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Proceedings of an International Conference on Historic Bridges to Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Wheeling Suspension Bridge October 21-23, 1999 Wheeling, West Virginia 1s Stiffening Suspension Bridges By Dario A. Gasparini, ustin M. Spivey, Stephen G. Buonopane and Thomas E. Boothby Suspension bridges have inspired an ex tease body of tence ranging fom eee, to hisores of individ and ‘ideo tchnieel ances, Pets the sesinent westerns ie Navies Rappor a Monsour Becpney ‘etminoiresw les pout sapends. pblised in 1823." ta 1981, Jaa {oiled an avaliable ibogrpty of Tena upto hatin Asal seme of wor on suspension bridges may i ‘tage Rankin, Mela, Bender, Sequin, Moiseift, Ammann, Stinman,Pugley, ‘and, 08 he eign of the form, Nes tum? Srinnen etezorzed various se eon bdge Fray, dgeassa svat, lags ad csevantages of each and Provided ilstatons of seul designs Mare reseat historical pmpectves ac isis are gven by Billington, Peter, Keng and Buocopane? Many wings focus on te dria fo the deck sind suspension Wedge, Designers fave however, developed ach varity ‘fare seucaal ess fo stile suspicion chains or able, These alie- ‘fom are disusse her, ilu. Ste wih bridges that exe each, este coeparisons reves tues of Stal behave and desones” jue er. Some ofthese hes ar unte- ‘ive fet, proving adequate ti ‘sand stably in wind and modeling ‘onavically nansnee behavior ee ain design challenges ay. espe forms to be disused are schematically in ie I The bene cae (ig 13) dase i to provide pepsi on the mane ‘fe Seg problems Pree} Peet (9) Unsittot sgenon able) Dass min ‘shes a dean rates Teeeert [Teeth (9 Twohiged bucedchinereable (2) Theeinge taal incre (©) Tron fy mpd Gem cse (Tsing. lysed sale tod iene haga ‘deck Gene arog a). © Sine yom me Tose yt ae = oe 0) siti eastmtcins ny tm Ree Peet © ty aguand cans (Sita peteoned aca (sins pected cae deine tect oe ‘i Tipo pean Bp a Bang es ian Rawal Fe 106 ‘Unstiffened Suspension Bridges ig. ta shows an unetfend cable stain wih veal gers supporting a oay. Many ext Brits epesin legs iteluding Sal Brows ‘nin ig, ain 920 oer “ood, were tiene. Nis 1823 Rapport a Monsters wien a= {ert pecton or of ria ‘ys ea a hereto tie design of wsifnedsmpension Isidae! Some oral eae oan ing te sate ehevior of nin cables sve guia inf. 2 Fig. 2a shows vera ive lon 3 le taal fx ates 2 pen sag and nelle weghtsaveto Treload, Theable wiltaveno si runtime ‘ech, wi coespnding veri Sspaceny, I, The eile shape isvery tet Go th orga! sh Bec th elu poston aot sown a rior masa ge i placements oz ee a gui Shape i ato th cable aio be somal on-line is 2 Ate lo, Dry ditt bo he hrzonal rejection ofthe ae ‘beth aie wl have s parol a [ium ape If ve lod i apled asso 2, he cil wl ave ‘the ceing ti a a s ede 1 case dplcemend to ‘ial fre fom ceded. The verte! Aspacemen wl be smal ta, ‘he ie lois doubted 02, tbe on responding displacement. wll be salle than 2, Beause a hi he ‘ables sido bea tardening system or ‘vi ive loads. If the dea load is doubled s shown in ig. 2c, and hea the lve los, is applied, he corresponding Aispacement 1, wil be smaller then , because the rao of ive lon to dead loud, L/D, decreased. In gone, LD ‘Sore ofthe dimensionless parameters a deermizes wheter egitium Stage under combined dea sd ive loud is signtcaly dierent om the parabolic shape unde desd load ony If the same dead oa and ive lad, “sesplied to acable witha ser og, sy HD as shown ing 22, the