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Title Sequence

What Is A Title Sequence?

A title sequence is the way in which a
film presents their title and cast
members, it helps set the scene of a
film so the audience can begin to
assume what is going to unfold. They
use graphics and fonts to help imply
the mood of the film.

The 4 Types of Title

1. Discrete Title Sequences
Separately edited sequences that are apart from
the film. It is like a mini film before the film, it
helps to get the audience into the mood of the
film. Example: 'Se7en'
The title sequence of 'Se7en' shows the audience
the obsessive behaviour of the character. It gives a
horrible sense to the audience, but it is intriguing.
It establishes the mood of the film and the
personality of the main character in a thrilling way.

2. Stylised
A stylised opening sequence heavily relies on
editing and effects to catch the audiences
attention. The editing forms part of the title
sequence. For example in the film North By North
West the titles appear on the side of buildings and
other various places in New York. This type of title
sequence enables the audience to determine the
mood and general tone of the film by the use of
font in the title, in this case of North By North
West, as the font used has sharp edges, we can
assume the film will have some sort of danger

3. Credits Over a Blank Screen

This technique, simply entails of a
blank screen with the credits showed
over the screen. Relevant music will
usually be played over the credits that
fit the films plot and mood.

4. Narrative Openings
This title sequence is where, as the
actor or actresses name appears on
the screen, so does the actual
character. This lets the audience know
who is playing who in the film.

Final Decision
We have decided to go for using
credits over a blank screen. This is
because we feel we do not have the
editing skills to use stylised editing or
discrete editing and we also believe
that it would be the most effective in
our film.

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