Students will be expected to use vocabulary and grammar in listening, speaking,
reading and writing pertaining to the above themes with at least 70% accuracy.
Classroom Policies and expectations
Food and drinks are not permitted in class. A bottle of water is the only beverage
Raise your hand to contribute and remain quiet when others speak.
Do your own work. Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. I will adhere to
the school policy.
Students are expected to be respectful to their peers and teachers and refrain from
using vulgar language, put downs or derogatory statements.
Use of electronic devices such as cell phones, I-pods, headphones or any kind of
electronic device will not be allowed to be visible in the classroom. (You will have
to pay a peso if I see your phone)
Disruptive behavior in the classroom will result in:
1) Verbal warning
2) A teacher-student conference
3) Contact with parent
4) Disciplinary referral
**In cases of gross misconduct, the teacher reserves the right to bypass steps 1 and 2**
Classroom Procedures:

Be in your seat when the last bell rings. You will receive an unexcused tardy if you are
not in the classroom by the time the last bell rings.
o students should be to class on time, and ready to learn when the bell rings to
begin class. Below is an action guide for students who come to class
1st/2nd tardy: warning
3rd tardy: teacher call home
4th/5th tardy: refer to alpha administrator for detention assignment
6th tardy+ : refer to alpha administrator for ISS assignment
o We will have a tardy binder- every time you come in late to class you will
sign in in the binder and leave your office slip in the binder
As soon as you are in your seat you will start working on your Campanazo quietly.
All work should be done in blue or black ink and on a clean sheet of paper with your full
name, date, period and title of the assignment, exercise or page number.
Work presentation- all work turned in must be clean and presentable, show pride in
your work or it will not be accepted.
Bad handwriting- if I cant understand it I will not grade it and you will get 5 points
only out of the 15 (even if its completed).
In the event of an absence it is the students responsibility to find out what
classwork/quizzes/tests were missed. Please do this before or after class only. Students
are to check the mailbox marked with the date of assignment and get any handouts from
the slot of the date missed. For extended absences and extenuating circumstances, I will
work with the students in assigning due dates. Otherwise, for all excused absences
students will have one extra class period for each excused absence to complete the
missing assignment.
Assignments are generally due the next class period unless a different due date is
indicated. During bellwork, students are to have the homework out on their desks and
the teacher will come around and stamp completed assignments. If you did not finish
the homework, please have the blank or partially finished assignment out on your desk
and the teacher will mark indicating that the student will receive a deduction of 5 points
on the assignment.
o All stamped assignments are worth 15 pts if completed.
o If it is not stamped and still not completed by Friday it will be worth
5 points.
Students are expected to be respectful to their peers and teachers and refrain from using
vulgar language, put downs or derogatory statements. Disruptive behavior in the
classroom will result in: 1) Pagame 2) A teacher-student conference, 3) Contact with
parent, and 4) disciplinary referral.
**In cases of gross misconduct, the teacher reserves the right to bypass steps 1 and 2**

Grading Policy: Students earn their grades through daily participation, completing weekly
assignments in a timely manner and performing their best on quizzes, tests, and projects.
Grading Scale
59 and below

Vocabulary/Grammar/Lesson Quizzes
Chapter Tests
Oral Participation (Participacin oral)
Classwork , Group Projects and Homework
Final Exam


Pared de la fama -The best student work from each class will be posted in the wall of fame. If
your work is chosen you will receive five extra pesos. If your work is posted on the wall of fame
three times, you will get a free item from La tiendita.
Snack Friday- La tiendita- Every Friday students will get the opportunity to buy Mexican
candy/snacks with the extra pesos they acquire during the week. We will be providing the snacks
and students will get 5 minutes of free time during their class period to buy and enjoy the snacks.
Participation: Speaking, in a foreign language classroom, is essential for learning the language.
Spanish is a verbal, participatory course. Your level of language will be evaluated daily as you
work and respond in class, individually and in-group conversations. You will receive a peso each
time they participate in class. You will be required to turn in a total of ten pesos each Friday, of
you turn in more than ten, that would be considered extra credit.
Homework: Students will have homework 3-5 times per week. If homework is not officially
assigned, students should look over notes and practice the concepts we are working on and/or
review concepts from previous weeks. Learning a new language takes time, repetition and
practice so it is to your benefit to review and practice whatever we are learning in class.
Assessments Students will be assessed both formally and informally.

Informal assessments:
writing activity.

Formal assessments: Tests and quizzes. (Some will be unannounced) Most quizzes
are open note (students may only use the spiral notebook of notes) **Notes are not
allowed while taking the Unit tests and the final exam

student performance during listening, speaking, reading or

Interventions In order to be successful in this course, all students are expected to score a
minimum of 70% on all tests and quizzes. Tests and quizzes lower than 70% should be
resubmitted with corrections within one week. In addition, if a student scores lower than 70% on
a test, they should correct their mistakes and take an alternate test within one week (during
conference hour Monday or Tuesday) The students final score will be an average of the original
test grade and the re-take.
Communication with the teacher Students and their parents are free to contact me by phone or
e-mail (e-mail is the preferred mode of communication).
I am looking forward to working with you this year. I am very happy to start doing what I love to
do again. I love teaching and I am very happy to be able to share my love for Spanish with you.

This will be a very thrilling experience because we will learn from each other. Please feel free to
contact me and let me know what I can do to make this the best experience for all of us.

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