come 1999 Proceedings of an International Bridges Conference [o) Noda NaF, A INSANSA, iin ii Delica sae [Grae eio oa Ciao fini agit Hvac agree (a Sealeratie Uae (0 Cosbind pnd ‘bvntvetane i 1p 2 Sas bine o aed GE WS ce we ee sponding lve load veel dislace- 1. The ngo-span ata, HS the to of ‘neni, wilftesmale han? beenure live load to dud loud, L/D, ana diner ‘be sito span to, 75, bd d= sioaes deed lod, DISA, conto he ‘yeased, Thats, fora given span ané L/ static beavior of spend cable Dato, the eble wth the sale sag wil have the water vet sifies for 2. Th ded fod gives cable some ef avy ve oa, fea sites fora verte ve loud. Given sawp tive loud apliod as 5. Fora given span ae dea ood, so shown n fg. 2e, the corespending veri- fective cable vertical sien fer 9 gr ‘aldpacement?,,willbegrestrthan ify lve land ncesses ns HS and LD Esicvavercal siies foran wp eres Ids soar han a eral iffes for ‘avy live load. Ftheupitloudie 4, A cables in general geometlly doubled o 2 th comespoding vertical aonnet, eter hardeing or sR, lsplacementt willbe greater than 2 depending onthe diction ofthe Ive Because of is the abe isaidta bes toad softening sytem fr uli ive loads if theres two lve loads, ones uplift 5, There sno unique vera vend foe and the thera dave farce as stifee rom ada lod. Fo any ead sownln fig. 2G thecoresponding vert- load at effective vertical ie load is ‘aldslacemeni1, will greater than gent fife depends onthe meni, 4, Insommary th following geacateb- econ, nd positon a the lve od servations may be made for una fened cabo stiffening Suspension Bridges _anough ts not shown qoaniavely fer forte entisymmerc live load pete ershowaln fig 2/2 ratiosassmall, {00S excuse signifca vera eo dplsements Moreover if ive fond varies wih Hequency thats lose toan effective natral Reqaacy of (il, sate displacements may be sig- siamyamplies. (heb hiehorti esl a hal ieenthcty 2 raon over cone it unites se peroneal nen witht = ‘re verte! diplomat fom iy ve loads, Besse a five ‘cl aes iy ea reve ob HS deren, Navi = (Sed bleswit mal ang o-apan {tm nator? although Nave Sr eit se vin ete fo sts of Bi ries, - ther he nor njone ele was sl rset an smal wun he fine Rigs tere and exper: Iva invention of seedy et in at i ot one at e th ‘ate Nevows Bg ales 15:0) Naver refrac 2 ‘auton stenet commending i ‘Sehtued on orpesace and obser Soo prevent wintndaced poten? (Cares et designed and ult the ‘hesing Sospension Bdge ia 1849 as sna eble witha sal sg Shan ai, flowing Navie's rine. Dies" Tho bridge's cables and veal Saspenders were severely damaged and is woodes leorng destroyed ding Wind toa in 1884" Tn conta, James Foley of Fayette Couns, Pass ani, the plonering designe of oepension ‘ridges the United Stats, but eye- ur hn saspension ridges wi oad ays send by trusses begining in OL. Such ses, without dous, were empialy designed to decrease Golscements fom moving vig Ive loads: They also improved the perfor. "aes of suspension dpe in wind som, Suspension Bridges ‘The deck-stifened suspension bridge, shown schematically in igi, babe ome the dominant fon. ti dees en considered dfring ence Df suspension bridge. Buonopane and Bilingon have writes hough a- alysis ofthe history of mods ued o ‘The pan was to be 3,240 fest ho eek 235 fet wide, withtvo level. commodating velverlond wack, ur jc Wil Me ha war le dip Gone, dso alates, The (0 700) tans ot oe Be ‘mos notable surviving example of ied 31 ‘booed iin bre i the Tower Bridge in London, butby Sir Horse Jone