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Performance management

Assignment 3

Jawad Nawaz vaince


Submitted to:
Maam Ayesha Azhar
Submission date:
January 30, 2015


Documents positive performance behaviors on job dimensions, employees rated on exhibited
behaviors. Ratings averaged for overall rating, Developed in same way as BARS, except that it
only incorporates positive basically BOS is measuring the exhibited behavior or
critical incidents.
How do you measure the performance of your administration staff, your secretary, or another
non-production staff?
In production floor, we can use the number of product (in units) that processed daily or in work
hours easily, as the basis of employee performance. But, this is very difficult to determine the
quantitative type of work output completed by such employees (administration staff, secretary,
research & development staff). We cant use the number of letters that has been typed by the
secretary as the reference, as the larger the number of the letters, the better the performance.
A qual based performance appraisal (PA) method has been developed to handle this problem,
called Behavioral Observation Scale (BOS). The rationale is simple. Good behavior will produce
good performance; bad behavior will be a distortion. This method is applicable for productionemployees performance, too.
The key factor of measurement in this method is determining the behaviors in workplace that
related to the success or the failure, partially or generally, to the jobs.
There are some considerations in making an effective BOS:

The behaviors on the job must be JOB EVALUATION based analysis.

Critical Incident Technique (CIT) should be performed to minimize the bias of

performance measurement
BOS should be performed by better qualification of supervisor

The instrument of BOS is ordinal scale questionnaires (usually 1-5, or 1-7 scale). The question
is related to the FREQUENCY of the GOOD or BAD BEHAVIOR. Note that higher score is
given to higher frequency good behavior. Lower score for higher frequency of bad behavior.Do
some Correlation Test (stastical analysis) for each factors that investigated by each questions for
better measures.
The total performance of an employee is THE SUM of the score of the questionnaire. Better
employee (better performer) is someone reaches higher score.

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