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Universityof MichiganAdmissions CONFIDENTIAL

GradePoint Aversse
and llth gradeacademic co.rscs)is murtipliedby 20 .o
The uM_computea€pn tr"r*rated-,frromserectionGo"i w"tttilJil; "bd oi the muttiplesof 20
,"ori ro, oirl"..irtre 53% of the possible150
determineo" "ppriJii, score;;g0
c,an p"ino, *ul"i **,i**
opA. Norc that an applicanr
frosr a 20 o 4-o

Anappricant,*{T*":u,:1.-"111:3:'}'Hff*:H:'ff f;}ffi[ffif
*o different Lr"Hffs:ii""fr
darcs are
*ff:*H,Hl ffi"tr
;igied t tbe following rangesof scores:


work Experienceand
tfre,informationprovided in'Activities'
poina for readershipand seryice,wiu be uased.on
providcd wittrttre application'
Awards-, as wcll .s'ot "' information
on whether it is rated
5 for leadershiq Td service dependins service'
wr,"" J"a*rri'"g reaaershipand
Appticant may receive up-to Pio,,
poi,,r;{t go* iff;:
orifstanding(5 pts.),excJ[ent tg
;;;i";"rioirf Jut"ttefollowinggeneralcriteria'
*h':ljflect a commitmentto school activities
. Meaningfut activities and experiences,
an increasein responsibility and
. r*,arership positions, electedo, Tpgilr*, :l*
highe1"r".[a om"" herd-Gfth
school counselor often
thefour yori * reflecteduy incr""singry rn "oai ion. tr" "ppfi"*t must show meaningful
substantiatesthis levelof in roru"ilnt--.riJplrion.i
Lntributionsto thehigh school'
list of activities' The
must have forged ft,ontiers in activities-not simpty a laundry For example'
. The appticant
and quariry_of activiti-es ii ",iri""t, "rpr"iJi"q"lto;g*.irirn-."gt' to their communrry'
breadth oriloiilgtut Lontributions
community ,"ti'ii"s should ;;r;;;ict"

Personal Achievement
*Activities woikExperience and
points for personalachievementwill be basedon the information provided in
Awards,'as well as other information provided with tbe application'
dependinq9n whetrrer it is rated ouatanding (5
Ap,plicantmay rcceive up to 5, p"rglal achievement should look
p"r*na a"hi"uero"nt, counscro'rs
pts.),excellent(3 pa.1, or urryi*a trpil. when evaluating of awards' In
commitient to high ideals and the level
orimarily for evidenceof persistcnce,cliaracter and
counselorsshouid consider the following general criteria:

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