in 188 Breda sapesin forme were encoun, sly, desired and designated os “hve atches*Becaae abscess, tea ex momen font on-nferm avy lke ads, epciy nee the quer Points, These ve load momect, when ‘ed dnd lsd effec, sould net pradice ne compressive fresi me- ‘es ofthe cain whichis ray tunkaced In genera, he have of Dacian ges very ferent fons tof decked suspension bees. Scinman dicated te relative shanages of riod cing Because ‘veh forms Were consred tobe ier, coy site, hey were favored fr ‘oad bridges Braced chaos were more ‘compatible wih eye-brconsttion, whit fr lone spans was nat a ae soil cable mpning An extant, tracé-cabi souctue ipsa ‘ekge spanning the Deawe River st Lambe Peony ui y he John A Rebting's Sons Company fa senting erga (2efetg Os brides, with ve sane sterile Pomme ich astng 68 fx, comin Touran halt rl td dy 9 tt ee twosingnd ive sreben 10 1999 Proceedings of an International Bridges Conference ‘The threhinged baced chin wat come sideed tobe satay determinate paeeB RGSER a: | Pon See ta te avg of ym Shia anbialy of aes and ee Soon pee snp! ow pete Tie rm va peceed we Kbewnteknr dite Tengo tal a ec SIS" fm organo ep ad nips Hopes dot ned oe Slee cep of ales ests nn ly o ‘Siete ten oo mec Setaitien pete Hover be ‘Sathesrctal perme wed {hn tl te sitet sepsen fos ema cnopen euro. seal aque wire Ff nae er a (Sectvelad tic poe y ane ota pe Tera acs ee ected hin et cae eis toes ones staty sorte vena sts stg ral ng he one civchanetschenryin sie sade be dene sn ona baced chain's Dexa afiess yen the able andthe deck The A surviving example of the inverted m= Inhibits he development of geomatrial- bridge was uit s T853wiha span?’ hingedareh fam inthe US. isthe Lower Iyinomlinwsr etfs, Whatar isi 240f2c Cowper in 857 madiedhis _Beidgeat Eaglsh Caner Peansysoni Susturlydesimble san open nse 1847 design witha proposal fora uly shown nig 9" The ridge was de= rsh inverted ah shown at the Bt- Sane and erected in 1891 by Deon and [Baced chins do retin one source of tomaffig 3” Fllrsnd Swiman cada Wiebrok, former Phoenix Bridge Con oolineer behavior ifthe Gck sunt pedsan beige over the River Mai, psy agents, it slender eoanrs fined and cable hangers we used, there beeen Fuku and Sacheenshusen, eres-breing. Te ton of the coutes ‘sapossibiy ofhangen desomiagasanexamploofaninvered taeeshinged depends an when during the erections shot fom wind prosucoduplit frees, sch Thebridg,shownin fig. 8, wasde-qucacetey were tensioned and onthe By fly easing the spenson form be- sige by Schnrch witha span 262 magnitude ofthe pcteasio res. B= torn he ein (ar cble) andthe deck, fet ad was ulin 186." nur thes are knows, tee Some ch nol beavie i ecled {uncerainy in eining elt! models Fully Trussed Suspension Bridges Figs. Lean Ifeanceptalysbow ly Arve, two- and te hinged verted ach forms As with raced ean, he ‘ign and development of fully tossed invert ah forms nos be tied ‘indepth, Brsepallaecealydocuren- tad filly ised uspension brid, shown afi 7, which was designed by ‘snton Glace and erected in 192832 doa al Bier 5 np ly ad gall nen far al WS ‘age Lambeth Bridge in London, de aue a lt Graay88) anon row Sh Pra ‘Sbted sy Foes Balowr ra cable suse Suenioe Bibs The espn, Coron al Es, > Me Tor eh ao eton bridge wih crossSracing bes S990 146 stiffening Suspension Bridges 1 the canpletesbandonmeat of hat "ype in Engin” n recognition of Rosblng’ssciovements, Ammann ded Steinman devoted ony sitine pare trap a his book to the ase of sah oie med of