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Rum Baba recipe

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from Glamour Puds

The legendary pudding of alcohol-soaked fruit gets a touch of Glamour Puds magic

Eric: The Rum Baba was apparently a Polish inspiration from King Stanislas Leszcynsky, however,
the Patissier Stohrer from Paris, a descendant of the Polish Royal Patissier is taking the credit for
this delicious creation! The original name of the patisserie on Rue Montorgueil was 'Au Baba'. For
my recipe I am remaining loyal to the saffron, rum and tea flavours from the West Indies, which
would have appeared in the original recipe.

For the Baba

3 eggs
150g caster sugar
150ml warm milk
50g butter, melted
120g plain flour
1 tsp easy blend yeast

For the saffron crme patissiere

4 egg yolks
100g caster sugar
50g cornflour
250ml hot milk
Pinch saffron
50g unsalted butter
Drop of vanilla extract
50g golden sultanas soaked overnight in 2 tbsp rum

For the sugar syrup

150ml water
100ml sugar cane syrup
100ml rum
2 tsp of good quality loose Indian tea

To decorate
3 tbsp apricot jam, warmed
Seasonal berries
Icing sugar

How to make rum Baba
1. Preheat the oven to 170C/Gas 3.
2. To make the Baba, whisk the eggs and sugar until they go pale and fluffy, then add the warm
milk, melted butter and fold in the flour and yeast.
3. Pour into a buttered tin and bake for 50 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, make the saffron crme patissiere. Whisk the egg yolks and caster sugar, then add the
cornflour and mix until smooth. Add the hot milk and then return to a pan, add the saffron and cook

until it thickens. Once thickened add unsalted butter and vanilla. Leave to cool.
5. Make the syrup by warming the water, sugar cane syrup, rum and tea, bring to the boil and cook
until reduced to syrup, about 5 mins.
6. Remove the cooled cake from the tin and trim the top of the cake so it sits level on a plate. Strain
the sugar syrup and pour over your cake. Keep adding the syrup so that the cake soaks up all the
flavour. Finally, glaze the cake with warmed apricot preserve.
7. Finish by filling the centre with the saffron infused crme patissiere to which you have folded in
the rum soaked sultanas. Decorate with seasonal berries and a dusting of icing sugar.

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