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Sean Murray

12181 South Summit Street

Olathe, KS 66062
(913) 220-9372


The University of Kansas Lawrence, KS

Aug. 2013-Present

Majoring in Journalism: Strategic Communication and Business: Marketing

Anticipating graduation with honors in May of 2017
Achieving a cumulative grade point average of 3.95

Work Experience

President Student Endowment Board

Jan. 2014-Present

Marketing Strategist The Agency

Oct. 2014-Present

Resident Assistant KU Student Housing

Aug. 2014-Present

Lead discussion at weekly membership meetings and at weekly executive board meetings
Manage efforts of 27 student members by coordinating personnel scheduling for events
Represent KU Endowment at national conferences, alumni events and campus programs
Promote the importance of alumni and donor contribution through campus outreach events
Gain organizational leadership, event planning and public speaking experience

Assist in developing the foundational structure of student-run advertising agency start-up

Research advertising agencies in the area to develop brand strategy plan for The Agency
Conduct focus groups, surveys and interviews researching solutions to client needs
Generate insights from data analysis and articulate results to account executives
Gain research analysis, agency interaction and experiential learning experience

Organize educational programs and design bulletin boards to promote weekly events
Cooperate with a staff of 17 resident assistants and 3 supervisors to enforce policies
Serve as a positive role model and an academic resource for 64 students in Ellsworth Hall
Provide academic and personal conflict-resolution advice to all 414 residents as needed
Gain conflict management, community-building and interpersonal relationship experience

Vice President Student Endowment Board

Aug. 2014-Dec. 2014

Marketing Intern KU Edwards Campus

May 2014-Aug. 2014

Recruitment Chair Beta Sigma Psi

March 2014-Present

Managed social media traffic on the groups Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts
Generated social media content, including weekly contests and informational updates
Lead promotion of all events by designing advertisements and coordinating placement
Served on the executive board, completing two office hours a week at KU Endowment
Gained event promotion, social media management and content creation experience

Designed fliers, digital slides, infographics and more targeted at prospective students
Managed social media channels, tailoring content to specific segmented audiences
Curated professional development advice on social media by sharing relevant career tips
Published articles for monthly internal campus newsletter and campus events email
Gained strategic planning, graphic design and project management experience

Founded the Nu Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi national Lutheran fraternity with 8 other men
Recruit members to the fraternity, increasing the membership from 9 to 18 in the first year
Create and manage all social media content used for the promotion of the fraternity
Design and distribute semester newsletter on social media and to 200 email recipients
Gain event promotion, social media management and content creation experience

Technical Skills
Computer competency - Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Microsoft Office
Spanish limited working knowledge in reading and writing - Five years of study
Social media proficiency - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Google+
Marketing tools experience - Google Analytics, HootSuite, MailChimp, Survey Monkey

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