ieing he Scion po sys bow hoster, be he intage af ‘ing fhe eseactoe seer tn of becoming ser overtes- ther weed sree he oo i abe phowgans fi the bridge Notes. tinea aly- Syspenston Bridges Stiffened SYS peerly increase the dese of ssandeperinenl hoasesing ee be Bape tae State indetemiaey of saspenson ‘Sedans HAE stay 1998 isl ntti rege cones live leads se vend we inged tssed sch Forthesmai 30 footy itso iy Sather sr nears fe hin doe J od pr ‘ie asia onto he tres veld sles Ths ocr fom cet forte, "pesten brides deine by Fie ‘na Fxand Parnes or te Seer, Setar able oso veh ‘ov ied hangers ad appene 0 ely ed syns (Tae end spon ria, fi De. Wiliam Brown wash design engin ba ve ang) Th age sles Sh gomeellyooe eatle sit ‘sn dead ld doin lrg. tts very ical to decide on ‘he appopriate lve of pretension in stays and chive the desired preen- So during constuction. f stays 20 shack, the bride's belavior beams relies A tind general way to site a suspen sion cable iby aiding stays Figs Ig, ya show te general range ‘mens In acti bewildering varity alerts stay rangement hs bees ‘ied, often in combination with sting trusses, Bender sted hat “the Enis nginees were the fe who proposed fc applied aye fr auspesion Twidges, in conection with cables, a wellas without them,” end “the ist of These ridges was uit by Richard Lees, at Galas, acon the River Gal, the Year 1816, of span of one tuned and ‘vee fet” Bender fartber ste that “a great many ofthe say bridges broke down, an after many sd experiences the seo stays hs bean entirely rjc ‘ed by English engineers" Assmann aso Slate that “cine stays, Uoded in England and widely ned there inthe early pat of the intent entry, proved patsy fate A numberof sxspeusion bridges with och sys tle, on sceount of nefiint resistance fo wind presse and his ed Stays fhm shove (8g 1g). ifeopely rtnsined can eecely sen & ospension ge and inhib te Kind of rotion in whic the dled deck ‘ember one fil snuoil ele A stays effecivenas decrees with i ‘sessing distance from he ower athe tne berwcen the say andthe dc de treases, Says fom ave dersee he ‘ead lad tension nthe suspen fable and thus deerete ts effective ver tcl tne. tare i hriontal sip join st midspan, soy indose compe Sn inthe deck. Sys rom sbove ean use bending in he oer, if hey we ot coninuots over he owe ai Stays and hangers share in carving ive Ton, proportion othe sess, wm 1999 Proceedings of an International Bridges Conference ‘Stays fom blow (ig. 1) again ifeop- cnlypeteasoned, ean efeively sen 2 suspension bridge. They also increase ‘he tnsion lathe suspension cable and the nereas i effective vera 8 es. AS wit stays fom above prope Petensionod stays from belo wil also ‘hare in canyig iv loa. couse, stays fom bel may ot be retical be fe hey cbse leases below 2 toe. Stays fom cable wih opposite cure ture (Bi ioe placed a slong span ‘Their effectiveness does ot deren with distance Gom atower They erase ‘he tension in th suspension cable and tho ners ffi eral S- ‘ess. Ir appopritlypretensioned hey ‘ae incaying he ive lon. vera, they donot nde an xia foc in the (eck: The effectiveness of sch a say ‘configuration ia nh s displacement tiode in when the deck resembles one ful sinusoidal eel is uncer, because the says are atached othe lower eable Uae ea ieplsse atch ode ‘The use of sys in combianson with soning musies waste trademark of John A. Roebling ad his son Washing fon, A vary of say amangemens was ‘sed onthe Nigart Gorge rioad ‘dg, the Covington-Cncianai ow ‘the Roebling Bridge, and on tei mas temic, he Brook Bridge." An ils. tration of he elder Rocblina'sSsitheld ‘Stst Bridge in Ptsburgh owe dingo na a rr above, onthe Brooklyn ridge" Stein, in his ail onthe ‘eabiliation ofthe Brooklyn Bridge, einted cu tht Rosbling used sip joins he idle of both ide pans and in| {he main pan: tbe stays therefore ease sipnifcnt ail comprosive force in he feck Stan ls sated that in the region ofthe diagonal stays, since he stay partly elev the veal sospen- ders eying the dead and lve loads ofthe beige, the curves of he main &- bles ae ter dan wher he loads are ‘care solely by vera suspenders" Says om aeble of opposite carve, 'sahown in fg Ti, seem e hve fit been used by Mare Bruin 1223, ‘Bruns bested and asebled sch lodge in Bean, than shipped thom to ‘he Islnd of Bourbon (20¥ Rein, sir Madiasca) ote Indian Ooean. A ‘Sng span shown in fg 10, ken fom Naver’ 123 Rapport Monsieur ecg, which also shows #059 ‘erin with cena over Stays om {Take of epponte curate ofa ‘vn eed fr smal pests Brida. [An example the Kaa Trl pedes- tian and mel) suspension bride span ning the Colorado River atthe bowen of the Grand Canyon, designed by Ward P. Weber is 1928. The moe prominers example inthe United Stats she Royal (Gorge bide spumaing the Arkansas ‘Rive ia Colorado, designed by George E Coles 1929." Fi Th Spvios bie iad hy a fom te ol peice ded are ina wt ae tou rnc (42) te om ln Nae appa ey cana de ne pa et tester in Tan ent Taser Ro 188) ie ‘Many oer suspension forms, ditt From thoxe show BI were ls ued by eal designe. Dredge propo See tpeed-chain system at wes ‘widely discussed French designers ‘ied he Gilad system, with eben de. ‘ending bam the top of ach omer in Tew of caer, a Well as embiae tins of eablestayed and mupenion ma These desis arent discussed bre beaut adiiona sais are owded. Developments After Tacoma, Narrows “The sening systems discus thus far, wih hei assole design mete fy embled designers to crcte incom parable strech asthe Brook, ‘Googe Washingon, ad Goléee Gate suspension bridges. In hindsp itis ‘lea that the ctons of wind reared poorly nero ad poely made fn the design process. The ess cused bythe elapee ofthe Tacoma News dg in 1940 was salty fer og pan ‘widge design engine. It opened tbe profession to concept of eect vie rations me dynamic sbi." tered the develops of wind-mel fecnoigy for asesing the pesto mance of suspension brides in Win, Endl tothe development of mater tial model fx pedicing wind voces ‘at ease cymamic insane ‘ech, Tha in the early 19405, concep for improved cable sifening ssters swe prorosed: Modjd and Mast 11941 Engineering New Record at, roped the we of inlined Ranges (Gig. 1), and ested he concept on ‘il (11-6 lng) model Tae stalls feted ht oclind angers oul! po ‘vce tfer and mare highly damped lags. fire a afer Weld Wor Jobo A Rocbling' Sons Compaay primed search on improved sheng 52% “They consid snnovative peste ‘bidges htvean two of thes bangs “Trent nd over the Delaware Rive Lil ig 6), Their develope stiffening Suspension Bridges 3 Ti, Cag fr pape Ble is te aso, Harton fom nl so ‘bt Sepa einen Neha er coli with he design forEPuenio_vesiy ofl Sava, the San Meas feiLtonl (Casal igo) al Sane Bridge was destayed by gus in 5 ESalvadr (ig 12)" Thesifening 1982" Tis perfommance ove tht years system wed om the San Marcos ria is needs to be documented ‘town sthanatcaly nig} cable ‘id asmal curate oppo otha of themin suspension esbe isplced at” Modern Design Directions the eve ofthe desk and pretensoned logically. Peeensoningf he over she agin sytem of dngomnls and ‘Se main suspension cable proces =| "pension eable tsa" The deve peer of he design dase in 9 so ils in Civ Bninering and Entering News-Record" Charles Send Bla Beda, od Norn Solenbege olabrsed on the design fie edge, which was contrite ia 1952 Bid stated that "thous ed en are now emgloying it for many of the pipeline sapension bridges," bt t ‘pps ht te Coeept was not used ‘8 for a long-spun sarpension bd, The San Moos desan iowa, ‘son as wll he similar system Sorin Figa hase tomer fi sly. Unforatly, acai fo Fofesor Caos Rene Perez ofthe Un ‘The most signifi evotton in the struct form of suspension ridges has beer Freeman, Fox and Parnes” dele opment ofthe steamlined sionally ‘stfeosed box seer deck, an hl Inroducon of inclined hangers. The ‘reanlining tas slowed rao of pen (0 gine pth hat exceed thse of he “Tacoma Narrows Brides, reducing ex- swemely slender, elepat deg. Design mehods now sousnely include males deemine the thse-diniey- Sioa inearied yams properties of “suspension beige and antes ope: Ait etc mean wind speeds hat prox duces of the deck. The ater rages fave boon devseped primary bby Robert Scanlan” Al major detigns sow inte sala wind tune ‘esting oF ete spans, or lars testing of deck sections Tile sid pee leo BS Ernie ene ‘The designers of he peat Akai Kal ‘yo Bridge it Jopan ose a steal ‘oem sitar oat ofthe Verran. Narows Bridge Ste uted forthe roa suspeasion able at Akash Kai lye, however, as 2 tie stengh 16 con eater ha hat wsed Vere ‘ano Narows. Te bisher eng sel lls Biher working ese st ‘salle able crsssetion Designers a using or nvetetng matods for eoneling wind ide motion that re very diferent om sim lepers in fest Forename prsive tuned mass damper was intled to contol te motion of th Broo: Wihitesone Bridge Enery-ahorhin eves sch wou damper are 0 ‘bring conshored. lly, designers have cals active ios for use on long Span suspension bridges Observations and Issues ‘A suspension bridge with as deck evealy behaves moana sper Ips the ony strstr! syst a cies ‘on press om dea lsd provide ‘mos of aii and sally, The ‘ert arch fom shown in igs. Te through If were engines aegis o fevlop comping long apan tides forms bat were perceived tobe linear sie, steal determinate, The forms peobbly fl ina aisusebeause the dekesfenod foe ae mos con pile with spiminglong-pan suspen- Son cables. The cable stays elegy sed by the Roeblings were ab bar done perhaps because ter ation ws Sica to mol aalyzally- The gest bridges bain dhe U.S om about 1909 10 1940 were designe with aly apr ial understating 0 gece none linear eable snes and wind acon Despite the significa ec! devel copra that have essed since the Te coma Narows Bide ols, several sign sues rem uarsoived, (One sch iat isthe elatve mais of incline hangers verte veel anges, sh videnoed by the oe of veil any. us sn he second Bosporus eosin All fhe ince tanges on the Severn bridge ave been repacad because some sverige dt ve onde {rte shan apt in the rg (dsgn Three also a asd for iw roed undersaning of geomericaly ‘oplingar bridge bebe, both sae tnd éyname. Specifically, if frm bas ‘oa incr sifess and goomcaly omnes fee fo dead os it inporuatt etemine parce values ‘hat dlnete when he pearly nooner eootbutonbosones don ‘an oral desi ive ond sondions [eis dso import to undersund the oF fees of geometric nowlineety 00 he

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